Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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180 SECTION 35. SIMILAR TRIANGLESCorollary 35.5 (SSS Criterion for Simlarity) If △ABC and △DEFare two triangles such that AB/DE = AC/DF = BC/EF then △ABC ∼△DEF .Proof. Suppose AB/DE = AC/DF = BC/EF in triangles △ABC and△DEF .If AB = DE then AC = DF and BC = EF , so by SSS the triangles arecongruent.Suppose AB ≠ DE. Assume AB > DE (if not, relabel). Construct△AB ′ C ′ as in the proof of the previous theorem; as we saw in that proof△AB ′ C ′ ∼ △ABC.By the fundamental theorem of similar triangles,ABAB ′ = ACAC ′ = BCB ′ C ′ (35.2)Since AB ′ = DE by construction, and by hypothesis AB/DE = AC/DF ,ACDF = ABDE = ABAB ′ = ACAC ′and therefore AC ′ = DF . Also by hypothesis AB/DE = BC/EF in 35.2givesBCEF = ABDE = ACAC ′ = BCB ′ C ′hence B ′ C ′ = EF . Thus △AB ′ C ′ ∼ = △DEF by SSS. Since △AB ′ C ′ ∼△ABC, we have △ABC ∼ △DEF .« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

Section 36Triangle CentersDefinition 36.1 Three distinct lines are concurrent at point P if P lieson all three lines, and P is called the point of concurrency of the threelines.Theorem 36.2 The three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of any trianglemeet at a single point we call the circumcenter that is equidistantfrom the vertices of the triangle.Proof. Let △ABC be a triangle. Denote the midpoint of AB by P , themidpoint of BC by Q, and the midpoint of CA by R.Let l be the bisector of AB and m the bisector of BC. Then either l ‖ m,l = m, or l intersects m.Suppose l ‖ m. Then since AB ⊥ l, this means AB ⊥ m. Since we alsohave BC ⊥ m this means that either BC ‖ AB or ←→ BC = ←→ AB. Since BCand AB are two distinct sides of the same triangle, neither case is possible.Hence l ̸‖ m.Similarly, if l = m, either BC ‖ AB or ←→ BC = ←→ AB, which we have just saidis impossible. Hence l ≠ m.Therefore l must intersect m. Define the point O = l ∩ m. Then l = ←→ P Oand m = ←→ QO by definition of m and l.By SAS, △AOP ∼ = △BOP , hence AO = BO.Also by SAS, △BOQ ∼ = △COQ, hence BO = CO.Since R is the midpoint of AC, then by SSS, △AOR ∼ = △COR.181

Section 36Triangle CentersDefinition 36.1 Three distinct lines are concurrent at point P if P lieson all three lines, and P is called the point of concurrency of the threelines.Theorem 36.2 The three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of any trianglemeet at a single point we call the circumcenter that is equidistantfrom the vertices of the triangle.Proof. Let △ABC be a triangle. Denote the midpoint of AB by P , themidpoint of BC by Q, and the midpoint of CA by R.Let l be the bisector of AB and m the bisector of BC. Then either l ‖ m,l = m, or l intersects m.Suppose l ‖ m. Then since AB ⊥ l, this means AB ⊥ m. Since we alsohave BC ⊥ m this means that either BC ‖ AB or ←→ BC = ←→ AB. Since BCand AB are two distinct sides of the same triangle, neither case is possible.Hence l ̸‖ m.Similarly, if l = m, either BC ‖ AB or ←→ BC = ←→ AB, which we have just saidis impossible. Hence l ≠ m.Therefore l must intersect m. Define the point O = l ∩ m. Then l = ←→ P Oand m = ←→ QO by definition of m and l.By SAS, △AOP ∼ = △BOP , hence AO = BO.Also by SAS, △BOQ ∼ = △COQ, hence BO = CO.Since R is the midpoint of AC, then by SSS, △AOR ∼ = △COR.181

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