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Makingmusical magicin GranardBy Majella ReidLast year a young Mullinalaghta ladywas inspired to establish a musicschool in the County Longford town ofGranard. Jack<strong>ie</strong> Callaghan, 19, an avidmusic lover, identif<strong>ie</strong>d a strong needfor the development of music amongyounger ages within her native northLongford area.And, so began the Rath Mhuire MusicSchool which now meets weekly at theRath Mhuire centre <strong>and</strong> the communityhall.Each week four teachers - Cian Farrelly,Laura Callaghan, Sinéad Sheridan <strong>and</strong>Jack<strong>ie</strong> Callaghan - gather in the twoGranard venues to teach a var<strong>ie</strong>ty ofinstruments including whistle, flute,fiddle, banjo, guitar, keyboard <strong>and</strong> pianoaccordion.A daughter of Séan <strong>and</strong> Lucy, Jack<strong>ie</strong>started playing music when she wasnine years old. Today she is a secondyearstudent of Irish Music <strong>and</strong> Dance,a four-year degree programme at theUniversity of Limerick.“The response has been great to date.We’re getting a lot of kids from aroundthe local area <strong>and</strong> out as far asMullahoran <strong>and</strong> Edgeworthstown,” saidJack<strong>ie</strong>, who plays piano <strong>and</strong> pianoaccordion.Such is the success of the Rath MhuireMusic School that the teachers <strong>and</strong>students alike are hoping to broadenthe range of instruments available tothe children.“It is hoped to provide a musicinstrument bank which will encouragechildren to take up other instruments<strong>and</strong> learn to play them,” said Jack<strong>ie</strong> whois also Youth Officer with the JoeCallaghan branch of Comhaltas.Parents may, quite rightly, be concernedabout which instrument to purchase fortheir children who are just starting outwith music. There is always thepossibility that the child may not keepup an interest in that instrument <strong>and</strong>may decide to play a different onealtogether, explained Jack<strong>ie</strong>.“This is where the idea of a musicinstrument bank would be useful. Withsome funding it is hoped to purchaseinstruments for the school <strong>and</strong> thenchildren could rent these instrumentsas trials until they are decided as towhere their interest l<strong>ie</strong>s,” said the 2010All Irel<strong>and</strong> Champion in PianoAccordion.She added: “We have also beenencouraging famil<strong>ie</strong>s where there mayhave been some instruments h<strong>and</strong>eddown to bring them to the school with av<strong>ie</strong>w to selling them at a reasonableprice.”It is hoped that a Rath Mhuire MusicSchool concert will take place in latespring, the purpose of which is to raisefunds for the music instrument bank.In July 2011, Jack<strong>ie</strong> <strong>and</strong> her fellowteachers organised the week-long RathMhuire Music Summer School where 50students attended <strong>and</strong> were exposed toa wider var<strong>ie</strong>ty of instruments th<strong>and</strong>uring the ordinary weekly classesincluding the bodhrán, m<strong>and</strong>olin <strong>and</strong>button accordion. “It was split into twosections. One where we did games <strong>and</strong>music theory <strong>and</strong> the other where welearned to play the instruments,” saidJack<strong>ie</strong> who hopes to run the musicschool this summer also. She added: “Ithink a music school is good for kidsbecause it gives them good discipline.They learn to respect one another <strong>and</strong>to develop <strong>and</strong> grow in confidence. Itgives a basic music knowledge.”The classes, from children aged six to16, begin at 7pm <strong>and</strong> last one hour.Each class costs €10 per child. There isa family discount whereby the cost is €8per child if there is more than onefamily member taking part.For further information about theRath Mhuire Music School contactRath Mhuire Resource Centre on043 6686309. MPortlaoise Camera Club snaphappy for more than a yearThe Portlaoise Camera Club, formed by a group of enthusiasticphotographers in February 2011, is now a very vibrant <strong>and</strong>active soc<strong>ie</strong>ty.Jane BoylanCarl Cutl<strong>and</strong>As well as the workshops the members have organised many f<strong>ie</strong>ld trips <strong>and</strong>hosted their first exhibition <strong>and</strong> even have two winners in national individualphotography competitions. Portlaoise Camera Club is aimed at people whoare passionate about photography, whatever their skill level, <strong>and</strong> has built upa very active social networking page. The group meets in the Parish Centreevery Wednesday evening from 8pm to 10pm. Check outportaoisecameraclub.com or become a Facebook fr<strong>ie</strong>nd atwww.facebook.com/PortlaoiseCameraClub M<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>sIrel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong> launchesphotography competition<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>sIrel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong> has launched aphotography competition as part of itsdrive to promote the midl<strong>and</strong> region asa vibrant location in which to live, visit,work, study <strong>and</strong> do business.The competition runs from April toSeptember <strong>and</strong> invites amateurphotographers to Capture theUniqueness <strong>and</strong> Magic of Our Regionover the summer months from the manyevents that are planned in the region.<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>sIrel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong> hopes that theentr<strong>ie</strong>s which capture the uniqueness<strong>and</strong> magic of the four count<strong>ie</strong>s in theregion, Laois, Longford, Offaly <strong>and</strong>Westmeath will communicate a positivemessage to a global aud<strong>ie</strong>nce of themany attractions <strong>and</strong> benefits of themidl<strong>and</strong>s as a vibrant location in whichto live, visit, work, study <strong>and</strong> dobusiness.Entrants are asked to place their entr<strong>ie</strong>sin one of four categor<strong>ie</strong>s which arealigned to the four pillars which arepromoted by the regional br<strong>and</strong>,Tourism, Living, Learning <strong>and</strong> Enterprise.<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>sIrel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong> has partnered withthe Sheraton Athlone Hotel for the topprize of a luxuriousweekend for two people.The prize, worth almost€600 also includes spatreatments.The closing date isSeptember 7 <strong>and</strong> winnerswill be announced inOctober <strong>and</strong> the overallwinner, category winners<strong>and</strong> placed entr<strong>ie</strong>s will forma touring exhibition which will be ondisplay across the midl<strong>and</strong>s.Contact info@midl<strong>and</strong>sirel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong>for more details. MPictured at the launch of the <strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong>sIrel<strong>and</strong>.<strong>ie</strong>Photography Competition: Ms Ruth McNally, Director,<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong> Regional Authority; Cllr Micheál Carrigy,Cathaoirleach, <strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong> Regional Authority; Ms GemmaHynes, Sales & Marketing Manager, Sheraton AthloneHotel <strong>and</strong> Mr Joe Kavanagh, Group Sales <strong>and</strong> MarketingDirector, Hodson Bay Group.13

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