Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH

Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH Catalogue 2013 - Bürkle GmbH


Samplers & sample dividerSampling from liquids, bulk goods and viscous media

Take samples – but do it right!Taking samplesWhen taking samples, a random test is taken from an overall quantity.These samples serve as the basis for the analysis regardingquality assurance. The correct procedure for taking spot samples istherefore a very important subject. Only with representative and authenticsamples can reliable information about the quality, propertiesor composition of a particular material be provided.Very precise material analyses can be carried out with the most upto-datetechnology. However, the technology is no good if an erroroccurs when the sample is taken and this error continues throughall phases of the analysis, with the consequence that the final resultof the quality check is wrong.Correct information about the properties of a material can only beprovided if the sample is taken properly and treated in the sameway as in the subsequent analysis. The basic point is that the propertiesand composition of the sample quantity correspond exactlywith the material quantity that has to be evaluated.Taking samples - but how?When taking samples, some essential stipulations such as DINstandardshave to be complied with. The recommendation is to followa company-internalchecklist which should bea fixed component of acompany’s quality standards.All relevant steps fortaking samples are documentedin this checklist sothat they can be traced atany time.Location for taking samplesThe location from where the samples are taken has to be as cleanas possible. At the very least, the use of clean samplers, equipmentand tools has to be considered. During the procedure, no externalfactors must influence the sampling. Even small external contaminationcan significantly alter the examination result. Detergents whichare used to clean the samplers or the sample packaging can alsofalsify the result of the analysis.Taking samples - but who? - Qualified personnelOnly skilled personnel should take the samples. It must be guaranteedthat sampling is carried out exactly in accordance with thestipulated DIN-standards or internal guidelines.Technical knowledge is of utmost importance because altered circumstancescan only be reacted to on-site. Only trained personnelcan quickly and safely recognise mistakes that occur or altered circumstancesand react | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Take samples – but do it right!Taking samplesWhen taking samples, a random test is taken from an overall quantity.These samples serve as the basis for the analysis regardingquality assurance. The correct procedure for taking spot samples istherefore a very important subject. Only with representative and authenticsamples can reliable information about the quality, propertiesor composition of a particular material be provided.Very precise material analyses can be carried out with the most upto-datetechnology. However, the technology is no good if an erroroccurs when the sample is taken and this error continues throughall phases of the analysis, with the consequence that the final resultof the quality check is wrong.Correct information about the properties of a material can only beprovided if the sample is taken properly and treated in the sameway as in the subsequent analysis. The basic point is that the propertiesand composition of the sample quantity correspond exactlywith the material quantity that has to be evaluated.Taking samples - but how?When taking samples, some essential stipulations such as DINstandardshave to be complied with. The recommendation is to followa company-internalchecklist which should bea fixed component of acompany’s quality standards.All relevant steps fortaking samples are documentedin this checklist sothat they can be traced atany time.Location for taking samplesThe location from where the samples are taken has to be as cleanas possible. At the very least, the use of clean samplers, equipmentand tools has to be considered. During the procedure, no externalfactors must influence the sampling. Even small external contaminationcan significantly alter the examination result. Detergents whichare used to clean the samplers or the sample packaging can alsofalsify the result of the analysis.Taking samples - but who? - Qualified personnelOnly skilled personnel should take the samples. It must be guaranteedthat sampling is carried out exactly in accordance with thestipulated DIN-standards or internal guidelines.Technical knowledge is of utmost importance because altered circumstancescan only be reacted to on-site. Only trained personnelcan quickly and safely recognise mistakes that occur or altered circumstancesand react | | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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