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7 NRESOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONA ppendices – Social chapter< Contents >as a basis for performance evaluations. The agreement makes it easierto take into account challenges faced by women or related to familylife, such as organisation of training sessions and meetings, cover andbenefits during pregnancy, maternity and adoption leave, special leavefor employees whose spouse (regardless of whether he or she is a BNPemployee) has to relocate for his or her job.Finally, there was substantial dialogue within the European WorksCouncil and Group Works Council in 2007. Besides the annual meeting ofthe European Works Council, an additional meeting was held to presentthe impact of BNL’s consolidation within the Group. A meeting was alsoorganised by the Group Works Council on the topic of working for theGroup in France.127.3 NRE A ppendices – Social c hapter3NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December 2007 Scope for 20071. Remuneration and benefits paid to each corporate officer during the financial yearSee the section of the Report under Corporate governance – Remuneration.2. Remuneration and benefits paid during the financial year to each corporate officer by controlled companiesas defined in article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial CodeSee the section of the Report under Corporate governance – Remuneration.3. List of all directorships and positions held during the financial year in any company by eachof the corporate officersSee the section of the Report under Corporate offi cers, module 1.4. Total number of employees including fixed-term contract employeesSee section 7.1 of the Report under Human resource development – Workforce development in line with the Group’sexpansion.The number of employees managed by the Group at 31 December 2007 was 162,687 full-time equivalent employees(FTEs), up 20,777 FTEs compared with 2006. In France, the number of employees managed by the Group rose to 64,080FTEs, including 39,651 for BNP Paribas SA, of which 180 were on fi xed-term contracts.The concept of cadre, loosely translated as “executive”, is specifi c to the French workplace and cannot be meaningfullytransposed at a global level. For information purposes only, therefore, the proportion of cadre to non-cadre (executive tonon-executive) staff employed by BNP Paribas SA has continued to increase steadily:35.7% in 200237.7% in 200339.7% in 200442.4% in 200544.6% in 200648.3% in 2007 France5. Number of new permanent and fixed-term contract employeesIn 2007, approximately 24,000 new employees were recruited worldwide on permanent contracts.The Group hired approximately 5,000 new employees on permanent contracts in France in 2007, up 6.5% on 2006.BNP Paribas SA added 3,574 new FTEs in mainland France: 1,574 men (44%) and 2,000 women (56%). Of the total,450 were on fi xed-term contracts (125 men and 325 women) and 150 were hired on permanent contracts following a fi xedtermcontract (34 men and 116 women).See section 7.2 of the Report under Recruitment processes for more extensive and detailed information on this topic.6. Recruitment difficultiesDespite a more competitive market context, BNP Paribas remains a very attractive employer among job seekers, with over200,000 unsolicited job applications received in 2007.In 2007, new hires were split evenly between young university graduates (20% with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and30% with a master’s degree) and employees with some previous experience.Section 7.2 of the Report under Recruitment processes provides more extensive and detailed information on this topic.GroupGroupGroupGroupGroupGroup FranceSA mainlandGroup France45678910112542007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONNRE A ppendices – Social chapter 7< Contents >NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December 2007 Scope for 20077. Number of and reasons for dismissalsIn 2007, the number of employees dismissed by BNP Paribas SA in mainland France amounted to 232 FTEs.The main reasons for dismissals remain professional incompetence.8. Overtime hoursIn 2007, BNP Paribas SA paid 53,501 hours of overtime in mainland France, i.e. less than 0.1% of regular hours.9. Temporary staffTemporary workers: the average monthly number of temporary workers remained limited, at 195 FTEs. The average lengthof contracts was 25 days. BNP Paribas SA’s expenditure on temporary staff in France amounted to EUR 9.1 million for theyear.Agreements binding BNP Paribas and temporary work agencies and service providers include very strict clauses oncompliance with employment legislation and the prevention of loss-making sales, which are prohibited under French law.10. Where relevant, information relating to headcount adjustments, redeployment and career support adviceSee section 7.2 of the Report under Quantitative and qualitative workforce adaptation, where this topic is examined in depth.11. Working hoursExtensive possibilities for requesting part-time work arrangements are available to employees. A total of 10.2% ofemployees in France have opted for a part-time work arrangement, the proportion being 10.9% at BNP Paribas SAmainland France and 8.2% in the subsidiaries.Employees with over one year’s seniority qualify for a time savings account (Compte Epargne Temps), in which they cansave holiday time for later use – e.g., taking personal days, partly fi nancing a continuing education project or switching topart-time work without loss of revenue. At 31 December 2007, 12,411 employees were using a time savings account.Subject to their supervisor’s agreement, employees can also take 5 to 20 days of unpaid leave.12. Working hours and days for full-time employeesIn France, the working week for a full-time employee is generally considered to be 35 hours.For BNP Paribas SA, the theoretical number of days worked per employee per year (on a fi xed working hours basis) was205 in 2007.13. Working week for part-time employees10.9% of employees have chosen one of the part-time work arrangements made available, and women account for 93.9%of all part-time employees. The main options are 50%, 60% or 80% of a full-time equivalent. The 80% option has beenselected by almost 70.2% of part-time employees.14. Absenteeism and reasons for absenteeismIn 2007, the absentee rate for BNP Paribas SA in mainland France was 4.6%. Maternity leave accounted for 1.5% ofthe total. The rate of 3.1% for non-maternity-related absenteeism is one of the lowest in BNP Paribas SA’s history. Aftermaternity leave, non-work-related illnesses were the most common reason for long-term absences.See the 2007 Social Report.15. RemunerationThe average monthly remuneration of BNP Paribas SA employees in mainland France was EUR 3,032 in 2007.■ 95% of employees received a variable remuneration bonus (95% of women and 95.1% of men).■ 44.5% were awarded an increase in fi xed remuneration.■ 13.6% were promoted.See Creating loyalty through a competitive remuneration package under section 7.2 of the Report.16. Changes in remunerationA wage agreement signed at the end of 2007 for 2008 established a general measure for pay rises, the payment of a oneoffbonus, and the implementation of specifi c measures which include taking into account wage discrepancies betweenemployees in different age brackets and gradually reducing wage discrepancies between men and women.17. Payroll expensesThe Group’s payroll taxes for 2007 amounted to EUR 2,368 million.SA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandEuropeSA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandSwitzerland,United States andUnited KingdomSA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandSA mainlandGroup12345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 255

7 NRESOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONA ppendices – Social chapter< Contents >as a basis for performance evaluations. The agreement makes it easierto take into account challenges faced by women or related to familylife, such as organisation of training sessions and meetings, cover andbenefits during pregnancy, maternity and adoption leave, special leavefor employees whose spouse (regardless of whether he or she is a BNPemployee) has to relocate for his or her job.Finally, there was substantial dialogue within the European WorksCouncil and Group Works Council in <strong>2007</strong>. Besides the annual meeting ofthe European Works Council, an additional meeting was held to presentthe impact of BNL’s consolidation within the Group. A meeting was alsoorganised by the Group Works Council on the topic of working for theGroup in France.127.3 NRE A ppendices – Social c hapter3NRE social indicators – Year ended 31 December <strong>2007</strong> Scope for <strong>2007</strong>1. Remuneration and benefits paid to each corporate officer during the financial yearSee the section of the Report under Corporate governance – Remuneration.2. Remuneration and benefits paid during the financial year to each corporate officer by controlled companiesas defined in article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial CodeSee the section of the Report under Corporate governance – Remuneration.3. List of all directorships and positions held during the financial year in any company by eachof the corporate officersSee the section of the Report under Corporate offi cers, module 1.4. Total number of employees including fixed-term contract employeesSee section 7.1 of the Report under Human resource development – Workforce development in line with the Group’sexpansion.The number of employees managed by the Group at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> was 162,687 full-time equivalent employees(FTEs), up 20,777 FTEs compared with 2006. In France, the number of employees managed by the Group rose to 64,080FTEs, including 39,651 for BNP Paribas SA, of which 180 were on fi xed-term contracts.The concept of cadre, loosely translated as “executive”, is specifi c to the French workplace and cannot be meaningfullytransposed at a global level. For information purposes only, therefore, the proportion of cadre to non-cadre (executive tonon-executive) staff employed by BNP Paribas SA has continued to increase steadily:35.7% in 200237.7% in 200339.7% in 200442.4% in 200544.6% in 200648.3% in <strong>2007</strong> France5. Number of new permanent and fixed-term contract employeesIn <strong>2007</strong>, approximately 24,000 new employees were recruited worldwide on permanent contracts.The Group hired approximately 5,000 new employees on permanent contracts in France in <strong>2007</strong>, up 6.5% on 2006.BNP Paribas SA added 3,574 new FTEs in mainland France: 1,574 men (44%) and 2,000 women (56%). Of the total,450 were on fi xed-term contracts (125 men and 325 women) and 150 were hired on permanent contracts following a fi xedtermcontract (34 men and 116 women).See section 7.2 of the Report under Recruitment processes for more extensive and detailed information on this topic.6. Recruitment difficultiesDespite a more competitive market context, BNP Paribas remains a very attractive employer among job seekers, with over200,000 unsolicited job applications received in <strong>2007</strong>.In <strong>2007</strong>, new hires were split evenly between young university graduates (20% with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and30% with a master’s degree) and employees with some previous experience.Section 7.2 of the Report under Recruitment processes provides more extensive and detailed information on this topic.GroupGroupGroupGroupGroupGroup FranceSA mainlandGroup France4567891011254<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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