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<strong>AGES</strong> Focus Meeting Sheraton ENDOSCOPY Perth Hotel, FOR West Australia FERTILITY 20 & 21 November 200811neovagina. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996; 22(4): 385-8.12. Fedele L. Bianchi S. Zanconato G. Raffaelli R.Laparoscopic creation of a neovagina in patients withRokitansky syndrome: analysis of 52 cases. Fertil Steril2000; 74(2): 384-9.13. Bartos P. [Congenital vaginal aplasia: laparoscopicreconstruction of a neovagina using the Vecchiettitechnique in the Mayer-von Rokitansky-Kuester-Hausersyndrome]. Ceska Gynekol. 2000; 65(1): 45-7.14. Rechberger T. Kotarski J. Tarkowski R. Jakowicki JA.[Laparoscopic modification of Vecchietti operation in thetreatment of congenital vaginal aplasia]. Ginekol Pol1999; 70(5): 279-83.15. Khater E. Fatthy H. Laparoscopic Vecchietti vaginoplasty.J Am Assoc Gynecol laparoscop 1999; 6(2): 179-82.16. Chatwani A. Nyirjesy P. Harmanli OH. Grody MH.Creation of neovagina by laparoscopic Vecchiettioperation. J Laparoendoscop Adv Surg Techn. Part A.1999; 9(5): 425-7.17. Weijenborg PT. ter Kuile MM. The effect of a groupprogramme on women with the Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome. Br J Obst Gynaecol 2000;107(3): 365-8.Author Affiliation: Dr Michael Cooper, Clinical SeniorLecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Sydney Univeristy.EVIDENCE FOR FIBROIDS AND INFERTILITYThursday 20 November / Session 4 / 1415-1435Hart RThis presentation will focus on the origins of fibroids, theirassociation with subfertility and the treatment strategiescurrently available. The evidence for the effect ofsubmucosal, intramural and subserosal fibroids onconception will be discussed and the evidence for andagainst surgical intervention will be described.Author Affiliation: R Hart, Associate ProfessorReproductive Medicine, School of Women's and InfantsHealth, the University of Western Australia. King EdwardMemorial Hospital, Subiaco, WA, Australia.SURGERY FOR FIBROIDS – PRACTICAL TIPS FOROPERATING ON FIBROIDS FOR FERTILITYThursday 20 November / Session 4 / 1435-1455Wynn-Williams MThe surgical management of uterine fibroids for thefertility can present many challenges to thegynaecological surgeon. Firstly the decision to performsurgery and improve the fertility must be balanced againstthe risks of surgery and the potential risks to a futurepregnancy. Ultrasound and MRI may be used to map thesize and position of fibroids to carefully plan the surgicalapproach and inform the patient of the potential risks.Laparoscopic and laparoscopic assisted myomectomy areboth effective techniques for managing intramural,subserosal and pedunculated fibroids. The size andposition of the fibroid can limit the ease with which theprocedure can be performed. Open myomectomy hastraditionally been used for numerous and larger fibroids.Temporary uterine artery occlusion at laparoscopicmyomectomy is a novel method of performinglaparoscopic myomectomy on larger fibroids.At completion of the procedure, removal of myomatafrom the abdominal cavity can be a time-consuming. Anumber of techniques including the use of a laparoscopicknife, mechanical morcelation and kevlar retrieval bagshave been used to expedite the process . Adhesionsfollowing myomectomy are unfortunately common. Antiadhesionbarriers such as Adept and Seprafilm could beof benefit for future fertility by reducing adhesions.Author Affiliation: Dr Michael Wynn-Williams – EveGynaecology, Brisbane, Australia.THE FOLLOWING <strong>ABSTRACT</strong>S ARE FROM PUBLISHEDARTICLES SUBMITTED BY ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR JOHNF BOGGESS IN SUPPORT OF THE PLENARY LECTURE:ROBOTICS AND GYNAECOLOGY IN 2008Thursday 20 November / Session 5 / 1600-1630ROBOTIC SURGERY IN GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY:EVOLUTION OF A NEW SURGICAL PARADIGMBoggess JFRobotic surgical platforms were first developed withtelesurgery in mind. Conceptualized by NASA and themilitary to provide surgical expertise to remote locations,some telesurgical success has been documented, butprogress has been held back by communication band

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