Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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188 SECTION 37. AREADefinition 37.5 A Triangulation of a polygonal region is a completedecomposition of the region into non-overlapping triangular regions suchthat every point in the the region is contained in at least one triangularregion.Axiom 37.6 (Neutral Area Postulate) Associate with each polygonalregion R there is a nonnegative number α(R) called the area of R such that1. (Congruence) If two triangles are congruent then their associated areasare equal.2. (Additivity) If R is the union of two non-overlapping polygonal regionsR 1 and R 2 then α(R) = α(R 1 ) + α(R 2 ).Definition 37.7 The Rectangular Region ABCD is the union of thetriangular regions of the four triangles formed by the intersecting diagonalsof the rectangle:ABCD =AED ∪ DEC∪ CEB ∪ BEAwhere E is the intersection of the diagonals.We also definelength(R) = ABwidth(R) = BCFigure 37.2: A rectangular region is the union of the four triangular regionsdefined by the edges two intersecting diagonals.Axiom 37.8 (Euclidean Area Postulate) Let R be a rectangle. Thenα(R) = length(R) × width(R)Theorem 37.9 Let T = ABC where △ABC is a right triangle with rightangle at C. Thenα(T ) = 1 AC × BC2« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

SECTION 37. AREA 189Proof. (Exercise.)Definition 37.10 Let T be a triangular region corresponding to △ABC.Drop a perpendicular from C to ←→ AB and call the foot of the perpendicularD. Then we definebase(T ) = ABheight(T ) = CDFigure 37.3: Definition of base and height of any triangle. Pick any edgeof the triangle (such as AB). Then the length of AB is called the base ofthe triangle, and the distance from AB to its opposite vertex C is calledthe height of the triangle.Theorem 37.11 Let T be a triangle. ThenÅ 1α(T ) = base(T ) × height(T )2ãProof. (Exercise.)Theorem 37.12 Suppose that △ABC ∼ △DEF . Thenα(△DEF ) = r 2 α(△ABC)where r = DE/AB.Proof. (Exercise.)Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

188 SECTION 37. AREADefinition 37.5 A Triangulation of a polygonal region is a completedecomposition of the region into non-overlapping triangular regions suchthat every point in the the region is contained in at least one triangularregion.Axiom 37.6 (Neutral Area Postulate) Associate with each polygonalregion R there is a nonnegative number α(R) called the area of R such that1. (Congruence) If two triangles are congruent then their associated areasare equal.2. (Additivity) If R is the union of two non-overlapping polygonal regionsR 1 and R 2 then α(R) = α(R 1 ) + α(R 2 ).Definition 37.7 The Rectangular Region ABCD is the union of thetriangular regions of the four triangles formed by the intersecting diagonalsof the rectangle:ABCD =AED ∪ DEC∪ CEB ∪ BEAwhere E is the intersection of the diagonals.We also definelength(R) = ABwidth(R) = BCFigure 37.2: A rectangular region is the union of the four triangular regionsdefined by the edges two intersecting diagonals.Axiom 37.8 (Euclidean Area Postulate) Let R be a rectangle. Thenα(R) = length(R) × width(R)Theorem 37.9 Let T = ABC where △ABC is a right triangle with rightangle at C. Thenα(T ) = 1 AC × BC2« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

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