Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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266 SECTION 46. HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRYFigure 46.3: A Saccheri quadrilateral (top) and Lambert quadrilateral (bottom)in Hyperbolic geometry.Proof. In neutral geometry we know that the fourth angle is either acuteor right. It it were right, the quadrilateral would be a rectangle, which isnot possible in Hyperbolic geometry. Hence the angle is acute.Theorem 46.10 In a Lambert quadrilateral, the length of a side betweentwo right angles is less than the length of the opposite sides.Proof. Let A, B, and C be the vertices with the right angles, as in figure46.3 (bottom).By corollary 31.25 we already know that BC ≤ AD.Suppose that BC = AD (RAA).This would make the □ABCD a Saccheri quadrilateral with summit CD.Then by theorem 31.16 the summit angles of a Saccheri Quadrilateral arecongruent, meaning ∠D = ∠C = 90. Thus □ABCD is a rectangle, whichviolates theorem 46.6.Hence BC < AD.Definition 46.11 The altitude of a Saccheri quadrilateral is the length ofthe segment joining midpoint of its base and the midpoint of its summit.« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

SECTION 46. HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY 267Figure 46.4: In hyperbolic geometry similar triangles are always congruent.Theorem 46.12 The altitude of a Saccheri quadrilateral is shorter thanthe length of its sides.Proof. (Exercise.)Theorem 46.13 The length of the summit of a Saccheri quadrilateral isgreater than the length of its base.Proof. (Exercise.)Theorem 46.14 (AAA in Hyperbolic Geometry) Similar triangles arecongruent:△ABC ∼ △DEF =⇒ △ABC ∼ = △DEFProof. Suppose that △ABC ∼ △DEF but AB ≠ DE, BC ≠ EF andAC ≠ DF . (If any one of the equalities holds the by ASA the triangles arecongruent, so we are in effect assuming that the triangles are not congruent).At least two edges of one triangle are longer than two edges of the secondtriangle. Assume that AB > DE and AC > DF (if not, relabel the verticesaccordingly.)Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

266 SECTION 46. HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRYFigure 46.3: A Saccheri quadrilateral (top) and Lambert quadrilateral (bottom)in Hyperbolic geometry.Proof. In neutral geometry we know that the fourth angle is either acuteor right. It it were right, the quadrilateral would be a rectangle, which isnot possible in Hyperbolic geometry. Hence the angle is acute.Theorem 46.10 In a Lambert quadrilateral, the length of a side betweentwo right angles is less than the length of the opposite sides.Proof. Let A, B, and C be the vertices with the right angles, as in figure46.3 (bottom).By corollary 31.25 we already know that BC ≤ AD.Suppose that BC = AD (RAA).This would make the □ABCD a Saccheri quadrilateral with summit CD.Then by theorem 31.16 the summit angles of a Saccheri Quadrilateral arecongruent, meaning ∠D = ∠C = 90. Thus □ABCD is a rectangle, whichviolates theorem 46.6.Hence BC < AD.Definition 46.11 The altitude of a Saccheri quadrilateral is the length ofthe segment joining midpoint of its base and the midpoint of its summit.« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

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