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<strong>ART</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong><strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>INSTITUTE</strong>ANNUAL REPORT1 AUGUST 2007 - 31 JULY 2008

<strong>ART</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong><strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>INSTITUTE</strong>ANNUAL REPORT1 August 2007 – 31 July 2008

<strong>ART</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong> <strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>INSTITUTE</strong>ANNUAL REPORT(1 AUGUST 2007 - 31 JULY 2008)CONTENTSPage No1. Foreword from the Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) 32. Foreword from the Director <strong>of</strong> the Research Institute 53. Research Institute Members 74. Research Students 105. Research Outputs 126. Research Funding 247. Indicators <strong>of</strong> Esteem 26

1. Foreword by the Pro Vice Chancellor(Research and Innovation)It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> any institution whichconducts academic research to do so in a way thatmakes a significant contribution both to the social,political and cultural fabric <strong>of</strong> the community which itserves in particular and to society and the economy ingeneral. In reading the annual reports from <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> Research Institutes I am confident that youwill find the research undertaken at <strong>Ulster</strong> to havemore than fulfilled expectations over the past year.The <strong>University</strong>’s growing reputation for high qualityresearch has enabled us to continue to attractadditional high-calibre research staff who have assisted colleagues in attractingexternal research and other income and in completing work that has led to highlyprestigious papers, books and other key performance outputs.In particular, the <strong>University</strong> has had a successful year in terms <strong>of</strong> research grantincome with £11.5M <strong>of</strong> externally funded grants. The number <strong>of</strong> major externalawards, the value <strong>of</strong> which exceeds £200k, rose to eight with income totalling£3M attracted from prestigious Research Councils.In addition to the annual allocation <strong>of</strong> DEL postgraduate <strong>of</strong> £3.38M, this year,the <strong>University</strong> received just over £300k in support <strong>of</strong> 34 new DEL funded PhDstudentships to be held in research areas that have specific relevance to theNorthern Ireland economy; thus allowing further development <strong>of</strong> R&D talentessential for innovation in business and the public sector. This funding enables<strong>Ulster</strong> to support 244 full-time research students with a further 161 supportedfrom a range <strong>of</strong> other sources <strong>of</strong> funding.Research staff have made a significant contribution to Northern Ireland’s largestevery strategic review under the MATRIX programme. A number <strong>of</strong> colleaguescontributed significantly as members on the main panel with many other colleagueson Horizon panels across all five sectors, ie: Advanced Engineering (Transport),Advanced Materials, Agrifood, ICT and Life & Health Sciences. The MATRIXrecommendations are implemented under the leadership <strong>of</strong> DETI and MinisterArlene Foster and the <strong>University</strong> will play a significant role in implementing itsrecommendations and model.In November 2007 <strong>Ulster</strong> made its largest submission to the national ResearchAssessment Exercise (RAE2008). Almost 500 staff in 25 Units <strong>of</strong> ResearchAssessment participated in the exercise and a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> staff participatedin RAE Sub-Panels with two members <strong>of</strong> staff being asked to act as Chair (Pr<strong>of</strong>essorHugh McKenna – Nursing and Midwifery and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Seamus MacMathuna –Celtic Studies).The RAE2008 outcomes will inform the future research strategy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>and the <strong>University</strong>’s research strategy document (SUPPORTIVe: Strategy andAction Plan for Research, Research Training and Innovation 2006-2009) is to berevised during 2008/09.There continues to be a very strong flow <strong>of</strong> research findings coming out <strong>of</strong> ourresearch activities this year, many as new disclosures, adding to our intellectual3

property portfolio. We continue to exploit this asset through knowledge andtechnology transfer activities managed through our Office <strong>of</strong> Innovation.I trust that you will enjoy reading the Report and commend it to you as evidencethat <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> research ranks highly amongst UK institutions.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor ND BlackPro Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)4

2. Foreword by theResearch Institute DirectorThe result <strong>of</strong> the Research Assessment Exercise 2008for Art and Design research at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>has confirmed its international excellence and regionalleadership within a field <strong>of</strong> growing competition. Intotal, 75 per cent <strong>of</strong> its research was consideredto be <strong>of</strong> international significance and an abovesectoral average was identified as world-leading. Thisachievement marks the creative confidence, capacityand capability across the breadth <strong>of</strong> the Art andDesign discipline area represented at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>. It also manifests a strategic engagement withexternal users <strong>of</strong> research. The recognised strengthsin Art and Design research has continued to attract internationally leading andinfluential pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, who shape the contemporarydebates about the role <strong>of</strong> art and design in civil society, as a constituent part <strong>of</strong>the ecologies <strong>of</strong> regeneration and at the heart <strong>of</strong> the creative industries. Theseestablished staff play an important role in mentoring the next generation <strong>of</strong>researchers in a period <strong>of</strong> restructuring and renewal.In August 2007 the School <strong>of</strong> Art and Design moved into a Faculty together withthe School <strong>of</strong> Built Environment and an emergent School <strong>of</strong> Architecture andDesign in response to the drivers <strong>of</strong> change in the region and beyond an in orderto fully capitalise on existing synergies. The new disciplinary formation enablesan innovative convergence <strong>of</strong> hardware and s<strong>of</strong>tware issues in the context <strong>of</strong>regeneration and along the lines <strong>of</strong> engaged creativity in and for civil society,sustainability and resilience, and the commitment to make productive social andcultural differences.The success in the RAE2008 has been achieved with the support <strong>of</strong> a majorinvestment into the research infrastructure for Art and Design by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Ulster</strong> and through SPUR funding over the past years, which is coming to fruition.Research facilities have been significantly enhanced with the refurbishment <strong>of</strong>Belfast campus, which is the home for Art and Design, and the extension to theFoyle Arts Centre where the School <strong>of</strong> the Creative Arts is situated. Interface,the interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Art, Technologies and Design hascontinued to develop a strategic research focus and infrastructure for the subjectarea that builds on existing strengths in performance and lens-based practice,on critical, theoretical and historical inquiries and curatorial interventions thatexplore conflict transformation and citizenship, and on advanced research inFabric Forward. It plays a major part in bringing together traditional art and craftskills with advanced technologies to engender and foster creativity that leads toinnovative and sustainable solutions. Prime examples for innovation through Artand Design at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> can be found in emergent interdisciplinaryareas including concrete and textiles, biomedical applications, weave and designsolutions for a range <strong>of</strong> products including building components, specialistfurniture and consumer products. Major research grants in the area <strong>of</strong> fabricconstruction and textile applications evidences that. The work <strong>of</strong> our researchershas been presented at major international exhibitions and conferences. Theyinform debates on quality and performance benchmarks in Art and Design aspeer reviewers for the AHRC and other Research Councils and Foundations oras members <strong>of</strong> regional and international selection panels and juries, as members<strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> the Arts Council Northern Ireland and in other key advisorypositions.5

Art and Design research also pushes the boundaries in the development <strong>of</strong> digitalhuman interfaces and mobile phone enabled cameras and makes a substantialcontribution to the development <strong>of</strong> the creative industries in Northern Ireland, tothe wellbeing <strong>of</strong> its people and to wealth creation. Excellence in the research anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> digital content and applications will be showcased internationallywhen the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> hosts Imagine Create on the <strong>University</strong>’s Mageecampus in Spring 2009, and ISEA2009, the 15 th International Symposium onElectronic Art across the region in August 2009.Building sustainable partnerships with communities, businesses, industriesand public bodies through consultancies and knowledge transfer projects hasunderpinned the significant success <strong>of</strong> Art and Design research at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kerstin MeyDirector Research Institute Art and Design6

3. Research <strong>INSTITUTE</strong> MEMBERSSurname Forename Title PositionAinsworth Mark Mr Lecturer in Fine ArtBeattie Alan Mr Lecturer in Textile Research & DevelopmentBelford Patricia Ms Senior Research FellowBlaney Christine Ms Lecturer in Animation & Multimedia DesignBosch Susanne Mrs Lecturer in Fine Art ResearchBruce Hazel Ms Lecturer in Textile ArtCadieux Lee Mr Lecturer in AnimationCampbell David Mr Reader in Fine ArtCampbell Donna Mrs Research Associate in Woven TechnicalTextile DesignChan Suzanna Dr Research Lecturer in Art & DesignConnolly Robert Mr Associate Lecturer in SculptureCoulter Janet Ms Lecturer in Fashion DesignCullen Mark Mr Academic FellowCummins Jonathan Mr Associate Lecturer in Time-based MediaDass Barbara Dr Head <strong>of</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Architecture & DesignDevlin Gerard Mr Lecturer in Fine ArtDickson Rachel Miss Associate LecturerDoherty William Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Video ArtDriver Cherie Dr Research AssociateFiddis Clive Mr Senior LecturerFleming Karen Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Textile ArtGlynne Rachel Ms Lecturer in Foundation Studies – Textile ArtGreaney Ailbhe Ms Associate Lecturer in PhotographyGriffin Pat Ms Associate Lecturer in History and Theory <strong>of</strong>Design: Visual CommunicationsHarnett- Olga Mrs Lecturer in Interior & Furniture DesignMakemHill Tony Mr Lecturer in Fine Art7

Surname Forename Title PositionHutton Anthony Robert Mr Senior LecturerJohnston Sandra Ms Associate Lecturer in Time-based & MixedMediaKaushal Depak Mr Lecturer in DesignKelly William Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Irish Visual CultureKing Stephen Mr Lecturer in FashionLawrence Norman Dr Senior LecturerLerm-Hayes Christa-Maria Dr Head <strong>of</strong> Research Graduate SchoolLogan Dominic Mr LecturerLudlow Aoife Ms Research Assistant – Flex & PlyMacWilliam Shirley Ms Associate Lecturer in Fine Art:Lens-based PracticeMagee Justin Mr Senior Lecturer in Product DesignMcBrinn Joseph Dr Lecturer in History & Theory <strong>of</strong> DesignMcCann Patrick Mr Associate Lecturer in Fine ArtMcClelland Brian Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> DesignMcComish Liam Mr Senior Lecturer in Digital ImagingMcElveen Richard Mr Lecturer in Design forVisual CommunicationMcGilloway Stephen Mr Lecturer in Product DesignMcIntyre Mary Ms Reader in Fine ArtMcIver Moira Ms Associate Lecturer in Fine ArtMcKeag Dennis Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Product DevelopmentMcManus Terri Ms Associate Lecturer in Foundation StudiesMcMillan John Mr Reader in Visual CommunicationMcMullen Lucy Ms Associate Lecturer inTextilesMey Kerstin Pr<strong>of</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> Research InstituteMontgomery Ian Pr<strong>of</strong> Dean <strong>of</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Art, Design &the Built Environment8

Surname Forename Title PositionMoore Michael Mr Reader in Fine & Applied Arts: CeramicsMoore Paul Dr Head <strong>of</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Creative ArtsMorrow Ruth Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> ArchitectureMurphy Cara Mrs Associate Lecturer in Silversmithing& JewelleryMurphy Christopher Mr Subject Director for BSc (Hons) InteractiveMultimedia DesignNeill Peter Mr Associate Lecturer in PhotographyO’Beirn Aisling Ms Associate Lecturer Fine ArtO’Boyle Louise Ms Associate LecturerO’Hara Catherine Ms Lecturer in History & Theory <strong>of</strong> Design –Fashion & TextilesO’Hare Helen Ms Lecturer in Textile ArtPersson Nicklas Mr Associate Lecturer in InteractiveMultimedia DesignPreston Janet Ms Associate Lecturer in PrintmakingQuigley Terry Mr Academic Fellow in Digital HumanInteractionRohr Doris Ms Associate Lecturer in Fine Art: PaintingRooney Nuala Dr Lecturer in Interior DesignRowley Alison Dr Senior Lecturer in Critical, Historical andTheoretical Studies in Visual ArtSander Ralf Mr Reader in Fine Art / SculptureSeawright Paul Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> PhotographyShipsides Dan Mr Research Lecturer in Art & DesignSoden Julie Dr Reader in Constructed Textiles DesignWallace Louise Dr Associate Lecturer in Fine & Applied Art:PaintingWells Kate Dr Lecturer in Textile Art, Technology & DesignWilson Alistair Mr Reader in Fine ArtWright Terence Pr<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Visual Arts9

4. Research StudentsNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginDavid CrosbyInterior Design in the provision <strong>of</strong> Irish home hospitality?Self-fundedUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginHeather CastlesHybridity and compatibility in digital and hand textile productionDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginColin DarkeA visible hand – art as critique <strong>of</strong> its own determinantsDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginloRRAINE LEESONArt <strong>of</strong> ChangeDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginChristine MackeyEcology <strong>of</strong> PlaceVCRSRepublic <strong>of</strong> Ireland10

NameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginGregory McCartneyLive Archive: the curation and dissemination <strong>of</strong> archives as tools for regional artregeneration in North Western IrelandDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginRebecca McClellandTowards a definite specification for tertiary art and design sector multifunctionalweb designDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginJo NeylinRevolving doors: the missionairies returnVCRSUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginFiona Ni MhaolirThe role and significance <strong>of</strong> visual art in the suburban regeneration <strong>of</strong> IrelandDELUKNameTitle <strong>of</strong> ProjectGrant SourceCountry <strong>of</strong> OriginSarah TaylorDomestic artefacts and applied art processes in relation to women.Contemporary painting practice 1988-2008DELUK611

5. Research OUTPUTSAinsworth (Mark)The Royal <strong>Ulster</strong> Academy, Sept 2007The London Group Annual Exhibition, Nov 2008Belford (Trish)‘Contemporary Textile Hero’, permanent exhibition, Manchester Museum <strong>of</strong> Science and Industry, Jun 2007 –ongoing‘Living with Fashion’ by Marnie Fogg, Peer reviewed book chapter, Batesford Press, Aug 2007, pp 48–53‘Contemporary Souvenir and Reinventing Linen’, exhibition, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Aug 2007‘25 years: Retrospective <strong>of</strong> textile designer Georgina Von Etzdorf’, exhibition (named as main contributor),Manchester City Art Gallery, Sep 2007‘Couture Interiors’ by Marnie Fogg, peer reviewed book chapter, Laurence King, Sep 2007, pp 51–54,‘Radio <strong>Ulster</strong> Contemporary Souvenir’, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, radio feature, Oct 2007Newsweek: ‘Just stay out <strong>of</strong> the rain’, by Linda Stern, peer reviewed article, Wonderland, Oct 2007‘Girli Concrete’ new work, exhibition, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, Dec 2007‘Girli Concrete’, exhibition at Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, featured in BBC Radio Arts Extra Live, Dec 2007‘Tectonics: Making meaning S<strong>of</strong>t construction’, Conference Paper, Eindhoven <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technology,Netherlands, Dec 2007‘Flockage: The flock phenomenon Girli Concrete’, Exhibition, Russell Cotes Gallery and Museum, Bournemouth,Jan–Jun 2008‘Living Design Girli Concrete’, peer reviewed magazine article, published by perspective, Sep 2007, pp 56–58Betty Jackson catwalk show, fabric development, London Fashion week, 12pm show, Feb 2008Wonderland, exhibition, London College <strong>of</strong> Fashion, Feb 2008CREATE colour conference ‘Crafted and digital colour’, conference paper, Paris, March 2008‘Girli Concrete’, CPD invited presentation, Shepherd Robson Architects, London, May 2008‘Craft into Architecture’, invited speaker, Crafts council <strong>of</strong> Ireland, Dublin, May 2008CYP & Education Library Boards, Invited Presentation, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, Jun 2008Wonderland ‘The textiles’, invited panel session, Sheffield Meadow Hall. Jul 2008A Re-evaluation <strong>of</strong> Education in Architecture ‘Developing hybrid materials between Academia and Industry’,conference paper, Oxford <strong>University</strong>. Jul 200812

Blaney (Christine)Conference paper -’Wordscape’, Christine Blaney IDC (Interaction Design and Children), Chicago, Jun 2008Bosch (Susanne)AGENCY, a viewing, public art project, Dublin, August 2007Public-Private: Art in Public Space, Alanus <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arts and Social Sciences, Feb. 2008Culture moves, Conference keynote, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Munich, Feb 2008‘The Enterprise <strong>of</strong> Art’, Museum installation and participatory public art project in Naples, May–Oct 2008Workshop in Peace Theory, Bergh<strong>of</strong>f Foundation, Berlin, 2008, invited participantCampbell (David)‘Joking Aside’, Henry Bunbury, Common Culture, Yara El-Serbini, Joan Fontcuberta, Olga Jurgenson, Alex Pearl,Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery. May–Jun 2007‘Variable Capital’, Liverpool <strong>University</strong> Press, ISBN: h/b 9781846311260‘OPEN/INVITED e v+a 2008 – Too Early for Vacation’, exhibition <strong>of</strong> 44 artists, curated by Hou Hanru. Mar/May2008 http://www.eva.ie/‘Variable Capital: A conversation with Common Culture’, David Evans, ‘Afterimage: The Journal <strong>of</strong> Media Arts andCultural Criticism’ Vol 36 Issue 2. Rochester, New York‘Variable Capital’, exhibition, featuring work by Common Culture, Hans Op de Beeck, Alexander Gerdel, RichardHughes, Melanie Jackson, Louise Lawler, Edward Burtynsky, Wang Qingsong, Julian Rosefedt, Santiago Sierra,Larry Sultan, Brian Ulrich and Andy Warhol, The Bluecoat, Liverpool. May/Jun 2008 http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk‘Damaged Goods’, lecture, discussion with ‘Variable Capital’ curators David Campbell and Mark Durden. TheBluecoat, Liverpool. June 2008‘Art and Consumer Culture’, ‘EXTRA’, Antwerp FotoMuseum. Summer 2008‘Armchair Romanticism’, David Campbell and Mark Durden consider the ongoing legacy <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>of</strong> RichardPrince. Photoworks, Spring/Summer May–Oct 2008 www.photoworksuk.org‘Different Dimension’, The 2nd Novosibirsk International Festival <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Photography. NovosibirskState Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia. Jun/Jul 2008; and Metenkov Photographic Museum, Ekaterinburg. Oct2008 http://levallgallery.com/Photo2/Connolly (Brian)‘Bbeyond Group’ Performance, as part <strong>of</strong> FIX07 – 7th International Performance Festival, Catalyst Arts, Belfast.Nov–Dec 2007‘Market Stall’, as part <strong>of</strong> 9th International Multimedia Art Festival, VIP <strong>ART</strong> Gallery – Students Cultural Centre,Belgrade/Novi Sad Market Place/Odzaci Market Place, curated by Nenad Bogdanovich and Sinead O’Donnell;13

and as part <strong>of</strong> Through Irish Eyes exhibition, The World Park, Beijing, curated by Fion Gunn. Oct 2007; and aspart <strong>of</strong> Bbeyond, Helsinki Harbour, Market Place, Helsinki. Jan 2008‘History Lesson’, as part <strong>of</strong> Through Irish Eyes Exhibition, Beijing Institute <strong>of</strong> Graphic Arts, China, curated byFion Gunn. Oct 2007; and as part <strong>of</strong> Bbeyond, Tidehalli, Helsinki. Jan 2008; and as part <strong>of</strong> National Review <strong>of</strong>Live Art, Hidden Gardens, Tramway Arts centre, Glasgow. Feb 2008; and as part <strong>of</strong> Conquest Project Le Lieu,Quebec, curated by Richard Martel. Mar–Apr 2008‘Through Irish Eyes’ Exhibition Catalogue, published by the Irish Embassy in Beijing, Project and Cataloguecurated by Fion Gunn.‘Two Minds’ project, Ten Artist and Architects initiated by Royal Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> Archtects, curated by MarianneO’Kane Boal, Golden Thread Gallery. Jan 2008; and RIAI Architecture Gallery, Dublin. Jan/Feb 2008 (BrianConnolly – collaborator). Allianz Arts and Business Award given to Two Minds project.‘Two Minds’ Ten Artists and Ten Architects Catalogue, published by golden Thread Gallery and Edited byMarianne O’Kane Boal. pp 18, 23 and 70–75. ISBN: 9780955746901‘In place <strong>of</strong> Passing’ contributor and co-author, published by Bbeyond and Interface Centre for Research in Art,Technologies and Design, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, Belfast. Edited by Julie Bacon. ISBN: 9780955717604Cullen (Mark)‘Halloween Carnival’, organised funding and execution <strong>of</strong> a Halloween carnival in Co. Donegal, Ireland.Produced a 3 minute long digital cartoon that was projected on stage at the event. Involved in the costume andfloat creation and design.‘Innosport’, attended this conference in Dublin as an exhibitor show the current state <strong>of</strong> out research in theDigital Human project. Creation <strong>of</strong> poster session and discussed research outcomes and direction whereneededDesign Concepts in Relation to the Wet SpinningCummins (Jonathan)Curated exhibition <strong>of</strong> artwork by artist Miranda Pennell, Void Gallery, Derry, Aug 2007‘Videoman’, Video and Community Arts Project. (Research and knowledge transfer)Completion <strong>of</strong> ‘Videoman’, a community video-art project with artist Natascha Fischell and Southside TravellerAction Group (STAG) in Dublin, Aug 2007‘Through a Lens Darkly’: Public seminar exploring lens-based practice and the representation <strong>of</strong> conflict,Interface Public Seminar Series, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>Panel speaker along with artist/writer Siun Hanrahan and artist/filmmaker Cahal McLaughlin, Oct ‘07‘C’, DV, 22’ 39”, Rencontres Internationales – Part <strong>of</strong> the event’s public library only,Paris 2007IPEA (Irish Prison Education Association Annual Conference), Feb 2008, A distilled version <strong>of</strong> a presentation <strong>of</strong>my research, which I had given at the European Prison Education Association Annual Conference in Jun 2007. Iwas not able to attend the actual event due to illness,‘C’, DV, 22’ 39”, Rencontres Internationales – Part <strong>of</strong> the event’s public library only.Madrid, May ‘08‘C’, DV, 22’ 39”, Rencontres Internationales – Part <strong>of</strong> the event’s public library only.Berlin, Jun 200814

Devlin (Gerry)Solo Exhibition, Paintings 06/07, Engine Room Gallery Belfast, Oct 2007Solo Exhibition, Object Subject, Old Museum Arts Centre Belfast, Feb 2008Doherty (Willie)‘Ghost Story’, Northern Ireland Pavillion, Venice Biennale, Jun–Nov 2007‘Going Staying, Movement, Body, Place in Contemporary Art’, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Nov–Feb 2007‘Willie Doherty: Stories’, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich. Sep–Jan 2008‘Replays: Selected video works 1994-2007’, Matt’s Gallery, London. Jan–Apr 2008‘On the Margins’, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington <strong>University</strong>, Saint Louis. Feb–Apr 2008‘Venice at Farmleigh’, Works by Willie Doherty and Gerard Byrne from the Venice Biennale, Farmleigh Gallery,Phoenix Park, Dublin. Mar–May 2008‘The Visitor’, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin. Apr–May 2008‘The Morning After: Video Works form the Goetz Collection’, Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen.Apr-Aug 2008‘Venice in Belfast’, Works by Willie Doherty and Gerard Byrne from the Benice biennale, The Golden ThreadGallery, Belfast, May–Jul 2008‘Peripheral Vision and Collective Body’, Museion, Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano. May–Sep2008Driver (Cherie)Researcher on ‘On the ground; Growing Public Art in West Belfast and the Greater Shankill A Strategy forEngagement’, McGonagle, D., Mey, K., Driver, C., Rohr, D. and Mooreland, R.Marie Curie Future Urban Fellowship EU Programme, Bauhaus <strong>University</strong>, Weimer, GermanyArtist on Derry City Council: Art and Regeneration Programme: Hazelbank/Ballymagorty, with artists PeterMcCaughey and Roderick BuchananArtist with ‘Agency’ (artists collaborative project with Susanne Bosch, Sandra Johnston and Marilyn Arsem),Residency in Gropiusstadt Berlin. Mar 2008Driver, C. ‘A Viewing’ in Gemma Tipton (ed.) ‘des/IRE designing houses for contemporary Ireland, Dublin:Gandon. 2008Hill (Tony)‘Exhibition <strong>of</strong> new Sculptures’, with Willie Heron, The Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, Aug 2007‘Outside In’, photowork, PS2, Belfast, Nov 200715

‘Group Show’, The Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, Dec 2007-Jan 2008‘Siberian Photo Show’, Novosibirsk International Photo Festival, State Art Museum and Ekaterinburg, MetenkovPhotographic Museum. June & Nov 2008‘The Art Fair’, Dublin RDS, three sculptures, represented by the Fenderesky Gallery, Dec 2008‘Group Show’, Fenderesky Gallery, Dec 2008‘Group Show’, two prints, Golden Thread gallery, curated by Sarah McAvera, Dec 2008Johnston (Sandra)‘Risk’ conference, speaker on panel during public debate <strong>of</strong> ‘Out Of Site’ project, Dublin, Sep 2007‘A Viewing’, Group project as part <strong>of</strong> ‘Agency Collective’, commissioned by ‘Out Of Site’ project, Dublin, Sep2007‘Conduct Best Calculated For Obtaining Victory’, video installation included in group exhibition ‘!Revoluton?’commissioned by Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary, Sep 2007‘Reconcile’ solo performance/installation for ‘Terms & Conditions’ project commissioned by ‘Mermaid ArtsCentre’, Bray, Ireland, Sep 2007‘Think/Feel/Move’, public lecture as Guest Pr<strong>of</strong>essor at the Bauhaus <strong>University</strong>, hosted at ACC Gallery, Weimar,Germany, Oct 2007‘Snow Ballet 4.58PM’, Solo performance for ‘Tell Me A Story’ project, commissioned by ‘Stichting Performance’,Amsterdam, Holland, Nov 2007‘The Purposes <strong>of</strong> Continuing This Conversation’, solo performance for ‘Synergy’ project commissioned by‘Gresol Association’, Girona, Spain, Mar 2008‘Desire – Designing Houses For Contemporary Ireland’ Book essay on ‘Agency’ collective work ‘A Viewing’,publisher Gandon Editions/National Sculpture Factory, Ireland, Spring 2008‘!Revolution?’ exhibition catalogue, curator Livia Paldi, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary, Spring 2008Kelly (Liam)‘The Socially Responsive Academy’, AICA Congress, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Sep–Oct 2007Invited Key Speaker, ‘Conspiracy Dwellings’, Colloquium, South Hill Park, Bracknell, Jan 2008, England‘Blacklisted in Utopia’, catalogue essay, Art Tank, Belfast, Oct 2007‘Art and The Disembodied Eye’ (authored book and curated exhibition), Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, 2007Ludlow (Aoife)Part <strong>of</strong> Group Touring Exhibition, Making Changes: Contemporary Craft in Northern Ireland, Ormeau BathsGallery, Belfast, Aug 2007, Millennium Court Arts Centre, Portadown, Sep 2007Research poster, Create – Managing Colour in Digital Processes & the Arts Centre for Fine Print Research,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> West <strong>of</strong> England, Bristol, 18th – 20th Sep 200716

Research poster, Create - Putting the Human back into Colour Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne,Charleville-Mezieres, France, 21st – 24th Feb 2008Part <strong>of</strong> Group Exhibition, Incisions, [Karen Fleming, Aoife Ludlow, Emma McClintock, Duncan Neil, Pr<strong>of</strong>. JohnMcLachlan], Seamless – Computational Couture 2008, Museum <strong>of</strong> Science, Boston, 31st Jan 2008Part <strong>of</strong> Group Exhibition, Incisions, [Karen Fleming, Aoife Ludlow, Emma McClintock, Duncan Neil, Pr<strong>of</strong>. JohnMcLachlan], Wearable Expressions, Palos Verdes Arts Center, Palo Alto, CaliforniaPart <strong>of</strong> Group Exhibition, Incisions [Karen Fleming, Aoife Ludlow, Emma McClintock, Duncan Neil, Pr<strong>of</strong>. JohnMcLachlan], Antenna – Future Surgery, Science Museum, London, 14th – 16th Apr 2008Part <strong>of</strong> Group Exhibition, ‘Tell me’ – paper sculpture, Scythia 7 Textile Art Biennale, Kherson, Ukraine, Jun 2008Wonderland, Open Studio, London College <strong>of</strong> Fashion, Jan 2008, Exhibition, Meadowhall, Sheffield. BotanicGardens, Sheffield. Millennium Galleries, Sheffield. Jun–Jul 2008; Exhibition, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, Oct2008MacWilliam (Shirley)‘CatStrand: A review <strong>of</strong> commissioned artworks 2007’, New Galloway: CatStrand (commentary in publicationon newly commissioned sited art works for the new CatStrand Art Centre in New Galloway – artists: ChrisHelson and Sarah Jackets, Linda Mallet and Will Levi Marshall), 2007‘Pythagoras’ Screen II’ – performance paper NCAD: Dublin, Nov 2007Gallery talk for exhibition ‘Come and Gone’ by Aileen Lambert, Wexford Art Centre. Jan 2008 (part <strong>of</strong> ongoingdialogue – inc. recent short essay ‘Come and Gone: Hum and Song’ for the same exhibition shown in DroicheadArts Centre Jan 2009 – and forthcoming essay accompanying new work)‘Mirror Trees’ Mental Health Unit, Craigavon and Banbridge HSS (Permanent public art commission – projectinvolved workshops with staff and patients from a number <strong>of</strong> psychiatric wards; and collaboration withGlasscraft Europe using innovative techniques for etching curved acrylic), May 2008McIntyre (Mary)‘Double Image’, Group Exhibition, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, Sep-Nov 2007‘Cassie Howard & Mary McIntyre’, 2 person exhibition, St Paul’s Art Space, London. Oct 2007‘Platform’, Group exhibition, Knockbride House, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Ireland, November 2007‘Kilkenny Arts Festival’, Publicly sited commissioned art works, group exhibition, St John’s Priory, Killkenny. Aug2008‘Art, Media & Contested Space’, Public Billboard Project commissioned by Interface Research Centre, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, Publicly sited Billboard Project, locations across in Belfast, Nov 2008‘178th RHA Annual Exhibition’, (Invited Artist) group exhibition, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, Nov–Dec2008‘Different Dimension’, International Festival <strong>of</strong> contemporary Photography, group exhibition, NovosibirskPhotographic Museum, Ekateringburg and Cinetech, International Documentary Film Festival. Oct 2008 -ongoing17

McManus (Terri)FUSION InterTrade Ireland, NutriScience, Waterford, Ireland, Aug 2007–Sep 2008Harajuku Jam – Joint Multimedia Exhibition Paragon Studios Project Space (PS2), Belfast, Oct 2007Submission to the ‘The means by which we find our way’ exhibition, Project developed and curated by DavidGardener and Andrea Wilkinson, Waikato Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology School <strong>of</strong> Media Arts, Hamilton, New Zealand,Nov 2007FUSION InterTrade Ireland, Vellum Gold, Monaghan, Ireland, Oct 2007Review <strong>of</strong> Mr Gerry Devlin’s exhibition at the Engine Room, Belfast, Oct 2007, published Culture NorthernIreland website - http://www.culturenorthernireland.org/Review <strong>of</strong> Majella Clancey’s exhibition at Queen Street studios, Belfast, Jun 2008, published Culture NorthernIreland website - http://www.culturenorthernireland.org/Mey (Kerstin)As author and co-editor with Ruth Morrow and Doris Rohr, Creative Transformations, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, 2008As author and co-editor with Meike Krönke and Yvonne Spielmann, Kultureller Umbau: Räume, Identiäten undRepräsentationen, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2007‘Permutations: Site and Location, in: This Will Not Happen Without You, edited by Richard Grayson and Paulinevan Mourik Broekman, Newcastle 2007, pp. 192–195.‘Making Porn into Art’, in Pornification, edited by Kaarina Nikunen, Susanna Paasonen and Laura Saarenmaa,Oxford: Berg, 2007, pp.Creative Cities workshop, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Leeds, 20–22 June 2008ICFAR (International Fine Arts Research – Central Saint Martins College <strong>of</strong> Art and Design), Temporary Host,London, 19-20 June 2008Leonardo Education Forum @ ISEA2008, At the Crossroads <strong>of</strong> Media Arts & Science and Technology, NanyangTechnological <strong>University</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Art, Design and Media, 27 July 2008‘Between Paternalist Care and Laissez-faire - On current models <strong>of</strong> PhD Supervision in practice-based researchin Art and Design’, GradCAM Conference, Dublin, 9 May 2008Public Seminar, Sex and Censorship, School <strong>of</strong> Law, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong>, 28 February 2008Keynote presentation and invited seminar, International Conference on New Media and Art Education, LiepajaAcademy <strong>of</strong> Pedagogy, Art Res Lab, in collaboration with New Media Culture Centre RIXC and Culture andInformation Centre K@2, Latvia, October 2007Moore (Michael)Utopic Impulses, ‘Critical Research in Contemporary Ceramic Practice’, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Regina, Canada, 2007,ISBN: 9781553800514Ceramic Review, ‘Tradition Transformed, Contemporary Korean Ceramics’, Review, 2007‘Summer Exhibition’, The Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, USA, Jul 200718

‘Made in Northern Ireland, A Dynamic for Change’, S Dillon Ripley Centre, Smithsonian Institute, WashingtonDC, USA; and MCAC; and the Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, (lead curator Megan Johnston, Director,Millennium Court Arts Centre, N. Ireland). Summer 2007‘17 Prime Makers’, Feile Clai Established Makers Exhibition, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin. Apr-Jun 2007; andAberswyth Arts Centre, Wales, Jul–Aug 2007Ceramic Review, ‘Peter Meanley ‘Past Glazing Future Glazing’’ review, 2008Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, Taipei County Ceramics Museum, 2008The Archie Bray Foundation Group Exhibition at the National Council for Education in the Ceramic Arts(NCECA), Pittsburg, USA, March 2008Murphy (Cara)‘Seed Heads’, Queens <strong>University</strong> Permanent Collection, Belfast. Silver and wenge, Dec 2007‘Silver Sounds’, Queens <strong>University</strong>, Belfast. Apr 2008, a permanent exhibition which re-launched Queens’<strong>University</strong> Silver Collection,‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, April 2008, 2 exhibitionsshowcasing 6 pieces <strong>of</strong> work in each exhibition‘Moments <strong>of</strong> Indulgence’, Millennium Galleries, Sheffield created and exhibited ‘Seed Drills’ for this exhibition,Aug 2007: ‘Seed Drills’ is created with silver, wenge and Maltesers‘A Dynamic <strong>of</strong> Change’, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, USA; Aug 2007‘Making Changes: Contemporary Craft in Northern Ireland’ OBG, Belfast, Aug 2007‘Making Changes: Contemporary Craft in Northern Ireland’, MCAC, Portadown, Sept 2007‘Sam English Commemorative Award’ Rangers Football Club, permanent collection, Glasgow, Aug 2008Connect: Eat and Drink, exhibition, Hillsborough Courthouse, N. Ireland, Aug 2008:Neill (Peter)Circa Art Magazine, Postcard Competition, Aug 2007Royal Academy <strong>of</strong> Arts, 126th Annual Exhibition, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast. Sep–Oct 2007Belfast Telegraph, ‘Deserved Winners’, Royal <strong>Ulster</strong> Academy, by Elizabeth Baird, Oct 2007‘Different Dimensions’, 2nd Novosibirsk International Festival <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Photography, Siberia. Jun–Aug2008O’Beirn (Aisling)‘Or So I’m Told’, Book, The Third Space, Belfast, 2007, ISBN: 9780955639500‘Camouflash’, selected group show, Patio Art Centre, Lodz, Poland, Sep 2007‘Dark Matter’, one person show, The Third Space, Belfast, curated by H. Mulholland, Sep 200719

‘Packed: Portable Views <strong>of</strong> Variable’ Terrain, Stetson <strong>University</strong>, Florida, USA, curated by S Miller in collaborationwith M Lennon and S Taylor, Feb 2008‘Arkive City’, featuring in online database about archiving practices, Interface online project, curated by J Beacon,www.interface.ulster.ac.uk/arkivecity, 2008‘Or So We’ve Heard’, Ongoing collaboration for Regenerate project with H Sharp, 2008 – ongoingO’Hare (Helen)RUA Show, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, Sep 2007‘Presentable at Court’, Selected exhibition, Häme Castle, Finland, Apr 2008Preston (Janet)‘Two Minds 2’, RIAI Architecture Gallery, Dublin, 2007‘Two Minds Exhibition’, Art and Architecture in association with Arts and Business NI and the Royal Society <strong>of</strong><strong>Ulster</strong> Architects – Switch Room Gallery, Belfast, 2007Belfast Print Workshop 25/25, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> North Carolina, 2007Krakow International Print Triennial – Kunstlerhaus Vienna. Sep/Oct 2007Lessedra Gallery, Bulgaria, Apr 2008Rohr (Doris)‘Culturlánn’, West Belfast, selected exhibition (prints), 2008Rooney (Nuala)‘The Shek Kip Mei Myth: Squatter, Fires and Colonial rule in Hong Kong, 1950-1963’, book review in ‘UrbanStudies’ Vol 45 Number 9, pp 2001–3. August 2008Rowley (Alison)Single authored book: ‘Helen Frankenthaler: Painting History, Writing Painting’, London/New York: I.B. Tauris.ISBN: 9781845115180 (HB); ISBN: 9871845115197 (PBK). Dec 2007Co-convenor with Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Gridelda Pollock <strong>of</strong> session 19 entitled, ‘The Year was 2007: HistoricalUnderstanding, Difference and the Contemporary Exhibition Effect’, at Location: ‘Museum, Academy, Studio’,34th Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong> Art Historians, Tate Britain and Tate Modern, and presentation <strong>of</strong>paper entitled ‘Feminist Adventures Underground’. Apr 2008Sander (Ralf)Trying to walk on water, The Space in Between, Group exhibition, Dundalk, Ireland, May 2008Different Dimension, Group exhibition, Novosibirsk State Art Museeum Russia, Jun 200820

Seawright (Paul)How We Are: Photographing Britain 22 May — 2 Sep 2007, Tate Britain London. With Catalogue.Etudes Irlandaises, International museum exhibition at Sala Kubo-Kutxa San Sebastian, Oct 2007 – Jan 2008.Co-curated by the Irish Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern art the exhibition was a major survey <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Irish Art.10,000 to 50: Contemporary Art from the Members <strong>of</strong> Business to Arts Irish Museum <strong>of</strong> Modern Art - (May08) Majormuseum show looking at the relationship between art and business in Ireland.Atlante Italiano 007 Rischio Paesaggio Premio Fotografico:MAXXI_Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo,Rome, Dec 2007–Mar 2008. Photographic works were part <strong>of</strong> a national research project commissioned byPARC – The Director General <strong>of</strong> the Ministry for Culture and Architecture and MAXXI – the new Museum <strong>of</strong>Contemporary Art in Rome.Atlante Italiano 007,L’Ospitale Museum, Reggio Emilia. Exhibition at the Third edition <strong>of</strong> Fotografia Europea,Reggio Emilia Italy, May–Jun 2008Atlante Italiano 007 Publication – two editions Italian and English, MAXXI Rome, Jan 08Invisible Cities, Bury St Edmunds Museum and Art Gallery, Jan–Mar 2008Recent Acquisitions: Hugh Lane – Dublin City Museum and Art Gallery. Four works from Invisible Citiespurchased for permanent collection exhibited Aug 07 – March 08“Disrupted Landscapes”, FSM Gallery Florence, Italy, Mar–Apr 2008“Different Dimension”, The 2nd Novosibirsk International Festival <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Photography: NovosibirskState Art Gallery Russia, Jun–Jul, 2008“Different Dimension”, Metenkov Photographic Museum Ekaterinburg Russia, Oct–Nov 2008Frieze International Art Fair Oct 2007, Deutsche Bank Collection Exhibition in VIP Rooms at Frieze.Kerlin Gallery Dublin 20th Anniversary exhibition. May-Jun 08 (Group show with W Doherty, P Collins, MFrancis et al)RHA Annual Exhibition – Invited Artist, Titanic Drawing Offices Belfast, Jun–Aug 2008, CatalogueKeynotes:BodyTalkCity, Keynote entitled ‘Narrating the Post-Colonial City’ at Major interdisciplinary Conference organisedby Dublin Docklands Development Authority. Other invited keynotes STELARC (Sydney) Anthony Vidler(Cooper Union School <strong>of</strong> Architecture) and Zygmunt Bauman (Warsaw), Nov 07Displaced Communities, Museum <strong>of</strong> Fine Arts Boston – International Colloquium . Organised by The MuseumSchool visiting fellow - One <strong>of</strong> three Keynote speakers addressing the theme <strong>of</strong> displacement in contemporaryart and photography. Andrew Freeman (CalArts USA) and Andrea Geyer (Stuttgart), Mar 2008Art & Conflict – Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies Lipscomb <strong>University</strong>, Nashville TN. Apr 2008Hugh Lane – Dublin City Museum and Art Gallery – Artists Lecture, Sep 200721

Shipsides (Dan)‘The Double Image’, group exhibition, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast. Sep-Nov 2007‘Art Rocks’, Solo exhibition, raw Outdoors adventure festival (incorporating the Banff International MountainFilm Festival). Oct 2007‘Radical Architecture’, solo exhibition and project, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester. Oct/Nov 2007‘Colloquium on creativity and walking’, video screening and colloquium, School <strong>of</strong> Art & Design, Leeds<strong>University</strong>. Mar 2008‘Drawing a line’, group exhibition, Haerbin International Gallery <strong>of</strong> Photography, China. Mar 2008‘Echo Valley/A Guiding Dilemma’, solo exhibition (new work from AHRC Landscape & Environment researchgrant), Void Gallery, Derry. May/Jun 2008‘Soundeye’, group exhibition, Black Mariah Gallery, Cork. Jul 2008‘Embedded’, group exhibition (new work from AHRC Landscape & Environment research grant), Gimpel FilsGallery, London. Jul/Aug 2008‘Games and Theory’, group exhibition, South London Gallery. Jul – Sep 2008Soden (Julie)Conference presentation and paper, ‘The Design <strong>of</strong> Woven Natural Fibre Preforms and Composites’, VOPNETConference on Sustainable Design in association with the Sustainable Composites Network UK, Warwick<strong>University</strong>, 11-12 Sept 2007, CD, no pagination‘3D Reinforced Natural Fibre Preforms and Eco-Composites’, principal investigator, awarded AHRC -Research Grants Scheme, £391,000, Nov 2007, Nov 2007 – Oct 2009‘Development <strong>of</strong> Woven Flax and Soybean Bio-composites’, collaboration with Pr<strong>of</strong>essor R Wool, Centre <strong>of</strong>Composite Materials (CCM), <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Delaware, Newark USA and researchers from the ACRES program,Prototype samples produced and data generated for future publication, July 2008, at CCM laboratory, USAWells (Kate)Organiser <strong>of</strong> Textile Territories: past, present and future: Ars Textrina International Textiles Conference 2007,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> Belfast. Sep 2007; and presented paper ‘A Contemporary Irish Take on Blue Prints Indigodyed Chintzes <strong>of</strong> the eighteenth Century’‘Arashi Blue’ (Blue Storm), Royal Dublin Society National Crafts Competition Winners Exhibition 2007, at: SpaceCRAFT, Belfast Sep 2007; Craft Granary, Tipperary, Ireland Oct 2007; 2007 Mullingar Arts Centre, Mullingar, Co.Westmeath Nov 2007; 2007 National Crafts & Design Fair, RDS Main Hall, Dublin Dec 2007Publication: Anemone, BlindArt Permanent Collection: Volume 1. Jul 2008‘Touching You Touching Art’ and 3D piece ‘Anenome’, an exhibition <strong>of</strong> BlindArt Permanent Collection andselected works, Catmose Gallery, Rutlands Centre for Arts, Rutland. Jan/Feb 2008; and Royal Conrwall Museum.Jul-Oct 2008Three pieces: ‘Metalloid’; ‘Falci-form’; ‘Ripples and Reflections’, St<strong>of</strong>fe Zum Träumen/Fabrics to Dye for,Handworksform, Hannover, Germany. Jan/Feb 200822

Two pieces: ‘Octopus’ and ‘Aura Borealis’, ‘Scythia 7’ juried exhibition, The 7th International Biennial onContemporary Textile Art Exhibition and Conference, Kherson, Ukraine. Jun/Jul 2008‘Giants Pavement and Pipes’, Short-listed for Hand Printed Textile Category at Royal Dublin International CraftCompetition, Dublin. Jul 2008Wilson (Alistair)One Person Installation, The Third Space Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland, May 2008Wright (Terence)‘Fusion’ (knowledge transfer project) research on Interactive mobile heritage guides in partnership with MORSolutions, Drogheda, ROI. Jul 2007 - Aug 2008‘NM2’ project 13-partner (€7 million) EC FP7 IST IP, NM2 ‘New Millennium, New Media’ (NM2) project, whichdeveloped the ShapeShifting media toolkit. Up to Oct 2007 http://www.shapeshift.tv/production/showStaticInteractiveVillage‘Reconfigurable Interactive Stories – Factual: Community History’, Research Report in Maureen Thomas (ed)Practice-led Research in (non-linear) ‘Interactive Narrativity: Factual and Entertainment’, EC Public Report NMD.5-12 NM2 pp. 71-80 http://www.ist-nm2.org Oct 2007Paper published ‘Interactive Village: a shapeshifted interactive media production’, in ‘Eurescom Mess@ge’ November, Heidelburg, Germany, No. 3 pp. 9-10. ISSN 1618-5196 http://www.eurescom.de/message/messageNov2007/Interactive_Village.asp Nov 2007Presented paper ‘You can never go home again: the art <strong>of</strong> catastrophe and migration, at Cultures, ShiftingIdentities’ a conference about migration, connection, heritage and cultural memory, Flinders <strong>University</strong>, Adelaide,Australia. Dec 2007‘Jason Smith’s Nocturnal Opera’, DVD production (with Nick Malone & Joanna Dunne) exhibited at the SW1Gallery, London. Mar-Apr 2008Presented ‘Re-negotiating history: the River Boyne timeline’ for the Filmobile Conference, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Westminster. Apr-May 2008 www.filmobile.netPresented seminar on ‘Visual Anthropology and Interactive Media’, at the Dept <strong>of</strong> Architecture, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Bath. Apr 2008Curated and exhibited in ‘Different Dimension’, The 2nd Novosibirsk International Festival <strong>of</strong> ContemporaryPhotography, State Gallery, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, http://www.levallgallery.com/Photo2/ Jun-Jul 2008‘The Interactive Village: ethnography and narrative’, paper resented at ISEA (International Symposium onElectronic Arts) conference, Singapore. July 2008 http://www.isea2008singapore.org/abstract/s-z/p084.html23

6. Research FUNDINGStaff Name(s) Title <strong>of</strong> Award Funding Body ValueAinsworth/ Art <strong>of</strong> Nurture Commercial Ireland £3,200Montgomery Overall Prize Winner FundsBelford/ Woven Concrete: developing weaves AHRC – Practice-led £16,410Morrow for use in Textile/Concrete hybrid Researchwall panelsBosch Agency, a viewing Dublin City Council €1,000Bosch Art in Public Summer School 2007 Community Relations £2,330CouncilBosch Project award PAN, Communita €10,000Napoli ItalyBosch Travel award Alanus <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> €1,000Arts and Social SciencesBosch Travel award Evangelische Akademie €1,000TutzingBosch/Mey Fine Art Summer School Self Financing £1,275Chan Art, Women, Migration: The British Academy £3,999Identities beyond hospitalityCoulter KTP Programme between the UU Momenta & Armatile Ltd £99,744and Armatile LtdFleming/ Flex and Ply The Wellcome Trust – £122,490Conway People Award 2008Fleming/ Making It 07 Craft Northern Ireland £9,000FiddisFleming/Wells CREATE CEC – Framework 6 £13,591Marie Curie ESTHaughey/ Whose Voice is it Anyway? Community Relations £5,000BoschCouncilMcKeag/ KTP Programme between the Momenta & £186,792Cuskerson/ UU and SDC Trailers Ltd SDC Trailers LtdMorleyMcKeag/ KTP Programme between the UU Momenta & £211,956Lappin/ and Rapid International Ltd Rapid International LtdMcKnightMagee HEIF – CAE <strong>ART</strong>S HEIF £90,00024

Staff Name(s) Title <strong>of</strong> Award Funding Body ValueMey Travel Grant European Researchers in HERA £500the Arts and Humanities meeting,Paris, April 2007Mey/Kockel Universities United: To create a better NESTA £15,000world projectMontgomery Dard Rose Award DARD £700Murphy Chris Murphy Consultancy Earnings Self Financing £5,100Sander In-Fluence Exhibition Mr R Sander £1,350Soden Copy <strong>of</strong> 3D Reinforced Natural Fibre AHRC £391,429woven performs and Eco-composites25

7. INDICATORS OF ESTEEMGeneralBelford (Patricia)Integrated Art Award for Girli Concrete Panel, The Derry Playhouse, Derry, Dec 2007Fespa Digital Print Awards, Girli Concrete panel commended in Décor section, Geneva, Switzerland, Mar 2008Honorary Fellow since 1996, Royal College <strong>of</strong> ArtCommittee Member and Silver Medal Award holder, Society <strong>of</strong> Dyers and ColouristsSelected Member <strong>of</strong> Craft’s Council <strong>of</strong> IrelandSelected Member <strong>of</strong> Surface Design Association, USAMember <strong>of</strong> the Textile InstituteMember <strong>of</strong> European Textile NetworkBosch (Susanne)Board member <strong>of</strong> Partisan Productions Belfast, Social Theatre LaboratoryOnline advisor for CREATE, DublinChair <strong>of</strong> sessions and on editorial board, FUTURE Conference, Culture and the City, Marie Curie FellowshipProgramme “Future Urban Research in Europe - FUTURE”. Part <strong>of</strong> the scientific committee,VAI: membershipNGBK Berlin: membershipBBK Berlin: membershipConference keynote, Alanus <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arts and Social Sciences, Public-Private: Art in Public Space. Symposia inCultural Theory, 8-10 Feb 2008Conference keynote, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Culture moves, 22–24 Feb 2008, Munich, GermanyInvited participant, Workshop in Peace Theory, Bergh<strong>of</strong>f Foundation, BerlinConnolly (Brian)The Allianz Arts & Business Award given to ‘Two Minds Project’ – the Royal Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> Architects, and TenArtists participants in the Two Minds ProjectMember <strong>of</strong> the Visual Artists IrelandNorthern Ireland Representative <strong>of</strong> the Visual Artists Ireland until February 2008Chairman <strong>of</strong> Bbeyond, Belfast-based Performance Art Promotional Organisation26

Vice-Chair <strong>of</strong> Moyle Art in Public PlacesVisual Art Sub-committee member <strong>of</strong> Old Museum Arts Centre until June 2008Member <strong>of</strong> Moyle Art Development ForumFounding Member <strong>of</strong> Performance EuropeCullen (Mark)Founding member <strong>of</strong> Inishowen artist groupMember <strong>of</strong> organising committee ISEA2009 15 th International Symposium, Northern IrelandCummins (Jonathan)Curatorial Board Member, Void Gallery. Ongoing.Member, IPEA (Irish Prison Education Association) and EPEA (European Prison Education Association)Honourable Mention for the completed feature-length film screenplay, ‘Gatefever’. UCLA School <strong>of</strong> Film, Theatreand Television Screenplay Competition. May 2008Driver (Cherie)Member <strong>of</strong> organising committee ISEA2009 15 th International Symposium, Northern IrelandMember <strong>of</strong> Belfast Healthy Cities, Belfast Healthy Urban Planning Working GroupMember <strong>of</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Art HistoriansMember <strong>of</strong> College Arts Association USAKelly (Liam)Board member Ormeau Baths Gallery, BelfastMember BBC NI Audience CouncilMember <strong>of</strong> The Administrative Council <strong>of</strong> The International Association <strong>of</strong> Art Critics (AICA)Member <strong>of</strong> AHRC Peer Review CollegeSelected Academic leader for <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ulster</strong> on Trent Lott International Exchange Programme with NelsonMandela Metropolitan <strong>University</strong>, South Africa and The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mississippi, USA, Jul 2008McClelland (Brian)Member <strong>of</strong> Editorial Advisory Board: The Design JournalChairman <strong>of</strong> Craft Northern Ireland27

McIntyre (Mary)Member <strong>of</strong> Visual Art Programming Committee, Old Museum Arts Centre, Belfast. 2007Member <strong>of</strong> purchasing committee, New Commissions Programme Ards Hospital, Dundonald throughout 2008McManus (Terri)Institute <strong>of</strong> Designer Ireland membership, Aug 2008Mey (Kerstin)AHRC Peer Review CollegeAHRC Peer Review Panel, Fellowships in the Creative and Performing ArtsCHEAD working group for Bi-annual members’ conference in Berlin 2009Artistic Director ISEA2009, 15 th International Symposium on Electronic ArtElected Fellow, Royal Society <strong>of</strong> ArtsAcademic Supervisor for Francois Matarasso, Cultural Leadership Fellow, Clore Foundation, UKExternal PhD Examiner, Robert Gordon <strong>University</strong>Member <strong>of</strong> Core Group Working in Public / Public Art Research and Resource Scotland – Gray’s School <strong>of</strong> Artand Scottish Arts Council, 2007–8Steering Group, Universities United (NESTA funded collaborative project)Scientific Committee, SIEF 9 th International Congress, 2008Advisor to New Media Arts Programme, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Liepaja, LatviaChair <strong>of</strong> Board and CEO, Ormeau Baths Gallery, BelfastMember <strong>of</strong> Healthy Urban Planning Group, Belfast City CouncilMoore (Michael)Awarded Arts Council <strong>of</strong> Northern Ireland International Travel Award. 2007Awarded 2 Craft Council <strong>of</strong> Ireland Research Mission Awards. 2007 and 2008International Visiting Artist in Residence at the Archie Bray Foundation for th Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana,USA, Aug 2007; and The Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Canada, Jul 2008Murphy (Cara)Selected member <strong>of</strong> Portfolio, Crafts Council <strong>of</strong> Ireland, 2006- Present28

O’Hare (Helen)Awarded Artist in Residence at the Burren College <strong>of</strong> Art, Aug 2006Rohr (Doris)Member <strong>of</strong> gallery committee, Belfast PrintworkshopSeawright (Paul)Awarded Honorary Fellowship <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wales Cardiff, July 2008Appointed to Panel 2 Art & Media AHRC – Temporary 6 months, Dec 2007 - (re-appointed Oct 2008)Appointed by DCAL to the Board <strong>of</strong> The Arts Council <strong>of</strong> Northern Ireland, Dec 2007Appointed to Arts Council <strong>of</strong> Northern Ireland Acquisitions Committee and Lottery/Grants Committee, Feb2008Invited to join external Research Strategy Review panel for the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Arts London, Jun 2008Royal Photographic Society Fellowship Awards Panel, Apr 2008Jury for AXA Artists National Portrait Commission National Museum <strong>of</strong> Wales, Sep 2008Shipsides (Dan)External Examiner, Limerick Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology. 2003-2008AHRC landscape and environment awardACNI artist awardSelection panel for Firestation Studios residency programme. 2006-2008Invited to take part in the Tate Triennial as part <strong>of</strong> South London Gallery external programmeWork selected for Figuring Landscapes. Video programme showing at Tate Modern and other UK and AustralianvenuesVisiting lecturer at LICA (Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Art), Falmouth <strong>University</strong>Soden (Julie)Member <strong>of</strong> Institute <strong>of</strong> Materials (IOM)Wells (Kate)Trustee <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Dyers and Colourists, Mar 2008–Mar 201129

Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Northern Ireland Region, November 2008Corporate Member <strong>of</strong> Society <strong>of</strong> Dyers and ColouristsMember <strong>of</strong> Textile InstituteMember <strong>of</strong> Surface Design AssociationMember <strong>of</strong> RITE GroupMember <strong>of</strong> European Textile NetworkWilson (Alistair)Faculty Member, British School at Rome.External Examiner, MA Fine Art, Staffordshire <strong>University</strong>, Stoke on Trent, Staffs.External Examiner. BA Fine Art, Sligo Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, SligoWright (Terence)Acted as referee for Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council <strong>of</strong> Canada, UK’s AHRC, and refereedinternational journal Visual Studies30

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