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<strong>Disclaimer</strong> & <strong>Notices</strong><strong>Copyright</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Terminator</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> Chronicles characters and concept belong to JamesCameron and Josh Friedman. However, I own the plot and other characters.<strong>Notices</strong>: This story contains violence and sexual content.Notes: This story picks up in Season 2 from the television show and also takes a few liberties.Summary: <strong>The</strong> sequel to No Programming. <strong>Sarah</strong> and Cameron tie up loose ends by tracking downSam and attempt to stop him. But the time machine is built, Sam sets the date for 2028, and takes <strong>Sarah</strong>and Cameron with him. <strong>The</strong>y make it through the time sphere, but Cameron and <strong>Sarah</strong> find themselvesin the middle of the war between Skynet and the Resistance. Now <strong>Sarah</strong> must trust Cameron to take herto safety and back to 2008.Feedback: redhope@redhope.netHomepage: http://www.redhope.netWrite a Review: http://www.redhope.net/tscc/review/series1form.htmlList: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/redhope/Started: April 5, 2009What Are <strong>Terminator</strong>s Made Of?by Red HopeChapter 2<strong>Sarah</strong> hastily rolled back, especially when the metal hand shoved her back behind the wall ruins. Sheshut her eyes but her pounding heart echoed in her ears. "<strong>The</strong>y'll find us." She wished she had a gunand a few grenades or even just an atomic bomb to take out the terminators marching towards them.Cameron pulled back from the survey. She counted twenty terminators and a HK-plane about threeminutes from being upon them.<strong>Sarah</strong> had her hand half covering her mouth. Her wild thoughts tried to come up with a plan to hidefrom the terminator patrol.Cameron suddenly grabbed the human and pushed her further behind the rubble pile. "Get down intothat alcove." She kept her voice low, but she was obviously in a rush.<strong>Sarah</strong> spotted the small nook in the middle of the rubble pile. She knelt down into it, but Cameronhastily instructed her to sit and curl up into a ball. <strong>Sarah</strong> quickly followed instructions and soon foundCameron knelt in front of her. <strong>The</strong> terminator did a visual scan of their immediate surroundings thenher expression grew distant.<strong>Sarah</strong> stared in amazement as Cameron's malleable polyalloy duplicated the rubble and no longerappeared like metal. This reminded her of the T-1000 that could mimic its surroundings to blend in orhide."<strong>The</strong>y will be using thermal imaging to detect any life forms," Cameron quickly explained, "Mypolyalloy chassis will hide you from the imaging." After <strong>Sarah</strong>'s faint nod, she moved in closer andmaneuvered her body to carefully cover <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong>'s.

<strong>Sarah</strong> pulled her legs closer to her chest and tightened her arms around her legs. She briefly looked upinto soft glowing eyes, and she prayed Cameron could keep them hidden until the patrol passed. <strong>Sarah</strong>heard a distant whine so she lowered her face into her knees.Cameron had enlarged her body by fifteen percent to better hide <strong>Sarah</strong> from detection. She then pulledup an old program that future John <strong>Connor</strong> had given her to cloak her from T-888 scans. She enabledthe program and hoped it was still good.<strong>Sarah</strong> started to breathe harder as the patrol came closer to them. From overhead, she heard the HKaerialplane hummed and pulsated loudly, but it swept past quickly. But she stiffened when aterminator's heavy footfall came over to her and Cameron then stopped a few paces from them. Sheslightly lifted her head and held a worried stare with her protector.Cameron had bright blue eyes yet remained motionless despite the close proximity of the T-888 right ather back. She slowly bared her teeth though when the T-888 didn't walk away.<strong>Sarah</strong> easily read the tension flowing from Cameron. She stretched out her hand and pressed her palminto the terminator's warm, soft chest.Finally, the T-888 walked away and continued the march through the wastelands to find any enemyunits. Its heavy footfall gradually grew distant.<strong>Sarah</strong> pulled her hand away and let out a low sigh. She stayed quiet though and waited for Cameron totell her it was safe. She watched as Cameron's body reverted to normal then shrunk back down.Cameron straightened up and held out her hand to the human.<strong>Sarah</strong> hesitated but took the large hand. She was hauled onto her feet and stood a few inches fromtouching Cameron. "That was close... way too close.""Yes." <strong>The</strong> terminator took two steps back and sensed <strong>Sarah</strong> moved out of the alcove. "Nightfall will bein an hour."<strong>Sarah</strong> combed her fingers through her hair. She felt a cold chill go down her back but yet her skin washot. She rubbed her eyes then dropped her hand and asked, "How often are the patrols?""<strong>The</strong>y are inconsistent," Cameron replied, "so that the Resistance cannot time it.""Great," <strong>Sarah</strong> muttered."Come on," the terminator ordered. She continued the careful trek towards the Resistance camp.<strong>Sarah</strong> stayed close again, but she quietly mentioned, "You can mimic your surroundings." She glimpsedat the terminator's profile. "I can see why you wanted to remove your skin sheath.""Yes," Cameron responded, "I have more advantages this way."<strong>Sarah</strong> swallowed and tried to ease the tension they both felt from the earlier close encounter. "What youthink will happen to your skin sheath you left back in the Sears?"Cameron detected the question wasn't serious but merely small talk. Slowly, her lips spread into a smallgrin, and she playfully replied, "I'm sure the rats are gnawing on it now."

<strong>Sarah</strong> squirmed at the mention of rats. Instantly, her eyes rolled for a second then she calmed down. "Isee you took my advice to heart about a sense of humor." She shook her head but became serious again.She slowed down when Cameron held out a hand in signal.Cameron edged around a pile but stopped and zoomed in on the terminator patrol, which was headedwest now. She was relieved because she and <strong>Sarah</strong> were going north."Are we going to travel at night?""It would be best," Cameron replied, "to cover more ground."<strong>Sarah</strong> slightly frowned and argued, "I can't travel all night." She straightened up from her hunchedposition when Cameron turned to her. "I'll need some rest." She tested her shoulder again, and itanswered back with pain. "Damn." She toyed with her hair in frustration."We will go for a few hours after nightfall then stop."<strong>Sarah</strong> felt resigned to the compromise. She then asked, "What about supplies?" She scanned thewastelands and knew there was no food or water.Cameron fisted her right hand and replied, "I'm not sure.""That's what I was afraid of," <strong>Sarah</strong> muttered. She stepped past the terminator. "<strong>The</strong>re has to be someplace... somebody." She stopped and turned back to Cameron. "<strong>The</strong>re isn't a Resistance camp nearby?John doesn't have to be there."Cameron turned her gaze away briefly. She softly admitted, "I'm not sure of the camps' locations. <strong>The</strong>yalso change after a certain period of time for safety reasons."<strong>Sarah</strong> approached the terminator. "I can go a few days without food, but I can't go without water." Shehad a frustrated expression and shook her head. "I'm screwed," she muttered. She lifted her left hand toher forehead and covered her aching brow. Her fingers became coated with sweat, but she disregardedit."You are not... screwed." But Cameron tensed when burning green eyes sharply lifted to her."Cameron," <strong>Sarah</strong> snapped, "I'm not like you. I need food and water to live."<strong>The</strong> terminator slightly lifted her chin then coldly remarked, "I'm aware of this."<strong>Sarah</strong> dropped her hand from her head after hearing Cameron's cold monotone that she hadn't heard inawhile. She knew she was frustrated because she was lost in 2028 without food, water, or weapons. Shefelt defenseless, and it wasn't a feeling she liked in her life. She took a deep breath and slowly let it outto calm down her emotions."I'm sorry, Cameron." <strong>Sarah</strong> locked eyes with the terminator. "You're trying and I'm not helping.""It's alright." <strong>The</strong> terminator decided not to discuss it further and headed past the human.<strong>Sarah</strong> watched the terminator brush past her. She softly cursed, "Damn." She knew she'd made amistake by verbally attacking the terminator yet again. She had a terrible habit of doing it, and sheneeded to break it. After careful consideration, <strong>Sarah</strong> figured out that when she snapped at Cameron

that Cameron automatically reverted back to her robotic like attitude as a defense.<strong>Sarah</strong> widened her gait so she could catch up to Cameron. She kept quiet once she was beside theterminator. But she zipped up her leather jacket in hopes it'd warm her up; she felt so cold.Cameron heard faint booms, but she suspected <strong>Sarah</strong> couldn't pick up on them. A battle most likelyensued between Skynet and the Resistance. "We will stop up here. I want to do some reconnaissanceand check our current location."<strong>Sarah</strong> just nodded and waited until Cameron gave her the signal to stay put. She was soon directed to asmall craw hole from a fallen building. <strong>Sarah</strong> cautiously made her way through a small opening anddropped into a hidden alcove. She turned back to Cameron, who was knelt in front of the opening."I will not be long," the terminator promised. She quickly moved away and as she did so, her bodychanged color to blend in with her surroundings.<strong>Sarah</strong> let out a low breath then decided to sit for the break. She removed her jacket then pulled back herwrap. After a brief inspection, she concluded that her angry wound was properly sealed and now justneeded time to heal. She pulled the cloth back over then shrugged on her leather jacket.A few minutes passed and <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> felt rather cramped inside the hiding spot. Her skin was slickfrom sweat and the low breeze through the opening brushed against her. She softly groaned at the coldchill that slipped down her back. With weary movement, <strong>Sarah</strong> crawled back out of opening andstretched her legs out in the open.Just ahead was a half toppled building then to the right was smaller building that'd been turned into arock pile. A few pieces of rebar jutted out here and there. <strong>The</strong>n at what once was the entrance, a halfstatue was left in ruins.<strong>Sarah</strong> pushed her hair out of her face but froze at the distinct machine grind and wondered if it wasCameron. She backed away from her open position once it hit her that Cameron never made thatmachine sound. She considered whether to duck back into her hiding spot, but she'd be trapped like anugly rat. Instead, she silently hurried around the fallen building's corner and ducked out from view.From on top of the opposite structure, she observed a shiny T-850 that stood on the top and seemed toscan the local area. <strong>Sarah</strong> tucked back deeper in hopes it wasn't doing a thermal scan that'd pick up herbody. She clenched her jaw and waited to see its next move. After a beat, she peeked around and saw itwas staring in her direction so she pushed back again.But there was movement from over <strong>Sarah</strong>'s head, and she tilted her head back. She nearly screamedwhen a terminator's upside down face and bright red eyes was right near hers. She stumbled away andspun around to face the scarred terminator.<strong>The</strong> scarred terminator had been kneeling, but now stood up and jumped off the building's brokensiding. He had a right arm that was modified into a plasma cannon. It thoroughly scanned the humanthen glanced to its right when the T-850 joined it.<strong>Sarah</strong> backed up again with her boot scraping over the stones. She glanced over her shoulder andrealized she was backing up into a rubble pile. She knew it was useless to run so she readied herselfinto a fighting stance. If she could busy them long enough until Cameron returned then she had achance.

<strong>The</strong> T-850 made the first move by coming at her, but it was slow and missed the human. It came upbehind her and quickly went for the back of her throat.<strong>Sarah</strong> sensed it and ducked in time, yet the scarred terminator knocked her down with a swipe of itslong plasma cannon.<strong>The</strong> T-850 raised its foot and brought it over the human's chest. It detected small, human hands on itsheel and feet, but that didn't stop it from lowering its foot.<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> was stricken by memories from her nightmare. She let out a cry when the terminator'sfoot pressed into her ribs. But then its foot was ripped from her hand and metal slammed into metal toher right. She rolled onto her side and gasped for needed air yet lifted her gaze to see the terminatorstangled up.<strong>Sarah</strong> took in Cameron's confident features high above her. <strong>The</strong>n she noticed Cameron's hand held outto her so she took it and was hauled to her feet. Once on her feet, <strong>Sarah</strong> was hit by a lightheadedsensation.Cameron turned to the rising terminators and moved between them and <strong>Sarah</strong>. She had brightlyglowing blue eyes in warning to the terminators for attacking <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong>. She curled her hands intofists and locked stares with the terminators."Cameron," <strong>Sarah</strong> desperately tried. She felt deja-vu from last night's dream and feared what couldhappen to Cameron. "Don't..." She couldn't put her words together. Suddenly her body felt on fire, andshe was extremely weak. She fell to her right knee and swayed before she went down onto her righthand.Cameron saw <strong>Sarah</strong>'s crumbling form, and she hastily turned back to the human. She knelt and grabbed<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> just before she collapsed to the ground. She pulled <strong>Sarah</strong> into her arms but pressed herindex and middle finger into the human's damp neck.<strong>Sarah</strong> saw one last glimpse of Cameron's metal features and murmured something incoherent then sheslipped into darkness. Gradually the darkness shifted into haunting nightmares that <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong>couldn't escape. She fought against endless terminators and finally was hunted down by one loneterminator. She could never see its face or figure out its model, but it lurked in her dream's shadows.For a brief few minutes, she pulled out from her dreamscape and came to an eerie, bleak world thatsmelled damp.Despite the cold around her, <strong>Sarah</strong> was plenty warm. She tried to fight against the fatigue that wantedher to come back to her nightmares. But Cameron's voice called to her."You need to drink this," Cameron instructed.<strong>Sarah</strong> felt her upper body lifted then metal touched her lips. Next cool water passed her lips and enteredher parched mouth. She could feel the water glide down her scratchy throat and filled her emptystomach. But her stomach bitterly clenched at water so she moved away from the water source."You must drink more. You are extremely dehydrated by the fever," Cameron informed. She wassatisfied when <strong>Sarah</strong> drank more from the canteen. Yet she monitored how much <strong>Sarah</strong> took becausetoo much could cause hyponatremia in humans.

<strong>Sarah</strong> withdrew after taking as much water as her system could handle. She heard and felt Cameronclose up the water container then it brushed on the ground. She tried to take in her surroundings, but itwas rather dark until she found the soft, blue glow above her. <strong>The</strong>n the memory about the terminatorscame to mind, and she tensed up."You are safe," Cameron insisted."<strong>The</strong> termina..." <strong>Sarah</strong> groaned and slumped back into the warm support behind her."<strong>The</strong>y were rogue terminators."<strong>Sarah</strong> shook her head because it was so fuzzy. "I got an infection.""Yes, and you need to ride out the fever to stop the infection. You still have a high-grade fever."<strong>Sarah</strong> shivered when a chill hit her. "Where are.. we?""We're safe right now," Cameron promised. "You need to rest."<strong>Sarah</strong> shifted some then lowered her aching head to the right. Before she slipped into unconsciousness,she realized she was in Cameron's lap and being held close. But she had no chance to ask or check asshe returned to her chaotic dreams.Cameron watched as the human slowly went back to sleep. She was seated on hard, cold ground in adark place. But none of those things matter and only <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong>'s fever was her major concern now.She lifted her legs again and tried to enclose the small human in her chassis's warmth. Cameron hadmodified her internal temperature to be higher than normal so that she kept <strong>Sarah</strong> warmer. This alsogave her the opportunity to monitor <strong>Sarah</strong>'s vital signs. Her HUD noted that <strong>Sarah</strong>'s body temperaturewas still at forty-one degrees Celsius and hadn't fallen in the past hour.After the terminator considered <strong>Sarah</strong>'s symptoms, she became further concerned about what else itcould be ailing <strong>Sarah</strong>. She extended her tubules from her right hand. <strong>The</strong>y snaked down <strong>Sarah</strong>'s armand latched onto the bottom of <strong>Sarah</strong>'s wrist. Carefully, Cameron extracted a five milliliter bloodsample from <strong>Sarah</strong>'s body then rushed the blood sample down her tubules. Once she had the sample inher chassis, Cameron withdrew her tubules.<strong>The</strong> terminator tilted her head back until the back of her skull leaned against the stone wall. Sheblankly stared up at the ceiling through her night vision. She ordered her system to do an analysis on<strong>Sarah</strong>'s blood, especially for a specific disease that had similar symptoms. Her HUD displayed thepercentage until the analysis was complete on <strong>Sarah</strong>'s blood.<strong>The</strong>re was nothing else she could do except wait out <strong>Sarah</strong>'s possible fever and hoped <strong>Sarah</strong> was strongenough to overcome it. Cameron slowly shut down her night vision and left her HUD black except forthe time, <strong>Sarah</strong>'s temperature reading, heart rate, and the analysis completion. Cameron went into ahibernation mode but would wake at any sign of movement from <strong>Sarah</strong> or around her.It was four hours later when <strong>Sarah</strong> shifted from her sleep. She half awoke to complete darkness but hermind was so fuzzy, her memories scrambled. She discovered a soft blue flash above her that suddenlywent solid blue."Cameron?" <strong>Sarah</strong> murmured.

"I'm here," the terminator responded. She called up her night vision and studied <strong>Sarah</strong>'s strainedexpression.<strong>Sarah</strong> lifted her left hand and rested it on Cameron's shoulder. She brushed her hand down theterminator's shoulder, and she became perplexed. "You're skin sheath... it's gone?"Cameron cocked her head at what seemed liked a rhetorical question. She then remembered thatsometimes a high-grade fever could cause delirium to humans. "Yes."<strong>Sarah</strong> leaned her head forward and rested her brow against the terminator's jaw line. "But you stillalmost feel human." She closed her eyes and continued to speak but very softly. "You know, I mistreatyou."Cameron held her silence to the comment and instead tried, "You need to rest more." She noted that<strong>Sarah</strong>'s fever had dropped by one degree, which was a positive sign."I hate the machines," <strong>Sarah</strong> rambled, "and I take all that hatred out on you." She dipped her headlower and painfully added, "Because I know you're different.""Because I'm different?" the terminator echoed."Yes," <strong>Sarah</strong> murmured, "It's not black and white anymore."Cameron was intrigued by <strong>Sarah</strong>'s confessions. She slightly turned her head once she had <strong>Sarah</strong>'s cheekpressed into her palm. "What's not black and white anymore?""Machines," <strong>Sarah</strong> softly replied. She reached up and threaded her fingers through Cameron's on hercheek. Her voice became constricted from emotions. "You've changed everything. How can I changenow? I'm not like John." She obviously was upset and her hands fell from Cameron. <strong>The</strong>n she slumpedforward so that her body curled up and silent tears slipped down her cheeks.Cameron wasn't sure how to respond or handle the situation. She'd seen <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> on the brink ofbecoming upset but not openly showed it to her. <strong>The</strong> only other time she recalled handling an upsethuman was Jordon Cowan, who shortly there after committed suicide. In that situation, Cameron hadlittle knowledge about human's emotions and how to handle such an event.But this time, Cameron had better knowledge and also factored in that the fever had lowered <strong>Sarah</strong>'sdefenses. She raised her right arm more and tightened it around the broken human. She then gentlypromised, "If I can adopt, <strong>Sarah</strong> then so can you."<strong>Sarah</strong> rested her temple on the terminator's warm chest and shut her eyes. She distressingly whispered,"I don't want this hatred anymore."<strong>The</strong> terminator bowed her head and wasn't sure what to say. She only managed, "You must rest... it'll beeasier in the morning."<strong>Sarah</strong> seemed to give into the terminator's idea. She leaned heavily into the large, warm body that kepther safe. She fell back into her fever driven sleep.Cameron raised her head once she heard the human's breathing slowed down. She stared straight aheadbut shut off her night vision. She had unknowingly clenched her jaw from an emotion's rise in her from

<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong>'s confession tonight. She knew that the human had mistreated her countless times but tofinally hear it from <strong>Sarah</strong> unlocked an emotion from her.Cameron dropped her head back against the wall and bitterly stated, "I'll never be free." She forced hersystems back into hibernation. But in an hour, she would have the results from the blood test to confirmwhether or not <strong>Sarah</strong> had a disease.<strong>The</strong> rest of the night quietly passed without much incident between <strong>Sarah</strong> and Cameron. After an hourand half since <strong>Sarah</strong> last awoke, Cameron urged the human awake and had her take down more water.<strong>The</strong> terminator was pleased that <strong>Sarah</strong>'s fever teetered between a moderate to low-grade fever.By dawn, <strong>Sarah</strong> stirred and was more self-aware than she'd been all night. She rubbed her face andtried to adjust to the darkness. She found Cameron's eyes pulsated blue twice then went solid."How do you feel?" the terminator inquired. She noted <strong>Sarah</strong>'s temperature was now at thirty-ninedegrees Celsius.<strong>Sarah</strong> gingerly touched her forehead. "Other than feeling like I was hit by a Mack truck, I'm great." Shewas stiff from being in the same position most of the night. She could feel how parched her throat wasand asked, "We have water?" She remembered drinking a couple of times last night."Yes." Cameron freed her right hand, spun off the metal cap, and lifted the canteen. She tilted it backonce the rim was against <strong>Sarah</strong>'s lips.<strong>Sarah</strong> drank the refreshing water that felt like a blessing against her dry throat. She pulled back andwiped away a droplet that slipped past her lower lip. "Where are we?" She tried to look around butcouldn't see anything except for Cameron's blue eyes."We're in a subway station," the terminator explained."All night?" <strong>Sarah</strong> checked. At Cameron's nod, she queried, "How did we end up here? And those twoterminators?" She tried to recall what'd happened yesterday then she mumbled, "<strong>The</strong>y were rogue.""Yes." <strong>The</strong> terminator shifted some then handled <strong>Sarah</strong>'s other questions. "<strong>The</strong>y were scavenging forsupplies. <strong>The</strong>y only engaged you because they thought you'd attack them first... all humans attackmachines."<strong>Sarah</strong> worked her hand through her hair. "Did they attack you?" She peered up at the terminator. "Youcaught me when I passed out.""After they got up, I communicated with them that you were mine, and we were no threat to them."<strong>Sarah</strong> was confused about how Cameron spoke to them because she didn't remember Cameron everysaying one word. "Communicated... how?""Through a network," Cameron easily explained. "<strong>Terminator</strong>s do not require vocals to communicate."She tilted her head at seeing <strong>Sarah</strong>'s faint nod."How'd we end up here and the water?"<strong>The</strong> terminator actually had a faint grin because she was proud of herself at her quick thinking when

the opportunity presented itself. "<strong>The</strong> rogue terminators helped us." She couldn't help her grin growingbecause <strong>Sarah</strong> sharply looked up at her."What?" <strong>Sarah</strong> could make out the terminator's smirk in the blue light. "I don't believe it.""It was not free help," Cameron mentioned. "I provided them with John's cloaking program and inreturn, they gave me supplies and told me about this intact subway station.""What supplies?""A plasma handgun, four canteens of water, and a pack of food," Cameron ticked off.<strong>Sarah</strong> was shocked and stated, "That must have been a hell of a program to get all that from them.""Yes, it is a solid program. <strong>The</strong>y will be able to transfer it to other rogue terminators and hide fromSkynet for awhile. But eventually Skynet will break the program."<strong>Sarah</strong> shook her head yet was thankful to have the trade between Cameron and the rogue terminators."I'm surprised they have such things as food and water.""<strong>The</strong>y typically do not, but they were able to obtain it for us." Cameron then decided they'd talkedenough about the supplies and should make use of them. "You need to eat... you'll need the energy.""I really want to move a bit too." <strong>Sarah</strong> proceeded to get up, but she discovered how weakened she'dbecome but strong hands helped her up.Cameron also stood up and kept her hands on the human's hips to balance her. "Your fever has droppedto thirty-eight point eight degrees Celsius."<strong>Sarah</strong> touched her forehead and quietly asked, "What's that in Fahrenheit?""It's a hundred two degrees Fahrenheit."<strong>Sarah</strong> took a deep breath then lowered her hand to her side. "Nice." She then asked, "You still have thatflashlight handy?" She heard Cameron's movements to get the flashlight then the faint slither of thetubules around the flashlight's metal body.Cameron didn't need to click the button because she'd left it in the on position earlier. She sent power tothe bulb through her tubules and lit up the immediate area.<strong>Sarah</strong> blinked a few times to get use to the sharp, white light then it calmed down. She now spotted thecanvas, khaki pack that had a handgun strapped to it. She also saw the one canteen she'd been drinkfrom and two strapped to each side of the pack. She suspected the fourth was inside the bag.<strong>The</strong> terminator knelt by the pack, opened it, and searched for the appropriate food for <strong>Sarah</strong>. Sheretrieved what looked to be trail bars. She handed them to the human. "Back in 1996, the US militarydesigned energy bars as a ration. I believe they called it the Hooah bar." She went back to the pack andinspected the other contents. "<strong>The</strong> Resistance has continued producing the energy bar with only slightmodifications to the ingredients."<strong>Sarah</strong> slightly shook her head at the terminator's knowledge. She unwrapped the bar and tried out thechocolate coated granola bar that wasn't that bad tasting. She could tell that she'd need more water

soon. She also watched Cameron's inspection and decided there was indeed enough food for three days.Cameron straightened up after checking over the pack's contents. She found that <strong>Sarah</strong> was finishing upwith the last bar. "Can you travel?"<strong>Sarah</strong> popped in the last tidbit then leaned forward and scooped up the almost empty canteen. "I thinkso." She could tell her fever was still there but it'd only slow her down. She wanted to get to aResistance camp sooner than later. "If we take a few breaks then I should be fine."Cameron stepped forward and pressed her metal fingers into the human's neck. "<strong>The</strong> water content hasincreased in your perspiration. You're recovering from the dehydration."<strong>Sarah</strong> took that as a good sign. She balled up the wraps then knelt by the pack. She shoved them in,closed up the pack, and freed the plasma handgun. She stood up and looked over the weapon. "Anyspecial way to fire this?""Aim and shoot," Cameron coolly remarked.<strong>Sarah</strong> slightly grinned at the terminator. She then shoved it into the front of her waistband. "We shouldget moving." She bent forward again to get the pack, but she faltered because Cameron did the same."You take the canteen," Cameron suggested. She hefted the pack and put the two straps over her rightshoulder.<strong>Sarah</strong> didn't argue and took the canteen. She was about to make a comment but stopped because of alow squeak a few yards away. "Please tell me that was a mouse."Cameron glanced in the direction of the squeak and her night vision revealed a small, brown mouse thatscurried along the ruined platform. "Yes." She heard a low sigh from the human."Come on, Tin-Miss." <strong>Sarah</strong> wanted to leave and get above ground.<strong>The</strong> terminator led the way out of the subway station and went to the steps that were partiallydestroyed. "Watch the steps... they're weakened in some spots." She was even concerned it wouldn'thold her weight.<strong>Sarah</strong> followed behind but minded the steps. She heard a crack under her right foot but Camerongrabbed her just to be safe. She hurried past the step and heard it fall behind her. <strong>The</strong>re were a fewmore steps then she found they were on an upper level.Cameron guided <strong>Sarah</strong> to the next set of steps that would take them back outside. She noticed how<strong>Sarah</strong> only went up a few steps then slowed down."Cameron," <strong>Sarah</strong> murmured and stopped on the fifth step. She'd seen through the flashlight's rangethat the steps went nearly straight up. She slope was high, and it made her woozy from beinglightheaded again.<strong>The</strong> terminator was two steps higher, but she came back down to the human. She pressed her backagainst the wall and ordered, "Come up here." She waited until <strong>Sarah</strong> was on the step above her thenshe placed her left hand to the small of <strong>Sarah</strong>'s back.

<strong>Sarah</strong> attempted it again and found some stability by having Cameron close to her. She hoped the damnlightheaded would pass her. She and Cameron came to a crumbled tunnel but just ahead there was lightstreaming through near the end. She stopped in front of the blocked tunnel and waited to see whatCameron had in mind.<strong>The</strong> terminator carefully pushed and removed some of the concrete rocks. She made a big enough holefor <strong>Sarah</strong> to slip through. "Go first."<strong>Sarah</strong> stepped up to the hole, but she hesitated from going through it. She turned to Cameron andgingerly placed her hand on Cameron's hip. "I didn't say thank you for last night." She tilted her headback and studied the terminator's stern features that glowed in the sunlight from the opening. "Youstayed with me all night and probably saved my life... again." She lowered her head for a beat butlooked at Cameron once more. "Thank you."<strong>The</strong> terminator tilted her head but responded, "You're welcome."<strong>Sarah</strong> soft smiled, patted Cameron's side, and quickly moved through the opening. She stepped asideand waited for Cameron while her eyes adjusted the early morning sun.Cameron had to shrink her body back down to about the size she was when posed as a teenaged human.She slipped through the opening then made sure to block off the entrance from Skynet's prying eyes.She also allowed her body to return to it's normal size.<strong>Sarah</strong> fiddled with her messy locks. She inhaled the fresh air and was thankful to be here this morning.She bowed her head and checked the handgun, but she now noticed a small mark under her wrist. <strong>Sarah</strong>raised her hand then pulled back the jacket's sleeve. She slotted her eyes at the faint puncture wound."Cameron?"<strong>The</strong> terminator had just finished with concealing the entrance to the subway station. She turned to<strong>Sarah</strong> and noted that <strong>Sarah</strong> was inspecting the puncture point."What is this from?" <strong>Sarah</strong> had a suspicious look aimed at the terminator."I drew your blood and analyzed it for a disease." Cameron watched <strong>Sarah</strong> lower her arm back to herside. "Last year, in 2027, Skynet created a disease to kill humans; it was a biological weapon." Sheregarded <strong>Sarah</strong>, who had become further concerned. "Your symptoms were similar to those of thedisease so I tested your blood for it."<strong>Sarah</strong> inhaled sharply and quickly asked, "Did I test positive for it?""No," Cameron replied. She listened to <strong>Sarah</strong>'s relieved sigh.<strong>Sarah</strong> nodded a few times but zipped her jacket. "Thank you for checking it." She briefly glanced at theterminator then back at the destroyed landscape.Cameron signaled for the human to follow her, and they continued north to find a nearby Resistancecamp. She considered <strong>Sarah</strong>'s current condition and remarked, "You must tell me if you get tired orweak. If your fever rises again then we'll be further delayed." She flashed a warning look at the human."Do not try to hide it like you did yesterday."

<strong>Sarah</strong> inwardly grumbled because she didn't like to admit her weaknesses. She knew she was comingdown with a fever yesterday but didn't care to mention it because it wasn't important to her. But yet, sheknew that Cameron had a good point. "Alright," she softly promised.<strong>The</strong> terminator continued the trek to the Resistance camp that was due north from their location. Shedidn't have a chance last night to align their location, but she suspected they were getting closer.Despite the fact their movements were slow out of precaution, they could make it before the food andwater ran out.<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Connor</strong> stayed close to her protector. She knew it was indeed true that Cameron had become herprotector as much as her son's. <strong>The</strong>se recent events had changed the relationship between her andCameron, and she didn't think they could go back to the old ways. <strong>The</strong>re were promises made thatchanged the dynamics and the current situation lent to Cameron being in the lead. Since Kyle Reese'sdeath, <strong>Sarah</strong> wouldn't handover leadership to anybody else but now she was forced to give it up. Justthis once though, she silently swore to herself... just this one time.To be continued.

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