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Tullamore Community<strong>Arts</strong> Centre movesstep closerTullamore Community <strong>Arts</strong> Centre has moved on to the next stagewith the signing of the design contracts between the Board of the<strong>Arts</strong> Centre <strong>and</strong> A2 Architects, which took place in January.Chairperson Desmond Doyle said:“Signing the contracts represents asignificant shift in pace now <strong>and</strong> willallow the project to progress toplanning phase within a matter ofmonths.“People may have wondered why thisprocess took a number of months butthis is a complicated procedure <strong>and</strong> wewanted to be sure that we are enteringinto a watertight agreement to protectthe finance being generated by thecommunity <strong>and</strong> the public funding wehave been allocated. Nobody wouldhave thanked us for rushing into thiswithout serious deliberation to allaspects of the design team <strong>and</strong>delivery, fees <strong>and</strong> health <strong>and</strong> safetyconsiderations,” he explained.The next steps include topographicalsite surveys <strong>and</strong> a Part VIII planningprocess. All going smoothly, it isexpected the tender process forconstruction will be advertised in thesummer. The construction tender willbe open to all local qualif<strong>ie</strong>dcontractors <strong>and</strong> will be advertisedArthouseStradballyB<strong>and</strong>Rehersal SpaceAvailable to Rentthrough the appropriate publicchannels.Fundraising driveMeanwhile, the fundraising drawcelebrated its mammoth success ofselling 2,000 tickets, raising €160,000towards the capital costs - a hugeach<strong>ie</strong>vement in this climate.The Board would like to acknowledgethe mammoth effort gone into thisproject, particularly by Paddy Fenning(Offaly person of the Year 2012)Fionnuala Corrigan, Mary Roche <strong>and</strong>Sheila McDermott <strong>and</strong> the many otherswho are sold tickets. Many arts groupsare also planning fundraising eventsduring the year <strong>and</strong> any suggestions forevents <strong>and</strong> activit<strong>ie</strong>s should be emailedto info@tullamorecommunityartscentre.<strong>ie</strong>so that they can be co-ordinated tomaximise impact. In the meantime,progress on the project can be followedon the official websitewww.tullamorecommunityartscentre.<strong>ie</strong>or on Facebook (follow the link on thewebsite) MIf you're looking for great b<strong>and</strong> rehearsal spacethat's clean, has a great sound systemequipped with digital drums, amps etcLook no further that theArthouse at Stradbally, Co LaoisRehearsal Studios Session Rates valid from March 2012Monday to Friday(10am to 4pm)€10 per hourTuesday & Thursday(7pm to 10pm)€25 per sessionSaturday(10am to 1pm)€25 per sessionCall us to-day to book your rehearsal space<strong>Arts</strong> OfficeLaois County Council057 8641740Email: artsoff@laoiscoco.<strong>ie</strong>Board – (Seated L-R) Cllr Sinead Dooley Cathaoirleach of Tullamore Town Council, DesmondDoyle (Chairperson), Caomhan Murphy (A2 Architects), Cllr Danny Owens, Cathaoirleach ofOffaly County Council.(Back L-R) Declan Kirrane (Director of Services), Cllr Declan Harvey, Sean Murray (Director ofServices), Dominic Doheny, Tom Farrell, Cllr Molly Buckley, Peter Carroll (A2 Architects), FionnualaCorrigan, Martin Heffernan (Punch Consulting Engineers), Sinead O’Reilly (<strong>Arts</strong> Officer)STRIKING A NOTEWITH ADRIAN DUNCANby Majella ReidAdrian DuncanBallymahon’s Adrian Duncan is a manwith an avid interest in the arts, music<strong>and</strong> literature <strong>and</strong> this has manifesteditself in many forms from hisinvolvement in the GoldsmithInternational Literary Festival to hiscompletion of a Bachelor degree inMusic (Hons) in 2009 from NUIMaynooth.It is therefore, perhaps, inevitable thatthis musicologist should undertake aser<strong>ie</strong>s of lectures focused on The Story ofWestern Music. To this end, Adri<strong>and</strong>esigned a ser<strong>ie</strong>s of six lectures covering1,000 years of the world’s most famous<strong>and</strong> influential periods of music that hewill deliver over a six-week period.The content of the lectures examines thedevelopment of western art music fromthe Middle Ages to the present day. Theclasses presented in an informal manner<strong>and</strong> talks are interspersed with samplesof music from the different genres <strong>and</strong>periods.“This lecture ser<strong>ie</strong>s is open to anyonewith an interest in music. It’s very muchabout covering the basics,” said Adrian,who also teaches piano <strong>and</strong> providestuition in Junior Certificate <strong>and</strong> LeavingCertificate Music examinations. It is hisintention that the content of each lecturewill roughly coincide with the variousperiods throughout music history.Through the agesStarting with the Middle Ages <strong>and</strong> theRenaissance Periods, the lectures willlook at areas such as Gregorian Chant,Josquin, Du Fay, <strong>and</strong> English Lute Song.During the Baroque period, the lecturewill move to artists <strong>and</strong> movements suchas Monteverdi, Strozzi, Corelli, concerto(Vivaldi) <strong>and</strong> fugue (Bach). In the classicalperiod, the areas covered includeSymphony/String quartet (Haydn), opera(Mozart), French Revolution <strong>and</strong> the riseof the middle classes.The Romantic Period is divided acrosstwo lectures, the first of which looks atBeethoven’s late period, Schubert’sGerman Song, <strong>and</strong> Mendelssohn’s pianoworks. The second lecture concerning theRomantic Period, will allow students todelve into artists such as Brahms,Strauss, Foster <strong>and</strong>, of course, influentialevents such as the Franco-Prussian War<strong>and</strong> the emergence of the United States.Finally, in the Modern <strong>and</strong> Post ModernPeriod, the class is taken on a journeythrough key concerns such as Atonality,Stravinsky, Cage, the Jazz Age, worldmusic <strong>and</strong> recording techniques.In what promises to be an inviting lectureser<strong>ie</strong>s, Mr Duncan said: “It is somethingthat I have thought about doing for sometime. Perhaps it is eventually somethingthat I can prune into a single schoolmodule. That’s a possibility.”The lectures started on Tuesday, March20 <strong>and</strong> conclude on Tuesday, April 24.These evenings commence at 7.30pmBallymahon Community Library.Admission is €5 per lecture or €25 for thecomplete ser<strong>ie</strong>s.For further information contact Adrianon 086 2580068 or emailadri<strong>and</strong>uncanmusic@gmail.com. M5

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