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Pak. Entomol. Vol. 27, No.2, 2005<strong>TWO</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>SPECIES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GENUS</strong> <strong>AMBLYSEIUS</strong> <strong>FROM</strong> PUNJAB & SINDH (<strong>PAKISTAN</strong>)Ahmad Saeed Khan and Muhammad Ashfaq*Department of Continuing Education, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.*Department of Agri. Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.ABSTRACTTwo new species of genus Amblyseius i.e. A. dolium and A. melicardus has been described in this paper.INTRODUCTIONGenus Amblyseius was erected by Berlese in 1914 anddesignated Zercon obtusus Koch, 1839 as its type species.Chant (1959) gave the status of subgenus to genusAmblyseius in his work. Pirtchard and Baker (1962)recognized Amblyseinus as a genus. They divided it intogroups and described 20 species in it. The research workof Chant and Baker (1965), Chant and Hansell (1971),Corpuz and Rimando (1966), DeLeon (1961, 1966),Denmark (1965) Ehara (1959, 1996a, b), Gonzalez andSchuster (1962), Muma and Denmark (1970), Schusterand Pritchard (1963), Tuovinen (1993), Wainstein(1962), Wainstein and Arutunjan (1970), on the genusAmblyseius is worth mentioning.From Pakistan Chaudhri (1968); Chaudhri et al. (1979);Shahid et al. (1984); Ahmad and Chaudhri (1989) andKhan et al. (1997); Khan et al. (2000), Kamran et al.(2003) have described 6, 3, 9, 2, 5, 2 and 1 species,respectively. Two new species have now been describedin this research paper, thus making a total of 30 species inthis genus. The authors have adopted the Evans system ofnomenclature (Rowell et al., 1978).Amblyseius dolium, new species(Fig. 1)FEMALE:Dorsal shield smooth, 312µm long, 195µm wide; concavenear seta S2; 17 pairs setae and 3 pairs rounded visiblepores (Fig. 1-A). Chelicera 39µm long, movable digit with4 subapical teeth, fixed digit with 9 subapical teeth (Fig.1-B). Dorsal shield setae smooth except Z5 and Z4 bothserrate. Dorsal shield setae: j1 20µm; j4 = j5 = j6 = j2=10µm; J5 7µm; j3 52µm, z2 21µm, z4 31µm, s4 68µm, s231µm, S4 = S5 =10µm, Z5 94µm; z5 10µm, Z2 13µm, Z467µm; r3 = R1 =13µm (both on membrane). Seta j3 >j3-z2, z2

Pak. Entomol. Vol. 27, No.2, 2005Fig. 1: Amblyseius dolium new species; A, dorsal side; B, chelicera; C, seternal, genital and ventrianal shields; D,peritremal shield; E, spermatheca; F, leg IV.Amblyseius melicardus, new species(Fig. 2)FEMALE:Dorsal shield smooth; slightly concave near S2; 349µmlong, 219µm wide; 17 pairs setae and 2 pairs visible,rounded pores (Fig. 2-A). Chelicera 40µm long; movabledigit with 2 teeth, fixed digit with 9 subapical teeth (Fig.2-B). Dorsal shield setae smooth except M3 serrate. Dorsalshield setae: j1 37µm; j4 = j5 = j6 = J2 =10µm; J5 5µm; j342µm, z2 = z4 =10µm, s4 90µm, s2 = S4 = S5 =10µm, Z5220µm; Z5 10µm, Z1 13µm, Z4 80µm; r1 = r1 =10µm (bothon membrane). Seta j3 >j3-z2, z2

Pak. Entomol. Vol. 27, No.2, 2005Fig. 2: Amblyseius melicardus new species; A, dorsal side; B, chelicera; C, seternal, genital and ventrianalshields; D, peritremal shield; E, spermatheca; F, leg IV.REMARKS: Amblyseius melicardus, new species canbe separated from its closely related species A. dolium, newspecies on the basis of following characters.1) Cheliceral movable digit with 4 teeth in doliumbut 2 teeth in this new species.2) Dorsal shield with 3 pairs visible pores in doliumbut 2 pairs visible pores in this new species.3) Seta Z5 serrate in dolium but smooth in this newspecies.4) Seta Z4 anterior in position to S4 in dolium butposterior in position in this new species.5) Sternal shield seta St2 < St2 – St3 in dolium butSt2 > St2 – St3 in this new species.6) One pair minute platelets on membranesurrounding ventrianal shield in dolium but absentin this new species.7) Shape of spermatheca varies in these species.REFERENCEAhmad, M. and W.M. Chaudhri, 1989. Two new speciesof genus Amblysehis Berlese (Acarina: Phytoseiidae)from Pakistan. Pak. Entomol., 11 (1-2): 42-51.Berlese, A., 1914. Acarinuovi. Redia, 10: 113-150.Chant, D.A., 1959. Phytoseiid mites (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) Part 1. Bionomics of seven species inSouth eastern England. Part II. A Taxonomic reviewof the family Phytoseiidae with descriptions of 38new species. Canad. Ent., 91 Suppl. 12: 166.Chant, D.A. and E.W. Baker, 1965. The Phytoseiidae ofCentral America. Memoir Ent. Soc, Canad., 41-56.Chant, D.A. and R.l.C. Hansell, 1971. The genusAmblyseius (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) in Canada andAlaska. Canad. J. Zool., 49 (5): 703-750.Chaudhri, W.M., 1968. Six new species of mites of thegenus Amblysehts from Pakistan. Acarologia, 10(4):550-562.Chaudhri, W.M., S. Akbar and A. Rasool, 1979. Studieson the predatory leaf inhabiting mites of Pakistan.U.A.F. Tech, Bull. 2: 234.Corpuz, L.A. and L. Rimando, 1966. Some PhilippineAmblyseius (Phytoseiidae: Acarina). Philip. Agri.,50: 14-136.DeLeon, D., 1961. Eight new Amblyseius from Mexicowith collection notes on two other species(Phytoseiidae). Fla. Ent., 44 (2). 85-91.67

Pak. Entomol. Vol. 27, No.2, 2005DeLeon, D., 1966. Phytoseiidae of British Guiana withKeystone species (Acarina: Mesostigmata). Fla. Ent.,49(2): 121-131.Denmark, H.A., 1965. Four new Phytoseiidae (Acnrinn:Mesostigmata) from Floridn. Fin Ent., 48 (2): 89-95,Denmark, H.A. and M.H. Muma, 1989. A revision ofgenus Amblyseius (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). Fla. Dept.Agri. and Consumer Service, U.S.A., 4:149.Ehara, S., 1959. Some predatory mites of the genusTyphlodronms and Amblysehts from Japan.Acarologia, 1 (3): 285-295,Ehara, S., 1966a. Some mites associated with plants inthe state of Sao-Paulo, Brazil with a list of plantmites of South Africa. Jap. J, Zool., 15 (2): 129-150.Ehara, S., 1966b. A tentative catalogue of predatory mitesof Phytoseiidae known from Asia with descriptionsof five new species from Japan. Mushi, 39: 9-30.Gonzales, R.H. and R.O. Schuster, 1962. Especies de laFamilia Phytoseiidae en Chile. 1. (Acarina:Mesostigmata). Univ. de Chile Boletin Techico No.16: 1-25.Kamran, M., M. Afzal, R. Akbar and M.H. Bashir, 2003.Genus Amblysius from district Lahhya. Pak.Entomol., 25(1): 5-8.Khan, A. S., M. R. Khan and S. Akbar, 1997. Five newspecies of genus Amblysehis Berlese (Acarina:Phytoseiidae) from Pakistan. Pak. Entomol., 19(1-2):36-43.Khan, A.S., M. Afzal and S. Akbar, 2000. New species ofgenus Amblyseius from Pakistan. Pak. Entomol.,22(1-2): 85-89.Muma, M.H. and H.A. Denmark, 1970. Arthropods ofFlorida and neighboring land areas. Phytoseiidae ofFlorida. Bureau Ent. Contrib. No. 148: 150,Pritchard, A.E. and E.W. Baker, 1962. Mites of thefamily Phytoseiidae from Central Africa withremarks on the genera of the world. Hilgardia, 33(7): 205-309.Rowell, H.J., D.A. Chant and R.l.C. Hansel, 1978. Thedetermination of setal homologies and setal patternson the dorsal shield in the family Phytoseiidae(Acarina: Mesostigmata), Canad. Entomol., 110:859-876.Schuster, R.O and A.E. Pritchard, 1963. Phytoseiid mitesof California. Hilgardia, 34(7): 191-285.Shahid, M., M.N. Siddiqui and W.M. Chaudhri, 1984.Descriptions of nine new species of predatory mitesof the genus Amblyseius (Acarina: Phytoseiddae)from Pakistan. Pak. Entomol., 6(1-2): 83-104.Tuovinen, T., 1993. Identification and occurrence ofphytoseiid mites (Gamasina: Phytoseiidae) in Finnishapple plantations and their surroundings. Entomol.Fennica, 4: 95-114.Wainsetin, B.A., 1962. Some new predatory mites andthe family Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes) of theU.S.S.R. fauna. Rev. Ent. U.S., S.R., 41: 230-240.Wainstein, B.A. and E.S. Arutunjan, 1970. New speciesof predacious mites of the genus Amblyseius andPhytoseius (Parasitiformes: Phytoseiidae). Zoo. Zh.,49(10): 1497-1540.68

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