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<strong>MEMORANDUM</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>UNDERSTANDING</strong><strong>Between</strong><strong>Resource</strong> Development Associates, Inc.AndMt. Diablo Unified School DistrictSeptember 2010 – June 2011This Agreement is made on the 1st day of the month of September 2010 by and betweenMt. Diablo Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as Mt. Diablo USD) and<strong>Resource</strong> Development Associates, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as RDA).RECITALSA. Whereas, RDA provides evaluation, grant writing and planning, MIS design,and, organizational development and other consulting services in the UnitedStates to non-profit, city and county governments and other public or privateentities; and;B. Whereas, RDA has agreed to undertake specific projects for Mt. Diablo UnifiedSchool District as specified for the After School 4 All Collaborative;The purpose of this MOU is to outline the terms and conditions between <strong>Resource</strong>Development Associates, Inc. (RDA) and Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD)regarding the evaluation effort for the After School 4 All Collaboration. The evaluationwill include the following school districts and the particular sites as follows:MT DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTANNUAL FEEGlenbrook Middle $4000Bel Air Elementary $4000Cambridge Elementary $4000Rio Vista Elementary $4000Shores Acres Elementary $4000Ygnacio Valley Elementary $4000Riverview Middle $4000El Dorado Middle $4000Fair Oaks Elementary $4000Oak Grove Middle $4000Wren Ave Elementary $4000Holbrook Elementary $4000El Monte Elementary SchoolMeadow Homes Elementary (21 st Century)$4000$5000Sun Terrace Elementary (21 st Century)$5000Delta View Elementary School (21 st Century)Mt. Diablo High SchoolYgnacio Valley High School$5000$5000$5000ASPIRE ActivitiesASW Technical AssistanceASW Web Enhancements$5000$2000$4000

TOTAL $88,000Additional Schools: Additional elementary and middle schools may be added to theevaluation efforts at a rate of $7,000 each and high schools may be added at a rate of$8,000 each ($4,000 for elementary and middle schools and $5,000 for high schoolsongoing evaluation and $3,000 setup and orientation).I. SCOPE <strong>OF</strong> WORKThe following time line and activities represent the Scope of Work. The definitions belowclarify the meaning of the activities listed in the Scope of Work.Definitions:Collaborative Meeting: At least one member of the evaluation team will attend the AfterSchool 4 All Collaborative Meeting to provide updates on evaluation activities, decide onlogistical matters, answer questions, and collect qualitative data.Data System/MIS Install: Upon receipt of properly formatted data in the months specifiedin the Scope of Work and in this MOU, the After School 4 All evaluation team willupload student demographic and enrollment data into the After School Web (ASW) foruse by the After School Programs in the Collaborative. (Months specified are: September,January, and August)Prepare State Report: Preparing the State mandated ASES Spreadsheet for the ‘10-‘11school year. Preparing the 21 st Century Annual report per state guidelines for highschools.Prepare Evaluation Report: Prepare a District Wide Evaluation Report summarizing thefindings of the evaluation activities for Elementary and Middle Schools.Afterschool Web training: Annual group training to familiarize users with the system toanswer questions and provide set up assistance during scheduled sessions.Afterschool Web Technical Assistance: Phone based and e-mail technical assistance forusers throughout the school year, Sept 1 ’10 – June 15, ’11.Afterschool Web “Data Scrub”: Comprehensive Review of web use to date, includingsetting up groups, schedules and data entry. The evaluation team will advise SiteCoordinators and District Coordinators about the status of use. It is the responsibility ofthe District Coordinators to follow up with school site staff to ensure adequate use anddata entry.Year-end Presentation to Collaborative and District Stakeholders: This includesattendance at one meeting at a mutually determined time and location to review reportsprepared for the prior program year and to present recommendations.Summary of Responsibilities of District Coordinators: Be familiar with content of this Memorandum of Understanding & Scope of Work Secure Superintendent’s signature on Memorandum of Understanding Keep up to date with e-mails from evaluators and logistical needs

Afterschool 4 All Evaluation ActivitiesSchool Year 2010-2011MONTH EVALUATOR ACTIVITIES COLLABORATIVE AND COORDINATOR ACTIVITIESAugust Obtain testing data from districts* Draft preliminary Annual Performance Reports(ASES and 21 st C)* Complete Federal 21 st evaluation AnnualPerformance Report website (as much aspossible)* Process and analyze qualitative & quantitativedata* Presentation of survey data to site coordinators* Install MIS/Data Systems Collaborative Meeting Obtain 10-11 enrollment data from districts Finalize MOUs Prepare Evaluation plan Train site and district coordinators on ASWReview Federal 21 st CCLC site for accuracy; modify granteeinformation section as needed*Before date of data upload, ensure that every student in thesystem has a correct District issued permanent ID number.The evaluation team will NOT be responsible for problemsarising from missing or incorrect ID numbers.Confer with District MIS staff to ensure accurate and timelytransfer of requested data to relevant evaluation teampersonnel according to required format. Collaborate withevaluation team to troubleshoot unanticipated difficultiesNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsPrepare for CHKS survey process Notify district of additional school-wide CHKS afterschoolquestions Review enrollment forms for consent to participate inevaluation activities Order forms for survey process Sign MOU, if necessaryBe familiar with content of the MOU & Scope of WorkSecure Superintendent’s signature on MOUsSet-up the logistics for training on ASW and ensurereadiness of hardwareAttend training on ASW

September Prepare final draft of ASES AnnualPerformance Reports*Submit Federal 21 st century AnnualPerformance Report, 9/16*Collaborative MeetingRefresh MIS/Data Systems with currentenrollment informationOctober Submit ASES Annual Performance Report toclient, 10/1* Collaborative MeetingReview instruments and tools includingcollaborative-wide data sheetStart check-in phone calls to all sitesASW Data ScrubNovember Collaborative Meeting Complete check-in phone calls to all sites Prepare final draft of State 21 st Century reportReview final draft of ASES Annual Performance reports andprovide feedback to authors*Approve Federal 21 st century report*Notify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsOrient all school site staff to the evaluation and itsrequirements. Ensure they understand the importance of datacollection and achievement of the collaborative goals.Ensure accurate distribution of CHKS student pre-surveysSubmit ASES Annual Performance Reports to CDE*Notify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASWReview exceptions report and support sites in data scrubCollect and submit CHKS student pre-surveyReview and approve final drafts of 21 st CCLC AnnualPerformance Reports*Notify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASW

December Year end presentation to collaborative and keystakeholders* Submit State 21 st century report to client, 12/1* Collaborative Meeting Report to Collaborative on check in calls Schedule site visits Request current enrollment data from districtsJanuary Collaborative Meeting Initiate site visits Upload ASW to update student data ASW Data Scrub Submit State 21 st century report to CDE, 12/1* Notify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetings Provide evaluators with minutes of meetings Ensure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASW Before date of data upload, ensure that every student in thesystem has a correct District issued permanent ID number.The evaluation team will NOT be responsible for problemsarising from missing or incorrect ID numbers. Confer with District MIS staff to ensure accurate and timelytransfer of requested data to relevant evaluation teampersonnel according to required format. Collaborate withevaluation team to troubleshoot unanticipated difficulties. Assist with scheduling of site visitsNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASWReview exceptions report and support sites in data scrubFebruary Collaborative Meeting Continue site visits Prepare surveys for distributionMarch Collaborative Meeting. Orient/train site coordinators on upcomingsurveysNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASWSet up logistics for survey trainingNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASWEnsure that all site coordinators attend a survey orientation

April Collaborative Meeting Mid-term report on findings of site visits Administer site coordinator, parent,collaborative, and principal surveys ASW Data ScrubMay Collaborative Meeting Administer teacher, staff, student surveysJune Collaborative Meeting Outreach to district MIS departments for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 data Survey collection (teacher, staff, students) ASW Data Scrub Set up Students’ ID and summer sessions onweb-based systemNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASW and support sites in data scrubEnsure distribution of surveys and an optimum response rateAssist evaluators with collecting all surveysComplete collaborative surveyNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsEnsure that all sites are entering their enrollment, activity,and attendance data into ASWEnsure distribution of teacher, staff, student surveys and anoptimum response rateInform evaluation team of which sites will be havingsummer school, start/end dates, feeder schools, and contactinformationNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsConfer with District MIS staff to ensure accurate and timelytransfer of requested data to relevant evaluation teampersonnel according to required format. Collaborate withevaluation team to troubleshoot unanticipated difficulties.Ensure all completed surveys are given to evaluation teamEnsure all sites are enrollment, activity, and attendance datahas been entered and support sites in completing final datascrubEnsure that all sites are entering their data into ASW forsummer school

July Collaborative Meeting. Obtain district data (attendance, discipline, etc.) Process and analyze qualitative & quantitativedataNotify evaluators of dates, times, and locations of meetingsProvide evaluators with minutes of meetingsConfer with District MIS staff to ensure accurate and timelytransfer of requested data to relevant evaluation teampersonnel according to required format. Collaborate withevaluation team to troubleshoot unanticipated difficulties.Ensure that all sites are entering their data into ASW forsummer school

ASPIRE Activities:RDA will conduct an analysis of data for ASPIRE students for the 2010 to 2011 school year. RDA will complete the Record ofEffectiveness table provided by CDE and submit the annual report to the State. Mt. Diablo USD will provide RDA with the followingdata in excel format after the completion of the program as well as paper copies:Field #Field Name1 CDS_Code2 StudentIdentifier3 GradeLevel4 ProviderLocationID5 ProviderLocationOther6 StudentStartDate7 StudentEndDate8 StudentLearningPlanNotCompleteComment9 StudentHourlyCost10 DistrictHourlyReimbursement11 StudentMathHours12 StudentELAHours13 StudentSubjectOther14 StudentSubjectOtherHours15 StudentProgressReportsToStudentYN16 StudentProgressReportsToParentsYN17 StudentProgressReportsToStaffYN18 ProgressReportProvisionPeriodID19 StudentLearningPlanConsultedYN20 StudentLearningPlanStaffConsultedYN21 StudentLearningPlanTeacherConsultedYN22 StudentLearningPlanParentConsultedYN23 StudentLearningPlanStudentConsultedYN24 StudentNoLearningPlanComment25 InstructionalMethodSubjectID126 InstructionalMethodOtherSubject127 InstructionalMethodID128 InstructionalMethodOtherDeliveryMethod129 InstructionalMethodPercentageTimeSpent130 InstructionalMethodSubjectID231 InstructionalMethodOtherSubject232 InstructionalMethodID2

33 InstructionalMethodOtherDeliveryMethod234 InstructionalMethodPercentageTimeSpent235 InstructionalMethodSubjectID336 InstructionalMethodOtherSubject337 InstructionalMethodID338 InstructionalMethodOtherDeliveryMethod339 InstructionalMethodPercentageTimeSpent340 InstructionalMaterialID141 InstructionalMaterialName142 InstructionalMaterialPercentageUse143 InstructionalMaterialID244 InstructionalMaterialName245 InstructionalMaterialPercentageUse246 InstructionalMaterialID347 InstructionalMaterialName348 InstructionalMaterialPercentageUse349 InstructionalMaterialID450 InstructionalMaterialName451 InstructionalMaterialPercentageUse452 InstructionalMaterialID553 InstructionalMaterialName554 InstructionalMaterialPercentageUse555 TestSubjectID156 TestSubjectOther157 TestAssessmentCode158 TestAssessmentOther159 TestAssessmentStandardYN160 TestPreTestDate161 TestPreTestRawScore162 TestNoPreTestScoreComment163 TestPreTestPercentileRank164 TestPostTestDate165 TestPostTestRawScore166 TestNoPostTestScoreComment167 TestPostTestPercentileRank168 TestSubjectID269 TestSubjectOther270 TestAssessmentCode2

71 TestAssessmentOther272 TestAssessmentStandardYN273 TestPreTestDate274 TestPreTestRawScore275 TestNoPreTestScoreComment276 TestPreTestPercentileRank277 TestPostTestDate278 TestPostTestRawScore279 TestNoPostTestScoreComment280 TestPostTestPercentileRank281 TestSubjectID382 TestSubjectOther383 TestAssessmentCode384 TestAssessmentOther385 TestAssessmentStandardYN386 TestPreTestDate387 TestPreTestRawScore388 TestNoPreTestScoreComment389 TestPreTestPercentileRank390 TestPostTestDate391 TestPostTestRawScore392 TestNoPostTestScoreComment393 TestPostTestPercentileRank3ASW Technical Assistance:RDA will provide 2 days of technical assistance to all 18 sites at one central location. RDA will set up six 1 hour blocks of time forthree sites to meet together and answer questions re: the after-school web system.

II. AFTER SCHOOL WEB AND DATA COMPONENTSThe contents of this section supercedes any previous agreements made with respectto data and ASW, the Afterschool web.RDA will conduct annual outcome evaluation activities consistent with requirementsspecified by the California Department of Education in its grant of financial support tothe District. The primary purpose of the evaluation is to measure positive benefitsaccruing to students who participate in after school activities. Existing desired benefitsfor participating students are also set forth by the Collaborative as goals and objectivesthat address academic performance, behavior at school, family support, and life skills.After school participation has been found to be particularly beneficial for students whoare not English language fluent or who are members of low socio-economic statusfamilies.The District will continue to provide student data for each the school years in support ofevaluation activities. The District will provide these student data for all students at eachschool site listed in this agreement. Data record layouts for the 6 required data sets aredescribed below.Student Data Record Layouts / Data Sets:The Data Sets referred to below are outlined in Appendix A of this MOU.The District will be responsible for transferring to RDA the student data as digital files inExcel spreadsheet format adhering to the record layouts and valid codes described inAppendix [A]. Each Excel file may contain multiple schools’ students’ data in each file,but not to exceed 64,000 records (i.e., not to exceed 64,000 spreadsheet rows). Sixdistinct types of student data are to be provided; permanent student ID numbers will beused to link the separate data files:Data Set 1 (Enrollment and Demographics)Data Set 2 (Absence and Attendance)Data Set 3 (Discipline)Data Set 4 (CST Test Scores)Data Set 5 (Promotion and CAHSEE)Record layout rules for all data sets are available in an Excel file together with a template(a row of column headers), which can be filled in by District personnel.Baseline Year DataThe District will provide Baseline Year data for all new schools added since the previousyear (all 5 data sets for 2009-10) to RDA by September 2010.Evaluation Year DataThe following sets of data will be provided on the following dates:

September 15, 2010 – Data Set 1January 15, 2011 – Data Set 1July 15, 2011 – Data Sets 1, 2, 3August 15, 2011 – Data Sets 4, 5Student Information UpdatesRDA will further prepare and use the above periodic editions of Data Set 1 to updatestudent information contained in the online web application, “AfterschoolWeb v.3”.Provided that data are received in the format specified and on time, updates of the webapplication student data will take place on the following schedule:September 30, 2010January 30, 2011August 31, 2011AfterSchool Web v2:The AfterSchool Web is the property of <strong>Resource</strong> Development Associates. TheAfterschool data will be hosted on ASW v3 and located on WebHost4Life servers.III. CONFIDENTIALITY <strong>OF</strong> STUDENT DATA AND SECURITY <strong>OF</strong> DATAa. Confidentiality RDA and HTA shall protect from unauthorized disclosure names and otheridentifying information, except for statistical information and summary data that doesnot identify the client. RDA and HTA shall not use such identifying information for any purpose other thancarrying out the obligations under this agreement. RDA and HTA agree to inform all its employees, agents, and partners of the aboveprovisions, and that any person knowingly and intentionally disclosing suchinformation other than as authorized by law may be guilty of a misdemeanor. RDA and HTA agree to comply and to require its officers, partners, associates, agentsand employees to comply with all applicable State or Federal statues or regulationsrespecting confidentiality, including but not limited to, the identity of persons, theirrecords, or services provided them.b. Security of Student DataThe Student Data will have the following security precautions:- The Data Set 1 only will be imported by RDA personnel into a web-based databaseon a server hosted by WebHost4Life.- The web-based database will be protected by data encryption, a 128-bit SSL DigitalCertificate which encrypts all data transmissions, WebHost4Life’s 24/7 securitymonitoring, and user-specific passwords and access levels.

Data Set 1 (Enrollment and Demographics)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesRelationship text optionalContactPhone text optionalEmergencyContact2 text optionalRelationship2 text optionalContactPhone2 text optionalEligiblePickUp1 text optionalEligiblePickUp2 text optionalEligiblePickUp3 text optionalEligiblePickUp4 text optionalEligiblePickUp5 text optionalNeedFlag1_Special_Ed numeric 0 (“No”), 1 (“Yes”) requiredNeedFlag2_ELL numeric 0 (“No”), 1 (“Yes”) requiredNeedFlag3_CalWorks numeric 0 (“No”), 1 (“Yes”) optional

ASWeb valid EthnicityCodes (CoCoCo Afterschool 4 All)correspondsEthnicityCodeEthnicityDescription to*CSIS code1 African American 6002 Asian Other 2993 Cambodian 2074 Chinese 2015 Filipino 4006 Guamanian 3027 Hawaiian 3018 Indian (Asian) 2059 Japanese 20210 Korean 20311 Laotian 20612 Latino/Hispanic 50013 Multiple14 Native American 10015 None/Not Available16 Pacific Islander 39917 Samoan 30318 Tahitian 30419 Vietnamese 20424 White 700* Integer, determined arbitrarily by ASWebfor all school sites among the Afterschool4All Collaborativeduring ASWeb ADMIN SETUP Processes.

ASWeb valid Grade Codes (CoCoCo Afterschool 4 All)Grade * GradeDescriptionKK1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 910 1011 1112 12* Text, determined separatelyfor each individual school siteduring ASWeb SITE SETUP ProcessesData Set 2 (Absence and Attendance)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesPermanent_IDtextrequired. All students active at anytime during school year.State_ID text requiredSchoolName text requiredDatetextformat:MM/DD/YYYYrequired. between July 1 – June 30All-Day Absence-or-(Defined in District's required.textAttendance Typestudent info system) District’s Codebook also required

Data Set 3 (Discipline)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesPermanent_IDtextrequired. All students active at anytime during school year.State_ID text requiredSchoolName text requiredDatetextformat:MM/DD/YYYYrequired. between July 1 – June 30Incident_Typetext(Defined in District's required.student info system) District’s Codebook also requiredDisposition_Typetext(Defined in District's required.student info system) District’s Codebook also requiredDisposition_Duration numeric required. Usually number of DAYSData Set 4 (CST Test Scores)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesPermanent_IDtextrequired. All students active at anytime during school year.State_ID text requiredCST_Test_Year_and_Month text format: YYYYMM requiredCST_Test_ParttextMath Subject or"English Language requiredArts"CST_Scaled Score numeric 3-digit requiredCST_Performance_Level numeric1-digit(1= "Far BelowBasic",..., 5 = "Advanced")requiredData Set 5 (Promotion)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesPermanent_IDtextrequired. All students active at anytime during school year.State_ID text requiredSchoolName text requiredCurrent_Gradetextrequired. Grade Level during currentschool year.Next_Gradetextrequired. Grade Level anticipated atbeginning of coming school year.Passed CAHSEE Lang.Arts“Y”, “N” or numeric Required for Grade 9 and above; fortextby year endequivalent students at high school.

Data Set 5 (Promotion)Data Element Data Type Valid Codes NotesPassed CAHSEE Lang.Arts“Y”, “N” or numeric Required for Grade 9 and above; fortextby year endequivalent students at high school.

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