Year 6 Graduation & 2012 Presentation Day - Biddabah Public School

Year 6 Graduation & 2012 Presentation Day - Biddabah Public School

Year 6 Graduation & 2012 Presentation Day - Biddabah Public School


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Thursday, December 19, <strong>2012</strong> 41/12<strong>Year</strong> 6 <strong>Graduation</strong> & <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Presentation</strong> <strong>Day</strong>BIDDABAH PUBLIC SCHOOL phone 4954 6058 fax 4956 6780 page 1

Dear Parents,<strong>Year</strong> 6 graduated last Friday and are ready to move onto high school. Mrs Dutch and Mr Harris gave us a finallook at their students.SCHOOL CAPTAIN CHARLIE GEORGE: You couldn’tfind a better <strong>School</strong> Captain than Charlie. She’s humble,modest and approaches all of her many duties withenthusiasm and pride. Charlie’s one brave girl – youshould see the photos of her jumping horses and flyingthrough the air! I’ll always remember when Charlie’sMum, Mrs George, introduced 6H to Raffles, Zebee andRiver – these are Charlies and Lydia’s beautiful 3horses. You’re an amazing girl Charlie – thanks for allyour help.SCHOOL VICE CAPTAIN CAMERON TIBBS: Cameron istrue leadership quality and has excelled this year asVice Captain. I’m constantly amazed at how talentedthis guy is. He solves Rubrik’s cubes in record time;makes unbelievable origami; magic tricks; sound effects;piano & guitar – you name it. In fact, Cameron’s thatgood he even gives Mr Wilson a run for his money whenthey’re jamming!SCHOOL PREFECT REBELLE BLACKMAN: Rebelle hasmade a fantastic prefect; she’s beyond helpful andalways gets the job done. I have to say, of all the greatnetball teams I saw this year coaching the <strong>Biddabah</strong> AllStars, Rebelle was the most skilful Goal Attack on thecourt.SCHOOL PREFECT JENSEN HUNT: Jensen still hasthat unique energy and friendly personality that Iremember when teaching him in Miss Minett’s class.He’s a sports star and is capable of unbelievable movesand shots – just ask Kaileb. Jeno, don’t forget MrHarris when you’re playing in the big leagues champ.TRENT ARNOTT: Trent is a true character; he’s got abig heart and knows a lot more than some may think. Iremember giving Trent a fresh opportunity almost everyweek to sit next to Jarvis or Dane - he never made it toThursday. I’ve loved having you in my class this yearTrent and I also know that Mr Roffey really appreciatesyour efforts in our LIFE SKILLS program.MATHEW WHITE: Where to begin with MW? He cando it all; from cool magic tricks to awesome acrobatics.And you should see his artwork! I’m always interested inseeing what Matt and Lachy will come up with next.Keep blowing minds Matty.JASMIN BURNETT: Jasmin’s smile brightens a room;she’s a gifted girl and loves listening and dancing tomusic – especially 1 Direction. Unlike Mrs Dutch, 1D waspermitted in our room. This was partly because of themany Directioners in our class and partly because I kindof like them too. Enjoy the concert next year Jazz.RHYS SWAN: Rhys has had a big year and should bevery proud of himself. He’s a generous, caring boy witha cheeky sense of humour. Another one of Mr Roffey’sLife Skills team members, Rhys tries hard and is alwaysvery helpful. He is master of the didgeridoo and has agreat singing voice. Check that haircut out too!GEORGIA CHRISTENSEN: Georgia’s bubbly personalityand friendly demeanour will always be welcome in anyclass. A true drama queen, Georgia is the first onewilling to go for it in role play and drama sessions. A keymember of Mrs Wallace’s amazing softball team,nothing can stop Georgie – not even two broken arms!SHAIYAN SUBA: Shaiyan has many unique interestsand wants to travel the world meeting different peopleand cultures. He’s a great listener and an even bettertalker. In fact, I could see him having his own talk radioshow one day – maybe late night with Subes(?).HANNAH CIZZIO: Hannah can do anything! She cruisesto school on a skateboard, surfs, plays piano – you nameit. I am always impressed with Hannah’s understandingin English and I’m also impressed – but not as much asMrs Freund is – with the many fancy hair styles she cancreate. Look out for Hannah’s Hairdressers in thefuture.LAUREN RENWICK: Lauren is her own person and neverpretends to be anything less. She has a talent for musicand is a tremendously gifted reader and writer. In fact,I have a feeling Lauren may publish her own work oneday and share it with the world – I hope she does.KIERRA COLEMAN: Kierra is a little dynamo! I amconstantly amazed at all the things she is good at; frompublic speaking to band member of the year, Kierra cando anything she puts her mind to. Her fantastic work indrama will be remembered for a long time.LACHLAN PURSER: Lachlan is an all-round talent. Anexceptional soccer player and inspiring freerunner(google it), Lachlan gives 100% and, of course, this hasresulted in numerous trips to sick bay to get patched upby Mrs Cox – sorry about that Mrs Purser. Lachlan’sartistic ability is unreal - he focuses like a laser andalways impresses. Coincidently, some of your artworkhas gone mysteriously missing from our room Lachy.Have a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 2

JACOB COLLEY: Jacob is always dependable andorganised. He never gives up and tries hard in all things.Another soccer star, Jacob loves getting out for a runwith the boys. Keep that brilliant work ethic up Jake.RYAN PRESTON: Ryan is an adventurer and loves theoutdoors. His family seem to be always doing coolthings. I have especially enjoyed our talks onmotorbikes and watching your dad thrash his bike onYoutube.LUCY CREBERT: Lucy’s friendly ‘good morning’ is a greatway to start the day. She always takes pride in her workand will let you know if she doesn’t think it’s to her highstandard. Lucy is one of the most helpful students I’vemet – her warmth and sense of humour will be greatlymissed.KIARA PATRICK: The quiet achiever, Kiara is verycapable and can keep up with the best of them. Shealways writes great stories. A directioner like Jasmin,I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen Loui’s faceon Kiara’s computer screen when we’re in the lab. EnjoyHunter Sports High <strong>School</strong> Kiara.PAIGE DENT: Paige is always cool and collected; she is afantastic worker and has helped me too many times tomention. Another star Netballer, when Paige isdetermined, nothing can stop her. Her dramatic work inClaymation with Mrs Gardoll and I will be rememberedfondly.ISABELLA PALOMBINI: Isabella Palombini … I’m reallygoing to miss saying that name! In fact I put her namein 6H’s spelling word search every week till she askedme to stop – I still kept putting it in. Isabella’s smile andlaugh is infectious – never change Isa.THOMAS EVAN: Whatever Tom decides to do in life,I’m sure it will involve using his hands. Tom’s a builderand creator; I have witnessed him build architecturallysounds structures with connector textas alone. Tom’s anabsolute classic and will find a way to make you laugh.Good on you Tommy.KAILEB O’DONOGHUE: Another one of Mr Cox’ssoccer stars, Kaileb’s sharp as a tack and seems to beable to do almost everything. I will miss his Mondaymorning run down of weekend events when I’d hearabout amazing soccer goals scored and gnarly wavessurfed.SAMANTHA FAHEY: Samantha is a friendly,unassuming student with loads of talent. She is abrilliant writer and I always enjoy reading her work. Ilove editing Samantha’s writing - it takes 1 or 2 minutesmax. Watch out if Samantha and Jasmin are sittingnext to each other. Yep, Sam loves 1Direction too! Havea great time at Merewether Sam – good luck!JARVIS MACLEOD: Jarvis is full of surprises and hastaught me much this year. One of his many skills isannoying Trent and Dane. He’s excellent at it. Jarvisabsorbs information like a sponge and enjoys sharing hisunique perspective. I will miss our many conversationsJarvo.GEORGIA LEWIS: The name Georgia Lewis needs to beon Broadway! Her music and drama skills are fantastic.I’m sure she will excel in high school creative arts.Always fair minded, Georgia will stick up for people andlet you know if she feels someone is missing out. I justwish she would stop sticking up for the boys so much!GEMAYA HALL: Gemaya always takes pride in her work;it’s amazing what she can do with just a few gel pens.Gem’s a true socialite and is well liked by all. You canoften find her choreographing the latest cheer leadingand dance moves with girls like Stef.TIARNA KNIGHT: Tiarna is another student withunbridled talent and ability. She is a very thoughtfulgirl and is beyond helpful in the classroom. Apart fromMax, nobody beats Tiarna at dancing Gangnam Style.Her ability with art and craft never ceases to amaze me– we are still in negotiations regarding which of hermany artworks will stay with me.DANE HANMAN: Dane has greeted me with a friendly‘good morning’ and a smile every day – thanks champ. Hehas nice writing and a vivid imagination. I was blownaway by how much Dane knew when we visited the WarMemorial and other places in Canberra. Congratulationsfor a great effort in Life Skills too Dane – I know MrRoffey appreciates your hard work.HELENA JENSEN: Helena always produces quality workand demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding ofconcepts. In particular, Helena knows everything thereis to know about vampires. I’ve lost count of how manynovels she’s been through on the topic. I’m beginning tothink that Helena might herself be a vampire!IMOGEN HARRISON: Imogen can do anything she setsher mind to. Behind her unassuming, quiet demeanour isa student with a razor sharp intellect and loads ofability. I‘ll never forget fearless Immy completing 3 fullrevolutions on the machine at Questacon – it wasphenomenal!SCHOOL CAPTAIN JOCK HOPE- Jock is a keensportsman and a quiet achiever. He has filled hiscaptaincy role with determination to do a good job. Heis honest and straightforward, thoughtful andconsiderate.Have a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 3

SCHOOL VICE CAPTAIN PIPER WADDINGHAM-Piperis a terrific role model because she is genuine, humbleand unselfish. She’s my PA- Personal Assistantremindingme of notes, meetings, duties etc oh andyou’ve got to pick Alaska up from the groomers thisafternoon Mrs Dutch!SCHOOL PREFECT INDY HAYDON- In the role ofprefect Indy has been reliable, energetic andconsiderate of others. He is dedicated to the role andto his class work as well. He has his head down workingall the time, I know exactly how he spreads the gel onhis hair!SCHOOL PREFECT SARAH O’KEEFE- Sarah was askedto think of a couple of ideas for prefect fundraising andshe managed to come up with two pages full ofsuggestions! Just an example of her going beyond thecall of duty just like she is in the classroom.CHLOE ARROWSMITH- Chloe is a pocket rocket witha huge smile. She in unwavering with her work andalways keen to assist. She is lovely to her friends. Shehas everyone organised all the time!JOSHUA WINIARCZYK-Josh is a happy and animatedchild who loves to be part of classroom activity. He hastaken to wearing headbands I need to be worried if hestarts to wear gold bobby pins!BLAKE BAGNALL- Blake is an allrounder! Athletic &enthusiastic in just about any sport going. Has taken towearing a fairy costume but mum tells me he did thatmany years ago too!GABRIELLE WALKER- Gabby’s our very own everreadybattery! Keeps on going and going and going! She willhave a go at anything and always with a smile on herface. My third Walker and an end of an era!NICHOLAS BROWN- Nick there’s many talents hiddenbehind those smiling eyes! A cartoonist extraordinaireand… capable of being quiet! Who would believe it?Every single morning he greets me with Good morningMrs Dutch!JESSICA CERNIAUSKAS- Jess is creative, talentedand composed. Her sporting ability- well the sky’s thelimit. When she receives her first gold medal at anOlympic games I can say I taught her everything sheknows!JORDAN THOMSON-Jordan’s the silent member ofthe class! A member of the Life Skills team whoplanted, shovelled, swept, hosed and beautified ourschool grounds with Mr Roffey and Mr Anderson. He’sbeen my lunch boy this year.KAITLIN DUNNING- Kait’s an individual thinker who isobliging and dependable. She has a strong sense of fairplay and is not afraid to put her view across but backs itup with substance. I imagine her in a t-shirt with apeace sign tie dyed on it!DAVID TABLEY-HELP David! I’ve pressed the wrongbutton again! My very own cable guy! Just like OneDirection we had to ban Llamas from the classroom!ZACH DYSON-He has a cheeky smile with a good heart.(no pun intended Jo and Garry!) He has a good sense ofcommunity and is extremely reliable. He never getsphased by glitches in technology when operating thesound system.MONTANA SWAN- Do you know what Mrs Dutch? Yesyou’re mad and I’m not Montana! If I had a dollar forevery time Montana said that I would be cruising theWhitsundays and not here! She would do anything foranyone.MATTHEW FLYNN-A dependable, loyal and righteousboy who is relaxed and perceptive. He is a friend tomany. Matt frightened the life out of me at thedinosaur museum in Canberra- as I came around thecorner so did he just as the T Rex roared!MAX STEWART-OMG! The male version of aneverready battery! His favourite quote is I didn’t do it!Promise! Max is PE mad! My favourite quote is- there’smore to school than PE Max!KALLUM GARBETT-known to his friends as Garbo,Kallum is the loyal, dependable type who has manymates. He loves to show off his sporting skills in the PElessons that Max had begged for!GEORGIA ROBERTSON- Georgia is the new kid on theblock, just like Kallum was. They both have settled in sowell to the <strong>Biddabah</strong> family. Georgia is very sociable andI reckon I have to ask her everyday…have you got gum?She is hard-working and friendly.RACHEL GLEESON-Is this child ever sad? Rachel is ahappy go lucky girl with a fab sense of humour. She’sone of the reasons One Direction’s banned! I told herabout my daughter bumping into Harry in London andshe lifted the classroom roof off with her scream!ELIZABETH PRESTON- Lizzie is my 2PA- her saying isLet me look for it! And you know what she finds it everytime! She is a delightful child with a kind heart and aquirky sense of humour.SHAKIA HARTCHER-Shakia is multi-talented- she cando her maths and play with her hair, she can do herHave a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 4

Reading Recovery GraduatesCooper <strong>Day</strong>Emily GesovskiJoshua O;FarrellRiley NewJack TrudgettSharnee NormanAbby StenhouseOscar ReillySaxon Thompson-BarberRemember: children must be 13 years of ageor older to create a Facebook account.Prefect Recognition <strong>2012</strong>Charlie GeorgePiper WaddinghamRebelle BlackmanSarah O’KeefeJock HopeCameron TibbsIndy HaydonJensen HuntPrefect 2013 (Elect)Alexis JeffsMaddison jonesMackenzie DennisIzabella AlexanderAngus McGrathRyan CrewThomas ChockDante GrineLions Club Art Awards6DShakia Hartcher6HMathew White5GBlake Phelps5WJenna-Lee Holmes4MIsobella Miller3/4C Bailey Curtis3KLizabel Brunskill2/3M Tahlia Stone2TBrylee Cavanough2McJordan Parsons1BMackayla JonesSupport Teacher AwardImprovement in Reading & EffortJayden SaltBrock Adams<strong>Public</strong> Speaking Finalist AwardsSarah O’FeefeJock HopeHelena HopeHarrison NashGabrielle WalkerKierra ColemanMackenzie DennisEmily CrossMelanie Hain1D1WKBKAKXKBFMonique Palmer-HetheriaLachlan KeenanCooper FreundEleanor DaviesMontana McRaeBen SummersWE SAY NOTO PEANUTS,AND ALL NUT PRODUCTSAT BIDDABAH SCHOOLHave a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 6

6D – Mrs DutchCitizenshipConsistent Effort &ApplicationIsabella HicksonIndy HaydonBIDDABAHSTUDENTSALWAYS SAYPlease and Thank YouPersistent Effort &ApplicationMadison Lugg4M – Miss MinettAcademic AchievementHarley JuppCitizenshipMatthew TullAcademic AchievementJoe Arrowsmith6H – Mr HarrisonCitizenshipCharlie GeorgeAcademic Excellence inall areas of learningSiobhan SneddenConsistent Effort &ApplicationRebelle BlackmanConsistent effort &Academic AchievementAlexandra NashMost ImprovedRhys Swan3/4C - Mr CoxAcademic AchievementKalieb O’DonoghueCitizenshipWill PrestonAcademic AchievementCrystal Lang-Piason5W – Mr WelshAcademic AchievementLucy ReidAcademic AchievementAngus HileAcademic AchievementSophie DavidsonCitizenshipCallan MaguireConsistent ApplicationLayna CookAcademic AchievementMelanie HainAcademic ExcellenceJayda Sharman3K – Mr Knight5G – Ms GardolCitizenshipRyan CrewAcademic Achievement Izabella AalexanderConsistent Effort &ApplicationThomas ChockCitizenshipAcademic ExcellenceAcademic AchievementConsistent Effort &ApplicationCooper WaddinghamFreya GearingCaeden Palmowski-McNamaraEmily GashExcellence inMathematicsBeaudean MillwardBLACK SHOESorPLAIN BLACK JOGGERS<strong>Biddabah</strong> <strong>School</strong> UniformHave a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 7

2/3 M – Ms MetcalfeCitizenshipAcademic AchievementMikayla HindmarchKyle MunnsAcademic AchievementImproved Effort &ApplicationLily StanburyJack BruceAcademic AchievementTaylah CowlingConsistent Effort &ApplicationMackenzie MillerConsistent effort &ApplicationBaylee Dennis!B – Mrs BellConsistent Effort &Application2T – Mr BrownCitizenshipAcademic AchievementDylan ChockJayden MarriottAlly RobertsCitizenshipAcademic Achievement& Consistent EffortConsistent EffortImprovementIsabella MaguireLara GoochFlynn WarringtonJessica GesovskiConsistent Effort to allTasksAcademic Achievement2Mc – Mrs McEwenCitizenshipAcademic AchievementConsistent ApplicationIn all areasAcademic Achievementin Mathematics1W – Mrs WoodCitizenshipAcademic AchievementConsistent Applicationin all areasAcademic Achievement1D – Mr WilsonTiarna TullBailey CreerLaura HyslopIsabelle StantonCurtis RaeLuke DalelsteinSamuel DonaldsonMia OwenIsabelle BlundellEli SharmanKINDERGARTEN <strong>2012</strong>It was difficult for Kinder at the start,They couldn’t tell Mrs Broxom and Mrs Ford apart!They’ve worked really hard and had lots of fun,And now they’re ready for <strong>Year</strong> 1!There are lots of things to learn at school,How to read and write, and follow rules!In Peer Support they got along,And learned how to cope if things went wrong!It wasn’t Term 1, but it was Term 2,We hopped on a bus and went to the zoo!The bus ride was long, but worth the wait,We lined up eagerly at the gate!At carnivals, they did their best,To run and swim, then take a rest!It didn’t matter if we came last,In Kinder we always had a blast!Onto greener pastures, so they say,Mr Asquith is on his merry way!The court jester he has been,Always happy to make a scene!So many adventures along the way,Have led us to this important day.You’ve worked so hard and made us proud,We’d love to keep you, but we’re not allowed!CitizenshipHugo Kidd-MatthewsGOOD LUCK IN YEAR 1 !Have a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 8

If you see trespassers in theschool out of school hours we wouldappreciate a call to school security.CANTEEN ROSTERMon 28/1 CLOSEDTue 29/1 CLOSEDWed 30/1 Tracie Lavelle, Sue MacleodThu 31/1 Nicole SinclairFri 1/2 Tracie Lavelle, Melanie Haydon, PaulaBoersmaThank YouAn enormous thank you to everyone that kindly donatedtheir time to the Easter raffle, Mothers <strong>Day</strong> andFathers <strong>Day</strong> stalls, Mothers <strong>Day</strong> High Tea and the Fetethis year. Without your support we could not haveraised over $32, 500 for our school.I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New<strong>Year</strong> and look forward to working with you all on ourfundraising ventures in 2013.NEXT WEEK’S UNIFORM SHOPMONDAY2.30-3.00pmNicole StoneTUESDAYCLOSEDA huge thank you to all our canteen volunteers for thisyear. Without your help we couldn`t of raised over$12,500 for our school.The canteen is always looking for new volunteers. If youwould like to volunteer your time please contact me onthe numbers below or pop into the canteen next term toput your name on the roster. I will be holding inductiondays in the first few weeks of Term 1 so new volunteerscan familiarise themselves with what happens in thecanteen.Finally I would like to wish everyone a safe and happyChristmas and New <strong>Year</strong>.WEDNESDAY MORNING8.30 – 9.00amJenny PrestonTHURSDAYCLOSEDWEDNESDAY PM2.30-3.00pmKim GulliverFRIDAY2.30-3.00pmNicole ReidWe still have spots that need filling in the rosterfor Term 1, 2013. Please pop in and put your namedown or alternatively contact Mandy Swan on 0432310 741 or canteen@biddabah.com , your childrenwill love it.Have a Happy and Safe Holiday ~ See you Wednesday 30 th January Page 9

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