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1 TheTHE BNP PARIBAS GROUPGroup’s core businesses and divisionsThe infrastructure teams turned in a sparkling performance, makingmajor advances in Europe and taking advantage of the opportunitiesoffered by acquisition transactions.Lastly, Global Trade Services continued to expand its operations on boththe United States and European markets, benefiting from last year’screation of a single team covering the entire structured trade offeringfor the financing of import-export trading.Global Trade Services’ project financing and marine financing businessexpanded significantly in Italy on the back of the BNL acquisition.Cash ManagementWithin BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Banking, the CashManagement business provides international companies with anextensive array of global cash management and liquidity solutions.These services developed in close cooperation with the French RetailBanking’s Cash Management Department are based on state of the arttechnologies and on a wide geographical coverage encompassing Europe,Asia and the Americas. In 2007, The Bank’s offer continued to evolveto remain at the forefront of the latest market developments such asPayment Factory services and the launch in January 2008 of the SingleEuro Payment Area (SEPA).The quality of this international offer is demonstrated by Euromoneymagazine’s rankings of October 2007:■ n° 3 for cross-border cash pooling;■ n° 3 for global liquidity capabilities;■ n° 5 in Europe for international cash management services;■ n° 8 at global level.In 2007, supported by a dedicated sales force organized around a centralteam as well as experienced professionals in some 30 countries, the CashManagement business continued to develop its market penetration.BNP Paribas has been chosen by numerous clients from all geographicareas thus strengthening client relationships and generating multi-yearrecurring revenues.< Contents >Structured FinanceAt the crossroads of lending and capital markets, Structured Financedesigns tailor-made financings for clients on a worldwide level.Structured Finance (SF) professionals bring their expertise to corporates,financial institutions, private equity sponsors and local governmentauthorities. Whether for an acquisition, a structured or a plain vanillafinancing, Structured Finance provides custom-made solutions with thelatest financial architecture and the best placement on the appropriatedebt markets. Structured Finance manages the full spectrum fromorigination and structuring to underwriting and distribution on theloan syndication markets.CIB Structured Finance operates around the world through three mainplatforms – Paris/London, New York and Hong Kong, with teams presentin 18 locations, bringing to the local level the talents and specific skills ofour experts to develop long-term client and investor relationships.Awards & rankings:■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” for Media &Telecoms in the EMEA region in the first half of 2007 by volume ofdeals – Dealogic;■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” for Leveraged Media& Telecoms in the EMEA region in the first half of 2007 by volumeof deals – Dealogic;■ n° 2 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” in the EMEAregion in the first half of 2007 by volume of deals for syndicatedloans – Thomson IFR;■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” in Italy by volume and by number of deals for fullyear 2006 – Dealogic;■ n° 4 “Bookrunner” for European Leveraged Loans – Thomson IFR(1 January 2007 – 3 November 2007);■ n° 3 Eurozone “High-Yield Issuers” – Thomson IFR (1 January 2007 –3 November 2007).1234567891011142007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

1 TheTHE BNP PARIBAS GROUPGroup’s core businesses and divisionsThe infrastructure teams turned in a sparkling performance, makingmajor advances in Europe and taking advantage of the opportunitiesoffered by acquisition transactions.Lastly, Global Trade Services continued to expand its operations on boththe United States and European markets, benefiting from last year’screation of a single team covering the entire structured trade offeringfor the financing of import-export trading.Global Trade Services’ project financing and marine financing businessexpanded significantly in Italy on the back of the BNL acquisition.Cash ManagementWithin BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Banking, the CashManagement business provides international companies with anextensive array of global cash management and liquidity solutions.These services developed in close cooperation with the French RetailBanking’s Cash Management Department are based on state of the arttechnologies and on a wide geographical coverage encompassing Europe,Asia and the Americas. In <strong>2007</strong>, The Bank’s offer continued to evolveto remain at the forefront of the latest market developments such asPayment Factory services and the launch in January 2008 of the SingleEuro Payment Area (SEPA).The quality of this international offer is demonstrated by Euromoneymagazine’s rankings of October <strong>2007</strong>:■ n° 3 for cross-border cash pooling;■ n° 3 for global liquidity capabilities;■ n° 5 in Europe for international cash management services;■ n° 8 at global level.In <strong>2007</strong>, supported by a dedicated sales force organized around a centralteam as well as experienced professionals in some 30 countries, the CashManagement business continued to develop its market penetration.BNP Paribas has been chosen by numerous clients from all geographicareas thus strengthening client relationships and generating multi-yearrecurring revenues.< Contents >Structured FinanceAt the crossroads of lending and capital markets, Structured Financedesigns tailor-made financings for clients on a worldwide level.Structured Finance (SF) professionals bring their expertise to corporates,financial institutions, private equity sponsors and local governmentauthorities. Whether for an acquisition, a structured or a plain vanillafinancing, Structured Finance provides custom-made solutions with thelatest financial architecture and the best placement on the appropriatedebt markets. Structured Finance manages the full spectrum fromorigination and structuring to underwriting and distribution on theloan syndication markets.CIB Structured Finance operates around the world through three mainplatforms – Paris/London, New York and Hong Kong, with teams presentin 18 locations, bringing to the local level the talents and specific skills ofour experts to develop long-term client and investor relationships.Awards & rankings:■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” for Media &Telecoms in the EMEA region in the first half of <strong>2007</strong> by volume ofdeals – Dealogic;■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” for Leveraged Media& Telecoms in the EMEA region in the first half of <strong>2007</strong> by volumeof deals – Dealogic;■ n° 2 “Bookrunner” and “Mandated Lead Arranger” in the EMEAregion in the first half of <strong>2007</strong> by volume of deals for syndicatedloans – Thomson IFR;■ n° 1 “Bookrunner” in Italy by volume and by number of deals for fullyear 2006 – Dealogic;■ n° 4 “Bookrunner” for European Leveraged Loans – Thomson IFR(1 January <strong>2007</strong> – 3 November <strong>2007</strong>);■ n° 3 Eurozone “High-Yield Issuers” – Thomson IFR (1 January <strong>2007</strong> –3 November <strong>2007</strong>).123456789101114<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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