Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH

Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH


Vibration steplessly adjustable. The strength of vibrationof the feed channel and distributor head canbe set steplessly between 0 % and 100 %. Thismeans that the material flow, depending on the flowbehaviour of the sample, can be controlled during thewhole division process.Laser diffraction. A typical field of application forthe new Repro has opened up in particle size analysisby laser diffraction spectroscopy. Sample amounts of< 0.1 g are used for analyses in the laboratory. TheRepro vastly improves the reproducibility and meaningfulnessof the results.Repro defines a new technological standard andshould always be used wherever the best possible analyticalresults are required.Only when all the links in the sampling chain, sampledivision and analysis are of the same strength will theresults and the conclusions drawn from them lead tosuccess.Easy handling. The operation and handling of thedevice is simple. The sample tubes are easily andquickly inserted in the self-locking holders and sampledivision can start immediately. Operation takesplace via a membrane-protected keyboard.High quality materials. All parts coming into contactwith the sample are made of stainless steel andaluminium equipped with an abrasion-resistant nonstickcoating for ideal sample transport. The housingis made of electro-polished stainless steel.Summary. Samples divided with the high-performancesample divider Repro are characterised by a significantlylower variation between all part-samples.As a result of the vibration of all device componentstransporting samples, the sample is distributed anddivided considerably more evenly and therefore moreexact than was previously possible. The cleaning functionguarantees complete sample removal, the sampleis divided down to the last particle. In this way, theRepro sample dividerPrice €Item no.8614.45 5500-1000 N2AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.Predivider for Repro 482.30 5500-0200 N2Sampling tubes with lid, 5 ml 2.53 5500-0915 N2Sampling tubes with lid, 10 ml 2.53 5500-0916 N269

Zone samplers | for all kinds of bulk goodsBürkle zone samplers are used for taking samples ofbulk goods of any kind.The big advantage of zone samplers is that all-layersamples can be collected from all layers of the container.Various bulk goods can be collected with the lances,from the finest powder to large grains such as corn ornuts.The zone samplers are available in four lengths. 55cm (especially suitable for sacks), 85 cm long (especiallyfor barrels, tubs, mixed containers) and 150 cmas well as 250 cm for big bags, silos, tanks.Safe and reliable sampling is made even easier withuseful special accessories such as sealing sleeves,Quali-Paper, cleaning brushes, emptying devices andclose-it control seals.The zone samplers are available in different modelsfor different sampling tasks.Smallest possible gap between the inner and theouter tubeEasy cleaning, removable tipColour coding (Multi and Uno sampler)Ultra-pure materialsExcellent processing, robust modelColour coding: Identification toprevent mixing up multi samplersand single samplers1 2 31. Multi sampler (closed chambers);2. All layer sampler (open inner tube);3. Uno sampler (one closed chamber) | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Vibration steplessly adjustable. The strength of vibrationof the feed channel and distributor head canbe set steplessly between 0 % and 100 %. Thismeans that the material flow, depending on the flowbehaviour of the sample, can be controlled during thewhole division process.Laser diffraction. A typical field of application forthe new Repro has opened up in particle size analysisby laser diffraction spectroscopy. Sample amounts of< 0.1 g are used for analyses in the laboratory. TheRepro vastly improves the reproducibility and meaningfulnessof the results.Repro defines a new technological standard andshould always be used wherever the best possible analyticalresults are required.Only when all the links in the sampling chain, sampledivision and analysis are of the same strength will theresults and the conclusions drawn from them lead tosuccess.Easy handling. The operation and handling of thedevice is simple. The sample tubes are easily andquickly inserted in the self-locking holders and sampledivision can start immediately. Operation takesplace via a membrane-protected keyboard.High quality materials. All parts coming into contactwith the sample are made of stainless steel andaluminium equipped with an abrasion-resistant nonstickcoating for ideal sample transport. The housingis made of electro-polished stainless steel.Summary. Samples divided with the high-performancesample divider Repro are characterised by a significantlylower variation between all part-samples.As a result of the vibration of all device componentstransporting samples, the sample is distributed anddivided considerably more evenly and therefore moreexact than was previously possible. The cleaning functionguarantees complete sample removal, the sampleis divided down to the last particle. In this way, theRepro sample dividerPrice €Item no.8614.45 5500-1000 N2AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.Predivider for Repro 482.30 5500-0200 N2Sampling tubes with lid, 5 ml 2.53 5500-0915 N2Sampling tubes with lid, 10 ml 2.53 5500-0916 N269

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