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5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >➤MOVEMENTS IN THE FAIR VALUE OF PLAN ASSETS AND SEGREGATED ASSETSIn millions of euros 31 December <strong>2007</strong> 31 December 2006FAIR VALUE OF ASSETS AT START OF PERIOD 2,225 1,808Fair value of plan assets at start of period 2,213 1,735Fair value of segregated assets at start of period 12 73Expected return on plan assets 123 100Effect of plan curtailments or settlements (1) 3Net actuarial gains and losses 15 16Contributions by plan participants 11 1BNP Paribas contributions to plan assets 122 463Benefi ts paid to recipients of funded benefi ts (120) (103)Effect of movements in exchange rates (105) (42)Effect of changes in scope of consolidation 218 33Other movements - (54)FAIR VALUE OF ASSETS AT END OF PERIOD 2,488 2,225➤Fair value of plan assets at end of period 2,474 2,213Fair value of segregated assets at end of period 14 12COMPONENTS OF PENSION COSTIn millions of euros Year to 31 Dec. <strong>2007</strong> Year to 31 Dec. 2006Service cost for the period 117 115Expense arising on discounting of the obligation 166 144Expected return on plan assets (123) (100)Amortisation of actuarial gains and losses 4 4Amortisation of past service cost 3 (7)Effect of plan curtailments or settlements (77) (19)TOTAL EXPENSE RECORDED IN “SALARY AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITEXPENSES” 90 137➤MAIN ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS USED IN EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CALCULATIONS AT THE BALANCE SHEET DATE1234567In %Discounting rateFuture rate of salaryincreasesFrance4.11%-4.60%2.50%-5.00%31 December <strong>2007</strong> 31 December 2006Euro zoneEuro zoneexcl. France UK USA France excl. France UK USA4.15%-4.70% 5.69% 6.00%2.00%-5.00%4.30%-4.75%4.00%-5.00%3.92%-4.13%2.50%-5.50%3.40%-4.13% 5.04% 5.50%2.00%-5.00%4.00%-4.50%4.00%-5.00%8➤EFFECTIVE RATE OF RETURN ON PLAN ASSETS DURING THE YEARIn %FranceExpected return onplan assets (1) 4.20%Actual return on plan 4.50%-assets (1) 4.70%Year to 31 Dec. <strong>2007</strong> Year to 31 Dec. 2006Euro zoneEuro zoneexcl. France UK USA France excl. France UK USA2.00%-6.90%3.00%-6.00%4.80%-7.30%6.00%-9.00%6.50%-8.25% 4.00%5.00%-12.00%4.50%-5.00%2.00%-6.60%3.00%-16.00%4.30%-6.30%3.50%-10.00%4.00%-8.50%9.00%-13.00%910(1)Range of values, reflecting the existence of several plans within a single country or zone.11170<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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