Midland Arts and Culture Magazine - Register.ie

Midland Arts and Culture Magazine - Register.ie

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The place whichinfluenced me themost is probablythe house whereI grew up. It is awunderkammerof objects <strong>and</strong>fragments.Tell us a little about your current<strong>and</strong> upcoming exhibitions/works?The unexpected architecture of follycaused by the indefinite interimexper<strong>ie</strong>nced by materials onconstruction sites are currently ofkeen interest to my current research<strong>and</strong> practice, which is following onfrom my bricks ser<strong>ie</strong>s.I am currently investigating theabsurdity of this aspect ofcontemporary reality in constructionby giving these inanimate stackshumane traits; introducing them toeveryday objects with thecombination of poetic slogans <strong>and</strong>void spaces to show the materialspassive agreement to the imposedsocio-economic situations effectingtheir locations.I’m having a lot of fun with this trainof thought right now <strong>and</strong> I’m workingtowards a three person exhibition inGalleria Harmonia in Finl<strong>and</strong>. I’m alsoseeking out a space for a solo showin Westmeath. I had been visitingsome really nice spaces <strong>and</strong> hope tomake some decisions soon. Thereare always a few projects on the go atany one time!Outside of the studio, I’m facilitatinga TY group from Kilbeggan create <strong>and</strong>install an exhibition based on logos,br<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> sign theory through themedium of rel<strong>ie</strong>f printmaking. Thishas been made possible by theWestmeath Artist in the CommunityScheme. I’m studying <strong>and</strong> designingthe class <strong>and</strong> it’s a really excitingventure for me. The exhibition will bea fringe event to The KibegganKnighthood Festival which makes itsdebut on June 1.Was there a person/thing whichinfluenced you most?The place which influenced me themost is probably the house where Igrew up. It is a wunderkammer ofobjects <strong>and</strong> fragments. My Father’sfamily have lived here for generations<strong>and</strong> had various modes ofemployment alongside the farm. Wehad adjacent sheds to the housewhich were my Gr<strong>and</strong>father/Greatgr<strong>and</strong>father’sworkshops <strong>and</strong> theywere just full of bric-a-brack <strong>and</strong>remnants; drawers upon drawers ofnails, cogs, oil cans, string. In thehouse I would delight in opening ar<strong>and</strong>om cupboard to be greeted witha hotchpotch of objects - buttons,boxes of old pins, badges, hundredsof small keys each different from thenext, old latch hooks <strong>and</strong> string-suchan amount of string! I found wonderin these objects <strong>and</strong> was they werealways a catalyst into my play <strong>and</strong>stor<strong>ie</strong>s. So I thank my family <strong>and</strong> theirgenerations of collecting!YOU ARE HEREA person, aside from my family, wouldbe Heather Seery, a wonderful lady<strong>and</strong> an extremely talented artist whotaught me how to draw, which is themost important tool as an artist, butshe also taught me how to relax intomy ideas, which is everything.Can you be based in the midl<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> have a global reach?Yes, I think you can - as long as youfind the time, space, facilit<strong>ie</strong>s, <strong>and</strong>have the all important banter withyour peers, you can work fromanywhere. The thing that will keepyou from advancing artistically is ifTHERE ARE THOUSANDS OF TAPS DRIPPINGyou become repetitive <strong>and</strong> your ideasstagnate <strong>and</strong> that could happen nomatter where you are based.What are some of the best/worstthings about arts in the midl<strong>and</strong>s?The best thing about the midl<strong>and</strong>s isthe emergence of new <strong>and</strong> vital artistcollectives, groups <strong>and</strong> paces. Thereis a bright enthusiasm about <strong>and</strong> thiswill keep building with the creation ofnew artistic outlets.The worst thing is that there is noestablished art gallery in Westmeathbut this is been rectif<strong>ie</strong>d at themoment in a beautiful renovationproject in Athlone. I’m delighted atthis new enterprise as Westmeathneeds a non-static art gallery topromote its emerging <strong>and</strong>professional artists <strong>and</strong> provide themwith the facilit<strong>ie</strong>s to further theircareer not only in their own local, butto be of national recognition.What do you think can be done toencourage more people to engagewith the arts at a local level?I think people have certaininsecurit<strong>ie</strong>s when it comes to v<strong>ie</strong>wing<strong>and</strong> making art that they should letgo of. Everybody should pick up apencil or crayon <strong>and</strong> allow somepaper be a receptacle for theirthoughts, if only for this moment.What would you say to a youngperson who has expressed aninterest in art as a career?You have to start being reallycomfortable with rejection! I want togive confidence to other emergingartists to continue on an artistic routebut the thing you never think of ishow sturdy artists need to be.Perseverance <strong>and</strong> mettle are neededjust as much as talent <strong>and</strong> concept.M33

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