Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH

Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH


ination with an adapter. On the other hand, universal solutionssuch as conical drum stoppers can be used.MaterialsThe most suitable pumps are robust industrial pumps made fromtop-quality materials such as polypropylene (PP) for acids and alkalis,or stainless steel V2A (1.4301) for flammable liquids. We alwaysrecommend the use of PTFE seals. Always check that the material isresistant to the medium to be pumped.In many cases, a check against the chemical resistance list will help.Caution with filling aidsPlastic siphons are a cost-effective alternative to mechanical pumps.Siphons are easy-to-use devices for safely filling off liquids from ahigher container into a lower one. However, using them for aggressiveor flammable liquids cannot be recommended. The pump bellowscould be affected by acids and become brittle.that the pumps fit all the usual commercially available containers.Low-mounted suction valves ensure that almost all the residual liquidis removed.Container connectionsIn contrast to metal drums, which usually have an R2“ fine thread,there are no standard connection threads for plastic drums. Thereare basically two different ways of attaching the pump to the drumor container. On the one hand, the pump can be screwed onto theexisting container thread using a barrel screw joint, possibly in com-5

Gas-tight bottlingWith volatile media, such as acetone or ammonia, hazardous vapoursare formed in the container. Their evaporation into the workingenvironment and the risk to the user can be reduced by using agas-tight barrel connector. With particularly toxic, noxious and readilyvolatile media, a closed filling system with a gas-shuttle pipe isessential. In this method, the gases displaced from the container arereturned directly into the original container. The harmful gases remainin the system; the greatest possible degree of safety duringfilling off is guaranteed.FoodstuffsIf foodstuffs are to be filled off, then it must be ensured that thematerials used are physiologically harmless. Materials such as stainlesssteel, polypropylene or PTFE, which also have a neutral tasteand odour, can be recommended. Furthermore, the pump must beeasy to clean.Acids and alkalisAcids, alkalis and detergents can be safely handled by plastic pumpsmade of PP or PVDF. Bürkle offers many plastic pumps with bothrigid discharge pipes and also with discharge tubing and shut-offvalve for filling containers which are further away or higher up.When handling corrosive or aggressive liquids, the user must takeappropriate precautions. Protective clothing such as gloves, goggles,aprons and face masks is essential.Any questions?We will be happy to advise you. Talk to us - telephone +49 763582795-0. Or send an email to liquidsFilling off flammable liquids requires special precautionary measures.It is essential that filling devices for flammable liquids aremade of conductive materials. It is essential that any electrostaticcharges formed are eliminated completely and without formingsparks. Stainless steel barrel pumps meet these requirements whenthe electrostatic charges are eliminated by using the Antistatic | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Gas-tight bottlingWith volatile media, such as acetone or ammonia, hazardous vapoursare formed in the container. Their evaporation into the workingenvironment and the risk to the user can be reduced by using agas-tight barrel connector. With particularly toxic, noxious and readilyvolatile media, a closed filling system with a gas-shuttle pipe isessential. In this method, the gases displaced from the container arereturned directly into the original container. The harmful gases remainin the system; the greatest possible degree of safety duringfilling off is guaranteed.FoodstuffsIf foodstuffs are to be filled off, then it must be ensured that thematerials used are physiologically harmless. Materials such as stainlesssteel, polypropylene or PTFE, which also have a neutral tasteand odour, can be recommended. Furthermore, the pump must beeasy to clean.Acids and alkalisAcids, alkalis and detergents can be safely handled by plastic pumpsmade of PP or PVDF. Bürkle offers many plastic pumps with bothrigid discharge pipes and also with discharge tubing and shut-offvalve for filling containers which are further away or higher up.When handling corrosive or aggressive liquids, the user must takeappropriate precautions. Protective clothing such as gloves, goggles,aprons and face masks is essential.Any questions?We will be happy to advise you. Talk to us - telephone +49 763582795-0. Or send an email to liquidsFilling off flammable liquids requires special precautionary measures.It is essential that filling devices for flammable liquids aremade of conductive materials. It is essential that any electrostaticcharges formed are eliminated completely and without formingsparks. Stainless steel barrel pumps meet these requirements whenthe electrostatic charges are eliminated by using the Antistatic | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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