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6 ChangesINFORMATION ON THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSin share capital6.3 Changes in share capital< Contents >1Number of sharesShare capitalAt 31 December 2004 884,700,444 1,769,400,888Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (1) 518,758 1,037,516At 25 January 2005 885,219,202 1,770,438,404Cancellation of shares (13,994,568) (27,989,136)At 10 May 2005 871,224,634 1,742,449,268Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (2) 1,397,501 2,795,002Employee share issue (3) 5,000,000 10,000,000At 20 July 2005 877,622,135 1,755,244,270Cancellation of shares (39,374,263) (78,748,526)At 29 November 2005 838,247,872 1,676,495,744At 31 December 2005 838,247,872 1,676,495,744Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (4) 1,369,623 2,739,246At 23 January 2006 839,617,495 1,679,234,990Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (5) 971,037 1,942,074At 27 March 2006 840,588,532 1,681,177,064Issuance of shares (capital increase) (6) 84,058,853 168,117,706At 31 March 2006 924,647,385 1,849,294,770Issuance of shares (capital increase) (7) 945 1,890At 6 June 2006 924,648,330 1,849,296,660Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (8) 1,148,759 2,297,518Employee share issue (9) 4,670,388 9,340,776At 26 July 2006 930,467,477 1,860,934,954Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (10) 2,411,013 4,822,026At 22 January 2007 932,878,490 1,865,756,980Issuance of shares (capital increase) (11) 3,820,865 7,641,730At 20 July 2007 936,699,355 1,873,398,710Issuance of shares (capital increase) (12) 439,358 878,716At 1 October 2007 937,138,713 1,874,277,426Cancellation of shares (32,111,135) (64,222,270)At 4 October 2007 905,027,578 1,810,055,156Issuance of shares (capital increase) (13) 232,730 465,460At 5 October 2007 905,260,308 1,810,520,616Issuance of shares (capital increase) (14) 435,137 870,274At 28 January 2008 905,695,445 1,811,390,890(1)518,758 shares carrying rights to the 2004 dividend.(2)1,002,504 shares carrying rights to the 2004 dividend and 394,997 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(3)The 5,000,000 shares issued in July 2005 carried rights to the 2005 dividend.(4)1,369,623 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(5)971,037 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(6)84,058,853 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(7)945 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(8)743,933 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend and 404,826 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(9)4,670,388 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(10)2,411,013 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(11)3,236,046 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend and 584,819 shares carrying rights to the 2007 dividend.(12)439,358 shares carrying rights to the 2007 dividend.(13)232,730 shares carrying rights to the 2007 dividend.(14)435,137 shares carrying rights to the 2007 dividend.2345678910112282007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

INFORMATION ON THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSChanges in share capital 6< Contents >Shareholder authorisations to issue shares:Shareholders’ Meeting at which the authorisation was given Utilisation during 2007AGM of 18 May 2005(14 th resolution)AGM of 18 May 2005(15 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(16 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(17 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(18 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(19 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(20 th resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(21 st resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(22 nd resolution)AGM of 23 May 2006(24 th resolution)AGM of 15 May 2007(9 th resolution)AGM of 15 May 2007(10 th resolution)AGM of 15 May 2007(12 th resolution)Authorisation to grant stock options to corporate offi cers and certainemployees.Authorisation to grant share awards to employees and corporate offi cers ofBNP Paribas and related companiesAuthorisation to issue shares and share equivalents with pre-emptive rights forexisting shareholdersLimitation of the issue of shares and share equivalents without pre-emptivesubscription rights for existing shareholdersCharging against the authorised amount to be issued without pre-emptivesubscription rights for which authorisation was granted under the 17thresolution of this AGM, of any share issue carried out by way of considerationfor unlisted shares tendered to BNP Paribas within the limit of 10% of the sharecapitalIssuance of shares to be paid up by capitalising income, retained earnings oradditional paid-in capitalGlobal limitation on authorisationsAmendment of the 14 th resolution adopted by the AGM of 18 May 2005: globallimitation on authorisations regarding the allocation of stock options and shareawardsAuthorisation to increase the capital via the issuance of shares reserved formembers of the BNP Paribas Group Corporate Savings PlanApproval of the merger of Société Centrale d’Investissements into BNP ParibasAmendment of the 15 th resolution of the AGM of 18 May 2005 to promoteemployee profi t-sharing and share ownership, in accordance with the FrenchAct of 30 December 2006 relating to the authorisation to grant share awardsto employees and corporate offi cers of BNP Paribas and related companiesAmendment of the 22 nd resolution of the AGM of 23 May 2006 to promoteemployee profi t-sharing and share ownership, in accordance with the FrenchAct of 30 December 2006 relating to the authorisation to increase the capitalvia the issue of shares reserved for members of the BNP Paribas GroupCorporate Savings PlanApproval of (i) the proposed merger of BNL into BNP Paribas, (ii) thecorresponding increase in the Bank’s share capital, (iii) BNP Paribas takingover commitments related to stock options granted by BNL, and (iv) anauthorisation to sell all shares corresponding to fractions of shares4,035,845 stock subscriptionoptions granted at the BoardMeeting of 8 March 2007910,308 shares granted freeof consideration at the BoardMeeting of 8 March 2007Not usedNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedNot usedIssuance of 945 newshares on 6 June 2006with a par value of EUR 2each (aggregate par value:EUR 1,890)Not usedNot usedIssuance of 439,358 newshares on 1 October 2007with a par value of EUR 2each (aggregate par value:EUR 878,716)Conversion of stock optionsawarded by BNL into 935,821new BNP Paribas shares12345678In connection with share buyback programmes, in 2007 the BNP ParibasGroup bought back on the market 25,759,837 shares at an average priceof EUR 83.02 per EUR 2 par value share.At 31 December 2007, the BNP Paribas Group held 8,972,652 shares witha par value of EUR 2 (including 163,462 shares held by a Group subsidiarywithin the scope of a short trading position), which were acquired at atotal cost of EUR 619 million and deducted from shareholders’ equity(see note 8.a. to the consolidated financial statements).At 31 December 2007, 24,648,283 stock subscription options wereoutstanding under the BNP Paribas Group’s stock option plans (seenote 7.c. to the consolidated financial statements).At 31 December 2007, 1,483,630 shares granted free of considerationwere outstanding (see note 7.c. to the consolidated financialstatements).910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 229

6 ChangesINFORMATION ON THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTSin share capital6.3 Changes in share capital< Contents >1Number of sharesShare capitalAt 31 December 2004 884,700,444 1,769,400,888Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (1) 518,758 1,037,516At 25 January 2005 885,219,202 1,770,438,404Cancellation of shares (13,994,568) (27,989,136)At 10 May 2005 871,224,634 1,742,449,268Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (2) 1,397,501 2,795,002Employee share issue (3) 5,000,000 10,000,000At 20 July 2005 877,622,135 1,755,244,270Cancellation of shares (39,374,263) (78,748,526)At 29 November 2005 838,247,872 1,676,495,744At 31 December 2005 838,247,872 1,676,495,744Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (4) 1,369,623 2,739,246At 23 January 2006 839,617,495 1,679,234,990Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (5) 971,037 1,942,074At 27 March 2006 840,588,532 1,681,177,064Issuance of shares (capital increase) (6) 84,058,853 168,117,706At 31 March 2006 924,647,385 1,849,294,770Issuance of shares (capital increase) (7) 945 1,890At 6 June 2006 924,648,330 1,849,296,660Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (8) 1,148,759 2,297,518Employee share issue (9) 4,670,388 9,340,776At 26 July 2006 930,467,477 1,860,934,954Issuance of shares on exercise of stock options (10) 2,411,013 4,822,026At 22 January <strong>2007</strong> 932,878,490 1,865,756,980Issuance of shares (capital increase) (11) 3,820,865 7,641,730At 20 July <strong>2007</strong> 936,699,355 1,873,398,710Issuance of shares (capital increase) (12) 439,358 878,716At 1 October <strong>2007</strong> 937,138,713 1,874,277,426Cancellation of shares (32,111,135) (64,222,270)At 4 October <strong>2007</strong> 905,027,578 1,810,055,156Issuance of shares (capital increase) (13) 232,730 465,460At 5 October <strong>2007</strong> 905,260,308 1,810,520,616Issuance of shares (capital increase) (14) 435,137 870,274At 28 January 2008 905,695,445 1,811,390,890(1)518,758 shares carrying rights to the 2004 dividend.(2)1,002,504 shares carrying rights to the 2004 dividend and 394,997 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(3)The 5,000,000 shares issued in July 2005 carried rights to the 2005 dividend.(4)1,369,623 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(5)971,037 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend.(6)84,058,853 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(7)945 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(8)743,933 shares carrying rights to the 2005 dividend and 404,826 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(9)4,670,388 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(10)2,411,013 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend.(11)3,236,046 shares carrying rights to the 2006 dividend and 584,819 shares carrying rights to the <strong>2007</strong> dividend.(12)439,358 shares carrying rights to the <strong>2007</strong> dividend.(13)232,730 shares carrying rights to the <strong>2007</strong> dividend.(14)435,137 shares carrying rights to the <strong>2007</strong> dividend.234567891011228<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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