David Peat

David Peat

David Peat


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Index 229language and vision, 97painting, 98–105postmodern values, 111–113seeing, act of, 92–95seeing with the mind, 95–96world as a surface, 113–114Rheomode, 85–88Rhys, Jean, 205Right action, 161, 162Risk analysis, 170–172Rosen, Nathan, 20Rosenfield, Leon, 20Russell, Bertrand, 27, 39, 40, 73–77construction of language, 87Critical Exposition of the Philosophyof Leibniz, A, 74Introduction to MathematicalPhilosophy, 32–33introduction to Wittgenstein’sTractatus, 77, 79logical atomism, 74–77, 88, 89paradox, 33–35Principia Mathematica, 34–35, 40Principles of Mathematics, 75Study of Mathematics, The, 28Rutherford, Ernest, 57SSchnitzler, Arthur, 75Schoenberg, Arnold, 75Schrödinger, Erwin, 7, 15, 122Schwarz, John, 58Science, 208–211Scientific paradigm, 200–201Seeing, act of, 92–95with the mind, 95–96Self-organization, 136–143Seurat, Georges-Pierre, 110Sharp, Mitchell, 145Shaw, Bernard, 155Silent Spring (Carson), 157–158Sommerfeld, Arnold, 122Sound waves, 6Space exploration, 156Space-time, 4Special relativity, 2Speed, 4, 15, 16Spinoza, Baruch, 79Sraffa, P., 80–81Stability, 123, 141–142Stalin, Joseph V., 103St. Matthew Passion (Bach), 96Strange attractor, 131, 134–135Stravinsky, Igor, 111Study of Mathematics, The (Russell), 28Superstrings, 58Swift, Jonathan, 73Swimm, Brian, 133Syllogism, 49 n.6Symbols, 38–39, 41, 43Symmetry, 58–59Synchronicity, 110–111TTaoism, 54Technology, 197Thales, 54Third Man, The (Greene), 47Thirty-nine Steps, The (Buchan), 118Thomson, J. J., 57Time, 116–124Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich, 79Tom Brown’s Schooldays (Fraser), 205Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus(Wittgenstein), 77, 79, 81, 84Trends, 134–135Truths, 42–43, 78, 81Twistors, 62UUncertainty, 24, 30, 97–98, 131and classical physics, 200dislocation between certainty and, 3Heisenberg’s principle of, 11–12, 16,18, 19

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