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7 NRESOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONA ppendices – Social chapter< Contents >NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December 2007 Scope for 200718. Application of the laws of Titre IV Livre IV of the French Employment Code (Incentive plansand profit sharing)See Creating loyalty through a competitive remuneration package under section 7.2 of the Report.At 31 December 2007, the Group’s savings plans for current and former employees held assets of EUR 3.9 billion, includingEUR 3.5 billion in BNP Paribas shares.The geographical breakdown of staff outside France that took up the 2007 employee share issue is as follows: Europe(66%), Asia (18%), North America (6%), South America (4%), Africa (4%), Middle East (2%). Group19. Gender equality in the workplaceSee Promoting diversity under section 7.2 of the Report.53.4% of BNP Paribas employees worldwide are women (based on physical headcount). GroupBNP Paribas SA’s FTE staff in mainland France is composed of 18,089 men and 21,561 women.Following the agreement of 9 April 2004 on gender equality, a new agreement was entered into on 28 July 2006 defi ningthe rules for changes in individual remuneration of employees following maternity or adoption leave.The proportion of female executives continued to rise: 34.2% in 2001; 35.7% in 2002; 36.9% in 2003; 37.7% in 2004;38.8% in 2005; 40.3% in 2006; 41.4% in 2007.Proportion of female employees receiving promotion: 54.7% in 2002; 55.6% in 2003; 55.8% in 2004; 57.1% in 2005;58.1% in 2006; 58% in 2007. SA mainland20. Employee relations and collective bargainingSee High quality employer-employee relations under section 7.2 of the Report.As in previous years, there was constructive dialogue with employee representatives within BNP Paribas in 2007. TheCommission on Employment Law – BNP Paribas SA’s labour negotiation body – met on 21 occasions in 2007 and 9 newagreements were signed with trade unions.21. Health and safetySee Protecting employee health under section 7.2 of the Report which explores the initiatives taken in 2007. Over andabove the initiatives discussed in the Report, other more specifi c actions were taken in 2007:■ Medical assistance to employees that have been victims of attacksIn 2007, 119 employees received medical assistance after an attack. Four of them were referred to mental healthspecialists for further help.■ Training for medical staff and refresher courses for fi rst-aid workersIncreased focus on refresher courses for fi rst-aid workers with two physicians dedicated to helping fi rst-aid workers tomaintain their skills. 118 initial training courses and 347 refresher courses.■ Vaccinations:■ Continued, large-scale vaccination campaign with 2,700 fl u shots;■ Updated vaccination calendar.Continued efforts in cardiovascular prevention in occupational medicine with screening for cardiovascular risk factors(cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking and stress) and out-patient evaluations (at the Broussais Hospital in Paris) foremployees concerned, and screening for cardiovascular impairment in order to plan early treatment (289 blood tests),16 employees hospitalised.840 people contributed to the blood donation drive.■ Programme offered to help employees and their family members give up smoking (Allen Carr method) – 535 peopleregistered in Paris, and seminars planned for Bordeaux, Arras and Dijon.■ Assistance with giving up smoking in Lyons, in conjunction with a regional health centre there (14 people).22. TrainingSee Developing the skills of employees and teams under section 7.2 of the Report.The breakdown of BNP Paribas SA mainland France employees enrolled in training for a professional qualifi cation was asfollows: 291 for the Brevet Professionnel banking diploma, 506 for the BTS banking qualifi cation and 242 for the InstitutTechnique de Banque.In 2007, 15,984 applications for the Right to Individual Training (DIF) were accepted by BNP Paribas SA for 255,500 hoursof training, making the Bank one of the very fi rst companies to use this programme.23. Employment and integration of disabled employeesSee Promoting diversity under section 7.2 of the Report.BNP Paribas strives to develop its outsourcing of certain work to sheltered workshops. Since 1981, it has been workingwith the Institut des Cents Arpents, which is part of the Jean Pinault centre for assistance through work in the suburbs ofOrléans, in central France. The centre now facilitates 107 disabled workers alongside 11 people with serious handicaps inits sheltered accommodation.BNP Paribas has also signifi cantly improved access to its website for sight-impaired people, expanded the range ofsoftware available to employees to include voice synthesis software, and is actively exploring ways to make it easier tocommunicate with its hearing-impaired clients and employees.SA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainland(or France)12345678910112562007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONNRE A ppendices – Social chapter 7< Contents >NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December 2007 Scope for 200724. Company benefit schemesNational-level social and cultural activities are administered by the Central Works Council and other staff benefi t schemesare coordinated by local works councils. Benefi ts offered to employees include children’s summer camps and organisedholidays for staff, contributions to meal expenses, family welfare, lending libraries for books, records, videos and othermedia, and discounts for theatres and cinemas. A sports and cultural society allows staff to take part in and attend a varietyof team sports and cultural events.A breakdown of BNP Paribas SA’s contributions to company benefi t schemes is provided in the Social Report.The budget allocated to company benefi t schemes in 2007 amounted to EUR 90.67 million.25. Relations with the community, including associations to combat social exclusion,educational institutions, environmental and consumer associations, and local residentsThis point is developed in the Sustainable Development Report under the section entitled A partner in society.Over the years, BNP Paribas SA’s local banking network in France has been involved in hundreds of formal or informal voluntarypartnerships with various organisations. These relationships often take the form of internships, work experience schemes orapprenticeships. Many of these partnerships also serve to promote the sports, cultural and artistic initiatives of young people, aswell as local projects to help integrate them into the labour force, fi ght social exclusion and protect the environment.Projet banlieues: with Projet banlieues, launched in December 2005, the BNP Paribas Foundation offers its support toADIE (a non-profi t association providing microloans to the unemployed) to foster business development in disadvantagedneighbourhoods. The project has helped fi nance six new ADIE offi ces throughout France, including one in Toulouse inSeptember 2007 and another in the La Duchère area of Lyons in October 2007.Consumer organisations: the Quality & Consumer Relations Department within French Retail Banking has set uppartnerships with around ten consumer rights groups.Within the scope of partnership agreements as well as through specifi c projects, the groups of branches within theBNP Paribas network maintain very close relationships with the organisations and schools in their areas. Thesepartnerships are often much more than purely commercial relationships, offering fi nancial, technical or even organisationalsupport for the projects undertaken by the partnerships.Links with schoolsBNP Paribas has continued to have a very active campus management policy – with more than 100 school eventsorganised in 2007 – giving rise to a signifi cant increase in the number of applications from trainees (work placements, VIEVolontariat International en Entreprise and work/study programmes).■ BNP Paribas allocated EUR 958,000 to institutions in underprivileged inner-city areas as part of the apprenticeship tax itpays. This amount was used to purchase, hire and maintain teaching and professional equipment and facilities.■ BNP Paribas sponsors the Fête le Mur association which enables young people in underprivileged areas to play tennis.As part of its involvement, BNP Paribas invited 30 children from Fête le Mur in the south-east of France to attend theMonte Carlo Masters Series in April 2007. BNP Paribas also invited dozens of children from the Lyon area to attend thebest matches of the Grand Prix de Tennis de Lyon tournament, of which it is the main sponsor.26. Contribution to regional development and employmentThe Group seeks to promote economic development in the territories where it is based by providing its clients with thefi nancing to fuel their development. BNP Paribas plays a major role in fi nancing entrepreneurs and new small businesses,which are the mainstay of the French economy. The latest barometer of corporate client satisfaction measures the progressperceived in the quality of monitoring and assistance provided by the business centres. Regional access to centres ofexpertise (Trade Centres and trading rooms) is also very favourably viewed.BNP Paribas’ local banking network outside of France also contributes to fi nancing and developing the local economy.The Group takes steps to ensure that local employees are promoted to senior positions. The number of expatriate posts isintentionally restricted.27. Outsourcing and the Bank’s policy with subcontractors: steps to ensure that subcontractors complywith International Labour Organization (ILO) standardsThe new IT Production, Information Technology & Processes department (ITP) function manages all procurement contractsin excess of EUR 1 million. Since 2002, all contracts negotiated and signed by the purchasing function integrated intoITP include clauses providing for compliance with International Labour Organization (ILO) standards or setting out localemployment law principles in the event that such principles are stricter than ILO standards.To promote transparency, the purchasing function set up a dedicated suppliers’ portal on the Group’s website, whichmakes specifi c reference to sustainable development and compliance with ILO standards. For more information,visit http://fournisseur.bnpparibas.com/deven.htm.Going against the grain of the widespread trend toward outsourcing of information technology functions, BNP Paribasopted for a novel solution by creating a joint venture with IBM France to meet the Group’s IT processing needs.This strategic alliance answers the call for controlling and decreasing IT costs, while preserving a centre of excellencein France with leading-edge technology. Thanks to this original partnership, BNP Paribas is able to stay in command ofits IT capabilities, while ensuring a painless transition for its employees, since all those concerned were able to keep theindividual and collective benefi ts associated with their previous status. IT development activities in Morocco and Indiaremain limited and are handled by Group subsidiaries. They have not led to any redundancies in France.SA mainlandSA mainlandInternationalnetworkSA mainlandGroup12345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 257

7 NRESOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONA ppendices – Social chapter< Contents >NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December <strong>2007</strong> Scope for <strong>2007</strong>18. Application of the laws of Titre IV Livre IV of the French Employment Code (Incentive plansand profit sharing)See Creating loyalty through a competitive remuneration package under section 7.2 of the Report.At 31 December <strong>2007</strong>, the Group’s savings plans for current and former employees held assets of EUR 3.9 billion, includingEUR 3.5 billion in BNP Paribas shares.The geographical breakdown of staff outside France that took up the <strong>2007</strong> employee share issue is as follows: Europe(66%), Asia (18%), North America (6%), South America (4%), Africa (4%), Middle East (2%). Group19. Gender equality in the workplaceSee Promoting diversity under section 7.2 of the Report.53.4% of BNP Paribas employees worldwide are women (based on physical headcount). GroupBNP Paribas SA’s FTE staff in mainland France is composed of 18,089 men and 21,561 women.Following the agreement of 9 April 2004 on gender equality, a new agreement was entered into on 28 July 2006 defi ningthe rules for changes in individual remuneration of employees following maternity or adoption leave.The proportion of female executives continued to rise: 34.2% in 2001; 35.7% in 2002; 36.9% in 2003; 37.7% in 2004;38.8% in 2005; 40.3% in 2006; 41.4% in <strong>2007</strong>.Proportion of female employees receiving promotion: 54.7% in 2002; 55.6% in 2003; 55.8% in 2004; 57.1% in 2005;58.1% in 2006; 58% in <strong>2007</strong>. SA mainland20. Employee relations and collective bargainingSee High quality employer-employee relations under section 7.2 of the Report.As in previous years, there was constructive dialogue with employee representatives within BNP Paribas in <strong>2007</strong>. TheCommission on Employment Law – BNP Paribas SA’s labour negotiation body – met on 21 occasions in <strong>2007</strong> and 9 newagreements were signed with trade unions.21. Health and safetySee Protecting employee health under section 7.2 of the Report which explores the initiatives taken in <strong>2007</strong>. Over andabove the initiatives discussed in the Report, other more specifi c actions were taken in <strong>2007</strong>:■ Medical assistance to employees that have been victims of attacksIn <strong>2007</strong>, 119 employees received medical assistance after an attack. Four of them were referred to mental healthspecialists for further help.■ Training for medical staff and refresher courses for fi rst-aid workersIncreased focus on refresher courses for fi rst-aid workers with two physicians dedicated to helping fi rst-aid workers tomaintain their skills. 118 initial training courses and 347 refresher courses.■ Vaccinations:■ Continued, large-scale vaccination campaign with 2,700 fl u shots;■ Updated vaccination calendar.Continued efforts in cardiovascular prevention in occupational medicine with screening for cardiovascular risk factors(cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking and stress) and out-patient evaluations (at the Broussais Hospital in Paris) foremployees concerned, and screening for cardiovascular impairment in order to plan early treatment (289 blood tests),16 employees hospitalised.840 people contributed to the blood donation drive.■ Programme offered to help employees and their family members give up smoking (Allen Carr method) – 535 peopleregistered in Paris, and seminars planned for Bordeaux, Arras and Dijon.■ Assistance with giving up smoking in Lyons, in conjunction with a regional health centre there (14 people).22. TrainingSee Developing the skills of employees and teams under section 7.2 of the Report.The breakdown of BNP Paribas SA mainland France employees enrolled in training for a professional qualifi cation was asfollows: 291 for the Brevet Professionnel banking diploma, 506 for the BTS banking qualifi cation and 242 for the InstitutTechnique de Banque.In <strong>2007</strong>, 15,984 applications for the Right to Individual Training (DIF) were accepted by BNP Paribas SA for 255,500 hoursof training, making the Bank one of the very fi rst companies to use this programme.23. Employment and integration of disabled employeesSee Promoting diversity under section 7.2 of the Report.BNP Paribas strives to develop its outsourcing of certain work to sheltered workshops. Since 1981, it has been workingwith the Institut des Cents Arpents, which is part of the Jean Pinault centre for assistance through work in the suburbs ofOrléans, in central France. The centre now facilitates 107 disabled workers alongside 11 people with serious handicaps inits sheltered accommodation.BNP Paribas has also signifi cantly improved access to its website for sight-impaired people, expanded the range ofsoftware available to employees to include voice synthesis software, and is actively exploring ways to make it easier tocommunicate with its hearing-impaired clients and employees.SA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainland(or France)1234567891011256<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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