praxis grammatica - California State University, Sacramento

praxis grammatica - California State University, Sacramento

praxis grammatica - California State University, Sacramento


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A New Edition<br />

John Harmer 1623


A New Edition<br />

John Harmar, 1623<br />

Edited by<br />

Mark T. Riley & Giles Laurén<br />


Copyright © 2012<br />

by Giles Laurén & Mark Riley<br />

John Harmar (c.1594-1670)<br />

ISBN: 978-0985081126<br />

0 98508 1120<br />

Design by Sophron.


Can anyone in good faith tell us of a schoolboy<br />

who was beholden to his McGuffy Reader or his<br />

Kennedy’s Latin Grammar? I think not, and so it is<br />

that the schoolbooks of former times are in such<br />

scarce supply today. Used by the ultimate young<br />

scholar they were with youthful exuberance tossed<br />

into the blaze of the communal hearth. Thus it is<br />

our destiny to possess but two copies of a Praxis<br />

Grammatica printed in 1623 [STC 12792]; one at the<br />

British Library and another at the Bodelian,<br />

although the book may have undergone the<br />

sufferance of many scholars in an age when a<br />

knowledge of Latin possessed all of the cachets of<br />

the modern MBA. It would be interesting to know<br />

how many copies of our current multiplex of textbook<br />

editions on economics and investment theory<br />

will survive half a millennia and of even more<br />

interest to know how they will be judged in future.<br />

Our present acquaintance with the Praxis<br />

derives from a fortuitous decision by the Scolar<br />

Press to print a facsimile edition of the Praxis<br />

Grammatica in 1969 and from N. S. Gill’s use of it<br />

o n h e r e x c e l l e n t w e b s i t e :<br />

ancienthistory.about.com. This website further<br />

offers a Praxis weekly newsletter and aids to

Praxis translation. The book is also posted online<br />

by St. Louis <strong>University</strong> in their Paedagogica<br />

Latina section along with an English translation.<br />

The translation used herein is mainly the work of<br />

the St. Louis scholars.<br />

From the Scolar edition:<br />

John Harmar (ca. 1594-1670) was professor of<br />

Greek at Oxford for ten years (1650-1660), a post<br />

held by his uncle John Harmar from 1585-1588,<br />

and published among other works an important<br />

revision of Joannes Scapula's great Lexicon<br />

Graeco-Latinum (1637, and subsequently<br />

reprinted many times), a revised edition of<br />

William Bathe's popular Janua linguarum in<br />

1626, while he was headmaster of St. Albans<br />

School, and a translation of Daniel Heinsius's In<br />

cruentum Christi sacrificium (1613) as The<br />

Mirrour of Humilitie (1618). The Praxis<br />

Grammatica, published anonymously, but<br />

undoubtedly by Harmar, was written for the use<br />

of Magdalen College School (he was a Magdalen<br />

scholar himself) and was designed to teach the<br />

rudiments of Latin grammar inductively, a<br />

method rarely found in English school-books.<br />

Although an interesting survival of a linguistic<br />

method extensively used by the early sixteenthcentury<br />

grammarians (e.g. Erasmus and Valla),<br />

the work was not apparently a success, no<br />

subsequent edition seems to have been called for,<br />

and the work to our knowledge was never<br />

reprinted.<br />

In Harmer’s time the Magdalen College School<br />

was a grammar school attached to the College to

educate the College’s choir boys and gifted local<br />

children.<br />

The present volume intends to make the Praxis<br />

available at low cost in an effort to make known<br />

and demonstrate the ongoing value of John<br />

Harmer’s slender work as a rational, well founded<br />

contribution to the education of an earlier<br />

pedagogical tradition and to that of today. Many of<br />

the exercises have been translated many times; their<br />

delight lies in the difficulty of improving upon the<br />

previous translations and will offer challenge and<br />

amusement to any latinist.




Exercises! 3<br />

Sententiæ.! 29<br />

Facetiae & argutè dicta.! 45<br />


Exercises! 67<br />

Maxims.! 88<br />

Witticisms and striking utterances! 102


The Church kept Latin and classical learning<br />

alive through the Dark and early Medieval Ages;<br />

the only universal European language and unifying<br />

force. With the opening of the universities in the<br />

twelfth century it was only natural that all<br />

instruction was given in Latin; to this day there is a<br />

section in Paris called the Quartier Latin where<br />

students from all over Europe came to study<br />

together.<br />

By the introduction of the printing press in the<br />

late fifteenth century a network of Humanist<br />

scholars was already in place across Europe.<br />

Imagine Erasmus, who claimed to have forgotten<br />

how to speak Dutch, corresponding in Latin with<br />

every corner of Europe. The importance of printing<br />

was unequalled until the recent introduction of the<br />

internet.<br />

It was rare for anything to be written in anything<br />

other than Latin before Petrarch so it is not<br />

surprising that there is a large body of Latin<br />

writing, usually called neo-Latin, from about 1300,<br />

the time of Dante and Petrarch, down to our own<br />

time. This category includes an immense number of<br />

works, especially from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and


seventeenth centuries, ranging from verse to fiction<br />

to science. Even as late as 1741 Ludvig Holberg<br />

could write a long Latin novel about Nicholas<br />

Klimt’s underground journey, the ancestor of Jules<br />

Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth, and a<br />

better novel. Certainly from the fifteenth and<br />

sixteenth centuries there is far more Latin literature<br />

extant than the Romans ever thought about writing.<br />

So how did the language maintain itself, despite the<br />

fact that, by that time, it was no one’s mother<br />

tongue? The answer is simple; the schools did it<br />

using materials such as Harmar’s Praxis<br />

Grammatica.<br />

We know a lot about what we would call<br />

elementary and secondary education during the<br />

period in question; the best modern description of<br />

Elizabethan schools is Thomas Baldwin’s William<br />

Shakespere’s Small Latine and Lesse Greek, an<br />

exhaustive treatment (in 2 volumes) of grammar<br />

school education in England. Baldwin translates or<br />

quotes in English detailed surviving lesson plans<br />

and syllabi from Eton, Winchester, St. Paul’s, and<br />

other schools, giving us an exact knowledge of<br />

what happened – or was supposed to happen – in<br />

these schools.<br />

At about the age of five a child could enter a<br />

“petty” school attached to a grammar school. In the<br />

petty school he (or she, girls attended these<br />

schools) mastered the alphabet and learned to read


and write in English. In England and throughout<br />

Europe he would learn by heart the Paternoster, the<br />

Creed, and the Ten Commandments. At the age of<br />

seven or eight the child would enter the grammar<br />

school proper, where he stayed for about seven<br />

years. The grammar school’s function was clearly<br />

defined and understood by everyone: it was to<br />

teach Latin. The student memorised grammar,<br />

memorised texts, analysed texts, composed in Latin<br />

every day, copied texts into his commonplace book,<br />

and so on. No one had any doubt that Latin was the<br />

necessary language to learn, the medium of<br />

traditional and contemporary scholarship, theology,<br />

law, medicine, international relations, and so on. In<br />

fact in international relations at the time Latin was<br />

the universal language.<br />

Perhaps needless to say, teaching the boys to<br />

read, write, and speak this inflected language took<br />

much time and effort. Pupils were in school for 8 to<br />

10 hours, six days per week, usually starting at 6:00<br />

or 7:00 am. Here is the schedule for Eton in 1560:<br />

at 6:00 pupils were taught about parts of speech and<br />

forms of verbs. At 7:00 they were quizzed orally on<br />

the previous hour’s work. At 8:00 they were<br />

assigned a passage to be translated or to be rewritten<br />

or versified, depending on the grade they<br />

were in. At 9:00 they wrote a prose composition on<br />

a set theme or else studied Latin authors, Terence or<br />

Caesar in the lower grades, Cicero, Ovid, or Vergil<br />

in the upper. From these authors they had to excerpt


proverbs, phrases, moral maxims, fables, and so on.<br />

Prayers at 10:00 were followed by lunch. From<br />

12:00 to 2:00 the boys were examined on what they<br />

had read. At 4:00 they translated prepared passages<br />

from other authors and repeated their memorised<br />

precepts. At 6:00 they translated from English into<br />

Latin. At 8:00 they went to bed. On the weekends<br />

they studied religious texts.<br />

In the first three years, the student memorised<br />

one of the Latin grammars in common use.<br />

Exercises included translating into Latin words or<br />

phrases set by the teacher. Students were expected,<br />

or required, to speak only Latin in the school. Here<br />

books like Harmar’s Praxis would come into use,<br />

phrase books to help students attain a good<br />

speaking knowledge, By the end of the third year<br />

the pupil had read Aesop and the Distichs of Cato.<br />

He could diagram sentences, recognize all the<br />

<strong>grammatica</strong>l forms, vary and rephrase sentences,<br />

and recognize the Latin poetic meters. Readings<br />

came from the Bible and from dialogues of<br />

Erasmus and Vives.<br />

John Harmar’s work was intended for these<br />

students in their first three years. He supplies useful<br />

phrases for classroom conversation, helpfully<br />

graded according to <strong>grammatica</strong>l usage. For<br />

example, numbers 1-33 practice the indicative<br />

tenses of the verb esse; 34-38 the imperatives of<br />

esse; then come the subjunctive forms of esse; then


many examples of esse in the various subjunctive<br />

clauses with ut and cum. Numbers 86- 170 practice<br />

all the possible <strong>grammatica</strong>l forms of the first<br />

conjugation verb amo, amare, including the supine<br />

and the future participle. Numbers 171-222 practice<br />

the second conjugation verb doceo, docêre;<br />

numbers 223-262 the third conjugation verb lego,<br />

legere; and numbers 263-300 the fourth<br />

conjugation verb audio, audire. The following<br />

sentences practice various noun forms. The whole<br />

is well planned to supply ready reference material<br />

for any <strong>grammatica</strong>l difficulty encountered in class.<br />

The student may puzzle over the pairs of sentences<br />

which have the same translation, such as numbers:<br />

76-77, 78-79, 80-81, 83-84, 124-125, 127-128, and<br />

others. We see here a survival of medieval Latin<br />

syntax, in which quod plus subjunctive is used for<br />

indirect statement rather than the more classical<br />

accusative and infinitive. This medieval usage,<br />

commonly used in the Vulgate Bible and far more<br />

natural to an English speaker than the classical<br />

construction, must have been heard in the spoken<br />

Latin of many seventeenth century teachers and<br />

students. Hence Harmar felt the need to practice it.<br />

The Sententiae (408ff.) supply maxims for the<br />

students’ moral and physical health (don’t eat too<br />

much, wash regularly), while the Facetiae, “witty<br />

stories,” supply enlightening, often humorous,<br />

incidents from ancient literature. We have<br />

identified the source for most of these stories, but


in fact Harmar probably got most of them from<br />

Erasmus’s Adagia or some other collection.<br />

In the fourth year students read the comedies of<br />

Terence, partly for their utility in developing verbal<br />

fluency in Latin. They also read Ovid and Vergil.<br />

Every day a pupil memorised a few verses of<br />

whatever author was being studied, parsed every<br />

word, listed all the rhetorical figures (syllepsis,<br />

metonymy, synecdoche, and so on). Then the<br />

student would translate the passage into English,<br />

and finally, with his English translation in front of<br />

him, retranslate the passage back into Latin. His<br />

version could then be compared with the original.<br />

In the fifth, sixth, and seventh years the readings<br />

became more difficult. Using anthologies, students<br />

compiled their own commonplace books of apt<br />

quotations. Harmar’s Praxis supplies much<br />

material for such commonplace books. Students<br />

read Vergil, especially the Eclogues and Georgics,<br />

which perhaps accounts for the popularity of<br />

pastoral as a genre in Neo-Latin. They also read<br />

Horace, Lucan, Martial, and Seneca. In all classes<br />

they continued composing in Latin in the style of<br />

the author being studied, in the better schools using<br />

the “double translation” method just mentioned:<br />

translating from Latin into English then back into<br />

Latin. They also wrote letters using Cicero as a<br />

model and gave orations and performed plays, all in<br />

Latin. Hundreds of academic dramas survive from


the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. These<br />

plays were produced for the parents and local<br />

dignitaries to show that the students were actually<br />

learning something, the something being Latin.<br />

These productions of course continued into the<br />

university years, for the few who attended<br />

university. During Queen Elizabeth’s visits to<br />

Oxford or Cambridge several Latin plays were<br />

produced for her entertainment.<br />

Perhaps we have given too much detail about<br />

sixteenth and seventeenth century education in<br />

England. But we want to emphasise the point that<br />

the language training provided by the grammar<br />

schools far exceeded any university graduate<br />

program anywhere today. Any reasonably diligent<br />

grammar school pupil had far better speaking and<br />

writing skills in Latin than virtually any modern<br />

Latin professor. In addition what we have described<br />

was the totality of elementary and secondary<br />

education. Any science, history, or philosophy<br />

which students might learn in grammar school<br />

came from the Latin texts, and most of what they<br />

learned subsequently at university also came from<br />

Latin texts. Hence the constant references to<br />

Roman history and politics. There are far more<br />

references to Caesar and Pompey in English<br />

literature of the period than to individual English<br />

kings, far more references to the noble Cato than to<br />

the noble Sir Thomas More. Moreover, since there<br />

were no alternative schools, most practical learning


was learned through apprenticeship. One<br />

investigator has found that there was one grammar<br />

school for every 5600 persons in England; by<br />

contrast official figures give one such school for<br />

every 24000 persons in 1864. Grammar schools,<br />

i.e. Latin schools, were not rare in Tudor and Stuart<br />

times when education meant training in Latin.<br />

Why was there such an emphasis on Latin? The<br />

reasons are not hard to discern. First, English was<br />

known only to its native speakers, perhaps four to<br />

five million people in 1600 - that is even if we<br />

could define “English language” as one entity at<br />

that time. (Even now accents and dialect<br />

differences can make understanding difficult, as<br />

Americans who watch the film Trainspotting or the<br />

“Little Britain” TV show from the BBC can attest.<br />

The situation in 1600 would have been far worse.)<br />

Latin was certainly the only way for a writer to<br />

gain an audience outside his native land. For<br />

example, much of Milton’s work for the<br />

Commonwealth consisted of Latin defences and<br />

diplomatic letters addressed to a European<br />

audience. Writing such addresses in English would<br />

have been a waste of time. The same was true in<br />

most of Europe at the time. Many writers state that<br />

they are writing in Latin to ensure the propagation<br />

of their work: Latin was an eternal language<br />

exempt from the mutations of time and capable of<br />

immortalising the writer’s efforts. Works in Latin


had at least the possibility of becoming a<br />

monumentum aere perennius.<br />

A second reason why men wrote in Latin is<br />

perhaps not so obvious. At the time, Latin was a<br />

more developed language than was English, with<br />

an ability to express concepts and ideas that the<br />

Elizabethan language lacked. Complaints about the<br />

insufficiency of English were not rare: the language<br />

was rude and barbarous, and it did not have the<br />

technical vocabulary required in specialised areas<br />

of language use, like theology or medicine. John<br />

David Rhys, the author of the first grammar of<br />

Welsh, Cambrobrytannicae cymraecaeve linguae<br />

institutiones (London 1592) wrote it in Latin both<br />

for an international audience and because it was<br />

easier to explain Welsh in Latin than in English.<br />

In 1532 Robert Estienne published the<br />

Thesaurus linguae latinae and yet Lord<br />

Chesterfield, was still lamenting in 1754, ... that it<br />

is "a sort of disgrace to our nation, that hitherto we<br />

have had no… standard of our language...”<br />

Fortunately, Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the<br />

English Language was published the following<br />

year (1755) and a reliable English dictionary was at<br />

last available.<br />

An inspection of the OED shows that much of<br />

our modern English is post-Elizabethan and how<br />

recent many words in current use are. Here are<br />

some words which were introduced into English


since 1600: surface, premium, equilibrium,<br />

specimen, formula, impetus, antenna, stimulus,<br />

complex and many more.<br />

In short, Latin had a ready-made vocabulary at<br />

hand, it had a long series of authoritative texts<br />

concerning history, theology, philosophy, politics,<br />

and other topics of international interest, and it<br />

gave its speakers access to the outside world. Who<br />

would not have chosen Latin? (A present-day<br />

analogy might be India, where English is the<br />

language of advancement.) Of course as the<br />

vernacular languages developed the vocabulary to<br />

discuss almost anything, these languages began to<br />

replace Latin. This happened first in Italy, then in<br />

France during the sixteenth century, in Germany<br />

and England during the seventeenth century, and<br />

finally in Scandinavia, where the last long original<br />

work of fiction in Latin, Holberg’s Iter<br />

Subterraneum, previously mentioned, was<br />

published in 1741. In the sciences, publication in<br />

Latin continued for a much longer period.<br />

Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-philosophicus and<br />

Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica<br />

were twentieth century publications.<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, 2012<br />

Mark Riley

Praxis Grammatica:<br />



&<br />

Conjugationum usum liquidò indicans,<br />

ad solidam & expeditam Etymologiæ<br />

Grammaticæ cognitionem assequendam<br />

concinnata.<br />

Cui tum Sententiarum, tum Facetiarum selectiorum<br />

cumulus accessit,<br />

In usum Schol. Magdal. Oxon.<br />

Maxima pendent ex minimi.


Lectori benevolo.<br />

Ego tecum (amice Lector) planè sentio. Probè<br />

conjectas. Prorsus indigna sunt haec leviuscula<br />

quae in lucem emittantur (de Praxi hac tantùm<br />

loquor.) Ita certè se res habet, nec inficias eo, si<br />

materiam spectes. Sin vero finem perpendas, aliter<br />

existimes. Praxis ista, de qua superiùs, ad captum,<br />

in usum, puerorum adhuc balbutientium<br />

attemperata est potissimùm, qui è grammaticis<br />

cunis primulùm erepserunt. Quibus utique hanc non<br />

minùs utilem & commodam, quàm accommodam<br />

futuram arbitror. Huic, uti vides, Sententias<br />

quasdam elegantiores argutioresque cum delectu<br />

perquisitas in quibus inest haud inculta oratio,<br />

consultò adjeci. Quin immò, Sententiis hisce<br />

apophthegmata aliquammulta ex Macrobio,<br />

Plutarcho, nec non ex amplissimo illo Des. Eras.<br />

penu deprompta, quà festiva, qua seria adjunxi,<br />

quae molestias istas praeceptoribus obrepere solitas<br />

subinde leniant, atque condiant. Quin cesso: ne<br />

longiorem justo praefationem minutijs hisce, ac<br />

!"#"!$%µ&%' praefixisse videar. Vale.


Exercises<br />

1. Ego sum hodie apud te pransurus.<br />

2. Tu es liberalis convivator.<br />

3. Ille est librorum helluo.<br />

4. Haec cantilena est suavissima.<br />

5. Haec avis est implumis.<br />

6. Hic paries est latericius.<br />

7. Hoc templum est ornatum.<br />

8. Hic puer est comes iucundissimus.<br />

9. Fratres tui sunt doctissimi viri.<br />

10. Vos estis victores, nos victi.<br />

11. Unus vir est quasi nullus vir.<br />

12. Non eram in schola hodie.<br />

13. Heri tu non eras in templo.<br />

14. Frater tuus non erat in pomario nostro, nec<br />

quis alius.<br />

15. Nos eramus domi vestrae.<br />

16. Vos eratis domi nostrae.<br />

17. Vestri parentes hodie erant domi meae.


18. Hodie non fui in schola, nec tu fuisti in ea.<br />

19. Tu idem es qui olim fuisti.<br />

20. Hic puer semper fuit melior fratre suo.<br />

21. Hesterno die fuimus in horto vestro.<br />

22. Vos fuistis in templo Maria Magdalenæ.<br />

23. Hîc fuerunt toti modii cerasorum &<br />

pomorum.<br />

24. Nemo fuerat heri in atrio, qu(d sciam.<br />

25. Superiore hebdomade fueras in ambulacris<br />

nostris.<br />

26. Frater tuus fuerat apud me nudiustertius.<br />

27. Meae sorores pridie non fuerant in triclinio.<br />

28. Ero posthac diligentior.<br />

29. Cras manè eris apud me.<br />

30. Hic puer erit aliquando vir doctus.<br />

31. Posthac (annuente Deo) diligentiores erimus.<br />

32. Vos eritis mihi multò gratissimi.<br />

33. Amici qui ex animo diligunt, erunt mihi longè<br />

carissimi.<br />

34. Esto pius & studiosus.<br />

35. Quilibet scholaris esto ad prælectionem<br />

attentus.<br />

36. Estote fideles, & eritis felices.

37. Omnes pueri cras sub diluculo sunto in<br />

schola.<br />

38. Hæc ita sunto.<br />

39. Frater tuus me rogat ut sim studiosus.<br />

40. Rogo te ut sis bonarum literarum avidus.<br />

41. Sit hæc nox tibi tranquilla & faustissima.<br />

42. Præceptores rogant nos discipulos ut simus<br />

diligentiores anno sequente quam fuimus<br />

præterito.<br />

43. Vos hortor ut sitis amicis intimis fidissimi.<br />

44. Hortare condiscipulos tuos ut sint ad scholam<br />

maturè.<br />

45. Rogabam fratrem tuum, ut esset meus<br />

amicus, sicut antea semper fuit.<br />

46. Rogabas nos ut essemus amici tui.<br />

47. Pater tuus rogabat me, ut essem socius tuus in<br />

studiis.<br />

48. Mater mea rogavit præceptorem meum, ut<br />

esset mihi aliquanto mitior.<br />

49. Præceptores sæpius hortati sunt discipulos<br />

suos, ut essent valde studiosi.<br />

50. Sæpenumero rogavi vos ut essetis mei<br />

memores.<br />

51. Sis bonus & felixque tuis.<br />

52. Si sim bonus, beatus ero.<br />



53. Si quis sit egenus, laboret.<br />

54. Si sitis pii, Deus vos amabit unicè.<br />

55. Si non simus cauti, præceptor nos opprimet<br />

hic ludentes tesseris.<br />

56. Utinam hic puer meus esset sodalis.<br />

57. Nescio an hæ pennæ & fistulæ sint meæ.<br />

58. Non dubito quin sis honestus puer.<br />

59. Si fuissem in templo, audivissem concionem.<br />

60. Si tu fuisses domi nostræ, edisses poma &<br />

nuces.<br />

61. Si frater tuus fuisset eruditus, accepisset a me<br />

pennam inauratam.<br />

62. Si fuissemus in horto Regis, vidissemus rosas<br />

& violas suavissimas.<br />

63. Si fuisset in schola, præceptor dedisset tibi<br />

cerasa quattuor & tria pira.<br />

64. Si Petrus, & Gulielmus, & Georgius, & filius<br />

præceptoris natu maximus fuissent unà<br />

mecum in foro, coemissem singulis illorum<br />

complures sagittas.<br />

65. Si fuero apud te aliquantisper, docebo te<br />

aliquas Grammaticæ regulas.<br />

66. Nescio an heri fueris in silva.<br />

67. Nescit pater ubi vos iam sitis.<br />

68. Nescio ego quis sit hic peregrinus.

69. Audio quod tui fratres sint boni adolescentes.<br />

70. Cum heri essem in schola, dixeram te pœnas<br />

daturum fore ob negligentiam.<br />

71. Cum fuissem nudiusquartus apud matrem<br />

tuam, illa me iussit ire adversum tibi.<br />

72. Cum essetis Parisiis, reliquistis me in cunis<br />

vagientem.<br />

73. Audio quod tu sis puer bonus.<br />

74. Audio te esse bonum puerum.<br />

75. Audio canes vestros venaticos esse voraces.<br />

76. Credo te fuisse facundum oratorem.<br />

77. Credo quod fueris facundus orator.<br />

78. Credo hæc pira non fuisse tibi grata.<br />

79. Credo quod hæc pira non fuerint tibi grata.<br />

80. Spero me futurum esse tuum convivam.<br />

81. Spero quod ego cras sim futurus tuus<br />

conviva.<br />

82. Credo sororem tuam futuram esse bonam<br />

feminam.<br />

83. Spero nos futuros esse doctos.<br />

LATIN TEXT 7<br />

84. Spero quod futuri simus docti.<br />

85. Spero hanc herbam esse salubrem.<br />

86. Amo Deum Patrem cœlestem, qui creavit me.


87. Nihil aequè amas ac Iesum Christum<br />

Salvatorem tuum.<br />

88. Me perinde amat ac si essem frater eius.<br />

89. Nos vicissim te amamus.<br />

90. Vos amatis lautas cenas.<br />

91. Illos ego felices duco, qui probitatem amant.<br />

92. Antehàc amabam te cum esses studiosus.<br />

93. Amabas, memini, bonas artes. Cur non<br />

amplius illas amas?<br />

94. Amabat me cum essem puer.<br />

95. Amabamus sorores tuas cum essent apud nos.<br />

96. Amabatis pira cùm essetis adolescentes.<br />

97. Nostri præceptores amabant fratres tuos cùm<br />

essent studiosi.<br />

98. Amavi te à puero.<br />

99. Amavisti me vicissim.<br />

100. Frater tuus semper amavit arcum & calamos.<br />

101. Semper amavimus eos, qui sunt nobis<br />

similes.<br />

102. Amavistis me propterea quod amavi vos.<br />

103. Qui recte faciunt lucem amant.<br />

104. Amaveram te, sed tu non amaveras me<br />

vicissim.<br />

105. Si amabis me, ego vicissim te amabo.

106. Boni bonos amabunt.<br />

107. Vale, & me ama.<br />

108. Amate pietatem & liberales artes.<br />

109. Rogo te ut ames parentes tuos.<br />

110. Rogas me ut amem fratrem tuum.<br />

111. Hortabor illum ut amet libros bonos.<br />

112. Ego sæpiusculè rogavi te, ut amares<br />

Nicolaum condiscipulum tuum.<br />

113. Pietatem ames, & eris beatus.<br />

LATIN TEXT 9<br />

114. Omnis puer præceptorem suum veneretur &<br />

amet.<br />

115. Amemus Deum & proximum nostrum.<br />

116. Nescio an ametis me, sicut ego vos amo.<br />

117. Amarem te, si talis esses, qualis videris.<br />

118. Si amarent me, ego illos vicissim amarem.<br />

119. Si amavissem fratrem tuum, ille quoque<br />

amavisset me.<br />

120. Amavissemus sorores tuas si fuissent bonæ.<br />

121. Si me amaveris, pergratum mihi feceris.<br />

122. Utinam semper amavissem pietatem.<br />

123. Utinam homines semper amarent Deum.<br />

124. Audivisti me amare tuos amicos.<br />

125. Audivisti quod amem tuos amicos.


126. Scis me amavisse Petrum fratrem tuum.<br />

127. Audio has mulieres semper amavisse viros<br />

suos.<br />

128. Audio quod hæ mulieres semper amaverint<br />

viros suos.<br />

129. Spero me amaturum esse libros bonos.<br />

130. Spero quod amaturus sim libros bonos.<br />

131. Spes est vos me amaturos esse.<br />

132. Spes est quod me sitis amaturi.<br />

133. Amandum est mihi.<br />

134. Amando & laudando puerum, efficies eum<br />

valde studiosum.<br />

135. Frater meus habet propositum amandi bona<br />

studia.<br />

136. Venio ad amandum sororem tuam.<br />

137. Venio ut amem sororem tuam.<br />

138. Propero ardentius amatum eos, quos tu<br />

laudas.<br />

139. Venio laudatum pennas tuas.<br />

140. Venio laudare pennas tuas.<br />

141. Venio ut laudem pennas tuas.<br />

142. Frater tuus dignus est amatu.<br />

143. Hæc res est facilis amatu.<br />

144. Pueri amantes pietatem sunt chari Deo.

LATIN TEXT 11<br />

145. Deus dat omnia bona amantibus illum.<br />

146. Qui se vere amaturus est, Deum prius amet.<br />

147. Venimus laudaturi Scholam vestram.<br />

148. Amor à meo patre quando sum bonus &<br />

diligens.<br />

149. Nostrates amantur a vestratibus.<br />

150. Homo pius amatur a Deo & sanctis angelis.<br />

151. Amabar a præceptore cum essem in schola<br />

vestra.<br />

152. Amatus sum a patre tuo, quia ego te etiam<br />

amavi.<br />

153. Boni libri & utiles semper amati sunt a bonis<br />

viris.<br />

154. Bonæ pennæ semper amatae erant ab hoc<br />

puero.<br />

155. Amaberis a Deo & hominibus si fueris pius &<br />

bonus.<br />

156. Ama tuos condiscipulos, ut vicissim ameris<br />

ab iis.<br />

157. Amaremur a tuis fratribus, si quotidie<br />

daremus eis pira & poma & cerasa.<br />

158. Si amatus esses a nobis, proculdubio amati<br />

essemus a te vicissim.<br />

159. Nescio an amer a te & patre tuo.


160. Ego puto doctrinam & virtutem amari ab<br />

omnibus hominibus.<br />

161. Video me valde amatum esse a tuis<br />

parentibus.<br />

162. Video quod valde amatus sim a tuis<br />

parentibus.<br />

163. Spero me amatum iri a vobis.<br />

164. Spero fore ut amer a vobis.<br />

165. Credo hanc thecam scriptoriam amatum iri a<br />

te.<br />

166. Credo fore ut hanc theca scriptoria ametur a<br />

te.<br />

167. Puto hæc poma amatum iri a condiscipulis<br />

meis.<br />

168. Puto fore ut hæc pira amentur a condiscipulis<br />

meis.<br />

169. Boni libri amandi sunt nobis, aut a nobis.<br />

170. Præcepta Dei amanda sunt a nobis.<br />

171. Libenter doceo bonos pueros.<br />

172. Quare non doces fratrem tuum?<br />

173. Heri docebam fratrem tuum primam<br />

declinationem.<br />

174. Ego sæpe docui te litteras.<br />

175. Docueram fratrem tuum multa vocabula<br />

Latina, sed ille oblitus est omnium.

176. Ego te idem docebo quod pater meus me<br />

docuit.<br />

177. Docete, quæso, me ea quæ nescio.<br />

178. Qui doctior est aliis, ille doceto reliquos.<br />

179. Valde rogor a fratre tuo ut doceam eum<br />

Latinas declinationes.<br />

180. Petebam a tuo fratre ut doceret me linguam<br />

Latinam.<br />

181. Nescio quis iam doceat fratrem tuum litteras.<br />

182. Haud scio cur amplius doceas pueros otiosos<br />

& contumaces.<br />

183. Nescis an recte docueris me artem sagittandi.<br />

184. Cum doceas me, docebo te vicissim.<br />

185. Cum præceptor noster heri nos doceret in<br />

schola, mater tua petebat ab eo ludendi<br />

veniam.<br />

186. Utinam pater tuus, qui vir doctus est,<br />

docuisset me Grammaticam Latinam.<br />

187. Cum Lucilius docuisset fratrem meum tres<br />

menses, statim rus abibat.<br />

188. Si docuero te prælectionem tuam, tu mihi<br />

dabis quattuor vel tria vel saltem duo poma.<br />

189. Vides me docere te fideliter.<br />

LATIN TEXT 13<br />

190. Vides quod doceam te fideliter.


191. Valde miror te non docuisse Petrum, filium<br />

tuum Orationem Dominicam.<br />

192. Credo me fideliter docturum esse tuos fratres.<br />

193. Crede quod fideliter docturus sim tuos fratres.<br />

194. Eo doctum septem puerorum classes.<br />

195. Hæc res est doctu difficilis.<br />

196. Docendum est mihi complures peregrinos<br />

gratis, quippe quod pauperes sint.<br />

197. Audio docendum esse tibi adolescentes<br />

quosdam viros nobiles.<br />

198. Audio quod docendum sit tibi adolescentes<br />

quosdam viros nobiles.<br />

199. Ibo ad docendum sororem tuam musicam.<br />

200. Venio causa docendi te Artem supputandi.<br />

201. Alios docendo te ipsum docebis.<br />

202. Nudiusquartus, aut saltem nudiusquintus vidi<br />

sororem tuam docentem ambas sorores meas.<br />

203. Iniucundum est opus docentis & anxietate<br />

plenum.<br />

204. Ille qui docturus est alium, prius seipsum<br />

doceat.<br />

205. Docemur a vobis linguam Latinam.<br />

206. Docebar artem scribendi in iuventute mea,<br />

sed sine aliquo fructu.

207. Nos adhuc pueri docebamur multa vocabula<br />

Latina.<br />

208. Vos docti estis epistolam perscribere ad<br />

patrem vestrum.<br />

209. Hæc puella docta est saltare.<br />

LATIN TEXT 15<br />

210. Meæ sorores doctæ erant nere & tenere lanam<br />

ac telam.<br />

211. Iam fortassis ab hoc viro docebor ea, quæ<br />

hactenus a nemine doctus sum.<br />

212. Si docearis a me linguam Latinam, tu mihi<br />

amplissimam dabis mercedem.<br />

213. Si docerer a te artem piscatoriam, darem tibi<br />

centum poma matura.<br />

214. Intellegis me doceri linguam Græcam.<br />

215. Intellegis quod linguam Græcam docear.<br />

216. Audiebam vos doceri linguas peregrinas.<br />

217. Audivi fratres tuos nondum doctos esse<br />

linguam Gallicam.<br />

218. Audivi quod fratres tui nondum docti sint<br />

linguam Gallicam.<br />

219. Spero me doctum iri linguam Græcam.<br />

220. Spero fore ut docear linguam Græcam.<br />

221. Spero sorores tuas doctum iri artem<br />



222. Spero fore, ut sorores tuæ doceantur artem<br />

Textoriam.<br />

223. Libenter lego litteras tuas, quas ad me scribis.<br />

224. Legebam fratri tuo unas litteras, quas ad eum<br />

ipse pridie perferebam.<br />

225. Libentissime legimus litteras, quas heri ad<br />

nos tam amice miseras.<br />

226. Quamprimum legeram hesternas litteras,<br />

statim ad te rescripsi.<br />

227. Cras legam litteras, quas accepi a quodam,<br />

qui in hac vicinia habitat.<br />

228. Lege Ciceronem summum oratorem, aut si<br />

mavis, Terentium politissimum autorem.<br />

229. Sæpiuscule a me contendis ut legam<br />

Cæsarem purissimum historiæ scriptorem.<br />

230. Rogabas me ut legerem Plautum festivum<br />

comicum.<br />

231. Non ignoras me libenter legere Erasmi<br />

Colloquia, & Corderii Dialogos eleganter<br />

Latine scriptos. [Mathurin Cordier, 1479-1564.]<br />

232. Audio te legisse Politiani Epistolas quas<br />

Lipsius tantopere laudat. [Angelo Ambrogini<br />

‘Politian’, 1454-94.] [Justus Lipsius, 1547-1606.]<br />

233. Spero vos lecturos Ovidium & Virgilium<br />

Latinorum Poetarum principes.<br />

234. Veni huc lectum epistolam patris tui.

235. Hic liber est lectu iucundissimus; non memini<br />

me unquam iucundiorem vidisse.<br />

236. Haec linea est admodum difficilis lectu.<br />

237. Legendum est tibi epistolas elegantiusculas.<br />

238. Valde cupidus sum legendi hunc librum.<br />

239. Veni huc legendi causa.<br />

LATIN TEXT 17<br />

240. Legendo multum, non multa, quotidie<br />

proficies.<br />

241. Pueri sæpe legentes lectiones facile illarum<br />

meminerint.<br />

242. Spero te lecturum concionem tuam.<br />

243. Spero quod lecturus sis concionem tuam.<br />

244. In schola saepe legor in catalogo nugantium.<br />

245. Epistola bene scripta iucunde legitur.<br />

246. Hic liber legebatur nudiustertius a matre tua.<br />

247. Tu sæpe lectus es in schedulis absentium.<br />

248. Hic litterarum fasciculus nondum lectus est a<br />

praeceptore meo.<br />

249. Epistola tua satis mature lecta erat a fratre<br />

meo.<br />

250. Non legar hodie in schedulis absentium, quia<br />

hac septimana semper affui in schola.<br />

251. Circa meridiem epistola tua legetur.


252. Nescio an meae litterae libenter legantur ab<br />

amicis meis.<br />

253. Si ego tam sæpe legerer in catalogo<br />

absentium quam tu & fratres tui, proculdubio<br />

verberarer a praeceptore.<br />

254. Audio multas epistolas a te legi.<br />

255. Audio quod multae epistolae a te legantur.<br />

256. Audio libellum tuum nuper excusum lectum<br />

esse a Principe.<br />

257. Audio quod libellus nuper excusus lectus sit a<br />

Principe.<br />

258. Hodie vidi litteras complures, Oxonia vel<br />

Londino allatas ad patrem tuum, diligenter<br />

lectas esse.<br />

259. Liber hic legendus est nobis omnibus, vel a<br />

nobis omnibus.<br />

260. Legendo Ciceronem fies quotidie doctior.<br />

261. Legendis epistolis Plinii & Politiani,<br />

plurimum acues ingenium, & orationem tuam<br />

reddes politiorem.<br />

262. Audio nihil libentius legi quam verbum Dei.<br />

263. Valde inviti audimus ea quae non placent.<br />

264. Audiebam heri vestra poma satis esse matura.<br />

265. Audivi condiscipulos meos legentes lectiones<br />


LATIN TEXT 19<br />

266. Sorores tuae magna cum molestia audiverant<br />

clamores vestros cum essetis in horto.<br />

267. Audiam te libenter si quid habeas quod mihi<br />

narres.<br />

268. Audiemus excusationem tuam si quam potes<br />

afferre iustam & idoneam.<br />

269. Audi me prius, posterius audiam te.<br />

270. Libenter audite sacras conciones.<br />

271. Loquere clarius ut audiam te melius.<br />

272. Libentissime te audirem, si tantillum otii mihi<br />

superesset a re mea.<br />

273. Libentissime audiremus orationem tuam,<br />

siquam haberes ornatam sententiis.<br />

274. Si audivero te esse studiosum & diligentem,<br />

accipies a me dono quinque cerasa & uvas<br />

passas decem.<br />

275. Cum fabulam audivissem, mirari coepi &<br />

increpare mendacem puerum.<br />

276. Credo te non audivisse hodie buccinam<br />

meam suaviter sonantem.<br />

277. Credo quod non audiveris buccinam meam<br />

suaviter sonantem.<br />

278. Ego arbitror nos hinc ad diem octavum<br />

audituros fratrem tuum recitantem carmina<br />



279. Eo, immo propero auditum sacram<br />

concionem quæ habetur in templo Sancti<br />

Petri hora decima.<br />

280. Id profecto quod mihi narras admodum<br />

iucundum est auditu.<br />

281. Attente audiendum est mihi quid pater tuus<br />

dicat.<br />

282. Tempus audiendi concionem prope iam instat.<br />

283. Veni ad scholam audiendi & discendi causa.<br />

284. Boni pueri sunt cupidi audiendi præceptorem<br />

suum.<br />

285. Audiendo verbum Dei recte pernosces<br />

rationem perveniendi ad salutem aeternam.<br />

286. Spero me auditurum Latinam comoediam in<br />

aula vestra.<br />

287. Soror mea sub diluculo surrexit, preces<br />

auditura lectas in triclinio.<br />

288. Non audior ab omnibus qui iam adsunt.<br />

289. Verbum Dei attente audiendum est ab iis qui<br />

salutem per Christum adipisci volunt.<br />

290. Non audiebar a praeceptore quando narrare<br />

volui fabulam de gallo gallinaceo.<br />

291. Frater tuus auditus est a patre meo cum<br />

narraret quot pisces lacu nostro exceperat.

292. Nunquam recte audiemur ab iis qui inviti<br />

audiunt.<br />

293. Si audirer a vobis, vos vicissim a nobis<br />

audiremini.<br />

294. Existimo facundum & festivum oratorem<br />

magna cum voluptate audiri a studiosis<br />

adolescentibus.<br />

295. Credo summos oratores aegre auditos esse ab<br />

iis, qui eloquentiam despiciunt, artesque<br />

omnes nihil pensi habent.<br />

296. Spero me diligenter auditum iri a praeceptore,<br />

cum ad scholam venero.<br />

297. Credo matrem tuam non auditum iri a patre<br />

meo.<br />

298. Auditus a Iudice, domum redii.<br />

299. Verbum Dei attente & reverenter audiendum<br />

est.<br />

300. Studium tuum audiendæ concionis sacræ<br />

mihi perplacet.<br />

301. Antidotum vitæ, Patientia est.<br />

302. Sal vitæ, Amicitia.<br />

303. Sol vitæ, Sapientia.<br />

LATIN TEXT 21<br />

304. Maxima quæque vitæ oblectamenta insulsa<br />

sunt & insuavia.<br />

305. Multi nimium habent, nemo satis.


306. Præferendus est dies unus sapientis<br />

longissimæ æternitati stultorum.<br />

307. Non est pauper qui caret, sed qui eget, qui<br />

desiderat.<br />

308. Risus nec multus sit, nec ob multa, ex<br />

Epictetus.<br />

309. Sis tu alienis lacrimis cautior, alieno risu<br />

laetior.<br />

310. Magnes amoris amor est.<br />

311. Nihil est quod sic eliciat amorem ut amor.<br />

Hinc illud Martialis: ut ameris ama.<br />

312. Est naturalis quædam in rebus coniunctio &<br />

harmonia, ut nemo illum oderit, a quo<br />

diligitur.<br />

313. Decet eum qui dat, non meminisse beneficii;<br />

eum vero, qui accipit, intueri non tam munus,<br />

quam dantis animum. Idcirco fingunt tres<br />

esse Gratias, duas nunquam retrospicere,<br />

tertiam semper priores intueri.<br />

314. Bonus bonus est & bonis & malis.<br />

315. Malus nec malis nec bonis.<br />

316. Priusquam incipias, consulto & ubi<br />

consulueris, mature facto opus est.<br />

317. Dei auspiciis atque ductui te totum in hac<br />

vitae militia permittas & imperiis obtemperes<br />

& exemplum aemuleris.

318. Ne feceris, quod factum nolis.<br />

319. Modica deambulatio corpusculum reficit,<br />

immodica conficit.<br />

320. Quod commodavit fortuna, tollet.<br />

321. Quod mutuavit natura, repetet.<br />

322. Quod paraverit virtus, retinebis.<br />

323. Non refert quam diu vixeris, sed quam bene.<br />

Vita illa quae bona est, longa est.<br />

324. Despicere oportet, quod possis deperdere.<br />

325. Populo cede, non pare. Non est enim cum<br />

multitudine pugnandum bellua multicipiti sed<br />

nec eius opinionibus assentiendum.<br />

326. Non refert qua, sed quo.<br />

327. In omni loco, in omni fortuna licet recte<br />

agere, & illo pervenire quo intendimus.<br />

328. Voluptas est ut apis, mella cum fudit, fugit.<br />

329. Ebrietas nec madida nec sicca te opprimat.<br />

330. Carum est quod precibus emitur.<br />

331. Emere malo, quam rogare. Claudian. T. Riley<br />

Dictionary.<br />

332. Magnum pretium sunt preces.<br />

LATIN TEXT 23<br />

333. Calumniae morsui nullum est remedium.<br />

334. Fortuna prospera gubernanda arte, consilio,<br />

prudentia, ingenio; irata retundenda magno


robore, & invicto animo superanda &<br />

calcanda.<br />

335. Sis tu bonorum rector, malorum victor.<br />

336. Studia nostra non tam intermittenda sunt,<br />

quam remittenda.<br />

337. Christus vitae nostrae scopus est: ipse est<br />

initium, ipse finis, ab ipso proficisciuntur<br />

omnia, in ipsum tendunt. Huic oportet nos<br />

affigamus, si volumus beati esse, non alio<br />

clavo quam mente ipsa.<br />

338. Posse nocere & nolle, nobile.<br />

339. Eiusdem est artis recte tacere & recte loqui.<br />

340. Quanto plus liceat, tanto minus libeat,<br />

341. Ignoscas aliis multa, nihil tibi. Ausonius. Stone.<br />

Latin Quotations.<br />

342. Nolo minor me timeat, despiciatque maior.<br />

343. Vive memor mortis, memor ut sis salutis.<br />

344. Tristia cuncta exuperes, aut Animo, aut<br />

Amico.<br />

345. Amicum laudato palam, sed errantem occulte<br />

corripe.<br />

346. Crux est, si metuas, vincere quod nequeas.<br />

Ausonius. Stone. Latin Quotations.<br />

347. Animus vereri qui scit, scit tuto aggredi.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 3.

348. Ames parentem, si aequus est; sin aliter,<br />

feras. Publilius Syrus. 8.<br />

349. Amici vitia si feras, facis tua. Publilius Syrus. 10.<br />

350. Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 12.<br />

351. Summum malum optat avaro qui vitam illi<br />

optat diutinam.<br />

352. Amicos res secundæ parant, adversae<br />

probant. Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

353. Aleator quanto in arte peritior est, tanto<br />

nequior. Publilius Syrus. 33.<br />

354. Habere satius est quam avere.<br />

LATIN TEXT 25<br />

355. Bis gratum est, quod opus est, ultro si offeras.<br />

356. Beneficium dare qui nescit, iniuste petit.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 59.<br />

357. Beneficium accipere, est libertatem vendere.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 61.<br />

358. Bis peccas, cum peccanti obsequium<br />

accommodas. Publilius Syrus. 65.<br />

359. Beneficium dando accepit, qui digno dedit.<br />

360. Beneficium qui se dedisse dicit, petit. Publilius<br />

Syrus. 71.<br />

361. Coniunctio animi maxima est cognatio.<br />

362. Arctius alligat mutua benevolentia quam<br />

affinitas sanguinis.


363. Beneficium qui saepe dat, docet reddere.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 73.<br />

364. Bis vincit, qui se vincit in victoria: primum<br />

hostem, deinde animum. Publilius Syrus. Stone.<br />

Latin Quotations.<br />

365. Bene cogitata si excidunt, non occidunt.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 84.<br />

366. Bonis nocet, quisquis pepercerit malis.<br />

Publilius Syrus. Stone. Latin Quotations.<br />

367. Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia. Publilius<br />

Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

368. Comes facundus in via pro vehiculo est.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 116.<br />

369. Cui plus licet quam par est, plus vult quam<br />

licet. Publilius Syrus. 145.<br />

370. Stultum est maledicere: nam si amicus est cui<br />

maledicis, iniquè facis; sin inimicus, magis<br />

illum irritas.<br />

371. Tutissimum est, esse lentas consultationes,<br />

nam praecipitata consilia fere inauspicata<br />

sunt.<br />

372. Difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crimina.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 156.<br />

373. Lucrum cum iactura famæ, damnum est, non<br />

lucrum.<br />

374. Ex vitio alterius, sapiens emendat suum.<br />

Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

375. Etiam pilus unus habet umbram suam.

LATIN TEXT 27<br />

376. Fortunam citius reperias, quam retineas.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 198.<br />

377. Formosa facies muta commendatio est.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 199.<br />

378. Dolus est accipere beneficium a quoquam,<br />

cui non possis tantundem reddere. Publilius<br />

Syrus. 202.<br />

379. Quoties fortuna favet improbis, hoc fit<br />

calamitate & malo optimorum.<br />

380. Feras, non culpes, quod vitari non potest.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 206.<br />

381. Magnæ felicitatis comites sunt Stultitia &<br />

Arrogantia.<br />

382. Fidem qui perdidit, nil ultra potest perdere.<br />

Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

383. Durum est laedi, vel ab amico, vel a potente:<br />

quod queri de altero non est honestum; de<br />

altero non est tutum.<br />

384. Prioris diei discipulus est posterior.<br />

385. In nullum avarus bonus est, in se pessimus.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 273.<br />

386. Nihil tam dulce est, quod non pariat<br />

satietatem, nisi varietate condiatur.<br />

387. Quod superiores peccant, id recidit in malum<br />

plebis.<br />

388. Luxuriae multa desunt, avaritiæ omnia.<br />

Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.


389. Invidiam ferre, aut fortis aut fortunatus<br />

potest. Publilius Syrus. 285.<br />

390. Invidiam enim fortunatus neglegit, fortis<br />

contemnit.<br />

391. Ira statim subsidit, odium diuturnum est.<br />

392. Sapientis non est contemnere hostem,<br />

quantumvis humilem: potest enim oblata<br />

occasione nocere.<br />

393. Iudex damnatur, cum nocens absolvitur.<br />

Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

394. Quisquis admittit scelus, illico sibi damnatus<br />

est iudice conscientiâ, etiamsi iudex nemo<br />

pronuntiet.<br />

395. Loco ignominiae est apud indignum dignitas.<br />

396. Legem nocens veretur, fortunam innocens.<br />

397. Molesta est mora in omni re, tamen ea nos<br />

reddit sapientes, ne quid agamus temere aut<br />

inconsulto.<br />

398. Male vivunt qui semper se victuros putant.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 371.<br />

399. Minus decipitur, cui negatur celeriter. Publilius<br />

Syrus. 374.<br />

400. Multos timere debet, quem multi timent.<br />

Publilius Syrus. 379.<br />

401. Negandi causa avaro nusquam deficit. Publilius<br />

Syrus. 431.<br />

402. Quotidie damnatur qui semper timet.

LATIN TEXT 29<br />

403. Semper aetas vergit in peius, & mores<br />

hominum in dies magis ac magis degenerant.<br />

404. Stultum est timere, quod vitari non potest.<br />

Publilius Syrus. T. Riley. Dictionary.<br />

405. Tam deest avaro quod habet, quam quod non<br />

habet. Publilius Syrus. 694.<br />

406. Avarus & suis & alienis ex aequo caret.<br />

Sententiæ.<br />

408. Magnus erroris magister, populus.<br />

409. Assuescat unusquisque iam tum a puero veras<br />

habere de rebus opiniones, quae simul cum<br />

ætate adolescent.<br />

410. Eligenda est optima vitæ ratio, hanc<br />

consuetudo iucundissimam reddet.<br />

411. Homo ex corpore constat & animo.<br />

412. Corpus habemus ex terra & his elementis quæ<br />

cernimus ac tangimus, corporibus bestiarum<br />

simile.<br />

413. [Habemus] Animum divinitus datum, Angelis<br />

& Deo similem, unde censetur homo, & qui<br />

solus merito esset homo appellandus, ut<br />

maximis viris placuit. Animus enim cuiusque<br />

is est quisque.<br />

414. Regina & princeps rerum omnium<br />

præstantissima est Virtus, cui reliqua omnia si<br />

suo velint officio defungi, ancillari oportet.


415. Divitiae non sunt gemmæ aut metalla, non<br />

magnifica ædificia vel supellex instructa, sed<br />

non iis carere quæ sunt ad tuendam vitam<br />

necessaria.<br />

416. Corpus ipsum nihil aliud est, quam<br />

tegumentum vel mancipium animi, cui &<br />

natura & ratio & Deus iubent subiectum esse,<br />

ut brutum sentienti, mortale immortali ac<br />

divino.<br />

417. Quid aliud est vita quam peregrinatio<br />

quædam, tot undique casibus obiecta &<br />

petita, cui nulla hora non imminet finis, qui<br />

potest levissimis de causis accidere?<br />

418. Quemadmodum in via, sic & in vita, quo quis<br />

expeditior & paucioribus sarcinis implicitus,<br />

hoc levius & iucundius iter facit.<br />

419. Divitiæ & possessiones & vestimenta in<br />

usum tantum parantur. Non adiuvant<br />

quenquam immensæ opes, sed opprimunt, ut<br />

navem ingentia onera.<br />

420. Aurum nisi utare, parum differt a caeno, nisi<br />

quod magis angit eius custodia, & efficit ut<br />

dum uni studes, ea neglegas quæ sunt homini<br />

maxime salutaria.<br />

421. Divitiarum maxima pars, ædificia, supellex<br />

numerosa & opulenta, gemmæ, aurum,<br />

argentum, ornamentorum omne genus,

LATIN TEXT 31<br />

spectantium oculis & comparantur &<br />

exponuntur, non possidentium usibus.<br />

422. Quid aliud est nobilitas, quam nascendi sors<br />

& opinio a populi stultitia inducta? Ut quæ<br />

sæpenumero latrociniis quæritur.<br />

423. Vera & solida nobilitas a virtute nascitur,<br />

stultumque est gloriari te parentem habuisse<br />

bonum, cum sis ipse malus; & turpitudine tua<br />

dedecori sis pulchritudini generis.<br />

424. Ignobilitatem contemnere, est Deum nascendi<br />

authorem tacite reprehendere.<br />

425. Potentia quid est aliud quam speciosa<br />

molestia? in qua si quis sciret, quæ<br />

sollicitudines, quæ anxietates insint, quantum<br />

malorum mare, nemo est tam ambitiosus qui<br />

non eam fugeret, ut gravem miseriam.<br />

426. Quantum est odium si regas malos, quanto<br />

maius si malus ipse.<br />

427. Quid in somno, quid in solitudine inter<br />

summum regem interest & infimum servum?<br />

428. In corpore ipso quid est forma? nempe<br />

articula bene colorata. Si intraria cerni<br />

possent, quanta vel in corpore speciosissimo<br />

cerneretur fœditas?<br />

429. Lineamenta & corporis decor quid iuvant, si<br />

turpis sit animus? & (sicut Græcus ille dixit)<br />

In hospitio pulchro hospes deformis?


430. Forma, vires, agilitas, & ceteræ corporis<br />

dotes, ut flosculi celeriter marcescunt, exiguis<br />

casibus diffugiunt. Vel una febricula<br />

validissimum quandoque hominem concutit,<br />

& summum decorem tollit.<br />

431. Nemo potest externa, iure sua dicere, quæ<br />

tam facile ad alios transeunt, nec corporea,<br />

quae tam cito avolant.<br />

432. Quid quod hæc quae multi admirantur,<br />

magnorum vitiorum sint causae, velut<br />

insolentiæ, arrogantiæ, socordiæ, ferocitatis,<br />

livoris, aemulationis, simultatum, rixarum,<br />

bellorum, cædis, stragis, cladis?<br />

433. Ex luxu & intemperantia, morbi plerique ad<br />

corpus redundant, & ad rem familiarem<br />

permagna damna, tum ad animum certa<br />

pœnitentia, & hebetudo ingenii, quod deliciis<br />

corporis extenuatur, ac frangitur.<br />

434. Maximum malum putato, non paupertatem<br />

aut ignobilitatem aut carcerem aut nuditatem,<br />

ignominiam, deformitatem corporis, morbos,<br />

imbecillitatem, sed vitia & his proxima,<br />

inscitiam, stuporem, dementiam.<br />

435. Magnum bonum credito horum contraria,<br />

virtutem & quæ huic sunt finitima, peritiam,<br />

acumen ingenii, sanitatem mentis.<br />

436. Si externa bona habeas, proderunt tibi ad<br />

virtutem relata; oberunt, ad vitia. Si non

LATIN TEXT 33<br />

habeas, cave ne quæras vel cum minimo<br />

virtutis dispendio.<br />

437. Quo curatius est corpus, hoc animus<br />

neglectior.<br />

438. Quo mollius habetur corpus, hoc acrius menti<br />

reluctatur; & ut equus delicate pastus<br />

sessorem excutit.<br />

439. Gravis sarcina corporis animum elidit,<br />

acumen ingenii saginâ corporis, aut<br />

indulgentiâ retunditur.<br />

440. Cibi, somni, exercitationes, tota corporis<br />

curatio ad sanitatem referenda est, non ad<br />

voluptatem, ut animo prompte inserviat.<br />

441. Nihil est quod æque & vigorem mentis<br />

debilitet & robur ac nervos corporis infringat,<br />

ut voluptas: quippe vires omnes & corporis &<br />

mentis opere ac labore vegetantur; otio ac<br />

mollitie voluptatis languescunt.<br />

442. Mundities corporis & victus citra delicias aut<br />

morositatem, ad valetudinem & ingenium<br />

confert.<br />

443. Ablues subinde manus & faciem frigida,<br />

detergesque mundo linteolo.<br />

444. Arceatur frigus cum ab aliis partibus, tum vel<br />

maxime a cervice.<br />

445. Ne statim edas a quiete nec ante prandium,<br />

nisi tenuiter.


446. I e n t a c u l u m s e d a n d o s t o m a c h o a u t<br />

refocillando datur corpori, non satietati.<br />

447. Tres aut quattuor panis bucceæ sufficiunt sine<br />

potione, aut certe exigua, atque ea tenui:<br />

salutare hoc non minus ingenio quam corpori.<br />

448. In prandio & cena assuesce non vesci, nisi ex<br />

uno obsonii genere, eodem simplicissimo &,<br />

quantum per facultates licebit, saluberrimo,<br />

quamvis multa mensæ inferantur.<br />

449. Varietas ciborum homini pestilens,<br />

pestilentior condimentorum.<br />

450. Natura necessaria docuit, quæ sunt pauca &<br />

parabilia. Stultitia superflua excogitavit, quae<br />

sunt infinita, & difficilia.<br />

451. Naturæ si des necessaria, delectatur &<br />

roboratur tanquam propriis; sin superflua,<br />

debilitatur & affligitur tanquam alienis.<br />

452. Stultitiam necessaria non explent: superflua<br />

cum obruant, non satiant.<br />

453. A cena ne bibe, aut si id admonet sitis, sume;<br />

humidum aliquid & frigidiusculum aut<br />

perpusillum tenuis potiunculæ.<br />

454. Inter eam potionem & quietem interpone,<br />

cum minimum, horæ dimidium.<br />

455. Exercitationes corporis non erunt immodicæ,<br />

caeterum aptandae rationi valetudinis.

LATIN TEXT 35<br />

456. Somnus sumendus est tanquam medicina<br />

quædam curando corpori, tantummodo<br />

quantus sufficit. Immodicus enim reddit<br />

corpora redundantia noxiis humoribus,<br />

segnia, pigra, lenta, & celeritatem mentis<br />

tardat.<br />

457. Non est existimandum vitæ id tempus, quod<br />

somno impenditur: vita enim vigilia est.<br />

458. Non attingendi sunt authores spurci, ne quid<br />

sordium animo ex contagie adhæreat.<br />

459. Tribus velut instrumentis fabricamur<br />

eruditionem: ingenio, memoriâ, curâ.<br />

460. Ingenium exercitatione acuitur. Memoria<br />

excolendo augetur. Utrumque enervant<br />

deliciae, bona valetudo confirmat.<br />

461. Scito te operam & tempus perdere, si quæ<br />

legis vel audis non attendas.<br />

462. Quæ ignoras, ne pudeat quaerere. Ne<br />

erubesce a quovis doceri, quod maximi viri<br />

non erubuerunt; erubesce potius ignorare aut<br />

nolle discere.<br />

463. Si videri vis doctus, da operam ut sis; nulla<br />

est compendiosior via. Quemadmodum non<br />

alia ratione facilius consequeris, ut<br />

existimeris bonus, quam si sis talis.<br />

464. Quicquid videri cupis, fac ut sis: aliter frustra<br />



465. Falsa tempus infirmat, vera confirmat.<br />

466. Cuiusvis hominis est errare: nullius nisi<br />

insipientis in errore perseverare.<br />

467. Ne labores quam multa respondeas, sed quam<br />

apte & in tempore.<br />

468. Prandio tuo & cenæ illos adhibe, qui te<br />

possint instituere, quique suavi ac docta<br />

collocutione pariter & exhilarent te &<br />

peritiorem reddant.<br />

469. Ex sapientibus disces, quo fias melior. Ex<br />

stultis, quo fias cautior.<br />

470. Annitere, ne sola verba authoris quem legis<br />

intellegas, sed præcipue sensa.<br />

471. Quo plura memoriæ commendabis, hoc<br />

custodiet omnia fidelius; quo pauciora,<br />

infidelius.<br />

472. Studio sapientiae nullus in vita terminus<br />

statuendus est, cum vitâ est finiendum.<br />

Semper illa tria sunt homini, quamdiu vivit,<br />

meditanda: quomodo bene sapiat, quomodo<br />

bene dicat, quomodo bene agat.<br />

473. Ab studiis arrogantia omnis arcenda est. Nam<br />

ea quæ vel doctissimus mortalium novit, non<br />

sunt minutissimum eorum quæ ignorat.<br />

Exiguum quiddam & obscurum & incertum<br />

est quicquid homines sciunt, mentesque<br />

nostrae in hoc corporeo carcere devinctæ

LATIN TEXT 37<br />

magnâ ignoratione & altissimis tenebris<br />

premuntur, aciemque adeo retusam habemus,<br />

ut nec summas penetremus rerum facies.<br />

474. Profectui studiorum plurimum nocet<br />

arrogantia. Multi enim potuissent ad<br />

sapientiam pervenire, ni iam putassent se<br />

pervenisse.<br />

475. Vitanda contentio, æmulatio invida,<br />

obtrectatio, inanis gloriæ cupido; cum in hoc<br />

sequamur studia, ut illa fugiamus.<br />

476. Studia res lætas condiunt, tristes leniunt,<br />

temerarios impetus iuventæ cohibent,<br />

senectutis molestam tarditatem levant. Domi,<br />

foris, in publico, in privato, in solitudine, in<br />

frequentia, in otio, in negotio comitantur,<br />

adsunt, immo præsunt, opitulantur, iuvant.<br />

477. Non est despondendus animus aut<br />

contrahendus reflante fortuna, quippe<br />

adversis matutinis, interdum succedunt<br />

prospera vespertina.<br />

478. Nihil aliud est haec vita quam peregrinatio,<br />

qua in alteram sempiternam tendimus,<br />

p a u c i s s i m i s q u e r e b u s a d h o c i t e r<br />

conficiendum egemus.<br />

479. Fortunæ muneribus expleri: quid aliud est<br />

quam peditem multis sarcinis impediri ac<br />



480. Nemo est tam stupide amens, qui non se illi<br />

civitati ad quam tendit & ubi morari destinat,<br />

potius quam itineri adornet componatque.<br />

481. Per Religionem Deus cognoscitur; cognitus,<br />

fieri nequit aliter quin ametur.<br />

482. Mundus hic est velut domus quædam Dei, vel<br />

potius templum. Ipse ex nihilo in hanc<br />

faciem, atque ornatum protulit.<br />

483. Angeli, dæmones, homines, animantia,<br />

stirpes, lapides, caeli & elementa, cuncta<br />

denique Deo curæ sunt ac parent.<br />

484. Nihil videmus fieri, nihil moveri, nihil<br />

contingere, ac ne stipulam quidem attolli<br />

ullam, aut floccum volitare extra Dei<br />

præscripta & iussa.<br />

485. Humana omnis sapientia, si cum religione<br />

Christiana conferatur, caenum est & mera<br />

stultitia.<br />

486. Hanc nosse, perfecta est sapientia; iuxta hanc<br />

vivere, perfecta virtus; sed nemo vere novit,<br />

qui non pie vivit.<br />

487. Bonitas Christi amorem elicit; maiestas eius,<br />

cultum; sapientia, fidem.<br />

488. Corporalia opera fatua sunt ante Deum, nisi<br />

conditura ex animo addatur.<br />

489. In occultissimis recessibus & procul ab<br />

omnium oculis atque adeo in corde ipso atque

LATIN TEXT 39<br />

in animo tuo scito te habere Deum arbitrum,<br />

testem, iudicem omnium, etiam cogitationum<br />

tuarum, ut illius præsentiam reveritus, nihil<br />

non modo facias, sed nec in animum admittas<br />

nefarium aut turpe.<br />

490. Impium est in res sacras iocari aut dicta<br />

sanctarum Scripturarum ad lusus, ineptias,<br />

aniles fabulas, scommata convertere; ceu quis<br />

medicinam ad salutem paratam caeno<br />

aspergat.<br />

491. Sacris intersis attente ac pie, non ignarus<br />

quæcunque seu vides seu audis esse<br />

purissima & sacrosancta, spectareque ad<br />

immensam illa Dei maiestatem; quam adorare<br />

facile est, comprehendere impossibile.<br />

492. Cum Deum, Dominum appellas, fac illi<br />

servias; cum Patrem, fac ames; & dignum te<br />

præstes tanto Patre filium.<br />

493. In citharœdo turpe est aliud ipsum ore, aliud<br />

fides eius sonare. Multo est turpius, cum Deo<br />

psallimus, aliud linguam dicere, aliud<br />

animum cogitare.<br />

494. Deus omnibus animantibus variam quotidie<br />

alimoniam sufficit, conservat omnia, &<br />

vindicat ab interitu, quo nutu suo tendunt.<br />

495. Nihil verius datur Christo, quam quod egenis<br />



496. Ubi lectum ingrederis, fac cogites<br />

unumquemque diem imaginem esse humanae<br />

vitæ, cui succedit nox, & somnus simulacrum<br />

mortis expressissimum.<br />

497. Sapientissimus vitæ nostræ magister, nempe<br />

& author, unicum dedit ad vivendum<br />

documentum, ut Amemus.<br />

498. Nemo invidet ei, quem amat: nec quisquam<br />

malis amici gaudet, nec bonis indolet. Amor<br />

enim omnia reddit communia, suaque esse<br />

existimat, quæ sunt eius quem amat.<br />

499. Longissimæ & obscurissimæ sunt in humano<br />

corde latebræ. Quæ humana acies in tantam<br />

caliginem penetrabit?<br />

500. Hominem tibi a Deo commendatum, si<br />

dignus est, ama, quia dignus est, quem ames;<br />

sin indignus, ama, quia Deus dignus, cui<br />

pareas.<br />

501. Pacem & amorem & concordiam invexit<br />

Deus. Partes & factiones & privatas utilitates<br />

cum alienis damnis, sicut etiam dissidia,<br />

rixas, contentiones, bella, Diabolus<br />

peritissimus horum artifex.<br />

502. Concordiâ etiam pusilla coalescunt; discordiâ<br />

maxima dissipantur.<br />

503. Neminem irriseris, cogitans quod uni alicui<br />

accidit, posse cuivis accidere. Age potius Deo

LATIN TEXT 41<br />

gratias quod te extra eam sortem posuerit, &<br />

ora, tum tibi ne quid tale accidat, tum illi sic<br />

afflicto saltem remedium aliquod vel æcum<br />

animum, & ipse subveni, si potes.<br />

504. Nullae sunt certiores opes quam certæ<br />

amicitiae. Nullum potentius satellitium quam<br />

amici fideles.<br />

505. Solem e mundo tollit, qui e vita amicitiam.<br />

506. Vera & solida & duratura amicitia<br />

tantummodo est inter bonos, inter quos facile<br />

amor coalescit.<br />

507. Mali nec inter se amici sunt, nec cum bonis.<br />

508. Ut ameris certissima & brevissima est per<br />

amorem via. Nihil enim sic amore elicit ut<br />

amor.<br />

509. Amicitiae venenum, si ames tanquam osurus,<br />

& amicum sic habeas, ut putes posse<br />

inimicum fieri.<br />

510. Ne in alienas vitas inquiras, neve curiosus<br />

scrutetis quid quisque agat; multæ hinc<br />

suboriuntur simultates. Praeterea stultum est<br />

alios probe nosse, seipsum ignorare.<br />

511. Convicium convicio regerere est lutum luto<br />

purgare.<br />

512. Assentatio deforme vitium: turpe illi qui dicit;<br />

perniciosum ei qui audit.


513. Sermone utitor modesto, civili, comi; non<br />

aspero, non rusticano vel imperito, sed nec<br />

accurato aut affectato nimis.<br />

514. Ne celeritatem in loquendo nimiam suscipias,<br />

nec cogitationem prævertant verba; nec<br />

respondeas, antequam qua de re plene<br />

intellexeris, & quid ille, cui respondes, dixerit<br />

senseritque.<br />

515. Rarissimum debet esse pervulgatum illud,<br />

Quicquid in buccam, ac nescio an usquam<br />

admittendum, cum inter amicos cavendum<br />

sit, ne quid dicamus, quod amicitiam dirimat<br />

aut laedat.<br />

516. In disserendo ne sis contentiosus aut pertinax.<br />

Si verum audias, hoc protinus silentio<br />

reverere, illique tanquam divinae rei<br />

assurgito.<br />

517. Sin non audias, nihilominus concede hoc vel<br />

amico, vel modestiæ tuae, præsertim ubi<br />

nullum neque probi mores detrimentum<br />

accipiunt, neque pietas.<br />

518. Quod taceri vis, prior ipse taceas; sin<br />

detecturus es, vide etiam atque etiam cui.<br />

519. Ne mendax sis nec mordax.<br />

520. Si mendacem te homines norint, nemo credet<br />

tibi, etiam si affirmes verissima.

LATIN TEXT 43<br />

521. Contra si veracem, maiorem habebit fidem<br />

nutus tuus quam aliorum sanctissimum<br />

iusiurandum.<br />

522. Miser is est qui id egit, unde extricare se non<br />

potest nisi per mendacium.<br />

523. Ne expectes dum necessitates ad te suas<br />

familiaris amicus deferat; tu illas odorare, &<br />

iis ultro subvenias.<br />

524. Parentes non amabis solum, sed secundum<br />

Deum unice venerabere.<br />

525. Crede te illi esse carum a quo amice<br />

reprehenderis. Nec unquam reprehensionem<br />

obesse puta vel inimici. Nam si vera obiecit,<br />

ostendit quod emendemus; sin falsa, quod<br />

vitemus; ita semper vel meliores reddit vel<br />

cautiores.<br />

526. Esto in admittendis ad familiaritatem<br />

cunctantior; in retinendis semel admissis<br />

constantior.<br />

527. Ex bestiis exitiabilis maxime inter feras,<br />

Invidia; inter mansuetas, Adulatio.<br />

528. Si reprehendi fers ægre, reprehendenda ne<br />

feceris.<br />

529. Natura nostra in malum fertur prona; ad<br />

virtutem autem acclivis est, atque ardua<br />



530. In minores præbe te comem; in maiores<br />

reverentem; in pares facilem ac tractabilem.<br />

531. Si virtute non excellis, cur postulas videri<br />

aliis potior? Si excellis, cur affectibus<br />

moderandis non plusquam vulgus præstas?<br />

532. Oculus Domini singula intuetur; ipse novit &<br />

facientem iniuriam & patientem.<br />

533. Pluris facias iudicium conscientiæ tuæ quam<br />

voces omnes ingentis multitudinis, quæ<br />

imperita & stulta est; ignota temere ut probat,<br />

sic & damnat.<br />

534. Fama nec profutura malo, nec læsura bonum.<br />

535. Mortuus quid plus referes de fama, quam<br />

pictura Apellis laudata? aut equus in Olympia<br />

victor? nec vivo quidem prodest, si eam<br />

ignorat; si novit, nihil adfert aliud, nisi ut<br />

sapiens contemnat, insipiens sibi magis<br />

placeat.<br />

536. Conscientia magna est huius vitae magistra.<br />

537. Qui numinis curam abiciunt ut audacius &<br />

securius peccent; ii dupliciter sunt mali, quod<br />

nec homines reverentur nec Deum.<br />

538. Conscientia ista effuse delinquit, quæ nullo<br />

metu coercetur.<br />

539. Laborem pro aeterno & caelesti praemio, quis<br />

nisi amens refugiat? Cum nec caduca hæc &<br />

fragilia citra laborem acquirantur.

LATIN TEXT 45<br />

540. Peccatum hominis mors est, ut iugulare<br />

seipsum videatur quisquis peccat. Abducit<br />

enim se a Deo vita nostra, & a quiete<br />

conscientiae suae, qua nihil est beatius.<br />

541. Ut unus dies humanae vitae praeferendus est<br />

longissimae aetati corvi aut cervi; ita dies<br />

unus ex religione actus, hoc est divinae vitae,<br />

t o t i a e t e r n i t a t i s i n e r e l i g i o n e e s t<br />

anteponendus.<br />

Facetiae & argutè dicta.<br />

543. Publius ubi Mutium imprimis malevolum<br />

solito tristiorem vidisset, Aut Mutio, inquit,<br />

nescio quid incommodi accessit, aut nescio<br />

cui aliquid boni. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

544. Augustus Caesar exceptus a quodam cena<br />

satis parca, & quasi quotidiana (nam pene<br />

nulli se invitanti negabat) post epulum inops<br />

ac sine ullo apparatu discedens, valedicenti<br />

hoc tantum insusurravit: Non putabam me tibi<br />

tam familiarem. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

545. Interroganti quânam horâ dici prandendum<br />

esset? Diviti, inquit, ubi velit, pauperi cum<br />

possit. Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

546. Diogenes interrogatus quo vino maxime<br />

delectaretur, Alieno, inquit. Diogenes Laertius.<br />

Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

547. Quidam rogabat unde palleret aurum?<br />

Diogenes respondit, Quia nusquam non


haberet insidiatores. Diogenes Laertius. Life of<br />

Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

548. Diogenes Myndum profectus, cum vidisset<br />

portas ingentes, urbem vero exiguam, O viri,<br />

inquit, Myndi, portas occludite, ne quando<br />

urbs vestra egrediatur. Diogenes Laertius. Life of<br />

Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

549. Prandebat in foro Diogenes: Proinde ab his<br />

qui astabant, canis appellatus: Vos, inquit,<br />

canes estis, qui me prandentem circumstatis.<br />

Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

550. Scorti cuiusdam filio lapidem proiicienti in<br />

concionem: Cave, inquit, ne patrem ferias.<br />

Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

551. Dionysius Syracusanus, detracta veste aurea<br />

Iovi Olympio, palleum ei laneum iniecit,<br />

atque rogatus, quid ita faceret? Quoniam,<br />

inquit, aestate gravis est aurea vestis; hieme<br />

frigidâ laneum vero indumentum utrique<br />

tempori multo aptius. Cicero. De Natura Deorum.<br />

34.<br />

552. Idem Dionysius cum Æsculapio barbam<br />

auream demi iussisset, affirmavit, Non<br />

convenire ut huius pater Apollo imberbis,<br />

ipse vero, qui filius esset, barbatus<br />

conspiceretur. Cicero. De Natura Deorum. 34.<br />

553. Fur quispiam Demosthenis lucubrationes<br />

eiusque scriptiones paulo petulantius<br />

irridebat. Cui ille, Scio, inquit, me tibi

LATIN TEXT 47<br />

molestum esse quod noctu lucernam accendo.<br />

Plutarch. Life of Demosthenes.<br />

554. Cum Lacon uxorem duxisset perpusillam,<br />

lepide dicebat, E malis, quod minimum esset,<br />

eligendam. Erasmus. Adagia. 1148.<br />

555. Cum adolescens quidam nimio luxu ad<br />

inopiam redactus, oleas in cena esitaret,<br />

Diogenes forte praeteriens, Si sic pransus,<br />

inquit, esses, non ita cenares. Diogenes Laertius.<br />

Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

556. Medicus quidam imperitus, cum Pausaniæ<br />

diceret, Qui fit, O bone vir, quod nihil mali<br />

habeas? Quia inquit, te medico non utor.<br />

Plutarch. Life of Pausanias.<br />

557. Galba rogatus a quopiam ut utendam daret<br />

penulam, festive respondens, Non pluit,<br />

inquit, non opus est tibi; si pluat, ipse utar.<br />

Macrobius. Saturnalia 2.4.<br />

558. Cum Aristoteles iam annos natus fere<br />

sexaginta duos adeo laboraret, ut admodum<br />

tenuis vitae spes superesset, convenerunt ad<br />

illum discipuli rogantes, ut ex ipsis aliquem<br />

deligeret, qui in locum eius succederet. Inter<br />

auditores erant duo praecipui, Theophrastus<br />

Lesbius & Menedemus Rhodius. Aristoteles<br />

respondit se, quod petebatur, facturum ubi<br />

daretur opportunitas. Paulo post, cum rursus<br />

ad cum eadem de causa convenissent, dixit<br />

vinum quod biberet sibi parum esse


commodum, ac quaeri iussit Exoticum vel<br />

Rhodium vel Lesbium. Id simul atque<br />

curatum est, gustato Rhodio, dixit: Firmum<br />

hercle vinum & iucundum. Mox gustato<br />

Lesbio: Utrumque, inquit, egregie bonum, sed<br />

Lesbium suavius. Id ubi dixit, nulli dubium<br />

suit, quin lepide simul & verecunde<br />

successorem sibi ea voce, non vinum<br />

delegisset. Probavit utrumque, nec tamen<br />

auditoribus elegendi ius ademit.[Sed Græcus<br />

sermo plusculum habet civilitatis: quod ()*(+,<br />

id est, vinum, sit generis masculini: ut hæc<br />

vox, , -.%/'(+ 01$2*, possit & ad personam<br />

accommodari.] Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticae. 113.<br />

559. Quidam e familiaribus Adriani Sophistæ<br />

miserat illi pisces in disco argenteo, picturato<br />

auro, at ille delectatus vasculo non remisit,<br />

tantum ei, qui miserat, respondit: Bene facis<br />

quod etiam pisces; quasi dictus esset dono<br />

missus, pisces tantum novitatis gratia additi.<br />

Quidam autem dicunt ioco factum, ut<br />

castigaret discipuli vitium, qui sordidior esse<br />

dicebatur.<br />

560. Pollio dicebat, commode agendo factum est<br />

ut saepe agerem: sed saepe agendo factum est<br />

ut minus commode; quia scilicet assiduitate<br />

nimia facilitas magis, quam facultas, nec<br />

fiducia, sed temeritas paratur. Quod accurate

LATIN TEXT 49<br />

factum velimus, raro faciendum est. Erasmus.<br />

Apophthegmata.<br />

561. P h i l o x e n u s q u o n d a m c e n a n s a p u d<br />

Dionysium, quoniam animadvertebat regi<br />

a p p o s i t u m p i s c e m M u l l u m i n s i g n i<br />

magnitudine, cum ipsi appositus esset<br />

perpusillus (in piscium enim genere laudantur<br />

adulti), pisciculum auribus admovit. Id<br />

factum admiranti Dionysio causamque<br />

percontanti: In manibus, inquit, est Galatea,<br />

de qua volebam ex hoc quaedam percontari.<br />

Verum negat se per aetatem quicquam adhuc<br />

scire, sed ait proavum suum istic esse in tuo<br />

disco, qui multa posset commemorare si<br />

liceat alloqui. Exhilaratus rex misit illi suum<br />

Mullum. Athenaeus. Deipnosophistai. 1.<br />

562. Cuculo minores aviculas percontanti, cur<br />

ipsam fugerent: Quoniam, inquiebant,<br />

suspicamur te aliquando futurum accipitrem.<br />

Coccyx enim specie non multum differt ab<br />

accipitre. [Cavendum ab iis, qui tyrannidis<br />

specimen moribus edunt.] Ex Plutarcho.<br />

Plutarch. Life of Aratus.<br />

563. Cum Antisthenes ipse salsamenta per forum<br />

gestaret, id quibusdam admirantibus quod<br />

Philosophus officio tam sordido fungeretur,<br />

idque in publico, ac non potius servo<br />

delegasset: Quid, inquit, admiramini? Hæc<br />

mihi porto, non aliis. Sentiens nullum esse


sordidum obsequium quod sibi quis<br />

impenderet; dein non esse indecorum, cum<br />

portare salsamenta, qui salsamentis<br />

vesceretur. Plutarch. Moralia. Precepts of <strong>State</strong>craft.<br />

15.<br />

564. Stilpo videns Cratetem hibernis mensisibus<br />

frigore rubentem: !"#$%&, inquit, µ"' ()$%*+<br />

,($'+ -µ*./"0 #*'+"1. Lepos qui est in vocis<br />

ambiguo, Latine reddi non potest: 3&'*(4<br />

coniunctim sonat “novo”, & 3&5 *(4<br />

disiunctim sonat “& mente”: Discrimen<br />

auribus vix sentiri potest, scripto potest<br />

ostendi. Videris, inquit egere pallio novo, sive<br />

pallio & mente. Novum requirebat gelu;<br />

mentem, Cynici stultitia, qui vestem non<br />

accommodaret tempori. Diogenes Laertius. Life of<br />

Stilpo.<br />

565. Menedemus Eretriensis percontanti cuidam,<br />

an patrem cædere desiisset, respondit: Neque<br />

caecidi, neque desii. Quam alter subiecisset,<br />

oportere solvere ambiguitatem per 3&5 & (63,<br />

aut affirmando, aut negando: Ridiculum,<br />

inquit, est vestras sequi leges, cum liceat in<br />

portis occurrere. Alter captabat illum<br />

insidiosa percontatione: sive enim<br />

respondisset, desii, sive non desii, agnovisset<br />

crimen. Ille hoc præsentiens exclusit<br />

sophisticum cavillum. Diogenes Laertius. Life of<br />


LATIN TEXT 51<br />

566. Bion rogatus essetne ducenda uxor: Si<br />

deformem, inquit, duxeris, habebis poenam;<br />

sin formosam, habebis communem. [In<br />

Græcis vocibus plusculum est iucunditatis<br />

acis, 7($*8* & 3('*9*. Nec minus Latinis<br />

inest. si hanc dicamus, suspectam: illam<br />

despectam.] Diogenes Laertius. Life of Bion.<br />

567. Epictetus Philosophiæ summam duobus<br />

verbis comprehendere solitus est, :*.;(< 3&5<br />



570. Cum plerique rei quos Severus Cassius<br />

accusabat, absolverentur, & is cui Cæsar<br />

forum extruendum locarat, diu traheret illum<br />

operis expectatione: Vellem, inquit, Cassius &<br />

forum meum accusasset. Macrobius. Saturnalia.<br />

2.4.<br />

571. Narrant Alexandrum Magnum astantem<br />

Diogeni, quæsisse ab eo, num ipsum<br />

metueret. At ille: Quid es? Bonum an malum?<br />

Alexander respondit; Bonum. Quis, inquit,<br />

timet bonum? [Convicit regem non esse<br />

metuendum, nisi se malum esse profiteretur.]<br />

Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

572. Cum Diogenes in dolio, sicco mucidoque<br />

pane, vescens solus, audiret totam urbem<br />

lætitiâ perstrepentem (erat enim dies festus)<br />

sensit animo non nihil tædii, diuque secum de<br />

relinquendo vitæ instituto cogitavit. Sed cum<br />

tandem mures videret adrepentes panisque<br />

micas edere: Quid tibi displices, inquit, o<br />

Diogenes, sat magnificus es, ecce etiam<br />

parasitas alis. Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the<br />

Cynic.<br />

573. Quidam in publico gestans longam trabem,<br />

per imprudentiam percusserat Diogenem,<br />

moxque ex more dixit: Cave. At Diogenes,<br />

Num, inquit, me vis iterum percutere? Diogenes<br />

Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

574. Diogenes quodam tempore cum diutissime<br />

legens, tandem eo venisset, ut videret chartam

LATIN TEXT 53<br />

vacuam, Bono, inquit, animo estote viri,<br />

terram video. Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the<br />

Cynic.<br />

575. Antigonus Thrasyllo Cynico petenti<br />

drachmam, Non est, respondit, munus regium.<br />

Cynico subiciente: Talentum igitur da. At<br />

non, inquit, Cynicum tale munus accipere.<br />

[Utroque cornu reppulit postulatoris<br />

improbitatem, quem existimabat nullo<br />

dignum beneficio.] Plutarch. Moralia. 182E.<br />

576. Faustus Sullæ filius, in sororem, quæ eodem<br />

tempore cum duobus adulteris haberet<br />

consuetudinem, Fulvio Fullonis filio, &<br />

Pompeio cognomine Macula, facetissime<br />

lusit: Miror, inquit, sororem meam habere<br />

maculam, cum Fullonem habeat. Macrobius.<br />

Saturnalia. 2.2.<br />

577. Vespasianus reprehendenti filio Tito, quod<br />

etiam urinae vectigal commentus esset,<br />

pecuniam ex prima pensione admovit ad<br />

nares, sciscitans num odore offenderetur, &<br />

illo negante, Atqui, inquit, e lotio est. Hinc<br />

illud: Bonus odor lucri ex re qualibet.<br />

Suetonius. Vespasian. 23.<br />

578. Virgilius vates suspirabundus ubique<br />

observatus est. Unde facetum illud Augusti<br />

responsum, inter hunc ipsum sedentis, &<br />

Flaccum Horatium, qui oculorum lippitudine<br />

laboravit, rogatus a quodam amicorum, quid


ageret, Sedeo, inquit, inter suspiria &<br />

lacrimas.<br />

579. Diverterat aliquando quidam, peregre iter<br />

faciens, ad diversorium, ubi apposita est ei<br />

cena omni ex parte olitoria, vinum item<br />

dilutissimum, omnia demum administrata<br />

parcissime. Postquam autem cenasset, iussit<br />

vocari ad se medicum ad mercedem<br />

capiendam. Caupo respondit: Ecquid, malum,<br />

in viculo maxime agresti medicum requiris?<br />

Tum ille: Numne, o bone, tete ipsum ignoras?<br />

Quo merces operæ tuæ par sit, medici<br />

precium accipe, non cauponis, quando ut<br />

ægrotum me pavisti in cenula. Pontano. De<br />

sermone. Bk.3.<br />

580. Pyrrhiniculus Vasco ad hospitum quoddam<br />

diverterat, atque apposita mensa anaticulam<br />

versabat in lancibus perbelle unctam atque<br />

alliatam. Ingreditur derepente ad illum viator<br />

Hispanus, iniectisque in anaticulam oculis,<br />

Potes, inquit, o amice, advenientem comiter<br />

amicum accipere. Tum Pyrrhiniculus, quo<br />

nomine ipse esset exquirit. Audenter ille, ac<br />

i a c t a b u n d u s , Alopantius, i n q u i t ,<br />

Ausimarchides Hibernius Alorchides.<br />

Pappae, tum Pyrrhiniculus, quattuorne<br />

avicula hæc heroibus, & quidem Hispanis?<br />

Absit iniuria. Ea Pyrrhiniculo satis est uni:<br />

minutos enim decent minuta. Ex Pontano.<br />

Pontano. De sermone. Bk.3.

LATIN TEXT 55<br />

581. Diogenes cum ridere vellet imperitum<br />

sagittandi hominem, scopo se admovebat;<br />

rogatus cur ita faceret, Ne me feriat, inquit.<br />

Diogenes Laertius. Life of Diogenes the Cynic.<br />

582. Puer Florentinus & argutus & perurbanus,<br />

adductus ante sacerdotem Cardinalem iocandi<br />

gratia, multa cum facete admodum nec minus<br />

etiam scite dixisset, sacerdosque ipse ad<br />

amicum qui astabat conversus, susurasset<br />

huiusmodi pueros consuesse ubi ad ætatem<br />

p e r v e n i s s e n t r o b u s t i o r e m , i n g e n i o<br />

subcrassescere. Nae, inquit, O bone<br />

Cardinalis, puerulum te oportuit scitum fuisse<br />

admodum. Pontano. De Sermone.<br />

583. Quidam canescens ab Adriano Cæsare<br />

quiddam petierat & repulsus est. Is cum<br />

aliquanto post idem peteret, sed capillitio<br />

nigro (nam id tinctura fecerat) Cæsar<br />

agnoscens faciem: Istuc, inquit, negavi patri<br />

tuo. Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Hadrian.<br />

584. Cum Minutius hostium insidiis septus in<br />

summo esset periculo, ne cum suis copiis<br />

periret, Fabius e monte movens exercitum<br />

venit illi auxilio, multisque trucidatis hostibus<br />

ipsum eripuit. Hoc facto Hannibal ad suos<br />

dixit: Nonne vobis sæpenumero prædixi fore,<br />

ut illa montana nubes nobis aliquando<br />

tempestatem immitteret? Plutarch. Life of Fabius<br />



585. Iulia Augusti filia cum patrem salutaret,<br />

senserat illius oculos licentiore cultu<br />

offensos, licet ille dissimularet; itaque postero<br />

die, mutato cultu patrem complexa est. Tum<br />

Cæsar, qui pridie dolorem suum continuerat,<br />

gaudium continere non potuit. Et quanto<br />

magis, inquit, iste cultus decet Augusti filiam.<br />

Tum illa: Nimirum hodie me patris oculis<br />

ornavi, heri viri. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.5.<br />

586. In spectaculo gladiatorum converterant in se<br />

populi oculos Livia & Iulia, comitatus<br />

dissimilitudine: Liviam cingebant viri graves,<br />

Iuliam iuvenes luxuriosi comitabantur. Pater<br />

Iuliam admonuit scripto, videret quantum<br />

inter duas principes feminas interesset. Illa<br />

rescripsit: Et hi mecum senes fient. Macrobius.<br />

Saturnalia. 2.5.<br />

587. Augustus etiamnum adolescens lepide tetigit<br />

Vatinium: siquidem is podagræ obnoxius<br />

videri studebat discussisse vitium, ac iam<br />

mille passus ambulare se gloriabatur. Non<br />

miror, inquit Cæsar, dies aliquanto sunt<br />

longiores. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

588. Quispiam Præfectura Equitum submotus,<br />

insuper & salarium ab Augusto postulare est<br />

ausus, hoc colore, ut diceret se non lucri<br />

causâ salarium petere, sed ut tuo, inquit,<br />

iudicio videar impetrasse munus, & ita<br />

credar non ab officio submotus, sed officium

LATIN TEXT 57<br />

deposuisse. Tu, inquit Augustus, apud omnes<br />

prædica te accepisse, ego non negabo.<br />

Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

589. Domitianus Caesar initio principatus quotidie<br />

sibi secretum horarium sumere consuevit, nec<br />

interim aliud quam muscas captere, easque<br />

stilo præacuto configere. Ut cuidam<br />

interroganti essetne quis intus cum Cæsare,<br />

Vibius Crispus lepide responderit: Ne Musca<br />

quidem. Suetonius. Domitian. 3.<br />

590. Cum tres essent designati, qui legati<br />

proficiscerentur in Bithyniam, quorum unus<br />

podagra teneretur, alter caput haberet<br />

vulneribus confossum, tertius vecordia<br />

laborare videretur, Cato ridens dixit: Populi<br />

Romani legationem nec pedes habere, nec<br />

caput, nec cor. Plutarch. Marcus Cato. 9.<br />

591. Cum oeconomus Lucullo cenam modestam<br />

apparasset, accersitum obiurgavit; illo<br />

dicente: Non putabam sumptuoso apparatu<br />

opus esse, cum solus esses cenaturus. Quid<br />

ais?, inquit Lucullus. An ignorabas apud<br />

Lucullum hodie cenaturum Lucullum?<br />

Plutarch. Life of Lucullus.<br />

592. Idem cum Graecos quosdam per dies aliquot<br />

magnifice tractasset, atque illi dicerent se<br />

mirari, quod tantum impendiorum suâ causâ<br />

faceret: Nonnihil, o hospites, vestrâ causâ,


sed maxima pars Luculli gratiâ. Plutarch. Life of<br />

Lucullus.<br />

593. Scipio Nasica cum ad poetam Ennium<br />

venisset, eique ab ostio quaerenti Ennium<br />

ancilla dixisset eum domi non esse, Nasica<br />

sensit illam hoc domini iussu dicere, & illum<br />

intus esse. At tum quidem dissimulans abiit.<br />

At paucis post diebus cum ad Nasicam<br />

venisset Ennius cumque a ianua quæreret,<br />

exclamat ipse Nasica se domi non esse. Tum<br />

Ennius. Quid? Ego, inquit, non agnosco<br />

vocem tuam? Hic Nasica: Næ tu homo es<br />

impudens, ego cum te quærerem ancillae tuae<br />

credidi, tu mihi non credis ipsi? Cicero. De<br />

Oratore. 2.<br />

594. De Vespasiano patre narrat Suetonius, cum<br />

scurram multa in alios iacientem provocasset,<br />

ut in se quoque diceret aliquid: Dicam, inquit,<br />

ubi ventrem exonerare desieris; alludens ad<br />

formam Cæsaris, qui faciem habebat nitentis.<br />

Suetonius. Vespasian.<br />

595. Memoratur de Beda, quem Venerabilem<br />

dicunt, cui Romam profecto cum ostendissent<br />

has litteras saxo insculpas, S.P.Q.R. (quibus<br />

significati volunt Senatus Populusque<br />

Romanus) ac veluti hospes rogaretur, quid<br />

sibi vellent illæ litteræ, dissimulans dixit:<br />

Stultus Populus Quærit Romam.

LATIN TEXT 59<br />

596. Philoxenus Poeta interrogatus cur in<br />

tragœdiis induceret mulieres malas, cum<br />

Sophocles eas induceret bonas, argutissime<br />

respondit: Quoniam, inquit, Ille tales inducit<br />

quales esse deberent; Ego, quales sunt.<br />

Maximus the Confessor.<br />

597. Idem apud Sythonem amicum suum<br />

prandens, appositis oleis, cum paulo post<br />

inferretur patina piscium, percusso vasculo<br />

q u o d h a b e b a t o l e a s , H o m e r i c u m<br />

hemistichium dixit: µ23.'4$+ !’ 562*+, id est,<br />

scuticâ incitavit ut traherent. Nam de auriga<br />

dictum est. Sensit autem Philoxenus oleas<br />

quamprimum auferendas, alludens interim ad<br />

Graecam vocem =-&'>*, quæ sonat<br />

“oleatum”, & =-?&*, quod sonat “trahere<br />

currum”, aut aliquid simile. Athenaeus.<br />

Deipnosophistai. 6.<br />

598. Idem vocatus ad convivium, cum esset<br />

appositus ater panis: Cave, inquit, multos<br />

afferas, ne facias tenebras. Athenaeus.<br />

Deipnosophistai. 6.<br />

599. Phryne aetate florens, in convivio, cui<br />

complures aderant feminae, (cum iuxta<br />

morem ioci convivalis quod unus quispiam<br />

faceret, idem omnes facere cogerentur) prior<br />

manum bis aquae immersam admovit fronti.<br />

Quoniam autem omnes erant fucatae, aqua<br />

per lituram fucorum defluens, rugarum specie<br />

vultus omnium deformabat, cum ipsa interim


Phryne, quæ naturali forma pollebat,<br />

speciosior etiam apparebat diluta facie.<br />

600. Cornelia Gracchorum mater, cum Campana<br />

matrona illius hospitio utens, ornamenta sua<br />

quibus illud seculum nihil habebat pulchrius,<br />

ipsi ostenderet, traxit eam sermone donec<br />

liberi redirent e schola: Tum & hæc, inquit,<br />

ornamenta mea sunt, Sentiens matronæ nihil<br />

esse pulchrius neque preciosius quam liberos<br />

rectè educatos. Valerius Maximus. 4.<br />

601. Omnibus Dionysio Tyranno exitium<br />

imprecantibus, una femina anus quotidie<br />

diluculo deos conprecari solebat ut esset<br />

incolumis & superstes. Accita a rege mulier<br />

rogata est, unde tanta in regem bene volentia?<br />

Quoniam, inquit, cum puella essem, &<br />

gravem tyrannum haberemus, optabam<br />

mortem illius. Eo interfecto, deterior arcem<br />

occupavit. Et huius exitium optabam. Nunc<br />

cum te habeamus, superioribus etiam<br />

graviorem, vereor ne si tu pereas succedat<br />

etiam deterior. Valerius Maximus. 6.<br />

602. Demonax Cynicus interrogatus quid sentiret<br />

de conflictu duorum, quorum alter inepte<br />

proponebat, alter absurde respondebat, ait,<br />

sibi videri alterum mulgere hircum, alterum<br />

supponere cribrum. Lucian. Life of Demonax.

LATIN TEXT 61<br />

603. Socrates cum Xantippen diu rixantem tulisset<br />

in ædibus, ac tandem fessus consedisset ante<br />

fores, illa magis irritata quiete & lenitate viri,<br />

de fenestra perfudit cum lotio. Ridentibus qui<br />

præteribant, & ipse Socrates arridebat dicens:<br />

Facile divinabam, post tantum tonitru<br />

secuturam pluviam. Diogenes Laertius. Life of<br />

Socrates. 17.<br />

604 Socrates Alcibiadi demiranti quod Xantippen<br />

supra modum rixosam domi perpeteretur,<br />

respondit: Nonne tu, Alcibiades, domi tuae<br />

toleras gallinarum tuarum glocientium<br />

strepitum? Tolero, inquit, sed gallinæ mihi<br />

pariunt ova & pullos. Et mihi, ait Socrates,<br />

mea Xantippe parit liberos. Diogenes Laertius.<br />

Life of Socrates. 17.<br />

605. Curtius eques Romanus delitiis diffluens,<br />

cum apud Caesarem cenaret, macrum turdum<br />

sustulit e patina, cumque tenens interrogavit<br />

Caesarem licererne mittere; cumque is<br />

respondisset, Quidni liceat? Ille protinus<br />

avem misit per fenestram, iocum arripiens ex<br />

ambiguitate verbi. Nam, apud Romanos erat<br />

solenne cibum e convivio dono amicis<br />

mittere. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

606. Augustus salutatus a Psittaco, hunc emi iussit.<br />

Idem miratus in Pica & hanc mercatus est.<br />

H o c e x e m p l u m t e n u e m q u e n d a m<br />

homuncionem sortis infimæ sollicitavit, ut


Corvum institueret ad huius modi<br />

s a l u t a t i o n e m . Q u i c u m i m p e n d i o<br />

exhauriretur, subinde ad avem non<br />

respondentem dicere solet: Opere & impensa<br />

periit. Tandem pervicit assiduitate, ut Corvus<br />

sonaret dictatam salutationem. Ea cum<br />

Augustum prætereuntem salutasset: Cæsar,<br />

Satis, inquit, istiusmodi salutatorum habeo<br />

domi. Tum Corvus memor & illorum<br />

verborum, quæ toties audierat, subtexuit:<br />

Opera & impensa periit. Ad hoc arridens<br />

Augustus, iussit avem emi, quanti nullam<br />

adhuc emerat. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

607. Adolescens quidam provincialis Romam<br />

venerat, oris similitudine tam mirifice<br />

referens Augustum, ut in se populi totius<br />

oculos converteret. Caesar, hoc audito, iussit<br />

ad se perduci, eumque contemplatus hunc in<br />

modum percontatus est: Dic mihi adolescens,<br />

fuitne aliquando mater tua Romæ? Negavit<br />

ille ac sentiens iocum retorsit, adiiciens: Sed<br />

pater meus sæpe. Macrobius. Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />

608. E q u i t e R o m a n o q u o d a m d e f u n c t o ,<br />

compertum est illum tantum habuisse æris<br />

alieni ut solvere nullo modo posset, idque<br />

dum viveret, celaverat. Cum igitur res illius<br />

auctioni subicerentur ut ex pecunia aliquibus<br />

eius creditoribus satis fieret, Augustus iussit<br />

sibi emi culcitram illius cubicularem. Ac

LATIN TEXT 63<br />

mirantibus hoc praeceptum: Habenda est,<br />

inquit, ad somnum mihi conciliandum illa<br />

culcitra, in qua ille tanto ære alieno<br />

obstrictus somnum capere potuit. Nam<br />

Augustus ob ingentes curas sæpe maximam<br />

noctis partem ducebat insomnem. Macrobius.<br />

Saturnalia. 2.4.<br />




Grammatical Practice<br />

Showing the true and authentic use of<br />

declensions and conjugations,<br />

nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition<br />

of a knowledge of the essential <strong>grammatica</strong>l<br />

components of meaning.<br />

There are also attached a substantial number of<br />

both famous sayings and rather well-chosen<br />

witticisms.<br />

For the use of the students of Magdalene at<br />

Oxford<br />

The very greatest depends upon the very smallest.<br />

London<br />

Printed by John Havilan<br />

with funding from Thomas Pavier<br />



Kind Reader.<br />

I am entirely in agreement with you, my reader-friend. You<br />

have come to the correct conclusion. These trifles that are<br />

coming out are quite unworthy (I am only speaking about this<br />

Praxis). Yes, that is the way it is. And you wouldn't deny it if<br />

you take a look at the contents. But if you consider their goal,<br />

you would think differently. The Praxis I have spoken about is<br />

especially fashioned for the use of children who are still<br />

stammering, ones who have crept from their <strong>grammatica</strong>l<br />

cribs for the first time. Certainly I think that for them it is<br />

going to be not only useful and handy, but also well-suited. As<br />

you see, I have decided to add to it certain rather elegant and<br />

witty sayings carefully researched and culled. In this material<br />

you will find quite a refined kind of speech. But even more, I<br />

have added to these sayings quite a good number of<br />

apophthegms from Macrobius, Plutarch, and also from that<br />

hugely prolific Desiderius Erasmus, both funny and serious<br />

items fetched out from their store. These should from time to<br />

time make palatable and interesting those bothersome chores<br />

that tend to creep in on teachers. But no, let me stop so that I<br />

don't seem to have made a preface longer than it ought to be<br />

for these piddling items and to have attached it to the front of<br />

mere prattle.<br />

Farewell.<br />

Yours, J.H.


Exercises<br />

1. I am going to have lunch at your place today.<br />

2. You are a generous host.<br />

3. That one is a glutton for books.<br />

4. This tune is very charming [lit: suave?].<br />

5. This bird is unfledged.<br />

6. This wall is brick.<br />

7. This church is richly adorned.<br />

8. This boy is a very pleasant fellow.<br />

9. Your brothers are highly educated men.<br />

10. You are the victors, we the vanquished.<br />

11. A single man is like no man.<br />

12. I was not in school today.<br />

13. Yesterday you were not at church.<br />

14. Your brother was not in our orchard, nor was anyone<br />

else.<br />

15. We were at your house.<br />

16. You were at our house.<br />

17. Your parents were at my house today.<br />

18. Today I was not in class, nor were you.<br />

19. You are the same as you ever were.<br />

20. This boy was always better than his brother.<br />

21. Yesterday we were in your garden.<br />


22. You were in the church of Mary Magdalene.<br />

23. Here were all the bushels of cherries and apples.<br />

24. Yesterday no one had been in the atrium, as far as I<br />



25. The previous week you had been on our walkways.<br />

26. Your brother had been at my place the day before<br />

yesterday.<br />

27. My sisters had not been in the dining room the day<br />

before.<br />

28. I will be more careful in the future.<br />

29. Tomorrow morning you will be at my place.<br />

30. This boy will some day be a learned man.<br />

31. Hereafter (with God's help) we will be more diligent.<br />

32. You will be the people by far the dearest to me.<br />

33. Friends who love sincerely will be by far the dearest<br />

to me.<br />

34. Be devout and devoted.<br />

35. Every student should be attentive to the lesson!<br />

36. Be faithful [lit: fidel], and you will be happy.<br />

37. Let all the boys be in class tomorrow at dawn!<br />

38. Let these things be this way.<br />

39. Your brother is asking me to be zealous.<br />

40. I ask you to be hungry [lit: avid] for good reading.<br />

41. May this night be calm [lit: tranquil] and very lucky<br />

for you.<br />

42. The teachers are asking us students to be more<br />

attentive next year than we were in the last one.<br />

43. I urge you to be very faithful to your close friends.<br />

44. Encourage your classmates [lit: co-disciples] to be in<br />

school early.<br />

45. I used to ask your brother to be my friend, just as he<br />

always was before.<br />

46. You used to ask us to be your friends.<br />

47. Your father would ask me to be your study-partner.

48. My mother asked my teacher to be a bit nicer to me.<br />

49. The teachers rather often encouraged their students<br />

to be really studious.<br />

50. Time and again I have asked you to think of me [lit:<br />

to be mindful of me].<br />

51. Be good for your own and a credit to them. [felix =<br />

favourable, successful, fruitful]<br />

52. If I am good, I will be blessed.<br />


53. If anyone becomes needy, that person should work.<br />

54. If you are reverent, God will love you in a special<br />

way.<br />

55. If we are not careful, the teacher will catch us<br />

playing dice here.<br />

56. I wish this boy were my schoolmate!<br />

57. I wonder whether these pens and pipes are mine.<br />

58. I do not doubt that you are an honourable boy.<br />

59. If I had been in church, I would have heard the<br />

sermon.<br />

60. If you had been at our house, you would have eaten<br />

fruits and nuts.<br />

61. If your brother had been educated, he would have<br />

accepted the gold-plated pen from me.<br />

62. If we had been in the King's garden, we would have<br />

seen very delightful roses and violets.<br />

63. If he had been at class, the teacher would have<br />

given you four cherries and three pears.<br />

64. If Peter and William and George and the teacher's<br />

eldest son had been together with me downtown, I<br />

would have bought several arrows for each of<br />

them.<br />

65. If I'm with you for a while, I will teach you some rules<br />

of Grammar.


66. I wonder if you were in the forest yesterday.<br />

67. Father does not know where you are now.<br />

68. I do not know who this stranger is.<br />

69. I hear that your brothers are good young men.<br />

70. When I was in class yesterday, I had said you would<br />

pay the penalty because of your negligence.<br />

71. When I had been at your mother's three days ago,<br />

she ordered me to move against you [lit: be<br />

adverse].<br />

72. When you were at Paris, you left me crying in the<br />

cradle.<br />

73. I hear that you are a good boy.<br />

74. I hear that you are a good boy.<br />

75. I hear your hunting dogs are voracious.<br />

76. I believe you were an eloquent orator.<br />

77. I believe that you were an eloquent orator.<br />

78. I believe these pears were not to your liking.<br />

79. I believe that these pears were not to your liking.<br />

80. I hope I will be your guest.<br />

81. I hope that tomorrow I will be your guest.<br />

82. I believe your sister will be a good woman.<br />

83. I hope we will be educated men.<br />

84. I hope that we will be educated men.<br />

85. I hope this plant is healthful.<br />

86. I love God the heavenly Father who made me.<br />

87. You love nothing as much as Jesus Christ your<br />

Saviour.<br />

88. She loves me just as if I were his brother.<br />

89. We love you in turn.

90. You love elegant dinners.<br />

91. I consider those people happy who love integrity.<br />

92. I used to like you before, when you were interested.<br />

93. You used to love the good arts, I remember; why<br />

don't you love them any more?<br />

94. She used to like me when I was a boy.<br />

95. We loved your sisters when they were at our place.<br />

96. You liked pears when you were young.<br />

97. Our teachers used to like your brothers since they<br />

were interested in learning.<br />

98. I have loved you from childhood.<br />

99. You have loved me in return.<br />

100. Your brother always liked the bow and arrows.<br />

101. We have always loved those who are like<br />

ourselves.<br />

102. You liked me for the very reason that I liked you.<br />

103. Those who act rightly love the light.<br />

104. I had loved you, but you had not loved me back.<br />

105. If you will like me, I will like you back.<br />

106. Good people will like good people.<br />

107. Farewell, and keep me in your affection [lit: love<br />

me].<br />

108. Love devotion, and the liberal arts.<br />

109. I ask you to love your parents.<br />

110. You ask me to like your brother.<br />


111. I will encourage him to like good books.<br />

112. I have asked you rather frequently to be good to<br />

Nicholas your classmate.<br />

113. Love devotion, and you will be happy.


114. Every boy should respect and have a warm regard<br />

for his teacher.<br />

115. Let us love God and our neighbour.<br />

116. I wonder whether you like me the same way I like<br />

you.<br />

117. I would like you, if you were such as you seem.<br />

118. If they liked me, I would like them back.<br />

119. If I had liked your brother, he would also have liked<br />

me.<br />

120. We would have loved your sisters if they had been<br />

good.<br />

121. If you like me, you will have given me a distinct<br />

pleasure.<br />

122. I wish I had always loved devotion!<br />

123. I wish people would always love God.<br />

124. You have heard I like your friends.<br />

125. You have heard that I like your friends.<br />

126. You know I liked Peter your brother.<br />

127. I hear these women have always loved their<br />

husbands.<br />

128. I hear that these women always have loved their<br />

husbands.<br />

129. I hope I am going to like good books.<br />

130. I hope that I am going to like good books.<br />

131. My hope is you will like me.<br />

132. My hope is that you will like me.<br />

133. I have to love.<br />

134. By liking and praising the boy, you will make him<br />

really eager to learn.

135. My brother has the intention of liking the liberal<br />

arts.<br />

136. I am coming to court your sister.<br />

137. I am coming to court your sister.<br />

138. I am making a good effort to like more intensely the<br />

ones that you are praising.<br />

139. I am coming to praise your pens.<br />

140. I am coming to praise your pens.<br />

141. I am coming to praise your pens.<br />

142. Your brother is worthy of love.<br />

143. This subject is easy to like.<br />


144. Boys who love devotion are dear to God.<br />

145. God gives all good things to those who love him [lit:<br />

to those loving him].<br />

146. Whoever is really going to love himself should first<br />

love God.<br />

147. We are coming to praise your class.<br />

148. I am loved by my father when I am good and<br />

careful.<br />

149. Our countrymen are loved by yours.<br />

150. A devout person is loved by God and the holy<br />

angels.<br />

151. I was liked by the teacher when I was in your class.<br />

152. I was liked by your father, since I liked you also.<br />

153. Good and useful books have always been liked by<br />

good men.<br />

154. Good pens had always been liked by this boy.<br />

155. You will be loved by God and by people if you are<br />

devout and good.


156. Like your classmates, so that you will be liked by<br />

them in return.<br />

157. We would be liked by your brothers if we would<br />

give them pears and apples and cherries every<br />

day.<br />

158. If you had been liked by us, undoubtedly we would<br />

have been liked by you in turn.<br />

159. I wonder if I am liked by you and your father.<br />

160. I think teaching and virtue are loved by all people.<br />

161. I see I have been very much liked by your parents.<br />

162. I see that I have been very much liked by your<br />

parents.<br />

163. I hope I am going to be liked by you.<br />

164. I hope that I am going to be liked by you.<br />

165. I believe this writing case will be liked by you.<br />

166. I believe that this writing case will be liked by you.<br />

167. I think these apples are going to be liked by my<br />

classmates.<br />

168. I think that these pears are going to be liked by my<br />

classmates.<br />

169. We ought to like good books. [lit: Good books are<br />

to be liked by us.]<br />

170. We ought to love God's commands.<br />

171. I teach good boys willingly.<br />

172. Why do you not teach your brother?<br />

173. Yesterday I was teaching your brother the first<br />

declension.<br />

174. I have often taught you literature.<br />

175. I had taught your brother many Latin words, but he<br />

forgot all of them.

176. I will teach you the same thing that my father<br />

taught me.<br />

177. Teach me please, those things that I do not know.<br />

178. Whoever is more learned than the others, let him<br />

teach the rest.<br />

179. I am being strongly begged by your brother to<br />

teach him the Latin declensions.<br />

180. I was begging your brother to teach me the Latin<br />

language.<br />

181. I do not know who is now teaching your brother<br />

literature.<br />

182. I don't at all know why you are still teaching<br />

uncaring and stubborn boys.<br />

183. You do not know if you have taught me correctly<br />

the art of shooting arrows.<br />

184. Since you are teaching me, I will teach you in<br />

return.<br />

185. When our teacher was teaching us yesterday in<br />

class, your mother was asking him to pardon your<br />

playing around.<br />

186. I wish your father, who is an educated man, had<br />

taught me Latin grammar!<br />

187. When Lucilius had taught my brother for three<br />

months, he suddenly went away to the country.<br />

188. If I teach you your lesson, you will give me four or<br />

three or at least two apples.<br />

189. You see I teach you faithfully.<br />

190. You see that I teach you faithfully.<br />


191. I really am amazed that you have not taught your<br />

son Peter the Lord's Prayer.<br />

192. Believe I will teach your brothers faithfully.<br />

193. Believe that I will teach your brothers faithfully.


194. I go to teach seven classes of boys.<br />

195. This matter is difficult to teach.<br />

196. I have to teach several strangers for free, because<br />

of the fact that they are poor.<br />

197. I hear you are going to teach some young<br />

noblemen.<br />

198. I hear that you are going to teach some young<br />

noblemen.<br />

199. I will go to teach your sister music.<br />

200. I am coming to teach you arithmetic.<br />

201. By teaching others you will teach yourself.<br />

202. Three, or at any rate four days ago I saw your<br />

sister teaching both my sisters.<br />

203. The work of the one teaching is unpleasant and full<br />

of worry.<br />

204. Anyone who is going to teach another should first<br />

teach himself.<br />

205. We are being taught the Latin language by you.<br />

206. I was being taught the art of writing in my youth,<br />

but it bore no fruit.<br />

207. We boys were still being taught many Latin words.<br />

208. You have been taught to write out a letter to your<br />

father.<br />

209. This girl has been taught to dance.<br />

210. My sisters had been taught to weave and to hold<br />

the wool and the web.<br />

211. Perhaps now I will be taught these things by this<br />

man, which to this point I have been taught by no<br />

one.<br />

212. If you would be taught the Latin language by me,<br />

you will give me a large fee.


213. If I were being taught the fisherman's art by you, I<br />

would give you a hundred ripe apples.<br />

214. You understand I am being taught the Greek<br />

language.<br />

215. You understand that I am being taught the Greek<br />

language.<br />

216. I heard you were being taught foreign languages.<br />

217. I have heard your brothers have not yet been<br />

taught the French language.<br />

218. I have heard that your brothers have not yet been<br />

taught the French language.<br />

219. I hope I will be taught the Greek language.<br />

220. I hope that I will be taught the Greek language.<br />

221. I hope your sisters will be taught the art of weaving.<br />

222. I hope that your sisters will be taught the art of<br />

weaving.<br />

223. I gladly read your letter which you are writing to<br />

me.<br />

224. I was reading some letters to your brother which I<br />

myself was carrying to him the day before.<br />

225. Most gladly we read the letter which you had so<br />

kindly sent to us yesterday.<br />

226. As soon as I had ready yesterday's letter I<br />

immediately wrote back to you.<br />

227. Tomorrow I will read the letter that I got from a<br />

certain person who lives in this neighbourhood.<br />

228. Read Cicero, the supreme orator, or if you prefer,<br />

Terence, the most polished author.<br />

229. Quite frequently you beg me to read Caesar, the<br />

purest writer of history.<br />

230. You used to ask me to read Plautus, the<br />

lighthearted comic playwright.


231. You are not unaware I gladly read the Colloquies of<br />

Erasmus and the Dialogues of Corderius, written<br />

elegantly in Latin.<br />

232. I hear you have read the Letters of Politianus,<br />

which Lipsius praises so much.<br />

233. I hope you will read Ovid and Virgil, the princes of<br />

Latin poets.<br />

234. I have come here to read your father's letter.<br />

235. This book is most pleasant to read; I do not<br />

remember that I have ever seen a more pleasant<br />

one.<br />

236. This line is very difficult to read.<br />

237. You should read the rather elegant letters.<br />

238. I am quite eager to read this book.<br />

239. I came here to read.<br />

240. By reading deeply, not widely, you will make<br />

progress daily.<br />

241. Boys who often read the lessons easily remember<br />

them.<br />

242. I hope you will read your sermon.<br />

243. I hope that you will read your sermon.<br />

244. In class I am often put on the list of babblers.<br />

245. A well written letter is read with pleasure.<br />

246. This book was being read two days ago by your<br />

mother.<br />

247. You have often been put on the absentee lists.<br />

248. This packet of writings has not yet been read by<br />

my teacher.<br />

249. Your letter had been read early enough by my<br />



250. I will not be put on the list of absentees today since<br />

I was in class all this week.<br />

251. Around noon your composition will be read.<br />

252. I wonder whether my compositions are being read<br />

with pleasure by my friends.<br />

253. If I were as often put on the absentee list as you<br />

and your brothers are, no doubt I would be<br />

whipped by the teacher.<br />

254. I hear many letters are being read by you.<br />

255. I hear that many letters are being read by you.<br />

256. I hear your recently printed pamphlet has been<br />

read by the prince.<br />

257. I hear that your recently printed pamphlet has been<br />

read by the prince.<br />

258. Today I saw several compositions brought from<br />

Oxford or London to your father had been carefully<br />

read.<br />

259. This book should be read by us all.<br />

260. By reading Cicero you will become more learned<br />

every day.<br />

261. By reading the letters of Pliny and Politianus you<br />

will sharpen your wit considerably and you will<br />

make your speech more polished.<br />

262. Nothing more willingly do I hear read than the<br />

Word of God.<br />

263. Quite unwillingly do we hear those things that we<br />

do not like.<br />

264. Yesterday I heard your apples have ripened<br />

enough.<br />

265. I heard my fellow students reading their lessons.<br />

266. With great alarm your sisters had heard your<br />

shouts when you were in the garden.


267. I will listen to you willingly if you have anything<br />

which you would tell me.<br />

268. We will hear your excuse if you can produce any<br />

fair and fitting one.<br />

269. Listen to me first; I will hear you afterward.<br />

270. Gladly listen to holy sermons.<br />

271. Speak more clearly so that I might hear you better.<br />

272. I would most willingly hear you, if there were just a<br />

bit of leisure left over from my business.<br />

273. We would most willingly hear a speech of yours if<br />

you ever adorned one with citations.<br />

274. If I hear you are studious and diligent, you will get<br />

from me as a gift five cherries and ten raisins.<br />

275. Once I had heard the story, I started to wonder,<br />

and to scold the lying boy.<br />

276. I believe you have not heard my trumpet playing<br />

sweetly.<br />

277. I believe that you have not heard my trumpet<br />

playing sweetly.<br />

278. I think we are going to hear your brother reciting<br />

his poems for the next eight days.<br />

279. I go, no I hurry, to hear the holy sermon that is<br />

being given in Saint Peter's church at ten o'clock.<br />

280. Actually, what you are telling me is quite pleasant<br />

to hear.<br />

281. I must listen attentively to whatever your father<br />

says.<br />

282. The time for hearing the sermon is almost at hand.<br />

283. I have come to class to listen and learn.<br />

284. Good boys are eager to hear their teacher.


285. By listening to the Word of God you will get an<br />

accurate account of the way to arrive at eternal<br />

salvation.<br />

286. I hope I am going to hear a Latin comedy in your<br />

hall.<br />

287. My sister rose shortly before dawn to hear the<br />

prayers read in the dining room.<br />

288. I am not being heard by everyone who is now<br />

present.<br />

289. The Word of God should be attentively heard by<br />

those who want to attain salvation through Christ.<br />

290. The teacher heard me not when I wanted to tell the<br />

story about the rooster.<br />

291. Your brother was heard by my father when he told<br />

how many fish he had taken from our lake.<br />

292. We will never be heard attentively by those who<br />

listen unwillingly.<br />

293. If I were being heard by you, you in turn would be<br />

heard by us.<br />

294. I think an eloquent and merry speaker is heard with<br />

great pleasure by studious young people.<br />

295. I believe the best speakers were poorly heard by<br />

those who look down on eloquence and consider<br />

all arts worthless.<br />

296. I hope my master will attend to what I say when I<br />

come to class.<br />

297. I believe your mother will not be heard by my<br />

father.<br />

298. Heard by the judge, I returned home.<br />

299. The Word of God should be heard attentively and<br />



300. Your eagerness to hear the holy sermon pleases<br />

me immensely.<br />

301. The antidote for life is Endurance.<br />

302. The salt of life is Friendship.<br />

303. The sun of life is Wisdom.<br />

304. Each of the great delights of life is insipid and<br />

disagreeable.<br />

305. Many have too much; no one enough.<br />

306. One day of the wise person is to be preferred to<br />

the longest eternity of the foolish.<br />

307. That person who lacks things is not poor, but the<br />

one who is needy or full of desire is.<br />

308. Do not laugh much nor at many things.<br />

309. Be a bit cautious at someone else's tears, a bit<br />

cheered at someone else's smile.<br />

310. The magnet of love is love.<br />

311. There is nothing that so draws out love as love<br />

does. Hence that saying of Martial: "To be loved,<br />

love."<br />

312. There is a certain natural conjunction and harmony<br />

in things such that no one hates the one who loves<br />

him.<br />

313. It becomes the giver not to remember the favour<br />

bestowed; it becomes the recipient not to look<br />

upon the gift so much as upon the spirit of the<br />

giver.<br />

314. For that reason they imagine the Graces are three;<br />

two never look back and the third always looks<br />

upon the first two.<br />

315. The good is good for the good and for the bad; the<br />

bad is good neither for the bad nor for the good.

316. Before you begin there is the need to deliberate,<br />

and when you have finished deliberating, there is<br />

the need to act at the right moment.<br />

317. Give yourself totally to the signs and leadership of<br />

God in this campaign of life and submit to<br />

commands and follow example.<br />

318. Do not do what you do not wish to be done.<br />

319. Moderate strolling restores the body, immoderate<br />

strolling undoes it.<br />

320. What fortune has supplied, it will remove.<br />

321. What nature has loaned, she will seek back.<br />

322. What your virtue has gotten, you will keep.<br />

323. It does not matter how long you have lived, but<br />

how well. The life that is good is long.<br />

324. You ought to despise what you can lose.<br />

325. Yield to the people, but do not obey them. For one<br />

should not fight with the crowd, a many-headed<br />

beast, but neither should one assent to its<br />

opinions.<br />

326. What is important is not the means but the<br />

purpose.<br />

327. In every place, in every circumstance, we ought to<br />

act correctly as to arrive where we are heading.<br />

328. Pleasure is like a bee; once it has poured forth the<br />

honey, it flies off.<br />

329. Let neither a wet nor a dry drunkenness keep you<br />

down.<br />

330. What is bought by begging is dear.<br />

331. I would rather buy than beg.<br />

332. Prayers are precious payment.<br />


333. There is no cure for the bite of slander.


334. Good fortune ought to be managed by art,<br />

planning, prudence and creative intelligence; an<br />

angry fortune ought to be pounded back with great<br />

strength and overcome and trounced with an<br />

unbeaten spirit.<br />

335. Be a manager over good things and a victor over<br />

bad ones.<br />

336. Our studies should not be interrupted so much as<br />

relaxed.<br />

337. Christ is the aim of our life; he is the beginning, he<br />

is the end. From him everything takes its start,<br />

toward him everything stretches. We should fasten<br />

ourselves to him if we wish to be happy, with no<br />

nail other than the mind itself.<br />

338. It is noble to have the ability to do harm and the will<br />

not to.<br />

339. Being silent in the right way and speaking in the<br />

right way belong to the same art.<br />

340. The more one is permitted to do the less one<br />

should want to.<br />

341. Pardon others many things, yourself nothing.<br />

342. I don't want a younger person to fear me and I<br />

don't want an older one to scorn me.<br />

343. Live mindful of death so that you might be mindful<br />

of salvation.<br />

344. Overcome all sorrows either with your spirit or with<br />

a friend.<br />

345. Praise your friend in public, but when he goes<br />

wrong reproach him in private.<br />

346. It is a terrible pain if you dread what you are unable<br />

to conquer.<br />

347. The mind that knows how to fear knows how to<br />

approach safely.


348. Love your father if he is fair: if not, put up with him.<br />

349. If you tolerate the vices of your friend you make<br />

them your own.<br />

350. If you are quarrelling with a drunken person you<br />

are wounding an absent party.<br />

351. The one who hopes for a long life for a miser is<br />

wishing for the worst evil for him.<br />

352. Good times get you friends, bad ones test them.<br />

353. The better the gambler is the worse he is.<br />

354. Having is better than longing to have.<br />

355. If on your own you offer what is needed the gift is<br />

twice as good.<br />

356. The one who doesn't know how to do a favour is<br />

wrong to look for one.<br />

357. To accept a favour is to sell your freedom.<br />

358. You sin twice when you render service to a person<br />

who is sinning.<br />

359. That person receives a favour by doing one for a<br />

worthy person.<br />

360. The one who says he has done a favour is seeking<br />

one.<br />

361. The link of the heart is the closest kinship.<br />

362. Mutual kindness binds tighter than blood.<br />

363. The one who often performs a kindness teaches<br />

how to return it.<br />

364. That one wins twice who overcomes himself in a<br />

victory; first one's foe, then one's spirit.<br />

365. When things that have been well considered get<br />

away they are not lost.<br />

366. Whoever spares the bad hurts the good.<br />

367. Patience is the remedy for every sorrow..


368. Having a good talker as companion while walking<br />

on the road is like having a vehicle.<br />

369. The one allowed to have more than is proper wants<br />

more than is allowed.<br />

370. Cursing is a foolish thing: if it is a friend you curse<br />

you harm yourself; if an enemy, you irritate him.<br />

371. Long deliberations are the safest thing, for hasty<br />

advice usually makes for failures.<br />

372. You ought to have an ear that is deaf to charges.<br />

373. Gain with the loss of reputation is a loss, not a<br />

gain.<br />

374. From the faults of another a wise man corrects his<br />

own.<br />

375. Even a single hair has its own shadow.<br />

376. You may find good fortune more quickly than you<br />

may keep it.<br />

3 7 7 . A n a t t r a c t i v e a p p e a r a n c e i s a s i l e n t<br />

recommendation.<br />

378. Accepting a favour from someone to whom you<br />

can't return it is a swindle.<br />

379. Whenever fortune favours the wicked it brings loss<br />

and trouble to the best.<br />

380. Bear, don't blame, what cannot be avoided.<br />

381. The companions of great happiness are<br />

foolishness and insolence.<br />

382. He who has lost his good faith can lose nothing<br />

further.<br />

383. Being hurt is hard, whether by a friend or by one<br />

who has power, but to complain about the one is<br />

not honourable and about the other is not safe.<br />

384. The next day learns from the one before.


385. Greedy persons are good to nobody, but they are<br />

the worst to themselves.<br />

386. Nothing is so sweet that it does not make one full<br />

unless variety spices it.<br />

387. A mistake that leaders make turns to trouble for the<br />

people.<br />

388. Luxury is in want of many things; avarice, of<br />

everything.<br />

389. The brave or the fortunate are able to endure envy.<br />

390. For a happy person ignores ill-will, a brave one<br />

despises it.<br />

391. Anger dissolves right away; hatred lasts a long<br />

time.<br />

392. It is a wise person's way not to scorn enemies, no<br />

matter how lowly, for they can do damage when<br />

the opportunity arises.<br />

393. The judge is condemned when the guilty is<br />

acquitted.<br />

394. Those who allow a crime condemn themselves<br />

then and there before the judge of their<br />

conscience, even though no judge renders a<br />

verdict.<br />

395. High rank constitutes a disgrace for those not<br />

worthy of the place.<br />

396. The guilty fear the law; the innocent their luck.<br />

397. In every matter delay is a bother, yet it makes us<br />

wise, so that we don't do anything rashly or<br />

recklessly.<br />

398. They live badly who always think they are going to<br />

win.<br />

399. They are less disappointed who quickly get<br />



400. The one whom many fear ought to fear the many.<br />

401. Avaricious people never lack a reason for refusing.<br />

402. The person who lives in fear is condemned daily.<br />

403. The times are always getting worse and day by day<br />

people's morality is deteriorating more and more.<br />

404. It is foolish to fear what cannot be avoided.<br />

405. Persons compelled by greed lack what they have<br />

as much as what they don't have.<br />

406. Misers are equally deprived of what belongs to<br />

them and what belongs to others.<br />

Maxims.<br />

408. The people are a great teacher of error.<br />

409. From childhood people get used to having the right<br />

ideas about things and these ideas will mature in<br />

keeping with the stages of their lives.<br />

410. Select the best plan for living and habit will make it<br />

the most delightful one.<br />

411. A person is made up of body and spirit.<br />

412. We are made of earth and these elements that we<br />

perceive and touch are like the bodies of animals.<br />

413. Mind given us by divine power, an intellect like the<br />

angels and God. On this basis one is judged a<br />

person, and only should such be rightly called a<br />

person, as the greatest men have chosen to do.<br />

For the spirit of each person is that individual.<br />

414. The best queen and leader of all endeavours is<br />

Virtue, which all the rest have to serve if they want<br />

to perform their duties.<br />

415. Wealth is not precious stones or metals, not<br />

magnificent buildings or well-made furniture, but it<br />

is not being deprived of that which is indispensable<br />

for the protection of life.


416. The body itself is nothing but a protective shell and<br />

a serving agency for the mind, to which nature and<br />

reason and God bids it to be subject; as the<br />

insensate is subject to what has feeling and what<br />

dies is subject to what is undying and godly.<br />

417. What is life but a kind of journey, beset and<br />

beleaguered by so many calamities on all sides,<br />

over each moment of which looms an end that can<br />

occur for the silliest of reasons?<br />

418. The way it is on the road is the same way it is in<br />

life: the one who has less baggage and is<br />

entangled with fewer burdens makes a lighter and<br />

more delightful journey.<br />

419. Riches and possessions and clothing are gotten<br />

only for their use. Vast wealth doesn't help anyone;<br />

rather it weighs everyone down, as heavy cargo<br />

does a ship.<br />

420. Gold is not very different from garbage unless you<br />

make use of it, except that guarding it causes more<br />

stress and distracts you from whatever is<br />

especially good for a person's health while it<br />

makes you put your interest into that one thing<br />

alone.<br />

421. The largest part of riches, buildings, furniture that is<br />

rich and abundant, precious stones, gold, silver,<br />

and every kind of decoration; these are both gotten<br />

and displayed for the eyes of the onlookers and not<br />

for the use of those possessing it.<br />

422. What is nobility but accident of birth and belief that<br />

has been introduced by the foolishness of the<br />

people? And it is quite often gotten by means of<br />

robberies.<br />

423. A real, authentic nobility arises from virtue; it is silly<br />

to boast that you had a good parent when you<br />

yourself are bad and by your disreputable


character you are a shameful stain upon the<br />

attractive wholesomeness of your house.<br />

424. To despise someone's lowly birth is to quietly<br />

rebuke God, the originator of birth.<br />

425. What is power but an alluring annoyance? No one<br />

is so ambitious that he, if he knew what worries,<br />

what concerns, and how great a sea of troubles<br />

are in it, would not flee it as he would flee a<br />

situation of serious distress.<br />

426. How great is the hatred if you have control over<br />

wicked people, and how much worse it is if you are<br />

wicked yourself!<br />

427. What difference is there in sleep or solitude<br />

between the greatest king and the lowest servant?<br />

428. What is beauty in the body itself? Certainly<br />

attractively coloured limbs. If the inner organs<br />

could be perceived, how much ugliness would be<br />

found to exist in even the most appealing body?<br />

429. What good do the handsome looks and attractive<br />

features of the body do, if the mind is base and like<br />

"an ugly guest in a beautiful lodge," as that famous<br />

Greek said?<br />

430. Beauty, strength, agility, and the other gifts of the<br />

body wither quickly, as little flowers disappear on<br />

account of trivial causes. Even a bout of fever<br />

sometimes shakes the most robust of men, and<br />

wipes out all the charm of his appearance.<br />

431. No one can rightly call "his" the external things that<br />

so easily pass to others; nor bodily things either<br />

which so quickly disappear.<br />

432. Why is it that the things that many admire are the<br />

causes of the worst vices, like impertinence,<br />

arrogance, sloth, aggressiveness, spite, rivalry,


enmity, quarrelling, wars, slaughter, massacre,<br />

calamity?<br />

433. From soft and self-indulgent living a great number<br />

of diseases infiltrate the body and quite extensive<br />

loss is sustained by one's property. Then sure<br />

regret comes to one's heart and dullness in the wit,<br />

which shrinks away by the body's fun and breaks<br />

down.<br />

434. Don't think that the worst evil is poverty or lowly<br />

birth or prison or bodily exposure, disgrace, bodily<br />

handicaps, diseases, or feebleness, but consider it<br />

to be the vices and what approaches them:<br />

ignorance, a numb insensitivity, and mad<br />

behaviour.<br />

435. Consider what great good could be the opposite of<br />

virtue, and what approaches it, skill, keen<br />

intelligence, mental health.<br />

436. If you possess external goods, they will profit you<br />

so far as they are connected with virtue; they will<br />

hinder you so far as they are connected with vice.<br />

If you do not have them, be careful not to seek<br />

them through even the smallest forfeit of virtue.<br />

437. The greater the concern for the body, the less there<br />

is for the spirit.<br />

438. The more pampered the body is, the more keenly it<br />

resists the mind, even as a horse when it has been<br />

fastidiously fed tries to unseat its rider.<br />

439. The heavy burden of the body overcomes the spirit<br />

and the lavish feeding or the indulgence of the<br />

body blunts the sharpness of the intellect.<br />

440. Food, sleep, exercises; all the care of one's health<br />

ought to be related to being well rather than to<br />

feeling good so that one's body may give quick<br />

service to one's mind.


441. Nothing matches pleasure for weakening the<br />

liveliness of the mind and crushing the strength<br />

and power of the body; to be sure, all strength of<br />

mind and body thrives on work and effort and wilts<br />

under leisure and tenderness.<br />

442. Cleanliness of the body and a way of life that does<br />

not go as far as luxury or fastidiousness contribute<br />

to one's health and wit.<br />

443. Wash your hands and face with cold water<br />

regularly and wipe them off with a clean towel.<br />

444. Keep the cold away from the other parts of your<br />

body, but especially from your neck.<br />

445. Do not eat right after resting or before lunch,<br />

except sparingly.<br />

446. Breakfast is for settling the stomach or for giving<br />

strength back to the body. It is not for feeling full.<br />

447. Three or four mouthfuls of bread are enough,<br />

without drink, or certainly just a little bit and even<br />

that diluted; this is as good for the mind as for the<br />

body.<br />

448. In your lunch and dinner get accustomed to taking<br />

only one kind of food, a very simple dish and as<br />

wholesome as supplies allow, however many<br />

things are brought to the table.<br />

449. The wide choice of foods is unhealthy for a person<br />

and that of spices is worse.<br />

450. Nature has taught us what things are essential;<br />

these are few and they are readily available.<br />

Foolishness has contrived the non-essentials<br />

which are unlimited and hard to come by.<br />

451. If you give nature the essentials, she's happy and<br />

strengthened as if by what belongs to her, but if<br />

you give nature what is not essential, she weakens


and is crushed as if by what belongs to something<br />

else.<br />

452. What is essential does not satisfy foolishness, so<br />

long as the non-essentials are overwhelming they<br />

are not enough for it.<br />

453. Don't drink right after dinner, or if your thirst nags<br />

you, take something moist and a little chilled or a<br />

very small bit of a diluted drink.<br />

454. Separate that drinking and your rest with at least<br />

half an hour.<br />

455. Physical exercise should not be overdone, but<br />

undertaken in proportion to what good health<br />

demands.<br />

456. Take sleep as if it were a kind of medicine for<br />

taking care of the body, only as much as is<br />

necessary. For excessive sleep fills bodies with<br />

harmful fluids and makes them sluggish, lazy, and<br />

slow, and it slows one's mental speed.<br />

457. The time given to sleep ought not to be thought to<br />

belong to life, for life is awareness.<br />

458. Don't dip into filthy authors, so that no bit of squalor<br />

sticks to your spirit from the contact.<br />

459. We fashion learning with three instruments, as it<br />

were: wit, memory, application.<br />

460. Wit is sharpened by practice; memory is extended<br />

by developing it. Amusements undo both; good<br />

health strengthens them.<br />

461. Realize that you are losing your time and trouble if<br />

you do not pay close attention to what you read or<br />

hear.<br />

462. Don't be ashamed to ask about what you do not<br />

know. Don't be abashed at being taught by<br />

anyone, because the greatest men have not been


embarrassed to learn. Rather be embarrassed<br />

about not knowing or about not wanting to learn.<br />

463. If you want to appear learned make the effort to be<br />

so. There is no shortcut. In the same way you will<br />

not find any easier way to be thought good than by<br />

being so.<br />

464. Whatever you want to seem make yourself be;<br />

otherwise you are desiring in vain.<br />

465. Time undoes what is false and it validates what is<br />

true.<br />

466. Any person can make mistakes; nobody but a fool<br />

continues on in his error.<br />

467. Don't strive as much to answer at great length as<br />

to answer in an appropriate and a timely way.<br />

468. Invite to your lunch and dinner those who can<br />

teach you and who can with charming and<br />

intelligent conversation both raise your spirits and<br />

make you smarter.<br />

469. You will learn from the wise how to be more<br />

careful.<br />

470. Strive to understand not only the words of the<br />

author whom you are reading, but especially his<br />

meanings.<br />

471. The more you entrust to your memory, the more<br />

faithfully it will keep it all; the less you entrust, the<br />

less faithfully will it do so.<br />

472. No limit must be put on the pursuit of wisdom in<br />

life; it should end with life. People should always<br />

contemplate these three things as long as they<br />

live: how to discern well, how to speak well, how to<br />

act well.<br />

473. All arrogance should be kept out of intellectual<br />

pursuits. For the things that even the most learned<br />

of mortals understands do not amount to the


slightest fraction of what that person fails to know.<br />

Whatever people know is something slender and<br />

unclear and unsure and our minds, shackled in this<br />

bodily prison, are hemmed in by extensive<br />

ignorance and the darkest shadows. We have so<br />

blunt a vision that we don't even scratch the<br />

surface of reality.<br />

474. Arrogance hurts the progress of studies to a great<br />

extent. For many would have been able to arrive at<br />

wisdom if they had not already thought that they<br />

had arrived.<br />

475. Avoid competition, jealous rivalry, detraction, and<br />

the vain compulsion for glory, since we pursue<br />

these studies precisely to escape those things.<br />

476. Studies spice up happy matters, they soften sad<br />

ones, they restrain the rash impulses of youth, they<br />

lighten the annoying sluggishness of old age. At<br />

home, abroad, in public, in private, in solitude, in a<br />

crowd, in leisure, in work, they companion, they<br />

support, no, they take the initiative, they lend<br />

assistance, they give aid.<br />

477. The spirit ought not despair or withdraw in the face<br />

of a buffeting fortune; indeed, a morning against<br />

you will sometimes give way to an evening in your<br />

favour.<br />

478. This life is nothing but a pilgrimage by which we<br />

press on to another one that is eternal and we are<br />

lacking very few things for the completion of this<br />

journey.<br />

479. Getting one's fill of fortune's favours is nothing<br />

different from a foot soldier being hampered with<br />

many burdens and overwhelmed.<br />

480. No one is so stupidly mindless as to get herself<br />

ready and dress for the journey rather than for that


city toward which she is headed and in which she<br />

has a mind to stay.<br />

481. By Religion God is known; once known, he can't<br />

but be loved.<br />

482. This world is like a kind of home for God, or rather<br />

a temple. He himself brought it forth from nothing<br />

to its present appearance and splendour.<br />

483. Angels, demons, people, living beings, plants,<br />

stones, heavens and essential matter; all these<br />

things are finally in God's hands and they obey<br />

him.<br />

484. We don't see anything arising or moving or<br />

happening and not even a straw being lifted or a<br />

tuft of wool floating outside of God's direction and<br />

command.<br />

485. All human wisdom, if it is compared with the<br />

Christian faith, is worthless and pure folly.<br />

486. To know it is complete wisdom, to live by it, perfect<br />

virtue, but no one knows it who does not live<br />

devoutly.<br />

487. The goodness of Christ elicits our love, his majesty,<br />

religious worship, his wisdom, faith.<br />

488. Works done by the body are silly in God's sight<br />

unless they are seasoned with feeling from the<br />

heart.<br />

489. In the most secret hiding-places, and far away from<br />

everyone's eyes, and even in your heart itself, and<br />

in your mind, know that you have God as an onlooker,<br />

a witness, a judge of everything, even of<br />

your thoughts, so that revering his presence you<br />

not only do, but even entertain the thought of<br />

nothing wicked or shameful.<br />

490. It is wicked to joke about holy matters or to use the<br />

sayings of the Sacred Scriptures for play,


foolishness, old wives' tales, or taunting. That<br />

would be like someone sprinkling medicine gotten<br />

for one's health on trash.<br />

491. Take part in liturgies attentively and devoutly, fully<br />

aware that whatever you see or hear is very pure<br />

and holy and that it looks to that vast majesty of<br />

God which is easy to worship and impossible to<br />

understand.<br />

492. When you call God Lord, make sure that you serve<br />

him; when you call him Father, make sure that you<br />

love him and show yourself to be a son worthy of<br />

such a Father.<br />

493. It is awful for a musical entertainer to sing one<br />

thing while playing another; it is much more awful<br />

in prayer to God to say one thing and to think<br />

another.<br />

494. God provides various kinds of nourishment for all<br />

living things every day; he keeps them safe and he<br />

rescues them from the death toward which they<br />

are heading at his command.<br />

495. Nothing is given to Christ in a more real way than<br />

what is given to the needy.<br />

496. When you go to bed think that each day is an<br />

image of a human life that night follows, and think<br />

that sleep is a very close representation of the<br />

state of death.<br />

497. The wisest teacher of our life, in fact even its<br />

originator, has given a singular example for living:<br />

that we should love.<br />

498. No one has ill-will for the one whom he loves, and<br />

no one is happy about the troubles of a friend or is<br />

hurt by his good fortunes. For Love makes<br />

everything common and he considers his own the<br />

things that belong to the one he loves.


499. Very long and very dark are the shadows in the<br />

human heart; what human vision will pierce<br />

through so deep a night?<br />

500. Respect a person commended to you by God if<br />

that person is worthy because that one is worthy of<br />

your respect; if not, respect that person because<br />

God is worthy of your obedience.<br />

501. God has brought in peace, love, and concord.<br />

Divisions and factions and personal gain at others'<br />

loss, just like dissension, quarrels, fights, and wars,<br />

these the Devil has introduced, the most expert<br />

craftsman of such as these.<br />

502. Through concord even the most trivial things come<br />

together; discord makes even the most important<br />

ones come apart.<br />

503. Don't laugh at anyone thinking that what has<br />

happened to one, cannot happen to any other.<br />

Rather thank God that he has spared you that<br />

accident and pray both that no such thing happen<br />

to you and that there be some help for the one that<br />

has been so afflicted; even a mind at peace, and<br />

help him yourself if you are able.<br />

504. There are no better resources than sure<br />

friendships. There are no more powerful<br />

companions than faithful friends.<br />

505. He takes the sun away from the world, who takes<br />

friendship from one's life.<br />

506. True and real and lasting friendship exists only<br />

among the good, among whom mutual love easily<br />

makes a union.<br />

507. Bad people are friends neither among themselves<br />

nor with those who are good.<br />

508. The surest and shortest way to be loved is by love.<br />

For nothing elicits love the way love does.


509. It is poison for a friendship if you love as if you are<br />

going to hate, and if you regard a friend in such a<br />

way that you think he can be an enemy.<br />

510. Don't investigate other people's lives and do not<br />

not inquisitively examine what each one is doing;<br />

many quarrels arise from this. Moreover, it is<br />

foolish to know others accurately and be ignorant<br />

about yourself.<br />

511. To direct insult at insult is to clean mud with mud.<br />

512. Flattery is an awful vice, shameful for the one who<br />

speaks it and destructive for the one who hears it.<br />

513. Adopt a kind of speech that is restrained,<br />

courteous, and gracious; not harsh, countrified or<br />

sloppy, but not too precise or artificial.<br />

514. Don't take too quick a pace in speaking or let your<br />

words get ahead of your thought, and don't answer<br />

before you have fully understood the meaning of<br />

any matter the one you are answering has said<br />

and meant.<br />

515. Very seldom should that famous saying be sent<br />

around: “Whatever in the mouth...,” and I wonder<br />

whether it should at every point be admissible<br />

when between friends there is a fear that we might<br />

be saying anything that might break or injure<br />

friendship.<br />

516. In disagreeing, do not be argumentative or<br />

stubborn. If you hear the truth, revere it in silence<br />

and rise before it, as if for a sacred ceremony.<br />

517. But if you do not hear it allow it anyway, either for<br />

your friend or your modesty, especially when it<br />

causes no loss to your good character or to your<br />

religious devotion.


518. What you wish kept quiet first keep quiet about<br />

yourself, but if you are going to reveal it, consider<br />

repeatedly to whom you are going to reveal it.<br />

519. Do not be deceptive or caustic.<br />

520. If people know that you are deceptive, no one will<br />

believe you even if you state the purest truth.<br />

521. On the other hand, if people know that you are<br />

honest, your word will command a greater<br />

confidence than the most sacred oath that others<br />

give.<br />

522. The one who has gotten himself into a situation<br />

that he can get out of only by lying is a sorry fellow.<br />

523. Don't wait until a close friend tells you about his<br />

urgent needs; when you get wind of them and help<br />

him on your own initiative.<br />

524. Do not only give love to your parent but the<br />

deepest respect, immediately after God.<br />

525. Believe that you are dear to the one from whom<br />

you get a kind rebuke. And never think that<br />

rebuking is an obstacle even when it comes from<br />

an enemy. For if it raises valid objections, it is<br />

pointing out what we should correct; but if false,<br />

what we should avoid. Thus it always makes us<br />

better or more careful.<br />

526. Be slow to take others into your confidence and<br />

steadfast about keeping those you've once<br />

accepted.<br />

527. With respect to the animals, the especially deadly<br />

thing among the wild ones is jealousy, among the<br />

tame, flattery.<br />

528. If you can't take criticism well, don't do things that<br />

deserve it.<br />

529. Our nature inclines down towards evil; towards<br />

virtue the slope rises up and the path is difficult.


530. To those younger than you be kind; to your elders,<br />

respectful, to your peers, approachable and easy<br />

to deal with.<br />

531. If you are not outstanding in virtue, why do you<br />

insist on seeming better than others? If you are<br />

outstanding, why don't you surpass the common<br />

people more in the control of your disposition?<br />

532. The Lord's eye is watching over each thing; he<br />

knows both the one doing harm and the one<br />

suffering it.<br />

533. Put more value on the judgment of your<br />

conscience than on all the voices of the vast crowd<br />

which is inexperienced and foolish; as it is afraid to<br />

try what is unknown, so also it condemns it.<br />

534. Reputation neither helps someone who is wicked<br />

nor hurts someone who is good.<br />

535. When you are dead, what more will reputation<br />

mean to you than a picture praised by Apelles or a<br />

champion horse at Olympia? It doesn't even profit<br />

you while you are alive if you are unaware of it. If a<br />

person knows it, it contributes nothing except that<br />

a wise person will have scorn for it and a foolish<br />

person will have greater self-satisfaction.<br />

536. Conscience is a great teacher about this life.<br />

537. There are those who reject concern for the divine<br />

power to err more boldly and freely; they are<br />

doubly wicked because they respect neither people<br />

nor God.<br />

538. That conscience that no fear restrains goes far<br />

astray.<br />

539. Who but a madman would shirk efforts made in<br />

return for an eternal heavenly reward? After all,<br />

you can't even get these perishable and shoddy<br />

things without work.


540. Sin is the death of a person, so whoever sins<br />

appears to be murdering himself. For our life<br />

detaches itself from God and from the peace of<br />

one's conscience of which nothing is more<br />

blessed.<br />

541. Just as a single day of human life is preferable to<br />

the longest life of a raven or a stag, so one day<br />

lived on the basis of religion, that is, one day of<br />

divine life, ranks above to all eternity without<br />

religion.<br />

Witticisms and striking utterances<br />

543. When Publius had noticed that Mutius, an<br />

especially grumpy person, was gloomier than<br />

usual, he said, "Either something bad has<br />

happened to Mutius, or something good to<br />

someone else."<br />

544. When a certain person received Augustus Caesar<br />

with a meagre enough dinner, one even<br />

approaching a regular everyday meal (for the<br />

emperor refused almost no one who invited him),<br />

after the skimpy banquet, as he he was leaving<br />

without any fanfare, he merely muttered to the host<br />

who was telling him good-bye, "I didn't think we<br />

were so close."<br />

545. To someone asking him at what time one ought to<br />

take the mid-day meal, he said: "For a somebody<br />

rich, whenever he wants, and for somebody poor,<br />

whenever he can."<br />

546. Diogenes, when asked what wine he liked best,<br />

said: "Somebody else's."<br />

547. Someone asked how gold came by it’s light colour.<br />

Diogenes answered: "Because it never has a<br />

moment when it has no muggers."


548. Diogenes coming to Myndum noticed that the<br />

gates were huge but the city small, said:<br />

"Mynidians, shut your gates so your city doesn't<br />

leave you someday."<br />

549. Diogenes was taking his lunch in the marketplace<br />

and he was called a dog by some who stood at a<br />

distance. "You are the dogs," he said, "since you<br />

are standing around watching me eat."<br />

550. When the son of a certain prostitute threw a stone<br />

into an assembly, Diogenes told him: "Be careful<br />

that you don't hit your father!"<br />

551. When Dionysius of Syracuse took the golden<br />

vestments from the Olympian Jupiter and dressed<br />

him in a woollen one, he was asked why he did<br />

that. He said: "Because in summertime, a golden<br />

outfit is heavy and in winter it is cold, but woollen<br />

wear goes much better in either season."<br />

552. This very Dionysius, when he had ordered the<br />

golden beard taken off Aesculapius, claimed: "It<br />

isn't right that his father Apollo be smooth-cheeked<br />

while the one that was his son is seen bearded."<br />

553. Some thief was mocking Demosthenes's research<br />

and writings a little too impudently. So he told the<br />

man: "I realize that I'm bothering you by burning a<br />

lamp at night."<br />

554. When Lacon had married a very small woman, he<br />

wittily said: "You have to pick the lesser evil."<br />

555. When a certain young man, reduced to poverty by<br />

too much expensive living, was eating olives for<br />

dinner, Diogenes, chancing to pass by, said: "If you<br />

had had lunches like this, you would not now have<br />

dinners like this."<br />

556. When a certain inexperienced doctor asked<br />

Pausanias: "How is it, sir, that you have no health


problems?", he said: "Because I don't have you for<br />

a doctor."<br />

557. Galba, asked by somebody for a raincoat to use,<br />

wittily answered: "It is not raining, so you don't<br />

need it. If it rains, I'll use it myself."<br />

558. When Aristotle at the age of about 62 was working<br />

so hard that it seemed that his life was almost over,<br />

his followers came to him asking him to pick one of<br />

them to take his place. Among his students two<br />

were outstanding, Theophrastus of Lesbos and<br />

Menedemus of Rhodes. Aristotle answered that he<br />

would do what they asked when the occasion<br />

arose. A little later, when they had gathered around<br />

him for the same purpose, he said that he found<br />

the wine that he was drinking not very agreeable,<br />

and he asked that someone get him a foreign wine,<br />

either one from Rhodes or from Lesbos. As soon<br />

as that was managed, tasting the wine from<br />

Rhodes, he said: "That's certainly a robust and<br />

pleasant wine." Next tasting the wine from Lesbos,<br />

he said: "Both are outstandingly good, but I like the<br />

one from Lesbos better." When he said this, there<br />

was no doubt that with his statement he had<br />

chosen his successor, not wine, both politely and<br />

cleverly. He approved both and he did not remove<br />

from his students their prerogative to choose. [But<br />

the Greek language is a little bit more urbane,<br />

because oinos, that is, vinum, is a word of the<br />

masculine gender, so that this statement, ho<br />

lesbios hediôn might be used of a person.]<br />

559. A certain person in Hadrian the Sophist's circle had<br />

sent him a fish on a silver platter with a gold design<br />

on it. Taking delight in the plate he did not send it<br />

back, but merely answered the one who had sent<br />

it: "It was a nice touch to add the fish," as if the<br />

platter had been sent as a gift and the fish merely


added for effect. Some say this was done as a<br />

joke, to punish his disciple's fault since he was said<br />

to be rather stingy.<br />

560. Pollio would say that doing something just right<br />

leads to doing it often, but doing it often leads to<br />

doing it less well, for constant performance<br />

produces facility more than faculty, and not<br />

confidence but carelessness results. What we want<br />

done with care should be done seldom.<br />

561. Once at dinner with Dionysius, Philoxenus saw that<br />

the king had been served a remarkably large red<br />

mullet while he had been served a very tiny one,<br />

the mature fish of this species being the ones that<br />

people praise. So he moved his little fish to his ear.<br />

To Dionysius wondering at this and asking him the<br />

reason for it, he said: "I’ve got Galatea in my<br />

clutches, and I wanted to ask it certain things about<br />

her. But he says he is not old enough to know<br />

anything yet, but he says his grandfather is over<br />

there on your plate, and he could tell a lot if<br />

someone let him speak." The king was amused<br />

and sent him his own mullet.<br />

562. When the cuckoo-bird asked the smaller birds why<br />

they fled her, they said: "Because we suppose<br />

you'll turn out to be a hawk." (The cuckoo is quite<br />

close to the hawk in appearance.) [Beware of<br />

those who put out tyrannical signals in their<br />

behaviour.] From Plutarch.<br />

563. When Antisthenes was seen carrying some salted<br />

fish through the market-place, some people were<br />

surprised that the philosopher was performing such<br />

a lowly task in public rather than assigning it to a<br />

slave. He said to them: "What are you surprised<br />

at? I'm carrying this for myself, not for somebody<br />

else." He saw that what someone does for himself


is not base servility, so carrying salted fish was not<br />

improper for one who was going to enjoy them.<br />

564. Stilpo, seeing Crates turning red from the cold in<br />

the winter months, said: "You seem to me to need<br />

a new cloak." The wit that it is in the double<br />

meaning can not be translated into Latin: kainou as<br />

one word means new, an kai nou as two means<br />

and mind. The ears can hardly tell the difference,<br />

but the written form makes it plain. He said: "You<br />

seem to need a new cloak, or a new cloak and a<br />

new mind." The chill called for a new cloak; the<br />

foolishness of the Cynic, who would not adapt his<br />

clothing to the season, for a new mind.<br />

565. When someone asked him whether he had<br />

stopped beating his father, Menedemus of Eretria<br />

made this response: I have not beaten him and I<br />

have not stopped. When another person had<br />

postulated that he had to solve the ambiguity with<br />

a yes or a no, with either an affirmation or with a<br />

denial, he said: "It is ridiculous to follow your rules<br />

when you can run into them at the gates." The<br />

second one was trying to catch him with a<br />

treacherous line of questioning, for whether he<br />

would have answered "I have stopped" or "I have<br />

not stopped, he would have been admitting to the<br />

charge." Seeing this coming, he put a stop to their<br />

sophistic word-games.<br />

566. Bion, when asked whether he should marry, said:<br />

"If you marry an ugly one, you'll have to bear her,<br />

but if you marry a beautiful one, you'll have to<br />

share her." In the Greek, there's a bit more play:<br />

poinen and koinen. There's just as much in Latin<br />

too if we say suspectam [admired] and for the<br />

former despectam [looked down upon].<br />

567. Epictetus was accustomed to sum up all<br />

philosophy in two words: anechou kai apechou,


"Sustain and Forbear." The first of these directs us<br />

to endure with a calm spirit the troubles that come<br />

our way; the second, to refrain from pleasures. So<br />

it will come about that we are not dejected when<br />

things go against us and we are not spoiled when<br />

they turn out in our favour.<br />

568. Heraclitus of Ephesus used to say that citizens<br />

should fight for their laws no less than for their<br />

walls. That is to say, a city would not be safe apart<br />

from its laws, while apart from its walls it could be.<br />

569. Galba had an unsightly hump on his back, about<br />

which people joked: "It is just like Galba to live in a<br />

bad residence!" When he would promote a cause<br />

in Caesar's presence, he would regularly say:<br />

"Straighten me out, Caesar, if you find anything to<br />

blame in me." The other answered, "I can counsel<br />

you, Galba, but I can not straighten you out."<br />

570. When a very great number of those indicted by<br />

Severus Cassius were released [absolverentur]<br />

and the engineer Caesar had contracted for<br />

construction work on the forum kept leading him on<br />

for a long time with delays, he said: "I wish Cassius<br />

had also indicted my forum!" [Absolvere also<br />

means "to finish."]<br />

571. They say that Alexander the Great, standing by<br />

Diogenes, had asked him whether he was afraid of<br />

him. But he said: "What are you, good or evil?"<br />

Alexander replied: "Good." He answered: "Who is<br />

afraid of what is good?"<br />

572. Once Diogenes, alone in his barrel, feeding on dry<br />

and mouldy bread, heard the whole city buzzing<br />

with all kinds of happy sounds since it was a<br />

holiday. He felt somewhat dejected, and for a long<br />

time thought about abandoning his way of life. But<br />

when he finally saw mice creeping up and eating<br />

the breadcrumbs, he said: "Why are you unhappy


with yourself Diogenes, you are rich enough, look<br />

you have even attracted parasites."<br />

573. A certain man carrying around a long beam in<br />

public had struck Diogenes by accident and blurted<br />

out instinctively: "Watch out!" But Diogenes said,<br />

"Why, you are not going to hit me again, are you?"<br />

574. When Diogenes, reading on a certain occasion for<br />

an extremely long time, had gotten to the point<br />

where he saw blank space, he said: "Courage,<br />

men, I see land."<br />

575 When Thraysyllus the Cynic asked for a drachma,<br />

Antiochus answered: "It is not the type of gift that a<br />

king gives." When the Cynic amended: "Then give<br />

me a talent," he said: "But it is not Cynical to<br />

accept such a gift."<br />

576. Faustus, Sulla's son, very cleverly teased his<br />

sister, who was seeing two married men at the<br />

same time, Fulvius, the son of Fullo, and Pompey,<br />

nicknamed Macula. He said: "I am surprised that<br />

my sister has a macula [spot] when she has a fullo<br />

[launderer].<br />

577. When his son Titus was taking him to task over<br />

having devised a tax on latrines, Vespasian waved<br />

money from the first payment under his nose,<br />

asking him whether he found the smell offensive.<br />

When he said he didn't, Vespasian replied: "And<br />

yet it comes from urine." Hence the saying: "The<br />

smell of profit is good no matter what the source."<br />

578. The poet Virgil was noticed to be constantly letting<br />

out sighs. This is the source of that well-known<br />

answer of Augustus, when he was sitting between<br />

him and Flaccus Horatius, who was troubled with<br />

bleary eyes. Asked by one of his friends about<br />

what he was doing, he said: "I am sitting between<br />

sighs and tears."


579. Once a certain traveler making a journey abroad<br />

had turned aside into an inn, where an entirely<br />

vegetarian meal was set before him, with watereddown<br />

wine by a minimum of service. After he had<br />

had his dinner he asked that the doctor be called to<br />

get his fee. The inn-keeper inquired: "You<br />

scoundrel, why are you looking for a doctor for in<br />

this place that is so far out of the way? Then he<br />

said: "Sir, don't you know who you are? To make<br />

the fee suit your service, take what a doctor costs<br />

rather than an inn-keeper, since you fed me like a<br />

sick man at this poor little dinner."<br />

580. Pyrrhiniculus the Basque had pulled off the road to<br />

an inn and at supper was turning a young duck on<br />

his plate, nicely dressed and seasoned. Suddenly<br />

a Spanish traveler appeared at his side, with his<br />

eyes glued to the duck. "You, friend, can receive<br />

one coming kindly as a friend." Then Pyrrhiniculus<br />

asked him what his name was. Full of selfassertion<br />

and self-importance, he said "Alopantius<br />

Ausimarchides Hiberoneus Alarchides." Then<br />

Pyrrhiniculus said, "Indeed! Are there four birds<br />

here for these heroes, and Spanish ones at that?<br />

No offence intended. It is enough for Pyrrhiniculus<br />

alone: Small servings fit small people." From<br />

Pontanus.<br />

581. When Diogenes wanted to mock a man who was<br />

very bad at archery, he positioned himself near the<br />

target. Asked why he did this, he said: "So he<br />

doesn't hit me."<br />

582. A sharp and thoroughly sophisticated Florentine<br />

youth, brought in before a priest-Cardinal for<br />

amusing conversation, had spoken at length quite<br />

cleverly and also even brilliantly. The priest, turning<br />

to a friend who was standing nearby, whispered<br />

that when boys like this grow up their wits usually


get rather dull. "Really, good Cardinal, you must<br />

have been quite a brilliant little boy."<br />

583. A particular man who was growing grey asked<br />

Emperor Hadrian for something and was refused.<br />

When he asked for the same thing a little later, but<br />

now with a head of black hair (for he had dyed it),<br />

the Emperor, recognizing his face, said: "That very<br />

thing I refused your father."<br />

584. When Minutius was trapped by and enemy ambush<br />

and was in extreme danger, Fabius, mobilising his<br />

army from a mountain came to his aid so that he<br />

would not perish with his troops, and slaughtering<br />

many of the enemy, he pulled him out of the<br />

danger. When this had happened, Hannibal said to<br />

his own army: "Didn't I predict to you a good<br />

number of times that that a mountain-cloud would<br />

someday send a storm down on us?"<br />

585. When Augustus's daughter Julia greeted him, she<br />

realized that he had been offended by the sight of<br />

her overly provocative dress, although he tried to<br />

pretend he was not. And so the next day she wore<br />

a different kind of dress when she greeted her<br />

father with an embrace. Then the emperor who<br />

had contained his distress the day before could not<br />

contain his joy, and he said: "How much more<br />

becoming is that dress for Augustus's daughter."<br />

She replied: "Yes, to be sure, today I have dressed<br />

for my father's eyes; yesterday for a husband's."<br />

586. At the gladiatorial exhibition, Livia and Julia had<br />

attracted people's attention with the difference in<br />

their company. Mature and serious men encircled<br />

Livia, but exuberant young ones accompanied<br />

Julia. Julia's father mentioned to her through a<br />

note that he saw how big a difference there was<br />

between the two leading ladies. She wrote back:<br />

And these are going to grow old with me.


587. While Augustus was still in his youth, he cleverly<br />

scored against Vatinius. Since he was given to the<br />

pains of the gout, he was eager to seem to have<br />

shaken the affliction, and he would boast that he<br />

now walked a mile. "I'm not surprised," said the<br />

Emperor. "The days are a bit longer."<br />

588. Removed from his command of the cavalry, a<br />

certain person dared to request additional pay from<br />

Augustus, with the excuse that he was not seeking<br />

the pay for financial gain, but, he said: "So that I<br />

might seem to have gotten the gift by your decision<br />

and this way it will not be thought that I had been<br />

removed but that I had resigned." Augustus said:<br />

"You go tell everybody that you took it, and I won't<br />

deny it."<br />

589. At the beginning of his rule, Emperor Domitian was<br />

in the habit of taking private time for himself and<br />

doing nothing in the while other than catching flies<br />

and pinning them through with a sharply pointed<br />

stylus. So when someone asked if anyone was<br />

inside with the Emperor, Vibius Crispus quipped,<br />

"Not even a fly."<br />

590. Three men had been appointed to set out for<br />

Bithynia as legates. One of them was detained by<br />

the gout, another had a head riddled with wounds,<br />

and the third seemed to be struggling with mental<br />

instability. Cato laughed and said: "The delegation<br />

representing the Roman people has neither feet<br />

nor head nor heart."<br />

591. After the steward had ordered a modest meal for<br />

Lucullus, he summoned him and berated him. The<br />

fellow said "I did not think that there was a need for<br />

a lavish spread because you were going to be<br />

dining alone." Lucullus said: "What are you saying?<br />

Didn't you know that today Lucullus was going to<br />

dine at Lucullus's?"


592. When this same man had entertained some<br />

Greeks splendidly for several days, and they said<br />

that they were amazed that he would incur such<br />

expenses for their sake, he said: "Some was for<br />

you, my good guests, but the greatest part was for<br />

Lucullus."<br />

593. When Scipio Nasica had come to Ennius the poet's<br />

house and asked for him at the door, the maidservant<br />

told him that he was not at home, but<br />

Nasica realized that she was saying this at her<br />

master's request and that he was inside. But<br />

pretending not to notice this, he left. But a few days<br />

later, when Ennius had come to Nasica and asked<br />

for him at the door, Nasica himself shouted out that<br />

he was not at home. Then Ennius said: "What!?<br />

Don't I recognize your voice?" Nasica replied: "You<br />

really are a shameless man! When I was looking<br />

for you, I believed your maid-servant, and you<br />

don't even believe me!"<br />

594. Suetonius tells a story about the Emperor [lit:<br />

father] Vespasian, when he had incited a comic<br />

who was hurling many barbs at others to say<br />

something against himself as well. He said: "I will,<br />

when you finish doing your business," making<br />

reference to the Caesar's appearance, since he<br />

had the face of a man straining to defecate.<br />

595. They tell a story about Bede, referred to as "the<br />

Venerable." When he was on his way to Rome,<br />

they showed him the letters S.P.Q.R. engraved on<br />

a stone (meaning "The Senate and the People of<br />

Rome"), and they asked him as they would a host<br />

what those letters meant. Pretending he didn't<br />

know the true meaning, he said, "A Foolish People<br />

is looking for Rome."<br />

596. Asked why he put women who were wicked into his<br />

tragedies, when Sophocles put in ones that were


good, the poet Philoxenus made this very clever<br />

response: "He presents them as they ought to be; I<br />

present them as they are."<br />

597. When the same man was having a meal at his<br />

friend Sytho's, olives had been served and a little<br />

later fish brought in on a shallow pan. When it hit<br />

the small container of olives, he recited half of a<br />

Homeric line: matixen d'elaan, that is, "He whipped<br />

them so they would pull." (It is said of a charioteer.)<br />

But Philoxenus saw that the olives had to be taken<br />

away right away, and meanwhile he played on the<br />

Greek word elaion, which means of olives and<br />

elaan, which means to draw a chariot, or<br />

something like it.<br />

598. The same man was invited to a party. When black<br />

bread had been served, he said: "Be careful not to<br />

serve too much or you'll make the room dark."<br />

599. At a party, Phryne, in the bloom of her youth, when<br />

she was playing the party-game that had everyone<br />

do what one would do, first dipped her hand twice<br />

in water and moved it to her forehead. But since<br />

everyone had make-up on, the water flowed down<br />

and smeared the make-up, disfiguring everyone's<br />

face with a wrinkled look, while she herself, with<br />

her natural beauty at its best, looked even better<br />

with her face washed.<br />

600. Once Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, was<br />

hosting a matron from Campana who displayed to<br />

her her jewels, which were the most beautiful ones<br />

available in that whole era. Cornelia drew out the<br />

conversation until her children got back from class.<br />

Then she said "And these are my jewels," thinking<br />

that nothing was more beautiful to a matron, or<br />

more precious, than children who had been<br />

brought up correctly.


601. When everyone was begging for an end to the<br />

Tyrant Dionysius, one old woman was in the habit<br />

of imploring the gods early every day that he<br />

remain safe and sound. Summoned by the king,<br />

the woman was asked where she got so kind<br />

attitude toward the king. She said: "When I was a<br />

girl and we had a bad tyrant, I hoped for his death.<br />

When he had been killed, a worse one took control<br />

of the citadel. And I hoped for his destruction. Now<br />

that we have you, even worse than the earlier<br />

ones, I am afraid that if you pass away someone<br />

even worse will follow you."<br />

602. Demonax the Cynic was once asked what he<br />

thought about the disagreement of two people, one<br />

of whom put forth a silly proposition and the other<br />

of whom gave a non-sensical response. He said:<br />

"It seems to me that one is milking a male goat and<br />

the other is holding a sieve ready."<br />

603. Once Socrates put up with Xanthippe's quarrelling<br />

for a long while and finally worn out, he sat down in<br />

front of the door, but even more exasperated by<br />

the peacefulness and mildness of the man, she<br />

poured the contents of the chamber-pot on him<br />

from the window. The people passing by laughed,<br />

and he smiled too, saying to them: "I just knew that<br />

after such a thundering, rain would follow."<br />

604. When Alcibiades was amazed at how Socrates<br />

suffered Xanthippe who was so excessively<br />

quarrelsome at home. He answered: "Don't you,<br />

Alcibiades, put up with the noise of your clucking<br />

chickens at your house?" He said: "I do, but my<br />

chickens produce eggs and chicks for me." "And<br />

my Xanthippe bears me children," said Socrates.<br />

605. When Curtius, a Roman knight dissipating himself<br />

in his enjoyments, was dining at Caesar's, he<br />

picked up a skimpy thrush from the serving-pan


and holding it, asked Caesar if he could send it.<br />

When he had replied: "Why not?", he immediately<br />

threw [misit] the bird through the window, getting a<br />

joke out of the double-meaning of the word. For is<br />

is a custom among the Romans to send food from<br />

a party to friends as a gift.<br />

606. When Augustus was greeted by a parrot, he had it<br />

bought. Admiring a magpie, he bought it as well.<br />

This pattern incited a certain little scrawny fellow all<br />

out of luck to train a raven to make this kind of<br />

greeting. And since its cost left him broke, he was<br />

accustomed to regularly say to the bird when it did<br />

not answer him: "My work and money are lost!"<br />

Finally he succeeded by persevering to make the<br />

raven sound out the greeting that he wanted it to.<br />

And when it had greeted Augustus when he was<br />

passing by, the Emperor said: "I have enough of<br />

such greetings at home." Then the raven also<br />

remembered those words that he had heard so<br />

often and added: "My work and money are lost!"<br />

Smiling at this, Augustus had this bird bought at a<br />

higher price than he had ever paid before.<br />

607. There had come to Rome from the provinces a<br />

certain youth who had such an uncanny<br />

resemblance to Augustus that he attracted<br />

everyone's attention. Hearing about this, the<br />

Emperor had him brought in and, looking him over,<br />

questioned him this way: "Tell me, young man, was<br />

your mother ever at Rome?" He said no, and<br />

getting the idea for a joke he shot back: "But my<br />

father often was."<br />

608. When a certain Roman knight had died, it was<br />

discovered that he had been in such great debt<br />

that he could not in any way pay it off. While he<br />

was alive, he had hidden this fact. So when his<br />

property was put up for auction to pay some of his


creditors, Augustus had his mattress bought for<br />

himself. To those who were surprised by this<br />

instruction, he said: "To get some sleep for myself,<br />

I have to have that mattress on which he could<br />

take his rest even while under the burden of such<br />

debt." For Augustus often spent most of the night<br />

awake on account of his tremendous concerns.<br />


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