Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro

Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro Plane Geometry - Bruce E. Shapiro
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130 SECTION 28. CHARACTERIZATION OF BISECTORSgles. Therefore, d(P, ←→ AB) = P D = P E = d(P, ←→ AC).( ⇐)Let P be a point in the interior of ∠BAC, and assume that d(P, ←→ AB) =d(P, ←→ AC).Drop perpendiculars and call the feet D and E as before. Hence P D = P E.We also have ∠P EA = ∠P DA = 90, and both triangles △AP D and△AP E share a common side AP . Hence by the hypoteneuse-leg theoremthey are congruent.Hence ∠P AE = ∠P AD, which means P is on the angle bisector of ∠BAC.Figure 28.2: Theorem 28.2.Theorem 28.2 (Pointwise Characterization of Perpendicular Bisector)Let A and B be distinct points. A point P lies on the perpendicularbisector of AB if and only if P A = P B.Proof. (⇒) Let P be a point on the perpendicular bisector of AB (figure28.2).Let M be the intersection of the bisector and AB.Then AM = BM by definition of bisector and ∠AMP = ∠BMP = 90.Since P M ∼ = P M, by SAS △AMP ∼ = △BMP .Hence P A = P B.(⇐) Let P be a point that satisfies P A = P B. Then △P AB is isoscelesand by the isosceles triangle theorem ∠P AB = ∠P BA.Drop a perpendicular from P to AB and call the foot M. Then∠P AM = ∠P AB = ∠P BA = ∠P BM« CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Revised: 18 Nov 2012

SECTION 28. CHARACTERIZATION OF BISECTORS 131Since △P AM and △P BM share a side, are right triangles, and have congruenthypotenuses, they are congruent by the Hypotenuse Leg Theorem.Hence AM = BM, meaning that ←−→ P M is a bisector of AB. Since by construction←−→ P M ⊥ AB it is a perpendicular bisector.Figure 28.3: Theorem 28.3.xyf(x)f(y)Theorem 28.3 (Continuity of Distance) Let A, B, and C be noncollinearand let d = AB. For each x ∈ [0, d], there exists a unique pointD x ∈ AB such that AD x = x. Define the function f : [0, d] ↦→ [0, ∞) byf(x) = CD x . Then the function f is continuous.Proof. Let A, B, C, f be as defined in the statement of theorem 28.3 (seefigure 28.3), and let ɛ > 0 be given. Choose δ = ɛ.Suppose y ∈ [0, d] such thatBy the triangle inequalityD x D y = |x − y| < δ = ɛCD x < CD y + D x D y < CD y + ɛandHenceCD y < CD x + D x D y < CD x + ɛCD x − ɛ < CD y < CD x + ɛf(x) − ɛ < f(y) < f(x) + ɛ−ɛ < f(y) − f(x) < ɛ|f(y) − f(x)| < ɛRevised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

SECTION 28. CHARACTERIZATION OF BISECTORS 131Since △P AM and △P BM share a side, are right triangles, and have congruenthypotenuses, they are congruent by the Hypotenuse Leg Theorem.Hence AM = BM, meaning that ←−→ P M is a bisector of AB. Since by construction←−→ P M ⊥ AB it is a perpendicular bisector.Figure 28.3: Theorem 28.3.xyf(x)f(y)Theorem 28.3 (Continuity of Distance) Let A, B, and C be noncollinearand let d = AB. For each x ∈ [0, d], there exists a unique pointD x ∈ AB such that AD x = x. Define the function f : [0, d] ↦→ [0, ∞) byf(x) = CD x . Then the function f is continuous.Proof. Let A, B, C, f be as defined in the statement of theorem 28.3 (seefigure 28.3), and let ɛ > 0 be given. Choose δ = ɛ.Suppose y ∈ [0, d] such thatBy the triangle inequalityD x D y = |x − y| < δ = ɛCD x < CD y + D x D y < CD y + ɛandHenceCD y < CD x + D x D y < CD x + ɛCD x − ɛ < CD y < CD x + ɛf(x) − ɛ < f(y) < f(x) + ɛ−ɛ < f(y) − f(x) < ɛ|f(y) − f(x)| < ɛRevised: 18 Nov 2012 « CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

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