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FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: YAO LIANG & GEOFFREY WEBBER BACK COVER: DANWHITE<strong>Gonville</strong> &<strong>Caius</strong> <strong>College</strong>C A M B R I D G EDesign: Tom Challis Artwork: Cambridge Marketing LimitedPROSPECTUS

foreword<strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> <strong>College</strong> is one ofCambridge’s oldest <strong>and</strong> most historiccolleges. It has a strong tradition of academicexcellence, numbering among its scholarspast <strong>and</strong> present William Harvey (circulationof the blood), John Venn (Venn diagrams) <strong>and</strong>Stephen Hawking (black holes). It occupiesbeautiful, ancient buildings in the heart ofCambridge. Its name is also certainly themost difficult to pronounce!But don’t let any of that overawe you.Today <strong>Caius</strong> is the home of students fromevery school <strong>and</strong> family background, fromthe United Kingdom <strong>and</strong> from across theworld. They find it a warm, welcoming <strong>and</strong>exciting place, buzzing with activity <strong>and</strong>ideas. It also provides a very supportiveenvironment, thanks to a strong collegecommunity, sympathetic tutorial help <strong>and</strong>active student organisations.Our students come tostudy with some of thecountry’s leading teachers<strong>and</strong> researchers, but alsoto take advantage of ahuge range of sporting,social <strong>and</strong> culturalactivities. They leavehaving discovered moreabout themselves <strong>and</strong> the subjects they study,<strong>and</strong> having made friendships that will lastthem a lifetime.This prospectus tells you what the <strong>College</strong>has to offer, much of it through the words ofour current students. There’s more materialon the <strong>College</strong> website <strong>and</strong> in the alternativeprospectus produced by the studentsthemselves. Having read that, come <strong>and</strong> meetus for yourselves!contentsintroduction 04brief history of <strong>Caius</strong> 05an unusual beginningwhere <strong>Caius</strong> excels 06a welcoming communityhigh quality teaching- supervisions- directors of studiesa superb support structurecombination roomsin the heart of the cityaccommodation for allfood <strong>and</strong> drinkfabulous facilities 13the librarythe chapel <strong>and</strong> the chapel choirmusic facilitiessport facilitiesclubs, societies <strong>and</strong> socials 20scholarships, grants<strong>and</strong> prizes 22prizes <strong>and</strong> collegescholarshipstravel grantsoverseas scholarships <strong>and</strong>bursarieshow to apply 23undergraduateadmissionsfinding out more 24<strong>Caius</strong> open daysother sources of informationlocation mapSir Christopher Hum, MasterDAN WHITESummertime in <strong>Gonville</strong> Court

DAN WHITEThe spires of <strong>Caius</strong> fromSenate House PassageYAO LIANGintroduction‘CAMBRIDGE is a very special place dueto the diversity of the people, thesurroundings, <strong>and</strong> the opportunities. Thereare societies for everyone here, <strong>and</strong> youcan quickly find a niche’. AnthonyThe University of Cambridge provides oneof the best learning environments in theUK, characterised by a broad range ofchallenging <strong>and</strong> flexible degree courses, aspecialised teaching system, unrivalledresearch <strong>and</strong> study facilities <strong>and</strong> a wellestablished support structure. Thisunprecedented level of academic <strong>and</strong>personal support is achieved through itscollegiate structure. Cambridge Universityis made up of 31 independent, selfgoverning colleges. The Universityorganises lectures <strong>and</strong> seminars for itsstudents, <strong>and</strong> provides laboratories <strong>and</strong>libraries through its various departments<strong>and</strong> faculties; it also has the responsibilityfor conducting examinations <strong>and</strong>conferring degrees. The colleges areresponsible for selecting, accommodating<strong>and</strong> supporting its students, as well asorganising personal tuition through thesupervision system. Every student onentering the University becomes a memberof a college.<strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> <strong>College</strong> (oftenabbreviated to <strong>Caius</strong> – pronounced Keys)is one of the oldest <strong>and</strong> largest of thecolleges in Cambridge. It occupies anhistoric site in the centre of Cambridge <strong>and</strong>offers fine Renaissance Courts, symbolicgates <strong>and</strong> beautiful l<strong>and</strong>scaped gardens.Since its foundation in the fourteenthcentury, the <strong>College</strong> has been committed toacademic excellence <strong>and</strong> endeavour. Manyof its Fellows (academics of the <strong>College</strong>)are world leaders in their fields, both in thearts <strong>and</strong> sciences, <strong>and</strong> twenty-three aremembers of the Royal Society or BritishAcademy. Eleven of its members have alsoreceived Nobel Prizes for their research.<strong>Caius</strong> offers its students an excellentbrief history of <strong>Caius</strong>learning <strong>and</strong> living environment, whereevery individual has the opportunity topursue his or her studies to the highestlevel in a friendly <strong>and</strong> supportivecommunity. We provide teaching <strong>and</strong>research in all subjects <strong>and</strong> disciplinesoffered by the University, supported by alarge Fellowship. Currently, about half ofour students are studying or carrying outresearch in the sciences <strong>and</strong> half in the arts<strong>and</strong> humanities.The aim of this prospectus is to provideyou with an insight into <strong>Caius</strong>: itsmembers, facilities, history <strong>and</strong> traditions.an unusualbeginningGONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE isunusual amongst Cambridge colleges inhaving been founded twice, first by a rector<strong>and</strong> then by a physician. <strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Caius</strong> was initially founded in 1348 as<strong>Gonville</strong> Hall by Edmund <strong>Gonville</strong>, therector of Terrington in Norfolk. It was refoundedin the sixteenth century (1557) byJohn Keys, a former student <strong>and</strong> Fellow of<strong>Gonville</strong> Hall, who went on to studyMedicine at the University of Padua. Hegave the Latin form of his name to the<strong>College</strong>.John Keys (<strong>Caius</strong>) was responsible forextending the <strong>College</strong> buildings <strong>and</strong> theintroduction of the three gates inspired byItalian humanism: the Gate of Humility, theGate of Virtue <strong>and</strong> the Gate of Honour. Thegates symbolically mark the progression ofa student through his/her college life. Newstudents enter into the <strong>College</strong> through theGate of Humility; pass through the Gate ofVirtue (dedicated to Wisdom) daily on theirway to the Dining Hall <strong>and</strong> CommonRooms; <strong>and</strong> finally, on graduation day,depart through the Gate of Honour toreceive their degrees in the Senate House.This sequence of events continuesunchanged to the present day <strong>and</strong> reflectsYsmayFirst year Modern LanguagestudentUKBEING a linguist atCambridge is brilliant. TheUniversity is overflowing withfacilities <strong>and</strong> brimming withopportunities – a hive ofactivity <strong>and</strong> fun. The languagescourse is wide-ranging <strong>and</strong>flexible; you can tailor itprecisely to suit you. Alongsideyour speciality, whether it beliterature, linguistics or any ofthe other options, you get asolid basis of languagelearning, practising the spokenlanguage <strong>and</strong> the written, <strong>and</strong>dabbling in translation- a reallyexciting new exercise thathardly features at A-Level.Born <strong>and</strong> brought up inCambridge, I had eighteenyears to explore the colleges<strong>and</strong> to ponder my decision, <strong>and</strong><strong>Caius</strong> came out on top!Beautiful, <strong>and</strong> slap bang in themiddle of the “Manhattan ofCambridge”, <strong>Caius</strong> is a veryattractive <strong>College</strong>, <strong>and</strong> boastsmuch more besides. There areendless events organised byenthusiastic teams <strong>and</strong>individuals, ranging from therowing club to the rather morerelaxed “real ale runningsociety” – there is somethingfor everyone here! In short,<strong>Caius</strong> is academic,friendly, fun <strong>and</strong> social.4 5

DAN WHITEthe tenet that academic excellence is at theheart of the <strong>College</strong>’s long history, as wellas the foundation for future success.John Keys became Master of the <strong>College</strong>in 1559. He holds the distinction of beingthe only Master of a Cambridge college toappear in a Shakespeare play, as thebumbling eccentric Dr <strong>Caius</strong> in The MerryWives of Windsor. In his later years, hebecame quick-tempered, cantankerous <strong>and</strong>dictatorial, <strong>and</strong> is reputed to have confinedout-of-favour Fellows to the stocks. Sinceits establishment in 1348, the <strong>College</strong> hasbeen under the leadership of 41 Masters.Your college will provide an academic <strong>and</strong> personalhome to you during your time at Cambridge, <strong>and</strong>choosing one is a matter of personal preference.However, you may be interested to read why ourstudents have chosen <strong>Caius</strong> in the past.where <strong>Caius</strong> excelsa welcomingcommunityA DYNAMIC, diverse <strong>and</strong> vibrantcommunity – <strong>Caius</strong> prides itself on thefriendly interaction of its academiccommunity.‘The people are all friendly, open <strong>and</strong>interesting. The atmosphere is tolerant<strong>and</strong> the work ethic is good.’ Aaron<strong>Caius</strong> welcomes students from alleducational, social <strong>and</strong> religiousbackgrounds from the United Kingdom<strong>and</strong> overseas. Members become part of adiverse community, characterised byfriendliness <strong>and</strong> informality. <strong>Caius</strong> ishome to around 500 undergraduatestudents, 250 graduate students <strong>and</strong> over100 Fellows <strong>and</strong>, as such, provides awonderful opportunity for socialinteraction <strong>and</strong> the exchange of ideas <strong>and</strong>expertise between academics, graduatestudents <strong>and</strong> undergraduates alike.YAO LIANGhigh qualityteaching ------HIGH QUALITY <strong>and</strong> flexible teachingenables every student to realise his or herfull academic potential.For undergraduates, teaching takes placeat both the university <strong>and</strong> college levels. At<strong>Caius</strong>, we offer a learning environmentbased on encouragement, quality teaching<strong>and</strong> personalised tuition. This is achievedthrough the supervision system. Each yearour students go on to achieveconsiderable success in theirexaminations, with about one-third ofour undergraduates receiving<strong>College</strong> awards,prizes <strong>and</strong>scholarships.-- supervisionsSUPERVISIONS provide an excellentlearning environment geared tomaximising individual performance, aswell as enhancing the ability to learnthroughout life.Supervisions are small group teachingsessions where every student has theopportunity to explore his or her ideaswith specialists in the field. Supervisionsenable students to consolidate theirexisting learning, to overcome anydifficulties or problems experiencedduring the course of their studies <strong>and</strong> todevelop communicative <strong>and</strong> genericthinking skills. Students are allocated asupervisor for each of the papers theyelect to study within their subject <strong>and</strong>typically have between one <strong>and</strong> foursupervisions per week.‘I didn’t really fully grasp the fact thatI would be having one-toonesessions with sucheminent specialists.It’s awe inspiring.’JoannaGiven the large Fellowship at <strong>Caius</strong> <strong>and</strong>its wide-ranging expertise, a relativelyhigh proportion of supervisions areconducted in <strong>College</strong>, although somestudents may have supervisions at othercolleges or in University Faculties, ifappropriate.‘The supervision system allows you theopportunity to explore your subject withan expert every week – being at thecutting edge from the word go!’ Helen-- directors ofstudiesEVERY UNDERGRADUATE student at<strong>Caius</strong> is assigned a Director of Studieswho is responsible for co-ordinating theacademic life of his/her students. TheDirector of Studies will organisesupervisions, provide guidance <strong>and</strong> adviceon academic matters, <strong>and</strong> monitorindividual progress. A student will meethis/her Director of Studies on a regularbasis.‘I found the last three yearsimmensely rewarding, challenging<strong>and</strong> satisfying.’GemmaYAO LIANGEmilySecond year Law studentUKI AM in my second yearstudying Law at <strong>Caius</strong>. Duringthe first year you have to studycompulsory subjects whichgive you a broad underst<strong>and</strong>ingof the law. You get a lot morechoice in the second <strong>and</strong> thirdyears allowing you to studysubjects that you findparticularly interesting;anything from company law tolegal history or medical law.<strong>Caius</strong> has a very goodreputation for Law with greatFellows <strong>and</strong> a great historywhich makes the teachingexcellent <strong>and</strong> really interesting.The students are also good fun<strong>and</strong> we have a thriving LawSociety which organises formaldinners <strong>and</strong> speakers’ events byeminent lawyers <strong>and</strong> expertsgiving advice on careers. In myspare time I also row for the<strong>College</strong> first eight. The BoatClub is a great thing to beinvolved in; you get to meetloads of different people fromother years, we have amazingfacilities <strong>and</strong> anyone can getinvolved. I had never rowedbefore coming to Cambridge,yet last year we went toAmerica to row in thebiggest regatta inthe world.6 7

DAN WHITE2nd Women’s Rowing VIIIwith their cox at the‘Bumps’ celebrationsMeeraThird year History studentUKI’M currently in mythird year studying History.The great thing about Historyin Cambridge is the teaching<strong>and</strong> the freedom of choice. Thevariety of the History coursemeans that it can becompletely tailored to yourinterests which makes it veryenjoyable to study. Over thepast three years, my study hasranged from early modernEurope, to nineteenth centuryJapan, to modern America, <strong>and</strong>I have really enjoyed beingable to get to grips with thesubject in such an intense, butstimulating, fashion. BecauseHistory supervisions usuallytend to be one-on-one, teachingis very individualistic <strong>and</strong> youcan really iron out any issuesyou may have. There are plentyof opportunities to meet otherhistorians through classes,lectures, talks <strong>and</strong> socials.The flexibility of the coursehas enabled me to take upmany other non-academicpursuits. I’ve performed inseveral plays, tried my h<strong>and</strong> ata variety of <strong>College</strong> sports(including rowing, badmintonDAN WHITEa superb supportstructureTHE COLLEGE affords a stimulatingenvironment for academic fulfilment,personal growth <strong>and</strong> the formation oflife-long friendships.The <strong>College</strong> provides a very supportive<strong>and</strong> caring environment. Every student isallocated a tutor whose responsibility is tolook after the general welfare of theirstudents <strong>and</strong> to offer confidential help <strong>and</strong>advice on any aspect of student life,ranging from financial issues to personalproblems. Whilst tutors take a keeninterest in the academic life of theirstudents, they support students working insubject areas different from their own.During their time at Cambridge, studentsare encouraged to meet regularly withtheir tutor to establish a socialrelationship; <strong>and</strong> many students willremain in contact with their tutor longafter graduation.Support <strong>and</strong> pastoral advice are alsoavailable from the Dean <strong>and</strong> designatedstudent officers (including a First YearRepresentative, Women’s Officer, WelfareOfficer <strong>and</strong> International Officer). The<strong>College</strong> also has an on-site nurse in the<strong>College</strong> Health Centre to provide adviceon medical matters.STEVE FRANKLINThere is a lively social scene forundergraduates <strong>and</strong> graduates, cateringfor all tastes. There is a wide range ofsocial events to welcome new studentsinto the <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> to provide a suitablediversion from academic study for allstudents throughout the term.<strong>Caius</strong> has an active student union,<strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> Student Union (GCSU)which organises a wide variety of socialevents, as well as providing advice onwelfare, housing, financial problems <strong>and</strong>academic issues. It also representsstudents on a wide range of <strong>College</strong>committees. The GCSU is made up ofmembers from both JCR (JuniorCombination Room) which represents thecommunity of undergraduates, <strong>and</strong> theMCR (Middle Combination Room) whichrepresents the large <strong>and</strong> thriving graduatecommunity at <strong>Caius</strong>. For new members,the JCR Committee co-ordinates a verysuccessful ‘parenting scheme’ to welcomemembers into the <strong>College</strong>.combinationroomsTHE JUNIOR COMBINATION ROOMnot only refers to the community ofundergraduates, but also to the CommonRooms used by them. There are two JCRsat <strong>Caius</strong>: one in the Old Courts <strong>and</strong>another in Harvey Court.Students gather in the Common Roomsto socialise, drink coffee, watch TV <strong>and</strong>read from the wide selection of magazinesDAN WHITE<strong>and</strong> newspapers delivered daily. The JCRalso provides the venue for the regular<strong>Caius</strong> disco (the‘Bop’). The <strong>College</strong> Bar<strong>and</strong> adjacent lounge <strong>and</strong> TV rooms alsooffer an opportunity to relax with friendsat the end of the day.Chatting with friends in the <strong>College</strong> Bar<strong>and</strong> lacrosse), been heavilyinvolved in the Film Society,held positions on the <strong>Caius</strong><strong>College</strong> Student Union <strong>and</strong> Iam currently helping to puttogether the Year Book. It takesa bit of time management, butyou can definitely fit in asocial life <strong>and</strong> other pursuitsalongside your study if youwant to!The whole Universityexperience is one where youmeet <strong>and</strong> mix with a variety ofpeople from widely differentbackgrounds <strong>and</strong> that’s half thefun! The community spiritwithin <strong>Caius</strong> especially hasmade the transition fromschool <strong>and</strong> home to Universitymuch easier. Walking through<strong>College</strong>, going to Hall orventuring into the <strong>College</strong> Bar,you are always greeted byfamiliar faces – reassuringwhen you’re in the middle ofan essay crisis, feeling a littlehomesick or eager for a bignight out!The atmosphere in <strong>Caius</strong> isreally friendly <strong>and</strong> I have gotto know a lot of people throughmy subject, <strong>College</strong> activities,<strong>and</strong> even just by sitting next topeople in Hall or in the‘Common Room’. There’splenty to keep you entertainedin between work, so that threeyears can go by veryquickly!YAO LIANG8 9

YAO LIANGApproaching the <strong>College</strong>from King’s ParadeDEREK INGRAMYAO LIANGYAO LIANGin the heartof the cityHannahSecond year GeographystudentUKGEOGRAPHY is asmall subject at <strong>Caius</strong>. Thismeans I can enjoy all thebenefits of the course whilsttaking part in <strong>College</strong> life tothe full. The courseencompasses both physical <strong>and</strong>human geography with thechance to specialise in yoursecond <strong>and</strong> third years. Fieldtrips <strong>and</strong> travel are a key part.I am going to Mallorca duringthe Easter holidays, <strong>and</strong> toSouth Africa over the summerfor my third year dissertation.The <strong>College</strong> Library is anexcellent place to study <strong>and</strong> agreat resource, always bringingin the books that I request.Within the <strong>College</strong>, I playwomen’s football <strong>and</strong> will becaptain next year, despite neverhaving played before. Being at<strong>Caius</strong> has also given me theopportunity to get involved in awide range of things; fromoccasionally reading at Chapelto meeting all members of the<strong>College</strong> at Hall on most days.We get the best of both worlds;a sociable atmosphere steepedin historical <strong>and</strong> beautifulsurroundings. If you wantacademic, social <strong>and</strong> sportingopportunities in a supportivecommunity – <strong>Caius</strong> isa great choice.CAIUS is a city-centre <strong>College</strong> within easyreach of the main Arts (Sidgwick site) <strong>and</strong>Science departments (New Museum,Downing <strong>and</strong> west Cambridge sites). TheOld Courts are conveniently located for theshops, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, pubs<strong>and</strong> nightclubs of Cambridge, whilstproviding a tranquil retreat from the hustle<strong>and</strong> bustle of city life.The Old Courts consist of four courts:• <strong>Gonville</strong> Court dating from thefourteenth century <strong>and</strong> containing theHall, Chapel <strong>and</strong> Common rooms;• <strong>Caius</strong> Court dating from the sixteenthcentury <strong>and</strong> bounded by the Gate ofVirtue <strong>and</strong> Gate of Honour, with the<strong>College</strong> Library at the other side ofSenate House passage;• Tree Court designed in the style of aFrench chateau <strong>and</strong> planted with anavenue of trees;• St Michael’s <strong>and</strong> St Mary’s Courtsconsisting of three main buildings, onewith views over the Market Place.The Harvey Court site is a short walkacross the river adjacent to the Sidgwicksite <strong>and</strong> is set in extensive <strong>and</strong> beautifulgardens. The site supports two largeaccommodation centres, one dating fromthe 1960s <strong>and</strong> offering 98 rooms, <strong>and</strong> thenew building, completed in 2006, with 75rooms with ensuite facilities.accommodationfor all‘From my first year in Harvey Court untilmy third year in Tree Court, every time Imissed home I just looked out of mywindows, <strong>and</strong> felt lucky to be here inCambridge!’ SabaCAIUS arranges accommodation for allits students throughout their time atCambridge.Accommodation is available in theHarvey Court site, the Old Courts <strong>and</strong> in<strong>College</strong> hostels <strong>and</strong> shared houses locatedthroughout the city.Rooms vary in size <strong>and</strong> style fromstudy bedrooms <strong>and</strong> en-suite rooms to‘sets’, with a separate living room <strong>and</strong>bedroom. Many rooms offer superb viewsover the city centre, the Old Courts orl<strong>and</strong>scaped gardens. All are furnished <strong>and</strong>have access to showers or bathrooms.Each room is close to a small sharedkitchen (gyp room) for making lightsnacks. Almost all central rooms haveinternet access <strong>and</strong>/or telephone points.Purpose designed rooms for disabledstudents are available at the Harvey Courtsite.Undergraduates usually rent theirrooms for a ten-week period each term,providing an opportunity to come intoresidence for a few days beforelectures/supervisions start <strong>and</strong> to stay afew days after the end of full term. Rentincludes the cost of central heating,electricity <strong>and</strong> cleaning. There are alsosix self-service laundries availablethroughout the <strong>College</strong>, which areavailable free of charge.JamesFirst year Natural SciencesstudentUKI’M in my first yearhere at <strong>Caius</strong> studying NaturalSciences. The course is veryflexible <strong>and</strong> I’ve been able tochoose those options that suitmy interests best. I’menjoying it not least becauseof its social nature: thelectures <strong>and</strong> practicals providea good chance to see peoplewho you haven’t seen for awhile. The community spirit isalso very pleasant; discussingthe stimulating subjectmaterial with fellow scientistscan be very enjoyable.At <strong>Caius</strong>, the unique Hallsystem provides theopportunity to unwind after along day with friends, their settime meaning you need notplan in advance to meet themthere – just turn up <strong>and</strong> you’resure to see someone you know(or meet someone new) <strong>and</strong>get talking. Fellow students<strong>and</strong> academics genuinely careabout student well-being,contributing to an atmospherethat is as intense or as relaxedas you want it to be.I currently live in HarveyCourt. I prefer its placementoutside the centre of town as aplace for first years to live –close enough so that it’s aneasy (<strong>and</strong> pleasant) walk to<strong>College</strong>, yet far enough to beaway from the bustle ofthe hectic town centre.10 11

YAO LIANGLunch fromthe ServeryKaifengFirst year L<strong>and</strong> EconomystudentChinaLAND Economy is justsuch a brilliant choice for me,a nice combination ofEconomics, Law, Property <strong>and</strong>the Environment.<strong>Caius</strong> is a prestigious <strong>College</strong>,but it is also very approachable<strong>and</strong> friendly. Its people arealways happy <strong>and</strong> ready tooffer you a h<strong>and</strong> whenever it isneeded. There is a goodmixture of home <strong>and</strong>international students fromaround the world, so youdefinitely won’t be alone. Thefantastic facilities provided bythe <strong>College</strong> support students intheir pursuit of excellence intheir studies. The Library isone of the best features; it’sprobably the best collegelibrary in Cambridge. You canborrow books easily, <strong>and</strong> theloan period is very generous.The <strong>Caius</strong> Union organises awide range of activities, discos,film nights, charity show,music nights etc. There are allsorts of sports clubs <strong>and</strong> musicsocieties that you are sure tofind something you are fond of<strong>and</strong> enjoy. Come on; doconsider joining us, toexperience what wecan offer you.food <strong>and</strong> drink‘The Halls each evening act as a focalpoint. Whether you’re a scientist or anartist, all Caians are brought together toeat <strong>and</strong> relax at the same place at the endof the day. It’s just an amazingatmosphere.’ JamesCAIUS is unusual amongst the colleges inthat all its members eat together regularlyin Hall, contributing to the communalatmosphere of the <strong>College</strong>, as well ascontinuing one of the oldest traditions ofthe <strong>College</strong>.Breakfast <strong>and</strong> lunch are informal, selfservice<strong>and</strong> offer a wide range of hot <strong>and</strong>cold dishes, including vegetarian options.Formal dinners are served in the beautiful19th century Dining Hall, where studentsare expected to wear their gowns to dine.Many clubs <strong>and</strong> societies also hold formaldinners in <strong>College</strong>.Right: The Dining HallA c<strong>and</strong>lelit formal dinnerDAN WHITEfabulous facilitiesthe libraryExcellent educational resources‘I think <strong>Caius</strong> has the best college libraryin Cambridge in terms of its building, itsholdings, <strong>and</strong> its librarians’. CatherineCAIUS supports an impressive library,located in the Cockerell Building onSenate House Passage, next to <strong>Caius</strong>Court. It was built in the nineteenthcentury, <strong>and</strong> contains the <strong>College</strong>’s rarebooks <strong>and</strong> manuscripts on the ground floor(Old Library), <strong>and</strong> the working stock(Working Library) on the vaulted firstfloor. The Old Library supports one of thelargest collections of medieval manuscriptsof any college in Cambridge, as well as alarge number of early printed editions byphilosophers, scientists <strong>and</strong> poets. TheWorking Library holds a stock of over90,000 books <strong>and</strong> journals <strong>and</strong> providescopies of core texts for first <strong>and</strong> secondyear undergraduate courses, <strong>and</strong> generaltexts for third <strong>and</strong> fourth year students.Over 2,500 new books are added to thecollection each year.The working stock is fully cataloguedon-line; the catalogues can be consultednot only from within the <strong>College</strong>, but alsofrom within the University Library <strong>and</strong>many Faculties <strong>and</strong> Departments. TheLibrary provides a great place to work <strong>and</strong>it is frequently used by our students as acommunal study area. Books may beborrowed easily using an automated selfservicesystem. The Library is open sevendays a week, from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.In addition to the <strong>College</strong> Library,students have access to the UniversityLibrary (UL) <strong>and</strong> their Departmental orFaculty library. The UL is one of the finestuniversity libraries in the world <strong>and</strong>contains specialist texts <strong>and</strong> manuscripts,as well as an extensive range of researchjournals.DAN WHITEComputing facilities<strong>Caius</strong> has over 50 computers for the useof its students located in three computersuites, one of which is dedicated forgraduate use. In addition, most roomshave network connections so that thestudents can connect their owncomputers to the <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> Universitynetwork system for internet access. Thecomputing facilities are regularlymaintained <strong>and</strong> upgraded by three fulltimeComputer Officers.DAN WHITEThe ‘Working’Library12

GEOFFREY WEBBERDAN WHITEthe chapel <strong>and</strong>the chapel choirTHE CHAPEL is probably the oldestpurpose-built <strong>College</strong> Chapel inCambridge, dating from 1390. During FullTerm there are daily services in Chapel,usually led by the Dean. The Eucharist iscelebrated on Sunday mornings with avoluntary choir open to all students: in theevening there is the more formal service ofEvensong with a guest preacher. The<strong>College</strong> Choir of choral exhibitioners singsfor this service, directed by the Precentor<strong>and</strong> assisted by one or two Organ Scholars.Students are encouraged to take part inplanning <strong>and</strong> leading worship.There are also many other places ofworship in Cambridge for Christians <strong>and</strong>those following other faiths.The Choir has received considerableacclaim in recent years for its regularperformances on BBC Radio 3, televisionbroadcasts, CD recordings, concerts <strong>and</strong>foreign tours. Most of the members of theChapel choir are undergraduates holdingChoral Exhibitions, but vacanciessometimes arise for volunteer members.An intercollegiate competition for ChoralAwards is held each year in September,preceded by a Choral Awards Open Day,usually held in May.The Choir on tourin South AfricaThe Director of Musicconducting the ChoirDAN WHITEThe Chapel Choir assembling fora formal photographic sessionYAO LIANG15

YAO LIANGZoeSecond year Classics studentUKSTUDYING Classics at<strong>Caius</strong> is fantastic! There aremany different topics of studyto choose from, ranging fromphilosophy to archaeology, <strong>and</strong>you are given a lot of advice<strong>and</strong> support from the <strong>College</strong>.I arrived thinking I wasinterested in linguistics <strong>and</strong>discovered that I was actuallyan archaeologist at heart.Classicists do work very hard,but there is plenty of scope forgetting socially involved in<strong>College</strong> life. I have spent mytime in <strong>College</strong> as a member ofShadwell Society (the<strong>College</strong>’s drama society),playing women’s squash <strong>and</strong>football <strong>and</strong> singing in the<strong>College</strong> concerts. There is athriving musical community in<strong>College</strong> for those who wish tobrush the dust off theirinstruments. I have even helpedto organise the <strong>Caius</strong> MayBall, which is held every twoyears. After exams, thestunning architecture of <strong>Caius</strong>is brought to life for one nightwith light, laughter <strong>and</strong>copious amounts of food <strong>and</strong>drink. The Committee providesentertainment for a thous<strong>and</strong> oftheir fellow students from duskuntil dawn. It is the biggestevent on every <strong>Caius</strong> student’ssocial calendar, <strong>and</strong> it has beenvery rewarding being part ofthe team that makes it allhappen. My favourite thingsabout <strong>Caius</strong> are the people <strong>and</strong>the atmosphere. It really is, inmy opinion, the friendliest<strong>College</strong> you couldapply to!music facilities<strong>and</strong> the musicalsocietyCAIUS has a reputation for the excellence<strong>and</strong> diversity of its musical making. Itsmusical facilities include a Steinway gr<strong>and</strong>piano (Model B 2003), two-manualharpsichords (Mackinnon & Waitzman1996 after Danzelague of 1711), theChapel organ (3-man. Klais 1981) <strong>and</strong>several practice rooms, as well as aperformance venue. There is also aChamber <strong>and</strong> Vocal Music Library <strong>and</strong> aCD Library open to all members of<strong>College</strong>. Musical activities in <strong>College</strong> arevaried <strong>and</strong> include formal <strong>College</strong> concerts<strong>and</strong> Chapel music, regular performances ofchamber music, informal musical evenings<strong>and</strong> jazz events.<strong>Caius</strong> supports the IntercollegiateInstrumental Awards Scheme, the primarypurpose of which is to enable giftedinstrumentalists to achieve a high st<strong>and</strong>ardof performance in chamber music. Inaddition, the <strong>College</strong> holds auditions eachyear for <strong>College</strong> Instrumental Awardsawarded to gifted players of anyinstrument. The <strong>College</strong> also givesbursaries to help with the cost ofinstrumental lessons for advanced players,<strong>and</strong> awards Music prizes.GEOFFREY WEBBER GEOFFREY WEBBERThe Musical Society is a student-runorganisation which fosters a wide range ofactivities. The chief venue for the Society’sconcerts <strong>and</strong> recitals is the BatemanAuditorium, with the adjoining BatemanRoom being used for concert receptions.The Society also organises a large-scaleconcert held each term in the <strong>College</strong> Hall<strong>and</strong> conducted by students. This forms thehighlight of each term <strong>and</strong> it is wellattendedby members of the <strong>College</strong>.Above: The May Week Show – ‘Anything Goes’Left: The Michaelmas Term <strong>College</strong> ConcertBelow: The <strong>College</strong>'s model B Steinway gr<strong>and</strong> pianoGEOFFREY WEBBER16 17

YAO LIANGYAO LIANGsports facilitiesGeoffSecond-year Law studentUKWHEN I first arrived in2004, I honestly didn’t knowwhat to expect. But since thenI’ve discovered that Cambridgeis, put quite simply, a reallynice place. Yes, the work istough, <strong>and</strong> yes, there’s a lot ofit! But despite all that, you findthat you still have plenty oftime to get involved in otherthings outside of your studies.At the moment, I’m playingpool regularly for <strong>College</strong>,which is a nice excuse to headdown to the bar every now <strong>and</strong>then <strong>and</strong> catch up with friendsover a pint (whilst, of course,concentrating on the match!).In addition, I’m one of theRAG (Raising And Giving)representatives for <strong>Caius</strong>, <strong>and</strong>so it’s my responsibility tomake sure we continue to raisemore money for charity thanany other college inCambridge. In fact, we’re wellon course to topping the tablefor another year in a row.Highlights include the fabled“Back 2 Skool” Bop, as well asthe colourful RAG Carnivalwhich dances its way throughthe streets of Cambridge!When I’m not busy, I’ll play abit of squash or head to the pubto watch the football or rugby.But whatever I do, I’msurrounded by people I’ve methere in Cambridge; people whoare some of the closestfriends I’ll ever have!The 1st Men’s Rowing VIII achieving success as ‘Head of the River’DAN WHITEPAUL BERG<strong>Caius</strong> encourages participation at alllevels <strong>and</strong> has a reputation for sportingexcellence.THE COLLEGE offers superb sportingfacilities including a sports ground with apavilion <strong>and</strong> a cricket pitch, an all-weathersynthetic grass court, ten tennis courts, twosquash courts <strong>and</strong> a boathouse (with itsown boatman). Other facilities areprovided by the University, which includean athletics track, all weather pitches,gyms <strong>and</strong> fitness rooms.‘<strong>Caius</strong> has it all – a great combination ofacademic support, great facilities <strong>and</strong> asocial life.’ Dave<strong>Caius</strong> 1st Rugby XV in actionThe victorious <strong>Caius</strong> 1st XI with the university plateThe <strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> Ladies Football teamThe <strong>Caius</strong> Mixed Netball squadShooting PoolOutside the Pavillion on Barton RoadMARTYN RACEHARRY CLIFFHELEN WARD YAO LIANGTOM CHALLISChloeFirst year Medical studentUKCAIUS is a great placeto study Medicine. In myopinion it is the best <strong>College</strong>for the subject with a goodhistory of results <strong>and</strong> greatsupervisors. Though the courseis massively dem<strong>and</strong>ing it ismade manageable <strong>and</strong> there isalways someone around todiscuss difficulties or points ofinterest with.In my free time I play women'sfootball for <strong>Caius</strong>, which isgreat fun, <strong>and</strong> I spend timesocialising in Cambridge’smany lovely pubs. Despite thedem<strong>and</strong>s that studyingMedicine makes on your time,once you learn to prioritise, itis easy to find time forextracurricular activities.Before I came to <strong>Caius</strong> I wentto a comprehensive school. Themyths about Cambridgeconsisting entirely of white,middle class, private schoolboys are just not true <strong>and</strong>,whatever your background, it iseasy to settle in <strong>and</strong> makefriends at <strong>Caius</strong>. The <strong>College</strong>also gives grants to studentswith the maximum governmentloan so no one should be putoff from applying to <strong>Caius</strong>because of cost – it actuallyoften works out cheaper tostudy here than at many otherplaces due to the bursariesavailable. <strong>Caius</strong> is a great<strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> a fantasticplace to live <strong>and</strong> study.18 19

KEITH HEPPELL<strong>Caius</strong> RAG (Raising <strong>and</strong> Giving)Team – one of the mostsuccessful in Cambridgeclubs,societies<strong>and</strong>socialsSOURCE GEOFFREY TANMichaelSecond year Medical studentUKTHE thing that struckme when I arrived at <strong>Caius</strong> washow friendly a community it is.Like everyone else, I wassecretly quite nervous when Ifirst “came up”, worried that Iwouldn’t fit in, that I wasn’tyour “typical” Cambridgestudent. However, after aboutfive minutes, I realised thatthings simply weren’t like that.Whenever I have had aproblem there has always beensomeone to help <strong>and</strong> make surethat you’re alright – be it aTutor, the Student Union,Directors of Studies <strong>and</strong>/oryour supervisors.There’s plenty of scope toindulge any interest you mayhave, no matter how esoteric,<strong>and</strong> if there’s not a societythere already, why not startyour own? We did this <strong>and</strong> setup the Sushi society! I havealso been on the Student Unionexecutive for the last year, <strong>and</strong>have just been voted in asVice-President. <strong>Caius</strong> mostdefinitely has a great sense ofcommunity, <strong>and</strong> you’ll get toknow an eclectic mix ofpeople – both students<strong>and</strong> Fellows.‘I never realised the wide variety of “nonworking”activities available. It is fair tosay that most medics work hard… but thereis a general ethos of enjoying yourself, <strong>and</strong>pursuing other interests to the same highlevel.’ DarshanTHE COLLEGE currently supports over 40clubs <strong>and</strong> societies which provide studentswith an opportunity to pursue a currentinterest or develop a new one. For thoseinterested in sports, clubs exist for hockey,athletics, badminton, cricket, lawn tennis,rugby, football, netball, basketball, tabletennis,table-football, squash, pool,lacrosse, swimming, volleyball, water polo,cross-country, golf <strong>and</strong> rowing.Our societies include the ShadwellDramatic Society, the Film Society, Rag<strong>and</strong> Christian Union, to mention but a few.In addition, most academic subjects havetheir own <strong>College</strong> societies. Provision alsoexists for the setting up of new clubs <strong>and</strong>societies.The <strong>College</strong>’s clubs <strong>and</strong> societies areopen to all members of the <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong>participation ranges from the ‘just for fun’to the seriously committed member. Thereare also over 400 clubs <strong>and</strong> societiesoffered by the University, which are opento all students of Cambridge University.Right: Enjoying a barbecue inthe gardens of Harvey CourtYAO LIANG MEERA CHADHABehind the Scenes – directing a University production of ‘Spartacus’DAN WHITEA <strong>College</strong> ‘Musical’ production of Divorce Me, Darling!20

scholarships, grants <strong>and</strong> prizesFINANCIAL constraints shouldnot discourage any UK studentfrom applying to the Universityof Cambridge. The cost of studying atCambridge is comparable to that ofmany other UK universities, <strong>and</strong> inmany cases less than that of other UKuniversities. There are in fact manycost savings associated with studying atCambridge through the provision of<strong>College</strong>-owned accommodation, meals,libraries <strong>and</strong> computing facilities. Inaddition, Cambridge students haveaccess to a range of <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> otherfunds to support those students whoare in genuine financial need.undergraduatesprizes <strong>and</strong> collegescholarshipsCAIUS supports various scholarships <strong>and</strong>prizes to reward academic excellence. Forexample, students who attain a First Classor Distinction in their examinations areelected into <strong>College</strong> Scholarships <strong>and</strong> arealso awarded Book Prizes. Otherundergraduates placed in the top 25% oftheir year are elected into <strong>College</strong>Exhibitions. The top <strong>Caius</strong> graduatingundergraduate of each year is awarded theSchuldham Plate. The Lock Tankard isawarded to the graduating undergraduatewho is thought to have made the mostcontribution to <strong>College</strong> life.travel grantsSTUDENTS are encouraged to engage inworthwhile travel during the summervacation, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> has travel funds toassist those who might not otherwise beable to travel. The Paton-Taylor TravellingScholarship is awarded for academicprojects involving travel. The Joan <strong>and</strong>Leonard Gluckstein Memorial Fund is fortravel associated with historical orDAN WHITEarchaeological sites; grants from theH<strong>and</strong>son Bequest are for medical projects.The Tutors also make other grants fortravel, as well as supporting a variety ofacademically-related projects.overseas scholarships<strong>and</strong> bursariesTHERE are scholarships for overseasundergraduates. These include the Barclay-Smith Scholarship for Malawian students,the Douglas Myers New Zeal<strong>and</strong>Scholarship, <strong>and</strong> the Michael MiliffeScholarship for gifted students fromdeveloping countries. The <strong>College</strong> alsoawards a few Bursaries each year tooverseas students to cover the cost of<strong>College</strong> fees. In addition, the Universityadministers its own schemes for studentsupport.If you wish to be considered for any ofthese awards, you should apply to the<strong>College</strong> for admission in the normal way.Those who receive offers will beconsidered for any awards for which theymay be eligible. ■Admiring the Schuldham Platehow to applyundergraduateadmissionsTHE <strong>College</strong> welcomes applications fromtalented <strong>and</strong> committed students from alltypes of educational establishment <strong>and</strong> forall subjects offered by the University. <strong>Caius</strong>admits students solely on the basis of theiracademic merit <strong>and</strong> potential, <strong>and</strong> everyapplication is given thorough <strong>and</strong>individual consideration. We regularlyadmit students under the University’sSpecial Access Scheme (CSAS) designedfor applicants who have experienceddisruption or disadvantage in theirschooling. The <strong>College</strong> also supports theGroup to Encourage Ethnic MinorityApplications (GEEMA).typical profileGENERALLY, we expect our c<strong>and</strong>idates toachieve the equivalent of three grade As intheir A2 level examinations (not includingGeneral Studies). As most of ourc<strong>and</strong>idates will be applying to us prior totaking their final examinations, most of ouroffers are conditional upon achieving theexpected examination performance. Forc<strong>and</strong>idates who have already received theirfinal examination results, we makeunconditional offers. Most of oursuccessful post-A level c<strong>and</strong>idates havethree As in their A2 examinations orequivalent.other academic qualificationsWHILST the majority of our applicantshave General Certificate of Education(GCE) or Scottish qualifications, we dorecognise a wide range of qualifications. Ifyou would like further advice about thesuitability of your school/collegequalifications, please refer to our websiteor contact the Admissions Office.C<strong>and</strong>idates for Medicine <strong>and</strong> VeterinaryMedicine should check that theirqualifications will meet the University’sPre-Medical Requirements.We also welcome applications frommature students (over the age of 21) <strong>and</strong>affiliates from the UK <strong>and</strong> overseas.Affiliates are graduates who already hold afirst degree from another university <strong>and</strong>wish to take a Cambridge BA degree in twoyears. Affiliated <strong>and</strong> mature applicantsshould contact the Admissions Officebefore submitting an application.deferred entryDeferred entry applications are consideredfrom c<strong>and</strong>idates who would like to take ayear off between school/college <strong>and</strong>university, with the exception of thoseadmitted to read Mathematics. However, itis advisable to consult the AdmissionsOffice before submitting an application fordeferred entry. In Engineering deferredentry is considered beneficial to applicantswho want to gain industrial experiencebefore coming up.the application procedureALL APPLICANTS must submit aCambridge Application Form (CAF) to<strong>Caius</strong> <strong>and</strong> a UCAS form to UCAS(Universities <strong>and</strong> <strong>College</strong>s AdmissionsService) by 15th October in any given year.Almost all applicants are invited forinterviews in December. Most applicantswill have between two <strong>and</strong> three interviewsdepending on the chosen subject.Interviews are academic <strong>and</strong> subject-based<strong>and</strong> between 20 <strong>and</strong> 40 minutes in length.Our successful c<strong>and</strong>idates communicateacademic potential, intellectual curiosity<strong>and</strong> flexibility, problem solving, analyticalability <strong>and</strong> independence of thought, aswell as an enthusiasm for their subject.For some subjects, additional tests willbe required <strong>and</strong>/or written work submitted.Details of interview <strong>and</strong> assessmentprocedures for all subjects are available22 23

finding out morefrom the <strong>College</strong> Admissions Office <strong>and</strong> onthe website.Our application procedures are designedsolely to assess academic potential.Decisions are made on the basis of all theevidence available, including examinationresults (past <strong>and</strong> predicted), school/collegereferences, interview performance <strong>and</strong>,where appropriate, written work <strong>and</strong>admissions tests. ■<strong>Caius</strong> open daysWe hold three very popular <strong>College</strong> OpenDays each year (two in July <strong>and</strong> one inSeptember), as well as a MathematicsOpen Day in May. These Open Days areaimed at students <strong>and</strong> their teachers. Atour Open Days, the Admissions Tutor isavailable to give general advice <strong>and</strong>information about the <strong>College</strong> <strong>and</strong> theapplication procedures, <strong>and</strong> the Directorsof Studies are available to discuss thespecifics of the courses. Open Days are anideal opportunity to meet our currentstudents <strong>and</strong> to find out their views <strong>and</strong>experiences of living <strong>and</strong> learning inCambridge <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong>.For further information about our OpenDays, please contact the AdmissionsOffice.We also welcome visits by teachers <strong>and</strong>/orstudents at other times <strong>and</strong> arrangementscan be made via the <strong>Caius</strong> AdmissionsOffice.other sources ofinformationFurther information about <strong>Caius</strong> isavailable via our web-site(www.cai.cam.ac.uk).If you would like to ask us any questions,please contact:The Admissions Office<strong>Gonville</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Caius</strong> <strong>College</strong>Cambridge CB2 1TAEmail: admissions@cai.cam.ac.ukTelephone: 01223 332440Fax: 01223 332456For further information about specificcourses see the Cambridge UniversityAdmissions <strong>Prospectus</strong> (available from theCambridge Admissions Office, FitzwilliamHouse, 32 Trumpington Street, CambridgeCB2 1QY). Many Faculties <strong>and</strong>Departments produce their own brochures<strong>and</strong> these are also available from theCambridge Admissions Office or directlyfrom the individual Faculties <strong>and</strong>Departments.HARVEYCOURT SITEGONVILLEANDCAIUSYAO LIANGHelp <strong>and</strong> advice from the Porter’s Lodge (24/7)DAN WHITEYAO LIANGReflections in Senate House Passage24 25

YAO LIANGGradu<strong>and</strong>s processing through<strong>Caius</strong> Court <strong>and</strong> the Gate ofHonour to receive their degreesin the Senate House

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