David Peat

David Peat

David Peat


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Index 225<strong>David</strong>, Jacques-Lois, 103–104DDT, 175–176Death of Wolfe, The (West), 103Death wish, 191, 197Democritus, 54Dentler, Hans-Eberhard, 28Descartes, René, 38, 61, 202D’Espagnat, Bernard, 15, 25Destructive behavior, 190–196Dickens, Charles, 206Dirac, Paul, 122Doppler shift, 12Doubt, 97–98Duality, 8, 61–62Duccio di Buoninsegna, 101Durakovic, Asaf, 165EEdwards, Mark, 160, 161Einstein, Albert, 14application of Planck’s ideas, 7classical physicist, 10–11, 62debate with Bohm, 27 n.7on gravity, 59–60and Niels Bohr, 2–3, 4, 5, 10, 17, 18,24notion of authorship, 17notion of chance, 17–18and reality, 10, 20–22theory of relativity, 2, 3–5, 18, 19, 58,122, 201, 208on time and space, 110on uncertainty, 19–20Electrons, 57Elements, 53, 55–56Elements of Geometry (Euclid), 35, 38Empedocles, 54Encyclopedists, 212Energy, 6–7, 110, 122, 180–182, 201Enlightenment, 187–188, 199, 212Environmentalism, 156, 157–158movement, 192shopping for the environment, 159–161Euclid, 35–37, 38, 40Excluded Middle, Law of the, 49 n.6Experts, 161–163Explicate order, 62–64, 67FFalse memories, 167–170Faustus (Marlow), 91Feedback, 122, 122 n.4, 129, 142, 148Fermat, Pierre de, 42Fermi, Enrico, 122Francesca, Piero della, 28, 188Franklin, Benjamin, 162Fraser, George MacDonald, 205Frege, Gottlob, 32, 33, 75Freon, 173–174Freud, Sigmund, 75, 191–193, 197GGalileo, 3, 10, 200Gandhi, Mahatma, 161General Relativity, 4Geometrical perspective, 101–102, 108Geometry, 38Gericault, Theodore, 104Giotto, 101Global community, 212–213Global warming, 182–184Gluons, 58Gödel, Kurt“On Formally UndecidablePropositions of PrincipiaMathematica and RelatedSystems,” 40theorem, 40–42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48,51, 217–221Goldbach’s conjecture, 42–43Grassmann, Hermann Günther, 68Gravity, 4Green, Michael, 58Greene, Graham, 47Guinness, Sir Alec, 204Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 73

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