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5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >The table below shows the number and the valuation of stock subscription options granted to and/or exercised by the Group’s corporate officersin 2007.Stock subscription options grantedto and/or exercised by the Group’scorporate officersNumberof optionsgranted/exercisedExerciseprice(in euros)Plan expirydateIndividual allocation valuationas a % of therecognised as a % ofexpense (2) share capitalGrant datein euros (1)OPTIONS GRANTED IN 2007Michel Pébereau 50,000 82.70 03/08 /2007 03/06 /2015 703,450 0.600% 0.005%Baudouin Prot 170,000 82.70 03/08 /2007 03/06 /2015 2,403,420 2.100% 0.018%Georges Chodron de Courcel 90,000 82.70 03/08 /2007 03/06 /2015 1,266,210 1.100% 0.010%Jean Clamon 65,000 82.70 03/08 /2007 03/06 /2015 914,485 0.800% 0.007%Aggregate 5,287,565 4.600% 0.040%OPTIONS EXERCISED IN 2007Michel Pébereau 60,000 36.95 05/13 /1998 05/13 /2008Baudouin Prot 40,000 36.95 05/13 /1998 05/13 /2008Baudouin Prot 36,000 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /2007Baudouin Prot 14,438 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /2007Georges Chodron de Courcel 56,000 36.78 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Georges Chodron de Courcel 8,069 38.62 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Georges Chodron de Courcel 8,069 38.62 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Jean Clamon 1,266 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011Jean Clamon 15,000 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011OPTIONS GRANTED IN 2006Michel Pébereau 100,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 1,496,100 1.600% 0.011%Baudouin Prot 180,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 2,692,980 2.800% 0.019%Georges Chodron de Courcel 90,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 1,346,490 1.400% 0.010%Jean Clamon 65,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 972,465 1.000% 0.007%Aggregate 6,508,035 6.800% 0.047%OPTIONS EXERCISED IN 2006Michel Pébereau 20,000 18.45 05/22 /1997 05/22 /2007Michel Pébereau 30,263 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /2007Georges Chodron de Courcel 5,000 37.64 05/03 /1999 05/03 /2009Georges Chodron de Courcel 80,710 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011Jean Clamon 60,523 44.77 12/22 /1999 12/22 /2009Jean Clamon 70,623 20.23 11/17 /1998 11/17 /2006(1)The stock options granted in 2007 which were not subject to performance conditions have been valued for accounting purposes at EUR 14.57 each (EUR 15.36 in2006).The stock options granted in 2007 which were subject to performance conditions have been valued for accounting purposes at EUR 12.90 each (EUR 14.03 in 2006)(2)% of the expense recognised for the Global Share-based Incentive Plan, which combines stock options with share awards.12345678910112162007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS5Notes to the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >The table below shows the number of outstanding options held by the Group’s corporate officers at 31 December 2007.Originating company BNP BNP BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNP ParibasDate of grant 05/13 /1998 12/22 /1999 05/15 /2001 03/21 /2003 03/25 /2005 04/05 /2006 03/08 /2007Number of options outstandingat end-2007 91,698 353,050 407,454 492,738 353,081 435,000 375,0001Compulsory share ownership – Holding period forshares received on exercise of stock optionsAs from 1 January 2007, the Group’s corporate officers are requiredto own a minimum number of shares for the duration of their term ofoffice, calculated based on both the opening BNP Paribas share priceand their fixed remuneration at 2 January 2007. The number of sharesmust correspond to seven years’ fixed remuneration for Michel Pébereau(58,700 shares) and Baudouin Prot (75,500 shares) and five years’ fixedremuneration for Georges Chodron de Courcel (30,000 shares) andJean Clamon (27,600 shares). This obligation must be complied with by13 February 2010 at the latest.The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and ChiefOperating Officers are also required to hold a quantity of shares issuedfollowing the exercise of stock options for the duration of their term ofoffice. This holding requirement represents 50% of the net gain realisedon the purchase of shares under options granted as from 1 January2007, and will be considered as satisfied once the threshold defined forcompulsory share ownership has been reached based on shares resultingfrom the exercise of options as of said date.Remuneration and benefits awarded to employeeelecteddirectorsTotal remuneration paid in 2007 to employee-elected directors –calculated based on their actual attendance – amounted to EUR 81,045in 2007 (EUR 89,942 in 2006), excluding directors’ fees. The totalamount of directors’ fees paid in 2007 to employee-elected directorswas EUR 69,103 (EUR 76,551 in 2006). These sums were paid directlyto the trade union bodies of the directors concerned.Employee-elected directors are entitled to the same death/disabilitycover and the same Garantie Vie Professionnelle Accidents benefits asall BNP Paribas SA employees. The total amount of premiums paid intothese schemes by BNP Paribas in 2007 on behalf of the employee-electeddirectors was EUR 1,026 (EUR 989 in 2006).The employee-elected directors belong to the defined-contribution planset up for all BNP Paribas SA employees, in accordance with article 83of the French General Tax Code. The total amount of contributions paidinto this plan by BNP Paribas in 2007 on behalf of the employee-electeddirectors was EUR 649 (EUR 639 in 2006). Employee-elected directorsare also entitled to top-up banking industry pensions under the industrywideagreement that took effect on 1 January 1994.Loans, advances and guarantees granted to theGroup’s corporate officersAt 31 December 2007, total outstanding loans granted directly orindirectly to the Group’s corporate officers amounted to EUR 6,340,882(EUR 4,095,895 at 31 December 2006).2345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 217

5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >The table below shows the number and the valuation of stock subscription options granted to and/or exercised by the Group’s corporate officersin <strong>2007</strong>.Stock subscription options grantedto and/or exercised by the Group’scorporate officersNumberof optionsgranted/exercisedExerciseprice(in euros)Plan expirydateIndividual allocation valuationas a % of therecognised as a % ofexpense (2) share capitalGrant datein euros (1)OPTIONS GRANTED IN <strong>2007</strong>Michel Pébereau 50,000 82.70 03/08 /<strong>2007</strong> 03/06 /2015 703,450 0.600% 0.005%Baudouin Prot 170,000 82.70 03/08 /<strong>2007</strong> 03/06 /2015 2,403,420 2.100% 0.018%Georges Chodron de Courcel 90,000 82.70 03/08 /<strong>2007</strong> 03/06 /2015 1,266,210 1.100% 0.010%Jean Clamon 65,000 82.70 03/08 /<strong>2007</strong> 03/06 /2015 914,485 0.800% 0.007%Aggregate 5,287,565 4.600% 0.040%OPTIONS EXERCISED IN <strong>2007</strong>Michel Pébereau 60,000 36.95 05/13 /1998 05/13 /2008Baudouin Prot 40,000 36.95 05/13 /1998 05/13 /2008Baudouin Prot 36,000 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /<strong>2007</strong>Baudouin Prot 14,438 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /<strong>2007</strong>Georges Chodron de Courcel 56,000 36.78 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Georges Chodron de Courcel 8,069 38.62 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Georges Chodron de Courcel 8,069 38.62 03/21 /2003 03/20 /2013Jean Clamon 1,266 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011Jean Clamon 15,000 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011OPTIONS GRANTED IN 2006Michel Pébereau 100,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 1,496,100 1.600% 0.011%Baudouin Prot 180,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 2,692,980 2.800% 0.019%Georges Chodron de Courcel 90,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 1,346,490 1.400% 0.010%Jean Clamon 65,000 75.25 04/05 /2006 04/04/2014 972,465 1.000% 0.007%Aggregate 6,508,035 6.800% 0.047%OPTIONS EXERCISED IN 2006Michel Pébereau 20,000 18.45 05/22 /1997 05/22 /<strong>2007</strong>Michel Pébereau 30,263 18.29 05/22 /1997 05/22 /<strong>2007</strong>Georges Chodron de Courcel 5,000 37.64 05/03 /1999 05/03 /2009Georges Chodron de Courcel 80,710 48.57 05/15 /2001 05/14 /2011Jean Clamon 60,523 44.77 12/22 /1999 12/22 /2009Jean Clamon 70,623 20.23 11/17 /1998 11/17 /2006(1)The stock options granted in <strong>2007</strong> which were not subject to performance conditions have been valued for accounting purposes at EUR 14.57 each (EUR 15.36 in2006).The stock options granted in <strong>2007</strong> which were subject to performance conditions have been valued for accounting purposes at EUR 12.90 each (EUR 14.03 in 2006)(2)% of the expense recognised for the Global Share-based Incentive Plan, which combines stock options with share awards.1234567891011216<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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