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Fiona Booth, model <strong>and</strong> dancer fromcounty Laois. Photo taken in the TeaRooms of Emo Court, county Laois.Photograher John Lalor.Director ofDunamise <strong>Arts</strong>Centre praisedfor contributionThe Director of the Dunamaise <strong>Arts</strong>Centre, Louise Donlon, has left herposition after being appointed asManager of the new Lime Tree Theatrein Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.She moved to Laois in 1999 on herappointment to the Dunamaise <strong>and</strong> hasbeen responsible for the programmingof the theatre <strong>and</strong> gallery in the artscentre since that time.Among the highlights during her tenurehave been performances by TheCh<strong>ie</strong>ftains, Druid Theatre Company, TheGate with its Waiting for Godot tour,John O’Conor, the Abbey - <strong>and</strong> manymore too numerous to mention.Laois Photographer:Solo Exhibition at the Photo Irel<strong>and</strong> Festival - July 2012John Lalor is a Photography graduatefrom Griffith College Dublin wherehe also received an academicach<strong>ie</strong>vement of excellence inthe f<strong>ie</strong>ld of photography.Currently working from his studio TheSky-Lite in county Laois, John’s first soloexhibition Third World Eyes wasexhibited in 2010 which has fuelled alove of personal projects <strong>and</strong> motivatedjohn to think long term about his work<strong>and</strong> think of each project as on-going,allowing it time to develop <strong>and</strong> changealong its path.His love of photography took him aroundthe world for 18 months in 2007exploring the world <strong>and</strong> involvinghimself in all aspects of life <strong>and</strong> worldDarkroomculture. The expedition established anew way of seeing which has since puta frame around the world, <strong>and</strong> thecamera has become a passport to enterplaces, corners, <strong>and</strong> situations in a newframe of mind or a new intensity of light.Redesigned L<strong>and</strong>scapesThis project sets out to find a similarbeauty to that of a desert l<strong>and</strong>scape inthe decaying urban l<strong>and</strong>scape. The Irishcountryside is a place of wonder <strong>and</strong>beauty that people travel the world overto be a part of. “Travelling about theIrish countryside, its hard not to noticeab<strong>and</strong>onment, from century oldbuildings <strong>and</strong> castles to modernisolated ghost states, schools,hospitals, industrial work houses, minesthat have all been left to waste <strong>and</strong>Lost in Daylghtdecay,” explains John. “There is beautyin decay, <strong>and</strong> excitement in desertion.”Further detailsHis solo exchibition takes place inThe Darc Space, 26 North GreatGeorges St for the month of July. Seewww.denisbyrnearchitects.<strong>ie</strong>/contactfor information.PhotoIrel<strong>and</strong> is a Dublin basedorganization dedicated to stimulatedialogue around Photography in Irel<strong>and</strong>.PhotoIrel<strong>and</strong> is committed to thecultivation of a deeper underst<strong>and</strong>ing<strong>and</strong> a critical interest aroundphotographic knowledge.John’s website can be found atwww.johnlalorphotography.<strong>ie</strong>MMr Louis Brennan, Chairman of theDunamaise <strong>Arts</strong> Company, expressedhis sincere regret at the loss of such anaccomplished Director/Manager of thecentre. He said that his fellow directors<strong>and</strong> all employees were equallysaddened by the news. “Louise hasbeen a power of knowledge, exper<strong>ie</strong>nce<strong>and</strong> skills in relation to all forms of thearts,” he explained. He said that herwork in developing the Dunamaise as amodel of excellence has beenrecognised throughout the country.“We were very fortunate to have thebenefit of her managerial expertisesince the Dunamaise was opened in1999.”He wished Louise <strong>and</strong> her family everygood wish <strong>and</strong> trusted that herrelationship with the Dunamaise <strong>Arts</strong>Centre <strong>and</strong> the people of Laois wouldcontinue as she <strong>and</strong> her husb<strong>and</strong>, JimO’Br<strong>ie</strong>n, had made an importantcontribution to soc<strong>ie</strong>ty in Laois sincetheir arrival here in 1999.Louise has worked in the sector for over20 years. A native of county Longford,she holds a BA in Music <strong>and</strong> History, aDiploma in <strong>Arts</strong> Administration <strong>and</strong> aMasters in Public Administration.She began her career in the arts at theCity <strong>Arts</strong> Centre <strong>and</strong> at the <strong>Arts</strong>Council’s offices in Dublin. In the early1990s she worked in Limerick asadministrator of Isl<strong>and</strong> TheatreCompany before moving onto theinternationally acclaimed Druid TheatreCompany in Galway where she workedas General Manager. She was with thecompany during a time of majorinternational success when MartinMcDonagh’s The Beauty Queen ofLeenane (as part of The LeenaneTrilogy) toured to London, Sydney <strong>and</strong>New York where it won four Tony awardson Broadway.Louise’s move back to Limerick is a sortof homecoming for her <strong>and</strong> her family asher husb<strong>and</strong>, Jim O’Br<strong>ie</strong>n, is a native ofKildimo, county Limerick. The couplehave three girls aged from 13 to 8.M29

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