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7 ClearlySOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONidentified operational challengesPROTECTING EMPLOYEE HEALTHThe Group’s occupational health policy goes beyond simply complyingwith changes in legislation. The major components of the policy involverisk prevention and support for vulnerable employees or those who havebecome unfit to work.PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL RISKIdentifying occupational risk is the first step in preventing it. The variousrisks identified include attacks in branches, musculoskeletal problems,and problems with air-conditioning and heating systems. A crossdisciplinaryteam set up in 2006 pools the skills and knowledge of itsmembers to prevent these risks and deal with illnesses and their variouscauses. This approach to working conditions offers greater opportunityfor prevention and fosters joint action. In 2007, projects primarily focusedon problems relating to the work environment and HVAC systems.Medical assistance to employees that have been victims of attacks,in particular in the Paris region, is provided in conjunction with theParis medical emergency services. This initiative has been progressivelyimproved over recent years, and its effects can be seen with the decreasein the number and length of post-attack stoppages, and the reductionin requests for transfer to another position subsequent to an attack. In2007, 119 employees received medical assistance after an attack. Four ofthem were referred to mental health specialists for further help.Special measures have been put in place for the prevention of otherworkplace risks. These include information campaigns, training, theuse of ergonomic design and remedial ergonomics, and early-warningprocedures. The high degree of vigilance exercised by the occupationalmedicine department, team managers, facilities managementdepartments, the ergonomics function, and the works council hascontributed to the very low rate of musculoskeletal problems reportedin BNP Paribas SA.In 2007, several new risk prevention initiatives were implemented,such as health monitoring focusing on risks relating to asbestos andlegionnaires’ disease (with the monitoring of cooling tower installations),and prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder and musculoskeletalproblems. Over 2,700 flu shots were administered and public healthinformation and prevention campaigns were organised on healthy eating,organ donation and addiction prevention.PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMS< Contents >BNP Paribas SA’s occupational health department has been workingfor many years to promote employee health. During annual check-ups,occupational physicians provide employees with personalised care inall areas of public health. Awareness campaigns, brochures and specificprogrammes are designed to address major risks, including cardiovascularproblems, cancer, obesity and smoking.12345Public health initiatives in 2007Many important initiatives were launched in 2007:■ a conference on health, sport and weight with Dr. Jacques Fricker, a well-known French nutritionist and author, was held in June at theValmy site;■ a DVD on healthy eating was distributed to all the Group’s multimedia libraries in France;■ a conference/debate was held on addiction prevention;■ information on organ donation was provided in collaboration with the works councils of the Paris head offices;■ health training on major public health issues such as AIDS, stress and cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal problems;■ medical check ups for employees going on assignment to areas that pose health risks (fit-for-work evaluations, pre-departure advice,immunisation record verification and malaria prevention). First-aid kits are provided to such employees to help them avoid infections,and medical kits are given to assignment managers, with single-use materials to be used in the event of an accident in these countries.Increased medical monitoring for 140 expatriate staff members with the implementation of new check-ups based on age and the level ofrisk in the countries concerned;■ continued efforts in cardiovascular prevention with screening for cardiovascular risk factors (cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking and stress)and out-patient evaluations (at the Broussais Hospital in Paris) for employees concerned, as well as screening for cardiovascular impairmentin order to plan early treatment (289 blood tests and 16 employees hospitalised);■ tonometers in place in all occupational medicine departments to screen for glaucoma;■ 535 people took part in the programme to help employees and their family members give up smoking through the Allen Carr method.Among those who answered the satisfaction survey, 47% had stopped smoking at 31 December 2007;■ 840 people contributed to the blood donation drive.678910112522007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONClearly identified operational challenges 7The occupational health department monitors emerging health risks inorder to inform staff members and recommend solutions. In 2007, theGroup used the intranet to provide tips to its staff on how to handle apotential heat wave in July.A working group comprising HR managers from all the businesses andfunctions is preparing the Group to deal with health and organisationalissues in the event of a pandemic. Topics include the purchase of masks,hygiene product listings, information on hygiene measures such as handwashing, and, finally, placing posters in washrooms.Emergency response and CPR trainingfor all medical staffAs part of the five-year emergency medicine training plan, a yearlyrefresher course on the use of semi-automatic defibrillators has beenorganised, and ongoing training is provided to medical staff involvingthe revision of key protocols and role-play.SUPPORTING EMPLOYEES THROUGHDIFFICULT TIMESAs with prevention, the redeployment of employees after severalmonths of absence due to illness is the subject of concerted effortsbetween the occupational health department, the HR managers andfunctional management. Given the rapid pace of change within theGroup, the reintegration process must factor in an adjustment to the< Contents >new circumstances, so as to dispel employees’ worries and allow themthe time to find their feet again.In certain cases, employees can meet with the occupational physicianbefore resuming work, either because they request it or because theirGP or the reviewing physician from the national health insurance systemdeems it necessary. In such instances the company doctor prepares theemployee for his or her return, taking into consideration any after-effectsor residual handicap he or she may be suffering.Outside France, entities are endeavouring to optimise occupational riskprevention and access to care for employees in conjunction with localhealth authorities. The employees of UkrSibbank that were exposed toradiation following the Chernobyl disaster qualify for indemnities andadditional leave, and their health is closely monitored as part of aninitiative run by the Ukrainian authorities.BNP Paribas is an active member of Sida Entreprises, a business-fundedassociation focused on AIDS. The aim of this association is for Frenchinvestors in Africa to help resolve ongoing issues of prevention and lackof access to treatments, problems that remain prevalent despite thefinancial aid that has been injected into affected countries. BNP Paribashelps to set up inter-company platforms in most of the countries inWest Africa where it is present, through its network of associated banks(BICI).In 2007, BICI Burkina Faso took part in an annual seminar organised bySida Entreprises in Ouagadougou, which brings together groups involvedin workplace initiatives to fight HIV/AIDS.12345HIGH QUALITY EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS6In 2007, the Commission on Employment Law – BNP Paribas SA’slabour information and negotiation body – met on 21 occasions andnegotiated the signature of nine company-level agreements. Some ofthese agreements led to the improvement or continuation of employeebenefit plans, while others gave rise to an increase in the number ofemployee representatives in various bodies.As regards employee profit-sharing, five of the agreements led to thepayment of a one-off top-up payment for 2007 and an additionalperformance-related bonus for all employees. A wage agreement for2008 established a general measure for pay rises, the payment of aone-off bonus, and the implementation of specific measures includingtaking into account wage discrepancies between employees in differentage brackets and gradually reducing wage discrepancies between menand women.In-depth discussions were also held with trade unions on the integrationof disabled workers within the Group. Many working meetings wereorganised with a view to preparing a draft agreement on this topic, duefor signature in 2008.Discussions also got under way with employee representatives on theissue of stress in the workplace. A special working group was set upwith the participation of the occupational medicine department. Thepurpose of this group, which has already met on several occasions, isto establish a diagnostic review system and determine measures thatshould be implemented in the company.Another long-term agreement on gender equality in the workplace wassigned on 30 July 2007. It supplements the agreement signed on 28 July2006 on the implementation of the French law of 23 March 2006 onequal pay during maternity, adoption and post-maternity leave. Theagreement sets out three areas of action:■ the pivotal stages of employees’ professional life within the company.The Group will strive to narrow the gap between the number ofwomen and men promoted at the three stages when a change inlevel is considered key to career development;■ a target of at least 44% women among overall executive staff by31 December 2010. The Group has undertaken to at least maintain thelead it has in this area within the banking sector: at 31 December 2007,BNP Paribas SA had already exceeded the goal of 40% established bythe sector for 2010, with a percentage of 41.4%;■ specific measures to reduce the wage gap within the scope of theFrench law of 23 March 2006 will be implemented progressively over2008, 2009 and 2010. Methods have been designed to assist individualmanagers in identifying the files of female employees most likely toshow an unjustified wage difference, which must be given priorityfor assessment. Starting in 2008, a specific national budget dedicatedto reducing pay discrepancies will be discussed each year during themandatory annual salary negotiations.This agreement establishes measures to enhance equal treatment forwomen and men by giving women access to managerial training andtraining leading to professional banking qualifications, which are used78910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 253

SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONClearly identified operational challenges 7The occupational health department monitors emerging health risks inorder to inform staff members and recommend solutions. In <strong>2007</strong>, theGroup used the intranet to provide tips to its staff on how to handle apotential heat wave in July.A working group comprising HR managers from all the businesses andfunctions is preparing the Group to deal with health and organisationalissues in the event of a pandemic. Topics include the purchase of masks,hygiene product listings, information on hygiene measures such as handwashing, and, finally, placing posters in washrooms.Emergency response and CPR trainingfor all medical staffAs part of the five-year emergency medicine training plan, a yearlyrefresher course on the use of semi-automatic defibrillators has beenorganised, and ongoing training is provided to medical staff involvingthe revision of key protocols and role-play.SUPPORTING EMPLOYEES THROUGHDIFFICULT TIMESAs with prevention, the redeployment of employees after severalmonths of absence due to illness is the subject of concerted effortsbetween the occupational health department, the HR managers andfunctional management. Given the rapid pace of change within theGroup, the reintegration process must factor in an adjustment to the< Contents >new circumstances, so as to dispel employees’ worries and allow themthe time to find their feet again.In certain cases, employees can meet with the occupational physicianbefore resuming work, either because they request it or because theirGP or the reviewing physician from the national health insurance systemdeems it necessary. In such instances the company doctor prepares theemployee for his or her return, taking into consideration any after-effectsor residual handicap he or she may be suffering.Outside France, entities are endeavouring to optimise occupational riskprevention and access to care for employees in conjunction with localhealth authorities. The employees of UkrSibbank that were exposed toradiation following the Chernobyl disaster qualify for indemnities andadditional leave, and their health is closely monitored as part of aninitiative run by the Ukrainian authorities.BNP Paribas is an active member of Sida Entreprises, a business-fundedassociation focused on AIDS. The aim of this association is for Frenchinvestors in Africa to help resolve ongoing issues of prevention and lackof access to treatments, problems that remain prevalent despite thefinancial aid that has been injected into affected countries. BNP Paribashelps to set up inter-company platforms in most of the countries inWest Africa where it is present, through its network of associated banks(BICI).In <strong>2007</strong>, BICI Burkina Faso took part in an annual seminar organised bySida Entreprises in Ouagadougou, which brings together groups involvedin workplace initiatives to fight HIV/AIDS.12345HIGH QUALITY EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS6In <strong>2007</strong>, the Commission on Employment Law – BNP Paribas SA’slabour information and negotiation body – met on 21 occasions andnegotiated the signature of nine company-level agreements. Some ofthese agreements led to the improvement or continuation of employeebenefit plans, while others gave rise to an increase in the number ofemployee representatives in various bodies.As regards employee profit-sharing, five of the agreements led to thepayment of a one-off top-up payment for <strong>2007</strong> and an additionalperformance-related bonus for all employees. A wage agreement for2008 established a general measure for pay rises, the payment of aone-off bonus, and the implementation of specific measures includingtaking into account wage discrepancies between employees in differentage brackets and gradually reducing wage discrepancies between menand women.In-depth discussions were also held with trade unions on the integrationof disabled workers within the Group. Many working meetings wereorganised with a view to preparing a draft agreement on this topic, duefor signature in 2008.Discussions also got under way with employee representatives on theissue of stress in the workplace. A special working group was set upwith the participation of the occupational medicine department. Thepurpose of this group, which has already met on several occasions, isto establish a diagnostic review system and determine measures thatshould be implemented in the company.Another long-term agreement on gender equality in the workplace wassigned on 30 July <strong>2007</strong>. It supplements the agreement signed on 28 July2006 on the implementation of the French law of 23 March 2006 onequal pay during maternity, adoption and post-maternity leave. Theagreement sets out three areas of action:■ the pivotal stages of employees’ professional life within the company.The Group will strive to narrow the gap between the number ofwomen and men promoted at the three stages when a change inlevel is considered key to career development;■ a target of at least 44% women among overall executive staff by31 December 2010. The Group has undertaken to at least maintain thelead it has in this area within the banking sector: at 31 December <strong>2007</strong>,BNP Paribas SA had already exceeded the goal of 40% established bythe sector for 2010, with a percentage of 41.4%;■ specific measures to reduce the wage gap within the scope of theFrench law of 23 March 2006 will be implemented progressively over2008, 2009 and 2010. Methods have been designed to assist individualmanagers in identifying the files of female employees most likely toshow an unjustified wage difference, which must be given priorityfor assessment. Starting in 2008, a specific national budget dedicatedto reducing pay discrepancies will be discussed each year during themandatory annual salary negotiations.This agreement establishes measures to enhance equal treatment forwomen and men by giving women access to managerial training andtraining leading to professional banking qualifications, which are used7891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 253

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