David Peat

David Peat

David Peat


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226 IndexHHalf-life, 9Hamilton, William Rowan, 68Heat, 1Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 73Heisenberg, Werner, 7, 61, 122, 201,microscope experiment, 14–15uncertainty principle, 11–12, 16, 18,19Heraclitus, 54Hilbert, <strong>David</strong>, 38–39, 40, 43Hiley, Basil, 22, 67–68Hitler, Adolf, 103, 204 n.5Hitler: The Last Ten Days, 204 n.5Hobbes, Thomas, 212Hockney, <strong>David</strong>, 102Holomovement, 65, 69, 88Human brain, 193, 196IIdea, 82Ideal City, 188Idealism, 73–74Implicate order, 62–64, 67–69Impressionism, 107–111Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of<strong>David</strong> Bohm (<strong>Peat</strong>), 167Infinity, 7, 120Intermittancy, 135–136Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy(Russell), 32–33Intuitionism, 39Irrational, 11, 16Islamic art, 105Iteration, 126, 129JJane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë), 205Jeans, James, 28Jefferson, Thomas, 162, 165, 212Jung, Carl, 11, 48, 67, 110KKant, Immanuel, 117Kapoor, Anish, 111Kelvin, 1st Baron, 1, 2, 6, 57Kemp, Martin, 91Khrushchev, Nikita, 155–156Kolmogorov, A. K., 122–124Kuhn, Thomas, 200Kuleshov effect, 96Kuleshov, Lev, 96LLacan, Jacques, 146Language, 22–24, 71–84Blackfoot and the Rheomode, 85–88Bohr and, 84–85master of, 88–89and vision, 97Language Instinct, The (Pinker), 85Laplace, Pierre Simon de, 117–118, 134Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 56Law of the Excluded Middle, 49 n. 6Lead, 174–175Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 37, 72–74,117Leucippus, 54Light, 1–2, 6–7, 110Locke, John, 212Logic, 36–37, 160dominance of, 47–51power of, 37–38Logical atomism, 74–77, 88, 89Loos, Adolph, 75Lorenz, Edward, 130Luminiferous ether, 1–2MMach, Ernst, 110Mad cow disease, 164–165Madonna Enthroned (Duccio), 101Mahler, Gustav, 75Maimonides, Moses, 216

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