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<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> | SUMMER 2012Festival Director Billy NottMJudge Bryan McMahon<strong>and</strong> Billy NottAthlone celebrates60 th RTÉ All Irel<strong>and</strong>Drama FestivalSilken Thomas PlayersThe 2012 RTÉ All Irel<strong>and</strong> Drama Festival will be a glittering affair this year as the event gets set to celebrate itsdiamond jubilee. The 60 th festival will open at the Dean Crowe Theatre, Athlone on Thursday, May 3 <strong>and</strong> performanceswill continue nightly to Friday, May 11. A gala awards ceremony in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone on Saturday, May12 will close the festival.BEGINNINGSThe festival was born out of aninitiative conceived by members ofAn Tostal to develop a nationalcompetition in drama. (An Tostal wasan organisation set up in the earlyfift<strong>ie</strong>s with the objective of organisingcultural <strong>and</strong> sporting events aroundIrel<strong>and</strong> in order to generate a feelingof national pride while encouraginglocal tourism.)In October 1952, Cecil ffrenchSalkeld, Cultural Director of theNational Council of An Tostal, cameto the midl<strong>and</strong>s in search of a venuefor this national festival of drama.On arrival in Athlone he met withPaddy Lenehan, Managing Director ofGentex, a local textile industry <strong>and</strong>then the largest employer in theregion. Paddy offered the facilit<strong>ie</strong>s ofthe Sportex Hall (part of the Gentexcomplex) free of charge as a venue tohold the event.Together with local teachers, BrendanO’Br<strong>ie</strong>n <strong>and</strong> Alf<strong>ie</strong> Faulkner, acommittee was set up <strong>and</strong> plans tohost the event were put in motion.With funding from the <strong>Arts</strong> Council,which also celebrates its 60 thanniversary this year, the first All-Irel<strong>and</strong> Drama Festival was held inAthlone in April 1953 with BrendanO’Br<strong>ie</strong>n as Festival Director - aposition he held for 40 years.It comprised competition in 3-Act,(Open <strong>and</strong> Rural) 1-Act, (Open <strong>and</strong>Rural) <strong>and</strong> Verse.The festival was officially opened byDr Hanly, Bishop of Elphin <strong>and</strong> theadjudicators were Maureen Delaney,Lennox Robinson <strong>and</strong> Gabr<strong>ie</strong>l Fallon.CURRENT PLANSSixty years on <strong>and</strong> the festival isregarded as the prem<strong>ie</strong>r event of itskind in Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> beyond <strong>and</strong> withunprecedented attendance rates inrecent years, dem<strong>and</strong> for seats isimmense.The top nine groups who qualify for aplace in Athlone have already comethrough a gruelling nationwide circuitof 35 festivals involving 29 groups inall.With works by Irish <strong>and</strong> internationalauthors, aud<strong>ie</strong>nces are in for a feastof drama that will entertain <strong>and</strong>enthral in equal measure.The adjudicator for the festival isBrian Marjoribanks, a distinguishedspeech <strong>and</strong> drama lecturer <strong>and</strong>international adjudicator.During his long <strong>and</strong> var<strong>ie</strong>d career, hehas been a professional footballer,has worked in radio <strong>and</strong> television<strong>and</strong> has chaired an internationalpanel of jurors at the Prix ItaliaTelevision Festival in Sicily.FRINGE BENEFITSApart form the competitive businessof the performances at the DeanCrowe Theatre, the event has a widerdimension involving the town ofAthlone at large.Fringe events, many which are youthfocused,will include dramaworkshops, art exhibitions, streettheatre <strong>and</strong> shop window displays.The town will be decorated to give atruly festive welcome to the manyvisitors from all over Irel<strong>and</strong> who areexpected to descend on the town.Main sponsors RTÉ will broadcastsome of its radio schedules from20

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