Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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148 SECTION 31. QUADRILATERALS IN NEUTRAL GEOMETRYFigure 31.3: □ABCD is a parallelogram.Theorem 31.10 Let △ABC be a triangle and D and E points such thatA ∗ D ∗ B and A ∗ E ∗ C. Then □BCED is a convex quadrilateral.Proof. (Exercise)Figure 31.4: A ∗ D ∗ B ∧ A ∗ E ∗ C ⇒ □BCED is a quadrilateral.Theorem 31.11 □ABCD is convex if and only if the diagonals have aninterior point in common (i.e., they intersect, but not at an endpoint).Proof. (⇒) Assume □ABCD is convex. Then by definition of convexity,C is in the interior of ∠DAB.By the crossbar theorem (theorem 17.1) BD ∩ −→ AC ≠ ∅; call the point ofintersection E, where B ∗ E ∗ D (theorem 16.8).By a similar argument there is a point F = AC ∩ −−→ BD, where A ∗ F ∗ C.Since ←→ AC and ←→ BD are distinct (they correspond to opposite sides of aquadrilateral), they can meet in at most one point, we must have E = F .Hence the diagonals intersect at E.Since A ∗ F ∗ C and B ∗ E ∗ D, the intersection is not at an endpoint.« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

SECTION 31. QUADRILATERALS IN NEUTRAL GEOMETRY 149(⇐) Let □ABCD be a quadrilateral with E = AC ∩ BD with A ∗ E ∗ Cand B ∗ E ∗ D.Since A ∗ E ∗ C, A and E are on the same side of the line ←→ CD (theorem16.4.Similarly, since B ∗ E ∗ D, B and E are on the same side of ←→ CD.Hence A and B are on the same side of ←→ CD (Plane separation postulate,axiom 15.2), i.e, A ∈ H B,←→ CD.By a similar argument A and D are on the same side of ←→ BC, i.e, A ∈ H ←→ D, BC.Hence A ∈ H ←→ B, CD∩ H ←→ D, BC, and thus A is in the interior of ∠BCD.By a similar argument, each of the other vertices is in the interior of itsopposite angle. Hence by definition of convexity, the quadrilateral is convex.Theorem 31.12 If □ABCD and □ACBD are both quadrilaterals then□ABCD is not convex.Proof. LetP = “□ABCD is quadrilateral”Q = “□ACBD is quadrilateral”R = “□ABCD is not a convex quadrilateral”To prove the theorem we must show thatP ∧ Q ⇒ Ror equivalently, its contrapositive,¬R ⇒ ((¬P ) ∨ (¬Q))Assume □ABCD is a convex quadrilateral (i.e, assume that R is false).Then AC ∩ BD ≠ ∅, i.e., the diagonals of □ABCD share an internal point.Hence □ACBD is not a quadrilateral, i.e, ¬P is true. Hence ¬R ⇒ ¬P .By the rules of logic, ¬P ⇒ (¬P ) ∨ (¬Q).Hence ¬R ⇒ ((¬P ) ∨ (¬Q)).Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

SECTION 31. QUADRILATERALS IN NEUTRAL GEOMETRY 149(⇐) Let □ABCD be a quadrilateral with E = AC ∩ BD with A ∗ E ∗ Cand B ∗ E ∗ D.Since A ∗ E ∗ C, A and E are on the same side of the line ←→ CD (theorem16.4.Similarly, since B ∗ E ∗ D, B and E are on the same side of ←→ CD.Hence A and B are on the same side of ←→ CD (<strong>Plane</strong> separation postulate,axiom 15.2), i.e, A ∈ H B,←→ CD.By a similar argument A and D are on the same side of ←→ BC, i.e, A ∈ H ←→ D, BC.Hence A ∈ H ←→ B, CD∩ H ←→ D, BC, and thus A is in the interior of ∠BCD.By a similar argument, each of the other vertices is in the interior of itsopposite angle. Hence by definition of convexity, the quadrilateral is convex.Theorem 31.12 If □ABCD and □ACBD are both quadrilaterals then□ABCD is not convex.Proof. LetP = “□ABCD is quadrilateral”Q = “□ACBD is quadrilateral”R = “□ABCD is not a convex quadrilateral”To prove the theorem we must show thatP ∧ Q ⇒ Ror equivalently, its contrapositive,¬R ⇒ ((¬P ) ∨ (¬Q))Assume □ABCD is a convex quadrilateral (i.e, assume that R is false).Then AC ∩ BD ≠ ∅, i.e., the diagonals of □ABCD share an internal point.Hence □ACBD is not a quadrilateral, i.e, ¬P is true. Hence ¬R ⇒ ¬P .By the rules of logic, ¬P ⇒ (¬P ) ∨ (¬Q).Hence ¬R ⇒ ((¬P ) ∨ (¬Q)).Revised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

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