David Peat

David Peat

David Peat


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Pausing the Cosmos 213politicians, and scientists. But it is also the responsibility of each one ofus. For each of us intersects with this planet and its peoples in a widevariety of ways. If we are parents then we must think of our children,of the nature of their education, and of the type of work they will do. Ifwe work, then we think of business, economics, the general future ofwork and leisure, and how we will generate fulfillment in our lives.When we go shopping, we place ourselves in contact with the entireplanet, since food, clothing, and manufactured goods now come fromevery corner of the world. What are the implications of our choices,how does our new car or our evening meal affect people in Africa, Asia,or even small-town America?When we step out into the street we are members of a communityand we ask how communities form and flourish. We wonder about thedeep need that is felt today to belong, to be part of some wider meaning,to be given the opportunity to contribute. And, when walking innature, sitting quietly at home, or attending a place of worship we beginto think of the transcendent qualities of life and of all that is sacred.In this book we have seen the various ways our thoughts can transformthe world, and the ways consciousness changed during the twentiethcentury. Certainly the action of a pope or president can have greatimplications. But so too can our own individual thoughts. Each one ofour thoughts changes the world in a tiny but subtle way. Multiply thisby the tens of thousands of people in a town, the hundreds of millionsin a country, the billions in the world, and human thought has an enormousimpact.Now we stand on the threshold of a pause. Each one of us is goingto look out at the world and into his or her heart. Out of this creativesuspension will come a new impulse. Each one of us will be responsiblefor that impulse, for that which is going to carry us forward intothis millenium. The combination of our impulses, thoughts, and newattitudes will create a new world. To do so we will not only considerour own hearts but we will begin to dialogue with others, with nature,and with the sacred. We have left the dream of absolute certainty behind.In its place each of us must now take responsibility for the uncertainfuture.

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