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14<strong>ABSTRACT</strong>SFRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER 2008This presentation will focus specifically on the establishmentof the Robotic programme in Perth solely by urologistsperforming radical prostatectomy prior to this meeting.Results from large single centre studies report potentialadvantages of this approach and include reduced hospitalstay and recovery, earlier catheter removal, improvedpotency rates with equivalent cancer control.The transition from pure laparoscopic radicalprostatectomy will be discussed and early results fromprospective data collection presented from theprogramme’s inception.ECTOPIC PREGNANCY - CURRENT MANAGEMENT TORETAIN FERTILITY(OLD IS THE NEW NEW)Friday 21 November / Session 6 / 0845-0915Thompson GRObjective: To present a balanced, objective approach tothe management of ectopic pregnancy (EP) with regard tothe future fertility of the patient.Methods: Literature search (both historical andcontemporary) and presentation of previously publisheddata from our group and others.Application of deductive reasoning to the problem.Conclusions: Even with the availability of assistedreproductive technology, it is difficult to make a case forradical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Conservativemanagement is feasible and has proven efficacy.References:1 Tait R.L. Five cases of extrauterine pregnancy operatedupon at the time of pregnancy. Br Med J 1884 1 12502 Stromme W.B. Salpingotomy for tubal pregnancy.Obstet Gynecol 1 472 19533 Bruhat M.A. et al. Treatment of ectopic pregnancy bymeans of laparoscopy. Fertil Steril 33 411 19804 Meyer W.R. De Cherney A.H. Diamond M.P. Tubalectopic pregnancy: Contemporary diagnosis, treatmentand reproductive potential. J Gynecol Surg 5 343 19895 Fernandez E. et al. Spontaneous resolution of ectopicpregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 71 2 19886 Tanaka T. et al. Treatment of interstitial ectopicpregnancy with methotrexate, report of a successfulcase. Fertil Steril 1982. 37 851-852. Ory S.J. et al. Conservative management of ectopicpregnancy with methotrexate. Am J Obstet Gynecol1986.154 1299-13068 Feichtinger W. Kemeter P. Conservative treatment ofectopic pregnancy by transvaginal aspiration undersonographic control and methotrexate injection.Lancet 1 381 19879 Leeton J. Davison G. Nonsurgical management ofunruptured tubal pregnancy with intraamnioticmethotrexate, preliminary report of two cases. FertileSteril 1988 50 167 – 16910 Thompson G.R. O’Shea R.T. Seman E. Methotrexateinjection of tubal ectopic pregnancy. A logicalevolution? Med J Aust 1991 154: 469 – 47111 Thompson G.R. O’Shea R.T. Harding A. Beta hCG levelsafter conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy; is aplateau normal Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1994 3412 Stovall T.G. Ling F.W. Single dose methotrexate for thetreatment of ectopic pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 199177 754 – 75513 Pouly J.L. Conservative laparoscopic treatment of 321ectopic pregnancies. Fertil Steril 46 1093 198614 Tulandi T. Reproductive performance of women aftertwo ectopic pregnancies. Fertil Steril 1983 40 28915 Dubuisson J.B. et al. Reproductive outcome afterlaparoscopic salpingectomy for tubal pregnancy. FertilSteril 53 6 199016 Pansky M. et al. Reproductive outcome afterlaparoscopic local methotrexate injection for tubalpregnancy. Fertil Steril 60 1 199317 Stovall T.G. Ling F.W. Buster J.E. Reproductiveperformance after methotrexate treatment of ectopicpregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990 162 1620 – 162418 Murray H. Baakdah H. Bardell T. Tulandi T. Diagnosisand treatment of ectopic pregnancy. CMAJ 2005 Oct 11905 – 912Author Affiliation: G.R. Thompson. Concept Fertility Centre& Clinical Lecturer University of Western Australia, Perth,WA, Australia.Ovum II by Ana Duncan

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