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7 ClearlySOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONidentified operational challenges< Contents >7.2 Clearly identified operational challenges1QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE WORKFORCE ADAPTATIONIn an overall environment of expansion, as illustrated by the high levelof recruitment, BNP Paribas has maintained a proactive policy formanaging jobs threatened by organisational changes and the impactof IT developments.In France, BNP Paribas SA adopted an Employment Adaptation Planfor implementation between 2006 and 2008. Under this voluntaryredundancy plan, 240 employees left the company in <strong>2007</strong>, withinthe context of a career programme enabling them to create their ownbusinesses.Cetelem continued to pursue its wide scale development programme,“2008 Challenge”, which has led to major changes in the entity’sprocesses, tools and organisation. Nearly 600 Cetelem employees havebeen affected by internal, functional or geographical mobility.Over 150 employees found a job and career prospects in another ofthe Group’s entities in France, primarily in the Retail Banking network,thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the mobility and redeploymentpolicy implemented throughout the Group. Some 150 employees leftthe company, principally within the scope of career developmentprogrammes.Within BNL in Italy, the agreements signed in November 2006 withtrade unions on retirement, recruitment, mobility and professionaldevelopment have been instigated as planned. The results of theseagreements were as follows:■ 800 employees left the company;■ 700 employees were hired;■ 1,000 employees took advantage of mobility opportunities;■ more than 97,000 days of training (i.e., almost 730,000 hours) oftraining were provided.2345RECRUITMENT PROCESSES THAT MEET THE SPECIFIC NEEDS OF EACH BUSINESSINTENSIVE AND VARIED RECRUITMENTPROCESSESThe Group’s recruitment activity in France and abroad has remainedconsistently high, in line with expansion in all of its businesses. Thenumber of new employees increased considerably compared with 2006,to 24,000 new hires worldwide.➤RECRUIT MENT OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEESWork/study contracts were offered to 757 young people in <strong>2007</strong>(460 on vocational training programmes and 297 on apprenticeships),representing a decrease of 12% on 2006, as all the positions availablefor master’s programmes were not filled due to insufficient numbersof applicants.BNP Paribas took on roughly the same number of trainees as part of aVIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) programme, with nearly235 new trainees in <strong>2007</strong> compared with 240 in 2006. BNP Paribasmaintained its position as leading VIE recruiter in France. The number ofwork placements for master’s students also increased, to over 1,500.➤RECRUIT MENT OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEESIN FRANCE678RECRUITMENT IN FRANCEA wide range of profilesIn <strong>2007</strong>, new hires were once again split evenly between young universitygraduates (20% with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and 30% with amaster’s degree) and employees with some previous experience.91011240<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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