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5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >Post-employment benefitsCompensation on termination of officeCorporate officers are not entitled to any contractual compensation ontermination of office.Retirement bonusesMichel Pébereau is not entitled to a retirement bonus. Baudouin Prot(Chief Executive Officer), Georges Chodron de Courcel and Jean Clamon(Chief Operating Officers) are entitled under their employment contractsto the standard retirement bonus benefits awarded to all BNP Paribasemployees. Under this standard scheme, employees receive a bonuson retirement from the Group of up to 11.66 months’ basic salary,depending on their initial contractual position and length of service attheir retirement date.Pension plans■ The defined benefit plans previously granted to executive managers ofthe Group who were formerly employed by BNP, Paribas or CompagnieBancaire have all been converted into top-up type plans. The amountsallocated to the beneficiaries were fixed when the previous schemeswere closed to new entrants.■ A similar procedure was applied to Michel Pébereau (Chairman ofthe Board of Directors), Baudouin Prot (Chief Executive Officer), andto Georges Chodron de Courcel and Jean Clamon (Chief OperatingOfficers). Pursuant to articles L. 137.11 and R. 137.16 of the FrenchSocial Security Code, these four corporate officers now belong toa contingent collective top-up pension plan. Under this plan, theirpensions will be calculated (subject to their still being part of the Groupon retirement) on the basis of the fixed and variable remunerationreceived in 1999 and 2000, with no possibility of acquiring anysubsequent rights.■ The amount of retirement benefits, including the pensions paidout by the general French Social Security scheme and the ARRCOand AGIRC top-up schemes, plus any additional banking industrypension arising from the industry-wide agreement that took effect on1 January 1994 and pension rights acquired as a result of paymentsby the employer into top-up funded schemes, is capped at 50% ofthe above-mentioned remuneration amounts.■ These retirement benefits will be revalued from 1 January 2002 untiltheir actual payment date, based on the average annual rate ofincrease in pension benefits paid by the French Social Security, ARRCOand AGIRC schemes. On payment of the benefits, the top-up pensionswill be equal to the differential between these revalued amounts andthe pension benefits provided by the above-mentioned general andtop-up schemes. Once the amount of these top-up benefits has beenfinally determined, the benefit will then be indexed to the growth ratein the benefit value per point under the AGIRC scheme.■ These obligations were covered by provisions recorded by BNP orParibas as appropriate. The amount of these provisions was adjustedwhen the legacy plans were closed and the obligations transferredto an external insurance company.■ The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officerand the Chief Operating Officers belong to the defined-contributionpension plan set up for all BNP Paribas SA employees, in accordancewith article 83 of the French General Tax Code.Welfare benefit plans■ The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officerand the Chief Operating Officers are entitled to the same flexiblewelfare benefits (death and disability cover) as all BNP Paribas SAemployees.■ They are also entitled to the same benefits under the GarantieVie Professionnelle Accidents death/disability cover plan as allBNP Paribas SA employees, and to the supplementary plan set upfor members of the Group Executive Committee, which pays outadditional capital of EUR 1.08 million in the event of work-relateddeath or total and permanent disability.■ If Baudouin Prot, Georges Chodron de Courcel or Jean Clamon diebefore the age of 60, their heirs will receive compensation under aninsurance policy. The premium applicable under this policy is paid bythe Group and treated in accordance with the social security rulesapplicable to employers’ contributions to top-up welfare schemesin France.Amount of remuneration and benefits awarded to the Group’scorporate officers■ The tables below show (i) gross remuneration payable to the Group’scorporate officers for the year to 31 December 2007, including benefitsin kind and directors’ fees; and (ii) gross remuneration paid in 2007,including benefits in kind and directors’ fees.12345678910112122007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS5Notes to the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >➤REMUNERATION PAYABLE TO THE GROUP’S CORPORATE OFFICERS FOR 2007Remuneration payable for 2007RemunerationIn euros Fixed (1) Variable (2)Michel PébereauChairman of the Board of DirectorsDirectors’ fees (3)Benefits inkind (4)TOTALRemuneration2007 700,000 875,000 29,728 2,490 1,607,218(2006) (700,000) (1,051,070) (29,728) (4,609) (1,785,407)Baudouin ProtChief Executive Offi cer2007 900,000 2,272,608 142,278 5,362 3,320,248(2006) (883,333) (2,324,348) (129,551) (5,227) (3,342,459)Georges Chodron de CourcelChief Operating Offi cer2007 545,833 1,772,120 147,977 4,271 2,470,201(2006) (500,000) (1,631,593) (125,189) (4,274) (2,261,056)Jean ClamonChief Operating Offi cer2007 460,000 702,255 139,690 4,703 1,306,648(2006) (460,000) (796,130) (130,637) (4,703) (1,391,470)Total remuneration payable to the Group’s corporate offi cers for 2007 8,704,315(for 2006) (8,780,392)(1)Remuneration actually paid in 2007.(2)Variable remuneration payable for 2006 and 2007, paid the following year. The amount due to Michel Pébereau in respect of 2007 has been capped in accordancewith the provisions on restrictions placed on the variable remuneration payable to corporate officers.(3)The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer do not receive directors’ fees from any Group companies other than from BNP Paribas SA,and from Erbé and BNL in the case of the Chief Executive Officer. Directors’ fees received in 2007 by the Chief Executive Officer from Erbé and BNL will be deductedfrom the variable remuneration paid to him in 2008.Georges Chodron de Courcel receives fees in his capacity as a director of BNP Paribas Suisse, BNL and Erbé. Jean Clamon receives fees in his capacity as a directorof Cetelem, BNP Paribas Lease Group, Paribas International, Erbé, CNP and BNL. The fees received by Georges Chodron de Courcel and Jean Clamon in theircapacity as directors of these companies will be deducted from the variable remuneration paid to them in 2008.(4)The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officers each have a company car and a mobile telephone.12345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 213

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS5Notes to the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >➤REMUNERATION PAYABLE TO THE GROUP’S CORPORATE OFFICERS FOR <strong>2007</strong>Remuneration payable for <strong>2007</strong>RemunerationIn euros Fixed (1) Variable (2)Michel PébereauChairman of the Board of DirectorsDirectors’ fees (3)Benefits inkind (4)TOTALRemuneration<strong>2007</strong> 700,000 875,000 29,728 2,490 1,607,218(2006) (700,000) (1,051,070) (29,728) (4,609) (1,785,407)Baudouin ProtChief Executive Offi cer<strong>2007</strong> 900,000 2,272,608 142,278 5,362 3,320,248(2006) (883,333) (2,324,348) (129,551) (5,227) (3,342,459)Georges Chodron de CourcelChief Operating Offi cer<strong>2007</strong> 545,833 1,772,120 147,977 4,271 2,470,201(2006) (500,000) (1,631,593) (125,189) (4,274) (2,261,056)Jean ClamonChief Operating Offi cer<strong>2007</strong> 460,000 702,255 139,690 4,703 1,306,648(2006) (460,000) (796,130) (130,637) (4,703) (1,391,470)Total remuneration payable to the Group’s corporate offi cers for <strong>2007</strong> 8,704,315(for 2006) (8,780,392)(1)Remuneration actually paid in <strong>2007</strong>.(2)Variable remuneration payable for 2006 and <strong>2007</strong>, paid the following year. The amount due to Michel Pébereau in respect of <strong>2007</strong> has been capped in accordancewith the provisions on restrictions placed on the variable remuneration payable to corporate officers.(3)The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer do not receive directors’ fees from any Group companies other than from BNP Paribas SA,and from Erbé and BNL in the case of the Chief Executive Officer. Directors’ fees received in <strong>2007</strong> by the Chief Executive Officer from Erbé and BNL will be deductedfrom the variable remuneration paid to him in 2008.Georges Chodron de Courcel receives fees in his capacity as a director of BNP Paribas Suisse, BNL and Erbé. Jean Clamon receives fees in his capacity as a directorof Cetelem, BNP Paribas Lease Group, Paribas International, Erbé, CNP and BNL. The fees received by Georges Chodron de Courcel and Jean Clamon in theircapacity as directors of these companies will be deducted from the variable remuneration paid to them in 2008.(4)The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officers each have a company car and a mobile telephone.1234567891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 213

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