Midland Arts and Culture Magazine - Register.ie

Midland Arts and Culture Magazine - Register.ie

Midland Arts and Culture Magazine - Register.ie


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Major regional venue is threatenedby escalating funding cutsHistoric <strong>and</strong> groundbreakingIn 2012 Backstage Theatre in Longfordfaces into its eighteenth year inoperation. Almost 20 years old thetheatre can look back on manymemorable <strong>and</strong> often challenging timesin an ever changing arts l<strong>and</strong>scape.When the theatre opened its doors in1995 it was the only theatre in themidl<strong>and</strong>s region.Many would have thought the notion ofa theatre in Longford a far too lofty <strong>and</strong>ambitious one when the concept wasfirst announced but the determination<strong>and</strong> hard work of a relatively smallnumber of people, with the support ofthe local community behind them,made this vision a reality.Since then Backstage has been aleading force in the promotion <strong>and</strong>development of the arts, not just in themidl<strong>and</strong>s, but in the country as a whole.Impressive track record of theatreA programme of theatre that hasfeatured such notables as Druid TheatreCompany, The Abbey, Rough MagicTheatre Co <strong>and</strong> Livin Dred has proven tobe a great draw for aud<strong>ie</strong>nces regionally<strong>and</strong> have cemented Backstage asfundamental to any national tour by thetop theatre compan<strong>ie</strong>s in the country.Excellent dance venueBackstage has earned itself a glowingreputation as a dance venue nationally<strong>and</strong> has a strong relationship with theShawbrook dance organisation inLegan. Their partnership with thisorganisation has done much tostrengthen the aud<strong>ie</strong>nce for dance, bothcontemporary <strong>and</strong> ballet, in the region.Fidget Feet Aerial Dance Theatrebecame the venue’s resident companyin 2011 <strong>and</strong> regularly rehearse <strong>and</strong>tech their work before national <strong>and</strong>international tours.Two-time Oliv<strong>ie</strong>r Award nominatedFabulous Beast Dance Company, whohave toured to the Barbican in London<strong>and</strong> Sydney Opera House, took up shortterm residency in the venue inDecember 2010 to produce a newp<strong>ie</strong>ce of work entitled Helen <strong>and</strong> Hell.The programme of dance has alsoincluded compan<strong>ie</strong>s such as CoísCéimDance Theatre <strong>and</strong> Diversions DanceCompany in Wales.In recent years, the programme ofmusic at Backstage diversif<strong>ie</strong>d toinclude more contemporary <strong>and</strong>mainstream artists such as Rodrigo yGabr<strong>ie</strong>lla, Mick Flannery, Duke Special,Lisa Hannigan, Gemma Hayes <strong>and</strong> PaulBrady.TouringIn 2006 Backstage joined forces with anumber of other venues to become partof two touring networks; Nomad aregional network based in the northmidl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Nasc a network of sevenvenues with a wider geographicalspread nationally. These were the firstnetworks of their kind <strong>and</strong> Backstagewas the only venue on both networks.In 2008 Backstage was the lead venueof the Nomad network <strong>and</strong> a productionin association with Livin Dred of TheDead School by Pat Mc Cabe opened inthe venue before touring to all venues inthe network <strong>and</strong> subsequently to theDublin Theatre Festival <strong>and</strong> the Tricyclein London. The Dead School was a hugesuccess with aud<strong>ie</strong>nces <strong>and</strong> criticsalike, garnering three Irish Timestheatre Awards nominations.Community-focusedA strong programme of touring theatredance <strong>and</strong> music is complimented by asteadfast community focussedprogramme. The theatre provides aplatform for local community groups,schools <strong>and</strong> festivals to develop perform<strong>and</strong> present work encouragingparticipation in the arts.Organisations such as Aisling Children’s<strong>Arts</strong> Festival, an annual week longfestival which has been in existencesince 1998. Then there is StChristopher’s Services, a service forpeople with intellectual disabilit<strong>ie</strong>s.Backstage Youth Theatre has gone fromstrength to strength since it’s inception.And, of course, Backstage TheatreGroup, the founding members ofBackstage Theatre utilise every aspectof the theatre from advice <strong>and</strong> support<strong>and</strong> access to professional touringtheatre to performance <strong>and</strong> workshopfacilit<strong>ie</strong>s in the Auditorium, The AtriumGallery <strong>and</strong> Canal Studio.The addition of the Canal Studio spaceat the theatre in 2010 allowedBackstage to further enhance itscommunity focus <strong>and</strong> ability to meet theneeds of a growing number of artsparticipants.New theatreTo coincide with the launch of thisstudio, Backstage introduced a newtheatre project to produce <strong>and</strong> stage inhouse productions at the theatre.In the two short years since the projectwas introduced three productions havebeen devised <strong>and</strong> developed out of theCanal Studio at Backstage beforetransferring to the 212 seaterauditorium for three to five night runs. The productions are cast through anopen audition <strong>and</strong> have attracted manyexper<strong>ie</strong>nced <strong>and</strong> talented amateuractors living <strong>and</strong> working in the area.The production process involves aser<strong>ie</strong>s of rehearsals <strong>and</strong> workshops withwell-known figures from the world oftheatre giving these local actors thechance to work with professionaldirectors, choreographers, lightingdesigners <strong>and</strong> theatre staff.The first production Philadelphia Here ICome was directed by Noel Strangefrom Longford in October 2010, as wasthe third production of The Hostagewhich toured to Ramor Theatre inVirginia after its run in Backstage inOctober 2011.In August 2011 a production of TheCarnival at Glenaduff, written <strong>and</strong>directed by Padraic Mc Intyre of LivinDred Theatre Company ran for fivenights.All three in house productions played tofull houses.Funding cutsBackstage has suffered significant cutsto its <strong>Arts</strong> Council funding in recentyears, which almost certainly threatensthe future of what has become al<strong>and</strong>mark venue in the national artsscene.Those invloved told the <strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>s <strong>Arts</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>: “We can onlyhope that the exper<strong>ie</strong>nce <strong>and</strong> expertisegained over almost two decades ofconsistent <strong>and</strong> commendable artsprovision will provide this venue with themeans <strong>and</strong> the resolve to survive <strong>and</strong>even continue to flourish.” M31

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