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12Silver Knight nominees hope for a chance to winCommunity service and stellar academics with a need to make the world a better placeELISE KUGLERGuest WriterWith great pleasure and admiration, the<strong>Reef</strong> proudly congratulates its fifteen SilverKnight nominees for jobs well done.Representing Art is Juliana Dearr.With extensive volunteer service ather synagogue, Juliana worked withyouth group programs to strengthenand develop lasting values. Inaddition her photograph “Freckles”was selected by the nationwide highschool arts competition sponsoredby the Members of the U.S. Houseof Representatives and is beingdisplayed for eleven months inthe tunnel that leads to the U.S.Capitol.For Athletics, Samantha Depriest-Capparelli not only has volunteeredteaching water safety and howto avoid drowning to both youngand handicapped children, but shealso reaches out and participatesin school sponsored activities.She is a member of Best Buddies,National Honor Society, and FutureFarmers of America. MyckaellaLopes, representing the Businesscategory, helped to create a Spendfor Ed organization linking theSouth Florida business communityto education and working closelywith the partners at John Hancockas well as with Best Buddies, anorganization dedicated to enhancingthe lives of people with intellectualdisabilities.Amy Rauchwerger is the nomination forDrama. She is active in creating technicaltheatre by promoting festivals, garage sales,and extracurricular performances. She alsodoes fundraising charity events to save thearts. Active in the Holocaust Theatre andCamp at Sunset, Alexandra Levy is thenominee for English and Literature. Sheis a natural writer as well as an active inyouth organizations and sports.General Scholarship and Melinda Agrongo hand-in-hand. In addition to superioracademics, Melinda’s community serviceincludes leadership in her synagoguesyouth group, being a camp counselor, actingin a Holocaust remembrance-themed play,Have you ever looked downat someone’s feet and seen shoesso odd, so random, so unique,that you’ve felt the uncontrollableneed to say something? You saythe one thing that escapes yourmouth, the only thing you can sayto describe the situation: “Whoa,those kicks sure are something!”To some people, shoes areeverything; they are life, loveand passion. Other people collectshoes because of their uniqueness.Still others regard shoes asjust another fad item, one that willeventually fade into the categoryof “last week’s next best thing.”Although different people may<strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> Sr. <strong>High</strong>November/December 2009and serving on the Greater Miami JewishFederation’s Board of Directors.Schuyler Polk, with her numerouspublications, represents the <strong>Reef</strong> forJournalism well. She is involved withImpact Theatre as a writer, director,producer, and actress and her articleshave been published often in Teen Visionmagazine as well as a contributor toElysium.Mathematics nominee Andrew Maxwelllinks his love for the subject area withcoaching sports elementary school studentsand tutoring through the mathematics honorsociety, Mu Alpha Theta. He is active in hischurch as well as tutoring through NationalHonor Society and an active member ofDrug Free Youth in Town.Nicholas Maas represents the <strong>Reef</strong> forMusic. Creating and serving as webmasterfor Where Every Child is a Star, Inc., thatpromotes music throughout the community,volunteering at Miami’s Children’s Theatre,Homestead Junior Civitan Club, FirstBaptist Church of Cutler Ridge, the KiwanisClub of Homestead, and previously workedPHOTO CREDIT: ASTRID SANTIAGOFrom left to right: Elise Kugler, Caroline Ramos, Nicholas Maas, Andrew Maxwell, Rachel Gonzalez,Samantha Depriest-Capparelli, Schuyler Polk, Michael Cisneros, Adrianne Leal, Alexandra Levy, AmyRauchwerger, Julianna Dearr, Natalie King, Leangelo Hall, Melinda Agron, Myckaella Lopes, MonicaMerel.have differing views on shoes, noone can say that they hate shoes.After all, people wear them everyday!Those who collect shoes havedifferent reasons as to why theydo it. It may be for popularityreasons, to accomplish a personalgoal, or just for plain enjoyment.Whatever the reason may be,one thing is certain: the personcollecting the shoes is sure tohave fun.“I like retro shoes,” said Businesssophomore Devin Burnside. “Iused to collect them two yearsago. That was the way that peoplegot popular back then. If you haddifferent shoes, you were fresherthan Febreze in others’ eyes. Itwas all about how you presentedyourself.”Shoes are undoubtedly a methodof self-expression for somepeople. Forothers, it’smore of a display on h o wthey feel that specific day. Stillothers regard thenumber of shoes they own as awith Greater Miami Youth Symphony. Heis also an accomplished musician. Withthe establishment of the One Cool WorldSummer Film Program, Michael Cisneros,selected for New Media gives children inthe Coconut Grove area an opportunity tolearn about cinematography. In addition, heis on staff of Elysium, <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong>’s awardwinning literary/art magazine designed toshowcase student creativity, and directs theschool’s Cinematic Arts Commission.Representing Science, Leangelo Hallbegan Save Cans Can Save, benefittingFarm Share, a non-profit food bank, soupkitchen, disaster relief, for recovery anddistribution of surplus assistance food forSpotlightmeasure on how rich they are.For most people, shoes are thereto add some spice to theireveryday outfits.“The shoes I weardepend on my outfit;it all lies on what I’mwearing,” said VPA seniorAdriana Campos. “Iusually wear funkyConverse. Butwhen I’mf e e l i n grelaxed, Iw e a rs h o e s with monotonecolors.”We are currently living in a timewhen money is a big issue. Doesthe price tag matter when one layseyes on the most beautiful shoesthey have ever seen?hungry people. Furthermore, Leangelohas been awarded for his participation inthe Florida Engineering/Science Fair, atop seed on the <strong>Reef</strong>’s tennis team, andthe founder of a tutoring program at FrankC. Martin K-8 Center, aswell as participating inenvironmental activities.Mónica Merel, nominee inSocial Science, is workingto empower Honduranchildren in El Hogar deEmanuel Orphanage andthrough her project; shetravels there periodicallyto work the children therein spite of the politicalturmoil. In addition, Mónicais a tutor at a K-8 Center, anofficer in Best Buddies andNational Honor Society,participates in ModelUN, and volunteers at herchurch.Representing Speech,Rachel González is active inMiami Children’s Hospital’sVACC Camp working withdisabled youngsters. Sheis a competitive PublicSpeaking and Debatewinner and very passionateabout helping others.The <strong>Reef</strong>’s nominee inthe Vocational Technicalcategory is Caroline Ramosserves in the Miami-DadeCounty Fair AgriculturalProgram, as well an officer in FutureFarmers of America, Future BusinessLeaders of America, and NationalHonor Society. Through the AgriculturalAmbassador Program, she introduces thecommunity to the field of agriculture.World Language nominee, Natalie Kingbegan her project as a Girl Scout GoldAward, gathering volunteers to assistat the Community Partnership for theHomeless. She is an outstanding pianist,a competitive fencer who qualified for theJunior Olympic National Championship,as well as the Outstanding Delegate in the2009 Boston Invitational Model UnitedNations Conference.Take a long walk in another <strong>Reef</strong>er’s shoesStudents at <strong>Coral</strong> <strong>Reef</strong> express themselves and their unique style through their funky footwearMARIA ESPINALStaff Writer“I wear a variety of shoes, onesthat appeal to me,” said VPAsenior Melanie Patterson. “Eventhough shoes are important totying outfits together, I alwaystry my best to buy sale shoes. Theprice range for the shoes I own isfrom 10 to 80 dollars.”There are many ways for oneto express their own style, theircreativity, and their passions. Youmay choose your way to be byyour hair.Your friend might be uniquein the cheerful way she sparksup conversation when there isseemingly nothing to talk about.Your brother might have a milliontattoos. Whatever method of selfexpressionmay take place, everyindividual is different and specialin their own manner.

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