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1 ShareholderTHE BNP PARIBAS GROUPinformation< Contents >➤SHARE PERFORMANCE BETWEEN 31 DECEMBER 2004 AND 31 DECEMBER 2007Comparison with the DJ Stoxx 50, DJ Stoxx Bank and CAC 40 (indexes rebased on share price)Euros9519085807570656055France CAC40BNP ParibasDJ Stoxx 50DJ Stoxx Bank23504512/31/0402/28/0504/30/0506/30/0508/31/0510/31/0512/31/0502/28/0604/30/0606/30/0608/31/0610/31/0612/31/0602/28/0704/30/0706/30/0708/31/0710/31/0712/31/074Source: Datastream➤AVERAGE MONTHLY SHARE PRICES AND MONTHLY HIGHS AND LOWS SINCE JANUARY 200656789■ As at 31 December 2007, the BNP Paribas share was listed atEUR 74.22, down 10.20% compared with 29 December 2006, whenit was listed at EUR 82.65. By way of comparison, during 2007 theCAC 40 increased by 1.31%, the DJ Stoxx 50 dropped down by 0.36%and the DJ Stoxx Bank index fell by 16.87%. After marking an all-timehigh at EUR 94.25 in May, the BNP Paribas share was dragged downby the widespread loss of confidence affecting banks, triggered bythe subprime mortgage crisis in the US. However, as BNP Paribas haslower exposure to the crisis compared with many competitors, theshare performance over the full year outdistanced banking-sectorindexes.■ From 3 January 2005 to 31 December 2007, the BNP Paribas sharegained 40.33%, compared with rises of 46.92%, 32.76% and19.58% by the CAC 40, DJ Stoxx 50 and DJ Stoxx Bank indexesrespectively.1011182007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

THE BNP PARIBAS GROUPShareholder information 1■ BNP Paribas’ market capitalisation totalled EUR 67.2 billion as at31 December 2007, representing the fifth-largest capitalisation in theCAC 40 index after the Group dropped from fourth place due to theArcelor/Mittal merger. In terms of free float, BNP Paribas is still the3rd-largest in the Paris index. At the end of the period, BNP Paribasranked 11th in the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 on the basis of free float.< Contents >■ Daily transaction volume over the year averaged 5,821,304 shares,up 33.5% on the 4,358,733 shares traded on average per session in2006. This is a clear indication of the stock’s increasing liquidity.1➤2007 TRADING VOLUME ON EURONEXT PARIS (DAILY AVERAGE)23456YIELD AND PERFORMANCE DATAFrench GAAPIFRSIn euros 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Earnings per share (1) (*) 4.3 5.5 7.0 8.0 8.5Net assets per share (2) (*) 32.7 35.9 45.8 49.8 52.4Net dividend per share 1.45 2.00 2.60 3.10 3.35 (3)Payout rate (in %) (4) 34.8 37.9 37.4 40.3 39.8 (3)Share priceHigh (5) (*) 49.53 54.57 68.71 88.50 95.07Low (5) (*) 32.40 45.71 50.31 66.65 67.54Year-end (*) 49.53 52.89 67.82 82.65 74.22CAC 40 index on 31 December 3,557.90 3,821.16 4,715.23 5,541.76 5,614.08(1)Based on the average number of shares outstanding during the year.(2)Before dividends. Net book value based on the number of shares outstanding at year-end.(3)Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting of 21 May 2008.(4)Dividend recommended at the Annual General Meeting expressed as a percentage of earnings per share.(5)Registered during trading.(*)Data in the above table have been adjusted to reflect the share issue with preferential subscription rights in March 2006 (adjustment ratio = 0.992235740050131).78910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 19

THE BNP PARIBAS GROUPShareholder information 1■ BNP Paribas’ market capitalisation totalled EUR 67.2 billion as at31 December <strong>2007</strong>, representing the fifth-largest capitalisation in theCAC 40 index after the Group dropped from fourth place due to theArcelor/Mittal merger. In terms of free float, BNP Paribas is still the3rd-largest in the Paris index. At the end of the period, BNP Paribasranked 11th in the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 on the basis of free float.< Contents >■ Daily transaction volume over the year averaged 5,821,304 shares,up 33.5% on the 4,358,733 shares traded on average per session in2006. This is a clear indication of the stock’s increasing liquidity.1➤<strong>2007</strong> TRADING VOLUME ON EURONEXT PARIS (DAILY AVERAGE)23456YIELD AND PERFORMANCE DATAFrench GAAPIFRSIn euros 2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong>Earnings per share (1) (*) 4.3 5.5 7.0 8.0 8.5Net assets per share (2) (*) 32.7 35.9 45.8 49.8 52.4Net dividend per share 1.45 2.00 2.60 3.10 3.35 (3)Payout rate (in %) (4) 34.8 37.9 37.4 40.3 39.8 (3)Share priceHigh (5) (*) 49.53 54.57 68.71 88.50 95.07Low (5) (*) 32.40 45.71 50.31 66.65 67.54Year-end (*) 49.53 52.89 67.82 82.65 74.22CAC 40 index on 31 December 3,557.90 3,821.16 4,715.23 5,541.76 5,614.08(1)Based on the average number of shares outstanding during the year.(2)Before dividends. Net book value based on the number of shares outstanding at year-end.(3)Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting of 21 May 2008.(4)Dividend recommended at the Annual General Meeting expressed as a percentage of earnings per share.(5)Registered during trading.(*)Data in the above table have been adjusted to reflect the share issue with preferential subscription rights in March 2006 (adjustment ratio = 0.992235740050131).7891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 19

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