Special Telephone Call (STC) Tax - Digicel Jamaica

Special Telephone Call (STC) Tax - Digicel Jamaica

Special Telephone Call (STC) Tax - Digicel Jamaica


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i. The maximum amount of minutes that can be rolled over to a newInt’l 1000 Plan is 700 minutes.ii.The maximum amount of minutes that can be rolled over to a newInt’l 1250 is 900 minutes.13. I purchased a VIP Plan, will my calls within the group be subject to the tax?Due to the implementation of the <strong>STC</strong> tax the following changes will be made to the VIP plans asat July 25 th :For prepaid customers the minutes in your plan will be reduced effective July 25 th to account forthe new tax.i. Therefore your VIP Talk plan with 330 minutes has now been reduced to 250 minutes,while the subscription fee remains unchanged at $450.ii.Your VIP Talk Unlimited Plan with 3410 minutes has also been reduced to 1350 minuteswhile the subscription fee remains unchanged at $900For postpaid customers, the tax will be charged as a line item on the postpaid bill for all minutesused. The plan minutes and subscription fee will remain unchanged.Customers currently on a VIP Plan purchased before July 25 will also see a reduction in plan minutes.Reduced minutes will also apply when your plan is renewed.‣ E.g. If a customer activated a VIP Talk Unlimited Plan on July 20, 2012 with 3410 minutesand had used only 10 minutes, as at July 25 th 12:00AM the available minutes remaining willbe 1350-10 = 1340 minutes.‣ E.g. if a customer activated a VIP Talk Unlimited Plan on July 20, 2012 with 3410 minutesand used 2000 minutes, as at July 25 th 12:00 AM the available minutes remaining will be 0.14. I have loyalty points on my phone, when I redeem them for credit will calls made usingthat credit be subject to tax?No.

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