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5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >Goodwill by core business is as follows:In millions of eurosCarrying amount at31 December 2007Carrying amount at31 December 2006 (1)International Retail banking and Financial Services 6,108 6,503of which BancWest Corp 3,412 3,771of which Consumer Credit 1,546 1,525of which Contract Hire and Fleet Management 649 697Italian Retail Banking (BNL bc) 1,698 1,602Asset Management and Services 1,705 1,408of which BNP Paribas Personal Investors 403 385Corporate and Investment Banking 445 428French Retail Banking 68 23Other Activities 220 198TOTAL 10,244 10,162(1)The creation of a new retail banking unit in Italy in the first half of 2007 led to certain transfers between business segments. In order to facilitate period-on-periodcomparisons of goodwill, the carrying amounts at 31 December 2006 have been restated to reflect the new organisational structure.12345.m TECHNICAL RESERVES OF INSURANCE COMPANIESIn millions of euros 31 December 2007 31 December 2006Liabilities related to insurance contracts 82,471 74,795Gross technical reservesUnit-linked contracts 36,226 33,027Other insurance contracts 46,245 41,768Liabilities related to financial contracts 8,014 8,457Liabilities related to fi nancial contracts with discretionary participation feature 8,014 8,457Policyholders’ surplus 2,835 3,792TOTAL TECHNICAL RESERVES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES 93,320 87,044Liabilities related to unit-linked fi nancial contracts (1) 5,450 4,347TOTAL LIABILITIES RELATED TO CONTRACTS WRITTEN BY INSURANCECOMPANIES 98,770 91,391567(1)Liabilities related to unit-linked financial contracts are included in “Due to customers” (Note 5.e).The policyholders’ surplus reserve arises from the application of shadowaccounting. It represents the interest of policyholders, mainly withinFrench life insurance subsidiaries, in unrealised gains and losses onassets where the benefit paid under the policy is linked to the return onthose assets. This interest, set at 95% for France, is an average derivedfrom stochastic analyses of unrealised gains and losses attributable topolicyholders in various scenarios.8910111642007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS5Notes to the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >The movement in liabilities related to insurance contracts breaks down as follows:In millions of euros Year to 31 Dec. 2007 Year to 31 Dec. 2006LIABILITIES RELATED TO CONTRACTS AT START OF PERIOD 91,391 80,613Additions to insurance contract technical reserves and deposits taken on fi nancial contractsrelated to life insurance 13,802 14,533Claims and benefi ts paid (6,744) (6,500)Contracts portfolio disposals (294) -Effect of changes in scope of consolidation 63 289Effect of movements in exchange rates (364) (53)Effect of changes in value of admissible investments related to unit-linked business 916 2,509LIABILITIES RELATED TO CONTRACTS AT END OF PERIOD 98,770 91,391Please refer to Note 5.i for details of reinsurers’ share of technical reserves.5.n PROVISIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES AND CHARGESIn millions of euros Year to 31 Dec. 2007 Year to 31 Dec. 2006TOTAL PROVISIONS AT START OF PERIOD 4,718 3,850Additions to provisions 1,050 1,154Reversals of provisions (534) (962)Provisions utilised (758) (890)Impact of the consolidation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 260 1,620Effect of movements in exchange rates and other movements 2 (54)TOTAL PROVISIONS AT END OF PERIOD 4,738 4,718At 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2007, provisions for contingenciesand charges mainly included provisions for post-employment benefits(Note 7.b), for impairment related to credit risks (Note 2.e), for risks on➤➤PROVISIONS FOR REGULATED SAVINGS PRODUCT RISKSDeposits, loans and savings – home savings accounts (CEL) and home savings plans (PEL)regulated savings products and for litigation in connection with bankingtransactions.In millions of euros 31 December 2007 31 December 2006Deposits collected under home savings accounts and plans 15,995 17,581of which deposits collected under home savings plans 12,890 14,417aged more than 10 years 4,476 5,223aged between 4 and 10 years 6,542 7,016aged less than 4 years 1,872 2,178Outstanding loans granted under home savings accounts and plans 552 643of which loans granted under home savings plans 150 213Provisions recognised for home savings accounts and plans 135 216of which home savings plans 97 171aged more than 10 years 51 91aged between 4 and 10 years 33 65aged less than 4 years 13 1512345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 165

5 NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the financial s tatements p repared in accordance with I nternational Financial Reporting S tandards as adopted by the European Union< Contents >Goodwill by core business is as follows:In millions of eurosCarrying amount at31 December <strong>2007</strong>Carrying amount at31 December 2006 (1)International Retail banking and Financial Services 6,108 6,503of which BancWest Corp 3,412 3,771of which Consumer Credit 1,546 1,525of which Contract Hire and Fleet Management 649 697Italian Retail Banking (BNL bc) 1,698 1,602Asset Management and Services 1,705 1,408of which BNP Paribas Personal Investors 403 385Corporate and Investment Banking 445 428French Retail Banking 68 23Other Activities 220 198TOTAL 10,244 10,162(1)The creation of a new retail banking unit in Italy in the first half of <strong>2007</strong> led to certain transfers between business segments. In order to facilitate period-on-periodcomparisons of goodwill, the carrying amounts at 31 December 2006 have been restated to reflect the new organisational structure.12345.m TECHNICAL RESERVES OF INSURANCE COMPANIESIn millions of euros 31 December <strong>2007</strong> 31 December 2006Liabilities related to insurance contracts 82,471 74,795Gross technical reservesUnit-linked contracts 36,226 33,027Other insurance contracts 46,245 41,768Liabilities related to financial contracts 8,014 8,457Liabilities related to fi nancial contracts with discretionary participation feature 8,014 8,457Policyholders’ surplus 2,835 3,792TOTAL TECHNICAL RESERVES OF INSURANCE COMPANIES 93,320 87,044Liabilities related to unit-linked fi nancial contracts (1) 5,450 4,347TOTAL LIABILITIES RELATED TO CONTRACTS WRITTEN BY INSURANCECOMPANIES 98,770 91,391567(1)Liabilities related to unit-linked financial contracts are included in “Due to customers” (Note 5.e).The policyholders’ surplus reserve arises from the application of shadowaccounting. It represents the interest of policyholders, mainly withinFrench life insurance subsidiaries, in unrealised gains and losses onassets where the benefit paid under the policy is linked to the return onthose assets. This interest, set at 95% for France, is an average derivedfrom stochastic analyses of unrealised gains and losses attributable topolicyholders in various scenarios.891011164<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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