Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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204 SECTION 39. CIRCLESFigure 39.3: The tangent line theorem.By congruency, corresponding sides are congruent, hence OP = OR. Thismeans that R lies on Γ by definition of a circle.Since P ≠ R, this contradicts the fact that P is the only point that lies onboth l and Γ (since l is tangent to Γ at P ). Hence the RAA hypothesis iswrong and P = Q.Since OQ ⊥ l, then OP ⊥ l.(Proof of ⇐) Assume that l intersects Γ at P and that OP ⊥ l.Choose any point Q ∈ l that is distinct from P .Since OP ⊥ l at P , the shortest segment from O to l is OP . HenceOQ > OPBy definition of outside, Q is outside of Γ. Since Q was chosen arbitrarily,every point on l that is distinct from P is outside of Γ.Hence Γ ∩ l contains precisely one point P , which means l is tangent to Γat P .Corollary 39.8 Let Γ be a circle and l a line tangent to Γ at P . Thenevery point on l that is distinct from P is outside of l.Proof. This was proven by the next to the last line of the proof of theprevious theorem.Theorem 39.9 (Secant Line Theorem) Let l be a secant line that intersectscircle Γ = C(O, r) at distinct points P and Q. Then O lies on theperpendicular bisector of chord P Q.« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

SECTION 39. CIRCLES 205Proof. Since P, Q ∈ Γ, OP = OQ = r. By the point-wise characterizationof perpendicular bisectors (theorem 28.2), O is on the perpendicularbisector of P Q.Figure 39.4: Proof of the Secant Line Theorem. Since points P and Q areequidistant from O, O must lie on their perpendicular bisector.Theorem 39.10 Let l be a secant line that intersects circle Γ = C(O, r)at distinct points P and Q. Then every point on the interior of segmentP Q is inside Γ, and every point on ←→ P Q − P Q lies outside of Γ.Proof. (Exercise)Theorem 39.11 (Weak Circular Continuity a ) Let Γ = C(O, r) be acircle and let l be a line with points A, B ∈ l such that A is inside Γ andB is outside Γ. Then l is a secant line of Γ.a We call this result weak circular continuity to distinguish it from the the similar result(theorem 39.17) that deals with the intersection of two circles, which we will call strongcircular continuity.Proof. Since A ∈ l is inside Γ, then l cannot be a tangent line (corollary39.8). Hence the number of intersections is either 0 or 2, but not 1 (theorem39.6). If we can show that any intersection exists, then since a singleintersection is not possible, we know that there must be two intersections.Let d = AB.By the ruler postulate, ∀x ∈ [0, d], ∃ a unique point D(x) ∈ AB such thatAD(x) = x.Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

SECTION 39. CIRCLES 205Proof. Since P, Q ∈ Γ, OP = OQ = r. By the point-wise characterizationof perpendicular bisectors (theorem 28.2), O is on the perpendicularbisector of P Q.Figure 39.4: Proof of the Secant Line Theorem. Since points P and Q areequidistant from O, O must lie on their perpendicular bisector.Theorem 39.10 Let l be a secant line that intersects circle Γ = C(O, r)at distinct points P and Q. Then every point on the interior of segmentP Q is inside Γ, and every point on ←→ P Q − P Q lies outside of Γ.Proof. (Exercise)Theorem 39.11 (Weak Circular Continuity a ) Let Γ = C(O, r) be acircle and let l be a line with points A, B ∈ l such that A is inside Γ andB is outside Γ. Then l is a secant line of Γ.a We call this result weak circular continuity to distinguish it from the the similar result(theorem 39.17) that deals with the intersection of two circles, which we will call strongcircular continuity.Proof. Since A ∈ l is inside Γ, then l cannot be a tangent line (corollary39.8). Hence the number of intersections is either 0 or 2, but not 1 (theorem39.6). If we can show that any intersection exists, then since a singleintersection is not possible, we know that there must be two intersections.Let d = AB.By the ruler postulate, ∀x ∈ [0, d], ∃ a unique point D(x) ∈ AB such thatAD(x) = x.Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

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