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<strong>MORENO</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>UNIFIED</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong>MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF JUNE 28, 2005The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 28, 2005, are being submitted to the Board of Educationfor approval at its Regular Board Meeting of July 19, 2005. The minutes are a complete and factualrecord of action taken by the Board of Education at its Regular Meeting of June 28, 2005.<strong>MORENO</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>UNIFIED</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong>25634 Alessandro BoulevardMoreno Valley, CaliforniaTHESE PROCEEDINGS ARE AUDIO/VIDEOTAPED PURSUANT TO GOV. CODE §54953.5AND REBROADCAST ON CHANNEL 16CALL TO ORDER:The Board of Education opened the meeting at 5:06 p.m. to convene into ClosedSession to discuss Special Education Private School Placement Cases; HearingOfficer Recommendations; Public Employee Employment; Public EmployeeDiscipline/Dismissal/Release/Non-Reelects; Conference with CSEA, MVEA andAMVMP Labor Negotiator; and Personnel Complaints.Members PresentJesus M. Holguin, PresidentRichard Coz, Vice PresidentRick Sayre, ClerkJacqueline L. Ashe, MemberTracey B. Vackar, MemberAdministrationNicolas D. FergusonThe Board of Education reconvened into Regular Session at 7:08 p.m.ROLL CALL:Present - Ashe Present- Coz Present - Holguin Present - Sayre Present- VackarREPORT OUT OFCLOSED SESSION: President Jesus Holguin reported that the employment contract for Dr. PatChandler, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, was extended untilSeptember 30, 2006, on a vote of 5-0.Administration PresentPat Chandler, Assistant Superintendent, Educational ServicesRobert Crank, Assistant Superintendent, Business ServicesOlivia Hershey, Assistant Superintendent, Human ResourcesWillie Williams, Principal, Badger Springs Middle SchoolDebbie Fay, Principal, Mountain View Middle SchoolMaribel Mattox, Principal, Edgemont Elementary SchoolWade Hamilton, Principal, Ridge Crest Elementary SchoolDiana Emanuel, Principal, Butterfield Elementary SchoolSheryl Sanford, Administrative Assistant, SuperintendentS-24CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005

VisitorsJanet McMillan Ann Adler Lequice JuckesDeanna Sands Susan Russell Debbie DavisRobin SandsNOTE: ALL BOARD ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO: INFORMATION, DISCUSSION, ACTIONPLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE:INSPIRATIONS:The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board Member Coz.Board Member Sayre addressed the new graduating students who would beleaving high school to become citizens and grow into adults. He hopes they findsuccess and happiness, and will serve their country in multi-faceted ways tobecome productive, honest citizens to continue the heritage of this great country.DATES OF FUTURE BOARD MEETINGSJuly 19, 2005 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting Board RoomAugust 16, 2005 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting Board RoomSeptember 13, 2005 7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting Board RoomAn additional Board meeting was added on July 29, 2005 at 12:00 p.m. This is a Special Boardmeeting to address hearing officer recommendations (student cases).RECOGNITION/COMMUNICATIONS/EVENTSMarlea Ortloff from the Eastern Municipal Water District recognized Melissa Montes, a first gradestudent at Ridge Crest Elementary School, as an area poster contest winner. Melissa’s winning artwork will be on the next calendar produced by Eastern Municipal Water District.The Board of Education recognized the following retirees:Gloria Ammerman, Butterfield teacher, effective June 18, 2005Retirees not in attendance this evening include:Loren Newkirk, Music teacher, Badger Springs, effective June 18, 2005Dan Hansen, Canyon Springs teacher, effective June 23, 2005Wilmore Williams, Mountain View teacher, effective June 18, 2005Janice Johnston, Library Media II, North Ridge, effective July 6, 2005Paul Andersen, Counselor, Valley View, effective June 23, 2005Karen Lesser, Art teacher, Valley View, effective June 23, 2005Frederick Erickson, Mountain View teacher, effective June 18, 2005Gail Healey, Sunnymead Elementary teacher, effective June 18, 2005<strong>SCHOOL</strong> REPORTSThere were no school reports.S-25CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005STAFF RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENTS MADE AT PREVIOUS MEETINGS

A classified employee expressed his concern about the transfer process. Human Resources staff metwith him and his CSEA representative to explain the process.A CSEA spokesperson encouraged the parties to negotiate a new contract.negotiations twice last week.The parties met inA classified employee shared a concern regarding the new payroll system not having the capability ofproviding direct deposit to more than one bank account. The employee was informed that, while thenew system is limited to one direct deposit account, most banks and credit unions provide a service toelectronically transfer funds to other accounts.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMSNonePUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMSLequice Juckes, President of the California School Employee Association (CSEA), Moreno ValleyChapter 410, thanked the management team at the negotiating table; the Board of Education for theircontinued support; and her fellow classified members for their show of support, encouraging words,and continued confidence in their elected leadership. Working together in a collaborative andprofessional manner will make Moreno Valley the best district for classified, certificated, managementstaff, and children.PUBLIC HEARINGSBusiness Services – Consent Item 306 – Resolution No. 2004-05-98 of the Board of Education of theMoreno Valley Unified School District Approving the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration, MitigationMeasures, and Monitoring Program for the Installation of Relocatables at Vista del Lago High SchoolThere were no public comments.It was moved by Richard Coz and seconded by Rick Sayre that the Public Hearing on Consent Item306 – Resolution No. 2004-05-98, be closed with action being taken under the Action portion of theagenda.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY - 0 ABSTAIN - 0Business Services - Discussion/Action Item – 375 – Adoption of 2005-06 BudgetThere were no public comments.It was moved by Richard Coz and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar that the Public Hearing onDiscussion/Action Item 375 – Adoption of the 2005-06 Budget, be closed with action being taken underthe Action portion of the agenda.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY - 0 ABSTAIN - 0CONSENT AGENDAIt was moved by Rick Sayre and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar that the Consent Agenda be approvedas presented, pulling Consent Items 401, 416, and 424 for a separate vote.Board Member Vackar shared a concern regarding Consent Item 201 – Approve Overnight Field Tripsabout the number of chaperones traveling with students. She wants to make sure that we are followingBoard policy regarding chaperones.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 0CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005S-26Action Item 401 was pulled. No action was taken.

It was moved by Rick Sayre and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar to approve Consent Item 416 aspresented.VOTE: AYE - 4 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 1 (Holguin)It was moved by Rick Sayre and seconded by Jacqueline L. Ashe to approve Consent Item 424 aspresented.VOTE: AYE - 4 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 1 (Vackar)ACTION AGENDABoard Member Sayre asked for clarification on Action Item 325 – Workers’ Compensation ExcessInsurance. He asked that since the District had a good record, the premium has been reduced and theexcess insurance is the part that covers our not-self-insured fund. Mr. Crank indicated that wascorrect. Would it be prudent to put the excess savings into our self-insured fund? Mr. Crank will lookinto this idea. Board Member Vackar suggested that this be run through the Joint Fiscal ManagementCommittee and the Budget Advisory Committee.It was moved by Tracey B. Vackar and seconded by Rick Sayre that the Action Agenda be approved aspresented.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 0DISCUSSION/ACTION AGENDAEDUCATIONAL SERVICES275 Adopt Local Education Plan AddendumDr. Pat Chandler, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, gave an executive summarythat staff has been working to revise the Local Education Plan. The District worked with theRiverside County Office of Education in developing the new plan.There are five areas of recommendation for improvement and the District Assessment Teamidentified 17 high priority recommendations.1. “Adequate Yearly Progress” needs to be made, as defined by federal regulations, forstudents proficient in language arts and mathematics. We have given ourselvesincremental progress to achieve these goals.2. The graduation rate needs to increase each year, and our participation rate stays at 9percent. We need to strengthen the core academic program, take actions to improvestudent achievement, and provide professional development.3. We also have goals for the English Language Learners. Annual measurable achievementobjectives look at students that make one level growth over one year of time on the CELTtest, and how many students obtain English proficiency or are redesignated. The Districtexceeds these goals at this time.4. Offer extended day and extended year opportunities for students.5. The District needs to have more parent involvement, facilitate two-way communication,and provide resources and opportunities to parents to support their children’s academicsuccess.CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005S-27Monies will come from categorical funds uncommitted to other sources. The next step is tocontinue a subset of the District Assessment Team to monitor each of the areas to make sure we

are making progress or where we need improvement and to report back to the Board of Educationon a periodic basis. We will also contract with the Riverside County Office of Education to help invarious areas including training, the English Language Learners program, and other areas in whichthey can provide assistance.A discussion took place regarding resources and training. The resources are available this yearwith the expectations of continued funding. Two principals spoke regarding the training they havereceived. They felt the District could implement the plan, and that the training would help with theadoption of the program by putting all schools on the same core curriculum, testing, andexpectations. This program is designed to help students in subgroups that fell short of theAdequate Yearly Progress.There was some concern regarding funding for the new positions that are being implemented. TheDistrict has been very careful to make sure there was ongoing funding for these positions. It ismoney that was redefined for this purpose. Most of the administrators will have completed thetraining in AB466, and the District plans to create its own staff development program for the future.There will be an annual review to see what is working and what should be changed. Some Boardpolicies will need to be reviewed, updated, and approved by the Board of Education. The teamwas thanked and commended for its hard work.It was moved by Tracey B. Vackar and seconded by Richard Coz that the Discussion/Action Agenda275 be approved as presented.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 0276 Approve High School CourseIntroductory to Earth ScienceDr. Chandler indicated that this item is the first reading on a new course they are proposing. Itcame about through conversations that were held with the Science Subject Advisory Council.They were reviewing the curriculum and requirements for the California Standards test in highschool and discovered that the test didn’t match our 9 th grade science curriculum in PhysicalScience. We had teachers develop an introductory Earth Science course with appropriatetextbooks and which matched the California Content Standards and the Earth Science test thatwe give at the high school level. We are proposing that we adopt this course in place of aPhysical Science course. We are prepared to move forward with this in September.A discussion took place regarding the costs for a replacement textbook. It would cost about$150,000 which would be paid for out of the instructional materials funds that are designated forthis. This would give a greater opportunity for our students.Staff was directed to bring back Discussion/Action Item 276 in July for Board approval.277 First Reading – Board PolicyBP 5113.2 Work PermitsDr. Pat Chandler indicated a Board Policy on Work Experience Education is being presented forfirst reading and will be brought to the next Board meeting for adoption with the accompanyingAdministrative Regulation. The changes reflect the most current State Department of Educationrequirements for work permits.CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005S-28

A discussion took place regarding the policy language. The District did not have a Board Policyaddressing work permits. It was included in the work experience policy. It is cleaner toseparate them. Work Experience Coordinators helped make the changes and made sure theDistrict was in compliance. Most of the changes will be in the Administrative Regulation. TheDistrict will no longer be issuing work permits unless the student is enrolled in our district.Private schools will issue their own permits.This item will be brought back for second reading and adoption in July.BUSINESS SERVICES375 Adoption of 2005-06 BudgetBob Crank presented the proposed 2005-06 budget. The budget is developed throughassumptions until the State budget is passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor.One of the key issues with the budget is that a 20 percent increase could happen if the Stateshifts the STRS contribution to the school districts. A discussion took place regarding thecontribution.Dr. Ferguson provided some background information. Over 30 years ago, the formula was thatthe State paid 2 percent for STRS. A couple of years ago in the legislature, the 30-year termexpired. The Davis administration continued the formula; however, the new administration saidit wanted to charge the 2 percent is to the school district for the first time in 30+ years. Thiswould be a $2.3 million added expense in Moreno Valley that has been funded before. Thischange was in the Governor’s proposal but was not supported by the Democratic Caucus. It willprobably wind up in a budget committee.Board Member Sayre asked the Superintendent if we were aggressively fighting this cut. Hesuggested we give the Superintendent the authority to prepare a letter to send to the Governorand local legislators that asks them to reconsider this proposal and have it signed by the Board,the Superintendent, and the Associations. He also suggested that other Riverside Countyschool boards get involved. Board Member Coz suggested that a resolution be presented.Board Member Vackar also suggested that supporting documentation from School Services ofCalifornia be included in the letter so that the legislators really understand the issue.A discussion took place regarding long term funds that must be set aside. The money is ondeposit with the County Treasurer. The District earns interest on it and places the interest intothe General Fund. Board Member Sayre had a concern that the employees with accruedvacation time receive raises throughout the years and asked how the District covers thisincrease. Bob Crank stated that the amount is recalculated each year as people retire or usethe vacation time.Board Member Sayre mentioned that he saw cafeteria tables that were tattered and asked if thecafeteria fund could be used to purchase new tables? Bob Crank will look into it.Board President Holguin asked about the General Fund unrestricted multi-year projections. Hehad a concern about how it was being reported and thought that it might be misleading to thepublic. Bob Crank stated that it was projected that all money would be spent. That will not be areality, but it is used as assumptions. When the books are closed, it will be set up as deferredrevenue or restricted account. The unaudited actuals will provide detail of these funds.S-29CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005

Mr. Holguin stated that part of this money is actually restricted (categoricals, etc.), part isunrestricted, but it has all been reported as unrestricted. Bob Crank stated that in reality, theunrestricted is not going to change. If the restricted funds have balances, it will drive it thatmuch higher.Tracey Vackar asked if we do not spend all of our money that is restricted, does the District turnit back to the State. Bob Crank assured her that it is either spent or carried over.It was moved by Tracey Vackar and seconded by Richard Coz that the Action Agenda beapproved as presented.VOTE: AYE - 5 NAY- 0 ABSTAIN – 0376 First Reading – Board PolicyBP 3110 – Budget as a Spending PlanBP 3720 – Student TransportationBob Crank indicated language has been added to Board Policy 3110 to clarify that categoricalprograms shall be self-supporting and Board Policy 3720 adds language to increase thetransportation fees by the annual Consumer Price Index.These items will be brought back to the next Board meeting for adoption.VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ITEMSV-A Administrative RegulationAR 6178.1 – Work Experience EducationV-BAdministrative RegulationAR 1330 – Use of School FacilitiesThe following items were brought forward:Tracey B. VackarShe had no comments.Jacqueline L. AsheShe had no comments.Rick SayreHe stated that the graduations were great and a lot of kids graduated. We are all very proud ofthem.He looks forward to the beginning of the new school year.He recognized another successful school year.Rewards are being used for 100 percent attendance. He asked if the money left in his budgetcould be used to offer rewards, by a drawing or lottery as an incentive for perfect attendance, atschools with the worst attendance. He asked Bob Crank to freeze the money until we decide whatto do. Dr. Ferguson said that we would look into it.Richard CozHe had no comments.S-30CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005

Jesus M. HolguinHe stated that we do not have a State budget, and it really hurts education and society. It is hard tobudget without it. It is a shame we have to hold a special election and that we are spending dollarsthat could be used for education. He hopes that the results are in favor of education and we canmove forward and adopt the programs that would benefit our students.He appreciates the suggestion of a resolution to fight the STRS shift.He knows of several groups in the county and all over the state who are fighting against eliminatingProposition 98 and the items the Governor has been discussing that will affect education. We needto continue working together to find a way to work in favor of education.Congratulations to all the students who graduated and were promoted.Nick FergusonHe echoed his appreciation for the leadership Dr. Chandler gave on the LEAP. It was a team effortwith Educational Services, MVEA, CSEA, AMVMP, and all our managers. It was impressive.ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business to come before the Board of Education, themeeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.S-31CONSENT ITEM – 106SUPERINTENDENTJULY 19, 2005

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