To Build a Fire - Perfection Learning

To Build a Fire - Perfection Learning To Build a Fire - Perfection Learning
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EXERCISE 3Use the fo l l owing list of synonyms and antonyms to fillin the bl a n k s. Some of the words have no antony m s. I nsuch cases, the antonym blanks have been marke dwith an X. You may use a synonym or antonym morethan once.assigned cease-fire fearful inane quarrelingbattle chance fragments level-headed seriousbrave emotional grindSynonymsAntonyms1. a p p o i n t e d (assigned) X2. r i d i c u l o u s (inane) (serious)3. o p p o r t u n i t y (chance) X4. s m i t h e re e n s (fragments) X5. g r i t (grind) X6. c o u r a g e o u s (brave) (fearful)7. c o w a rd l y (fearful) (brave)8. t r u c e (cease-fire) (battle)9. s q u a b b l i n g (quarreling) X10. s e n t i m e n t a l (emotional) (level-headed)EXERCISE 4Decide whether the first pair in the items below ares y n o nyms or antony m s. Then choose the Master Wo r dthat shows a similar relation to the word(s) precedingthe bl a n k .1. fondness :hostility ::level-headed : (sentimental)2. humble :pompous ::battle : (truce)3. self-satisfied :complacent ::brave : (courageous)4. betrayal :disloyalty ::chance : (opportunity)5. militant :warlike ::quarreling : (squabbling)6. responsibility :obligation ::assigned : (appointed)7. prim :proper ::ludicrous : (ridiculous)8. voluntary :mandatory ::brave : (cowardly)9. revenge :retribution ::grind : (grit)10. cure :remedy ::fragments : (smithereens)103 LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN

EXERCISE 5The Master Words in this lesson are repeated below.From the Master Wo r d s, choose the appropriate wo r dfor the blank in each of the fo l l owing sentences. W ri t ethe word in the numbered space provided at the ri g h t .appointed cowardly grit sentimental squabblingcourageous estimation opportunity smithereens truce1. The ball hit the lamp and smashed it to ...?... . 1. (smithereens)2. The warm breeze, soft music, and pale moonlight made himfeel ...?... . 2. (sentimental)3. Would others think her ...?... , or would they realize how muchcourage it took for her to walk away from the fight? 3. (cowardly)4. The only word to describe Rob in that silly chicken suit is ...?... . 4. (ridiculous)5. The sound of chalk scraping the blackboard made him ...?... histeeth and cringe. 5. (grit)6. After centuries of fighting, they finally declared a ...?... in 2005. 6. (truce)7. She was ...?... , rather than elected, to her position, so she was freeto act on her conscience rather than feeling obligated to the voters. 7.(appointed)8. The ...?... rescue was front-page news. 8. (courageous)9. In all these years, no matter how much they loved each other,they’d never found a way to keep from ...?... . 9. (squabbling)10. There would never be a better ...?... for her to start her businessthan right now. 10. (opportunity)EXERCISE 6Use at least six of the Master Words in an ori g i n a lp a ra graph that tells or begins to tell a story. You mayuse different fo rms of the Master Words to suit yo u rs t o ry.Answers will vary. Here is an example.As long as they’d been together, they had been squabbling. In her estimation, he was themost stubborn person on the earth. For his part, he wondered who appointed her judgeand jury in every situation. She made him grit his teeth and curse under his breath; hetook every opportunity to shatter her inflated ego to smithereens. Still, when the crisishit, they both assumed an unspoken truce.LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN 104

EXERCISE 5The Master Words in this lesson are repeated below.From the Master Wo r d s, choose the appropriate wo r dfor the blank in each of the fo l l owing sentences. W ri t ethe word in the numbered space provided at the ri g h t .EXERCISE 6acute disrupt fumes nucleus sizzlecherish ensue gush sensation strangle1. Excitement sprang up across Oklahoma in the 1920s as oil...?...(d, ed) from the ground at one site after another. 1. (gush)2. The ...?... of my huge library is a set of encyclopedias and theHarvard Calssics. 2. (nucleus)3. A ventilator helped remove the cooking ...?... from the kitchen. 3. (fumes)4. Our appetites grew as we heard the hamburgers ...?... on the grill. 4. (sizzle)5. A noisy, rude drunk ...?...(d, ed) our quiet party. 5. (disrupt)6. Lois finally went to the doctor when the dull ache in her backbecame (a, an) ...?... pain. 6. (acute)7. Randy ...?...(d, ed) the old paperweights because they had beencollected by his parents. 7. (cherish)8. After the principal’s lecture expressing his contempt for cheaters,a tense silence ...?...(d, ed). 8. (ensue)9. Sally nearly ...?...(d, ed) when a piece of food stuck in herwindpipe. 9. (strangle)10. Taking a warm shower after a tough workout provides apleasant, soothing ...?... . 10. (sensation)W rite the Master Word that is associated with eachword group below. Then list three things that might beassociated with the rev i ew word that fo l l ow s.1. power failure, fire drill, heckler (disrupt)2. broken water line, oil well, Old Faithful (gush)3. two-year drought, severe illness, serious shortage (acute)4. gag, noose, cough (strangle)5. cell, downtown, center of the galaxy (nucleus)6. old photographs, children, memories (cherish)7. tobacco, smoky fire, gasoline (fumes)8. sausages, campfires, steaks (sizzle)9. outcome, results, afterwards (ensue)10. warmth, pain, taste buds (sensation)Review word: squabbling (Lesson 27)(fighting) (arguing) (rivalry)LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT 108

LESSON36Pa rt I: From the list below, choose the appropriate wo r dfor each sentence that fo l l ow s. Use each word onlyo n c e. There will be two words left ove r.abundance exempt resentful truce undertakingalliance impression sentimental tyranny untimelydisrupt overwhelm summon uncanny1. Everyone marveled at the ...?... ability of the mind reader toanswer correctly the most intimate questions. 1. (uncanny)2. A winter storm ...?... (d, ed) power service in the downtown areafor three hours. 2. (disrupt)3. During a time of plenty, wise people set aside a portion of the...?... for that rainy day certain to come along. 3. (abundance)4. The ...?... death of Stephen Crane at twenty-nine no doubtdeprived the world of brilliant short stories, novels, and poetry. 4. (untimely)5. The project will be a major ...?..., costing billions of dollars andtaking ten years to complete. 5. (undertaking)6. The city council decided that seniors would be ...?... from thecurfew rule on the night of the prom. 6. (exempt)7. The two nations formed (a, an) ...?..., agreeing to fight togetherwhen their hostile neighbor threatened to attack. 7. (alliance)8. Under the ...?... that her guest did not eat meat, Mrs. Simmonsprepared a lunch of vegetables, bread, and fruit. 8. (impression)9. With two term papers and three finals still to face, Anna felt ...?...(d, ed) by her workload. 9. (overwhelm)10. Most people knew what that Whirlwind would win the race, butThunderbolt was the ...?... favorite. 10. (superior)11.In countries where ...?... exists, people do not dare to criticizetheir ruler. 11. (tyranny)12. Marty is spoiled and becomes ...?... whenever he doesn’tget his way. 12. (resentful)Pa rt II: Decide whether the first pair in the items beloware synonyms or antony m s. Then choose a MasterWord from Lessons 25–35 that shows a similar relationto the word(s) preceding the bl a n k . Do not repeat aMaster Word that appears in the first column.1. conduct :guide ::treasure : (cherish)2. destitute :well-to-do ::usual : (uncanny)3. keen :piercing ::quick : (hasty)4. fruitful :unproductive ::ordinary : (bizarre)5. audacity :daring ::guess : (estimation)137 LESSON THIRTY-SIX

Pa rt III: From the list below, choose the appropri a t eword for each sentence that fo l l ow s. Use each wo r donly once. There will be two words left ove r.commendable fanatic harmony ponder testimonycowardly feat hasty profound tranquilcredentials fumes maximum smithereens virtually1. Carbon monoxide ..?... —both colorless and odorless—are amongthe most deadly to humans. 1. (fumes)2. The ...?... of the witness seemed to support the defendant’s story. 2. (testimony)3. A sign in the front of the bus stated that the ...?... number ofpassengers the bus could carry was sixty. 3. (maximum)4. Not admitting she had cheated was a ...?... thing for Annetteto do. 4. (deficiency)5. Sometimes, it seems humans live more in contradictionthan in ...?.... 5. (uninhabited)6. Landing the Viking spacecraft on Mars was (a, an) ...?... requiringyears of scientific study by people from many nations. 6. (feat)7. He is a ...?... about the subject of UFOs, even claiming to havemet several aliens. 7. (alcove)8. Law officers usually carry ...?... to prove their identity unlessthey are working undercover. 8. (credentials)9. At the community theater, Sheila gave (a, an) ...?... performanceas Anne Frank, which won her a standing ovation. 9. (commendable)10. Shakespeare’s ...?... insight into human nature has made hisplays appealing for all types of people and all generations. 10. (profound)11. The blast from the creature’s photon gun blew the space shipto ...?... 11. (betray)12. Though the owners pressed Mario for a snap decision aboutbuying their house, he wanted to ...?... his answer. 12. (ponder)Pa rt IV: Decide whether the first pair in the items beloware synonyms or antony m s. Then choose a MasterWord from Lessons 25–35 that shows a similar relationto the word(s) preceding the bl a n k . Do not repeat aMaster Word that appears in the first column.1. tranquil :unsettled ::edge : (nucleus)2. smolder :flare up ::make merry : (mourn)3. cowardly :heroically ::poor : (prosperous)4. ominous :menacing ::excited : (frenzied)5. bizarre :extraordinary ::grasp : (seize)( N o t e : Other answers may be possibl e. )LESSONTHIRTY-SIX 138

GlossaryAabate v. to decrease in amount or intensity; to lessen or dwindle [18]aberrant adj. straying from acceptable standards; deviant [31]abide v. to stay, remain, or reside [25]absolutely adv. totally; completely; wholly [10]absorbing adj. extremely interesting; holding one’s attention; fascinating [6]absurd adj. contrary to reason; obviously foolish; ridiculous [8]abundance n. an overflowing supply; more than enough; profusion; large amounts [29]acute adj. having a sharp or severe effect; intense [28]addled adj. confused [17]adjourn v. to break off for the time being; as a meeting, to be continued at another time orplace; to close formally [19]adopt v. to approve and put into practice [20]adorn v. to add beauty to; to make more attractive, especially by use of ornaments [11]affair n. a matter requiring effort or attention; concern; business [11]affliction n. a source of continued physical or mental pain [3]aggravate v. to irritate or annoy [2]agitation n. state of being shaken, stirred up, disturbed, or excited [5]agony n. extreme physical or mental suffering; great pain [18]alliance n. a union, as between families or nations, for the advantage of all parties involved [30]ambled v. walked slowly, leisurely [17]anonymous adj. without giving a name [29]appointed adj. fixed or set officially [27]architect n. one who designs buildings and oversees their construction [11]arrest v. to stop from further motion; to check [16]associate n. one joined with another to do a job; a partner; also, one often in the company ofanother; a companion [7]astonishing adj. causing overpowering wonder; surprising; amazing; astounding [6]astonishment n. sudden wonder or surprise; amazement [13]atmosphere n. general mood or condition; environment; background or tone of a setting; also,generally, the “air” [8]audacity n. bold action or statement that breaks conventions, often recklessly; shamelessdaring [32]avalanche n. a large mass of snow, ice, earth, rock, etc., that suddenly falls [5]Bbackdrop n. background; scenery behind [33]bellow v. to utter with a deep, loud voice; to roar [2]bequest n. property left one in a will; legacy [6]bewilderment n. state of confusion or disorientation [7]bizarre adj. strikingly odd; out of the ordinary [31]blaze n. dazzling display, like a flame of fire [33]blight n. affliction or scourge that destroys life [33]bloom n. flowers; blossoms [33]bond n. a force or influence that holds people or things together [4]botanical adj. having to do with plants [9]bough n. a branch or a tree, especially a large branch [5]breach n. the breaking of any tie, trust, duty, or law [14]144

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