Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH

Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH


QualiRod conicalQualiRod cylindricalConical hand-drill, conically shaped, with sharp cutting edges and asolid handle. Ideal for cutting out samples for quality control fromsoft, paste-like substances (cheese, butter, clay, soap, wax, etc.).Stainless steel V2A (1.4301)SterilisableAccording to EN/ISO 707QualiRod conicalDrilling depth mm Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.from120 67.90 5 63.50 5311-0001 N4170 78.35 5 75.15 5311-0002 N4Cylindrical hollow drill with a sharp cutting edge, can easily be driveninto paste-like and semi-solid substances. The samples cut outare subsequently removed with the appropriate push-rod ejector. Totallength 260 mm. Inner Ø 8 mm, outer Ø 10 mm.Stainless steel V2A (1.4301)SterilisableInner Ø 8 mm, outer Ø 10 mmQualiRod cylindricalDrilling depth mm Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.from200 102.30 5 92.45 5311-0101 N497

SpatulaUniversal instrument for collecting, dividing and mixingpastes, creams etc.Blade made of stainless steel V2A (1.4301)Wooden handleEnvironmental protectionConsider the whole – act logically.The preservation of our environment and the responsibletreatment of our sources of raw materials is an importantaspect of Bürkle’s product and corporate philosophy.We have a clear target: to treat our resources with care andto minimize emissions.Environmental protection is a natural part of our products.Right from the start of developing a new product we alwaystake its potential effects on the environment into account.This is why we use the environmentally friendly and fully recyclableplastics polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) to the largest possible extent.These both belong to the thermoplastic group and are outstandingly suitable forbeing recycled, as they have the simplest molecular structure of all plastics. They arenon-toxic and groundwater-neutral. As they are pure hydrocarbon compounds theircombustion produces only carbon dioxide and water.When resources are involved we make all the savings we can.We have optimized our manufacturing processes to such an extent that rejects andwaste are reduced to the absolute minimum. This is done by using production methodsthat are orientated to subsequent re utilization. We have our own technical facilitiesand the know-how for closing the raw materials cycle to the largest degree possible.Otherwise they are disposed of in a proper manner.Do more with less energy.Each kilowatt-hour of electricity saved is a gain for our environment and also reducesour energy budget. Sensors in the warehouse make sure that the lights only go onwhen somebody is in that particular racking run. Process heat is not just dischargedinto the atmosphere, but into our heating plant. This again obtains heat from theground water by using heat exchangers – from our own water source.SpatulaLength mm Price € Quantity Scale price € Item no.scale from180 11.70 10 10.85 5313-0180 N4300 18.90 10 17.15 5313-0300 | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

SpatulaUniversal instrument for collecting, dividing and mixingpastes, creams etc.Blade made of stainless steel V2A (1.4301)Wooden handleEnvironmental protectionConsider the whole – act logically.The preservation of our environment and the responsibletreatment of our sources of raw materials is an importantaspect of Bürkle’s product and corporate philosophy.We have a clear target: to treat our resources with care andto minimize emissions.Environmental protection is a natural part of our products.Right from the start of developing a new product we alwaystake its potential effects on the environment into account.This is why we use the environmentally friendly and fully recyclableplastics polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) to the largest possible extent.These both belong to the thermoplastic group and are outstandingly suitable forbeing recycled, as they have the simplest molecular structure of all plastics. They arenon-toxic and groundwater-neutral. As they are pure hydrocarbon compounds theircombustion produces only carbon dioxide and water.When resources are involved we make all the savings we can.We have optimized our manufacturing processes to such an extent that rejects andwaste are reduced to the absolute minimum. This is done by using production methodsthat are orientated to subsequent re utilization. We have our own technical facilitiesand the know-how for closing the raw materials cycle to the largest degree possible.Otherwise they are disposed of in a proper manner.Do more with less energy.Each kilowatt-hour of electricity saved is a gain for our environment and also reducesour energy budget. Sensors in the warehouse make sure that the lights only go onwhen somebody is in that particular racking run. Process heat is not just dischargedinto the atmosphere, but into our heating plant. This again obtains heat from theground water by using heat exchangers – from our own water source.SpatulaLength mm Price € Quantity Scale price € Item no.scale from180 11.70 10 10.85 5313-0180 N4300 18.90 10 17.15 5313-0300 | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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