David Peat

David Peat

David Peat


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INDEX1984 (Orwell), 29, 99AAbelard, Peter, 166Academic environment, 165–170Action, 150–153Active information, 68Alchemy, 55Alfonso X (king of Spain), 216Algebra, 38, 67–68Algonquins, 54, 69Algorithms, 43–45Ambiguity, 200Anaximenes, 54Animal instincts, 194, 196Antibiotics, 176–177Archetypal field, 66Aristotle, 49 n.6, 54Armageddon, 192, 193Arnold, Vladimir, 122–124Art, 105–107, 112–113Art of the Fugue (Bach), 28Artificial intelligence (AI), 45–47Atomic bomb, 155, 190Atomic theory, 55–57, 201Atoms, 54–55, 57–58, 201Attractors, 134, 146–149BBach, J. S., 28, 96Baudrillard, Jean, 114Bell, Ellis. See Brontë, EmilyBell, John, 21Bentham, Jeremy, 189Berger, John, 96Berry, Thomas, 133Beuys, Joseph, 111Bifurcation point, 125, 130Blackbody radiation, 6–7Blackfoot Physics (<strong>Peat</strong>), 209Blackfoot tribe, 69–70, 85–88, 97Blackwinged Night, The (<strong>Peat</strong>), 92223

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