Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH

Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH


Overview on sampling equipmentLiquids, normalLiquids, aggressiveLiquids, fl ammableViscous substances/mudsIceBulk goods, powdersSoil samplingTransport of samplesPharmaSterilAccessoriesProductPageZone sampler 70 x xAll-layer sampler 71 x xEasySampler 73 x xSpiralus zone sampler 73 xAll-layer drill 74 xSchürfstecher 75 x xScratcher 75 x xPowderProof ® 76 x xSiloDrill 78 xSiloPicker 80 xNovartos 81 x xMicroSampler 82 x xPharmaPicker 83 x xPharmaSpoon 84 x xStickProof 84 x xMilky 85 xTubus 85 xQuickPicker 86 x xclose-it control-seal 88 x x xclose-it food 90 x x x x xclose-it tape/food 91 x x x x xseal-it 93 x xsafe-it, secure-it 94 x xSampleSafe seal 95 x xValve lance 96 xPigment lance 96 x xQualiRod 97 xSpatula 98 x x x xMini ViscoSampler 99 x xStainless steel scoop 99 x x x x x xViscoSampler 100 xLiquiSampler 101 x xDip Sampler 102 xDisposable plunging siphon 103 x xScoop made of PTFE 103 x x xChemistry scoop 104 x x xLiquid-sampler 105 xTeleScoop 106 xLiquids, normalLiquids, aggressiveLiquids, fl ammableViscous substances/mudsIceBulk goods, powdersSoil samplingTransport of samplesPharmaSterilAccessoriesProductPageStainless steel beaker 107 x x xChemoSampler 108 x xMiniSampler 110 x xProfiSampler 112 x xLiqui zone sampler 114 x xUniSampler 115 xUniSampler “Ex” 115 x xVampire 117 x xDipping bottle 118 x xImmersion cylinder 119 x xDipping bottle Ex 119 x xImmersion cylinder Mini 120 x xDipping vessel 120 x xAquaSampler 121 x xTarget immersion cylinder 121 xDisposable Disposampler 123 x x x x x xDispoPipette 124 xPowderDispo 125 x x xSteriPlast scoops 126 x x xSteriPlast sample spoons 127 x x x x xSteriPlast spatula 127 x x xSteriBag 128 x x x x x x x xSteriBag StandUp 129 x x x x x x x xSteriPlast sampling tube 130 x x xSteriPlast syringe 130 x x x xEasyScoop 132 xScoop V2A (304) 132 x x xFoodScoop 133 x xPharmaScoop 133 x x xScrapers 136 x xScoops made of PP 136 x xBeefsteaker 138 xIceSampler 138 x xIce Drill 139 x xGeoSampler 140 xPürkhauer 140 xMole 141 xSampling containers 143 x x xSnowPack dry ice machines 245 x67

Repro sample divider | high-precision sample divider1. representative all-layer samples are taken with a suitable sampler.2. the sample quantity, which is usually far too large, is reduced to apractical sample size while precisely retaining the original composition.The Repro high precision sample divider meets these demandsfor the first time, thereby setting a new standard worldwide. The Repro’spatented vibration system allows reproducible sample divisions< 1 g with the highest degree of accuracy.Speed of rotation 100 rpmAccuracy of rotation 0.1 mmFunnel volume 110 mlSample tubes max. 30 mm Ø, 73 mm heightWhat use is the high precision of modern analytical systems in thePPB range, if sampling and sample division are not carried out withthe same degree of accuracy?Inadequate sampling and sample division result in unsatisfactoryand even incorrect analyses. These are worthless, or unnecessarilyexpensive because a wrong analysis can only produce incorrect resultsfrom which any conclusions obtained are “paid for dearly”.Reliable information about the properties of particle systems involvingpowders are only possible ifWhat is the difference between the Repro and conventionalsample dividers? In the Repro, it is not just the feed channel thatvibrates, but the complete distributor head. In this way, samples andparticularly poorly flowing substances such as lactose are transportedbetter in the vibrating distributor head. As in all great inventions,this is a small but crucial advantage, which is why this principle hasbeen patented! This new technique has decisive advantages if small,very small or toxic samples have to be divided and/or the highestdegree of accuracy is required for the sample division which mustalso be reproducible. This is why our sample divider is called Repro!Customer-specific sample containers. The Repro conforms toyour wishes. You can still use your usual sample tubes of all shapesand sizes (max. Ø 30 mm, height 73 mm). The sample containers aresimply inserted in the quick-action clamps of the distributor head.Sample division in a fume cupboard. The sample divider andcontrol unit are separate, which makes possible a sample divisionin a fume cupboard, e.g. with toxic substances.Cleaning function/residue removal ensures residue-free emptyingof the feed channel and the distributor head and guaranteesthat the whole of the original sample amount is fed through thesample divider. Nothing is retained - which is the only way of ensuringthat all of the original sample is contained in all the | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Repro sample divider | high-precision sample divider1. representative all-layer samples are taken with a suitable sampler.2. the sample quantity, which is usually far too large, is reduced to apractical sample size while precisely retaining the original composition.The Repro high precision sample divider meets these demandsfor the first time, thereby setting a new standard worldwide. The Repro’spatented vibration system allows reproducible sample divisions< 1 g with the highest degree of accuracy.Speed of rotation 100 rpmAccuracy of rotation 0.1 mmFunnel volume 110 mlSample tubes max. 30 mm Ø, 73 mm heightWhat use is the high precision of modern analytical systems in thePPB range, if sampling and sample division are not carried out withthe same degree of accuracy?Inadequate sampling and sample division result in unsatisfactoryand even incorrect analyses. These are worthless, or unnecessarilyexpensive because a wrong analysis can only produce incorrect resultsfrom which any conclusions obtained are “paid for dearly”.Reliable information about the properties of particle systems involvingpowders are only possible ifWhat is the difference between the Repro and conventionalsample dividers? In the Repro, it is not just the feed channel thatvibrates, but the complete distributor head. In this way, samples andparticularly poorly flowing substances such as lactose are transportedbetter in the vibrating distributor head. As in all great inventions,this is a small but crucial advantage, which is why this principle hasbeen patented! This new technique has decisive advantages if small,very small or toxic samples have to be divided and/or the highestdegree of accuracy is required for the sample division which mustalso be reproducible. This is why our sample divider is called Repro!Customer-specific sample containers. The Repro conforms toyour wishes. You can still use your usual sample tubes of all shapesand sizes (max. Ø 30 mm, height 73 mm). The sample containers aresimply inserted in the quick-action clamps of the distributor head.Sample division in a fume cupboard. The sample divider andcontrol unit are separate, which makes possible a sample divisionin a fume cupboard, e.g. with toxic substances.Cleaning function/residue removal ensures residue-free emptyingof the feed channel and the distributor head and guaranteesthat the whole of the original sample amount is fed through thesample divider. Nothing is retained - which is the only way of ensuringthat all of the original sample is contained in all the | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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