Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

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Ne o t r o p i c a l Hy p o c r e l l a, Mo e l l e r i e l l a, a n d Sa m u e l s i aarranged in circular fashion; in longitudinal section conidiomatasubglobose; phialides cylindrical, tapering towards apices, (14.5–)15.3–19.2(–22.5) × 1.3–1.5 µm; conidia allantoid to somewhatellipsoidal, (5.5–)6–6.2(–6.7) × (1.3–)1.7–2 µm, l/w (3–)3.5–3.7(–4.5). Paraphyses present, circinate. Culture did not survivestorage at 8 °C.Habitat: On insects on leaves of palm Geonomis sp.Known distribution: Bolivia, Peru.Specimen examined: Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz, San Jose de Uchipiamonas, MadidiNational Park, Chalalan, trail to mountain along Eslabon River (“Senda RAP”), onleaves of Geonomis sp., 12–13 Jun. 2004, P. Chaverri (P.C. 613), D. Quintana, M.Sogonov, A. Alvarez (holotype CUP 067858). Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata,Picaflor Research Station, on leaves of Geonomis sp., 16 Jun. 2007, R. Gazis, H.C.Evans, P. Chaverri (P.C. 814) (CUP 067862).Notes: Micromorphologically, S. rufobrunnea is indistinguishablefrom S. intermedia. The species are distinguished by the distinctivemacromorphology of the stromata. In addition, S. rufobrunnea istropical (Bolivia, Peru) <strong>and</strong> S. intermedia is subtropical (Chile).5. <strong>Samuelsia</strong> sheikhii Chaverri & K.T. Hodge, sp. nov.MycoBank MB511390. Fig. 22A–J.Teleomorph: Not known.Etymology: In honour of P. Chaverri’s husb<strong>and</strong>, Pervaze A. Sheikh,who helped the author with collecting in Honduras <strong>and</strong> who alsofound this new species.Stromatibus pulvinatus, subtuberculatus, (1.5–)2–2.2(–2.5) mm diam, brunneus;phialides (8–)9.5–10.5(–12) × (1.3–)1.5–1.7(–2) µm; conidii allantoideus velsubellipsoideus, (3.7–)4.2–4.5(–5) × (1–)1.5(–2) µm, longitudo/crassitudo (2.2–)2.8–3(–4); paraphysis prescens, circinatus. Holotypus: CUP 067859.Stromata pulvinate, (1.5–)2–2.2(–2.5) mm diam, with a narrowbase, brownish yellow or brown, tuberculate, with a thin hypothallus0.5–0.8 mm, conidiomata arranged in a circular fashion towardsperiphery of stroma, centre of stroma generally sterile <strong>and</strong> slightlysunken, stroma surface smooth to slightly pruinose, opaque;becoming dark purple in KOH; stroma tissue of compact texturaintricata. Conidiomata as simple depressions of stroma surface,openings wide <strong>and</strong> elongated, slit-like, deep, U-shaped or flaskshapedin longitudinal section, scattered, conidiomatal openingsdark brown; conidiophores in a compact palisade, short; phialidescylindrical, tapering towards apices, (8–)9.5–10.5(–12) × (1.3–)1.5–1.7(–2) µm; conidia small, allantoid to somewhat ellipsoidal, (3.7–)4.2–4.5(–5) × (1–)1.5(–2) µm, l/w (2.2–)2.8–3(–4). Paraphysespresent, circinate.Habitat: On scale insects or whiteflies on leaves.Known distribution: Honduras (type locality).Specimen examined: Honduras, Yojoa, Los Pinos, Cerro Azul/Meambar NationalPark, elev. 850 m, on leaf, 3 Sep. 2004, P. Chaverri (P.C. 686), P.A. Sheikh (holotypeCUP 067859).Notes: Culture did not survive storage at 8 °C.Excluded or doubtful species1. Hypocrella abnormis P. Henn., Hedwigia: 93.1904.Notes: The type specimen of “H.” abnormis from Brazil in Herb. S(S-F 22380) is immature <strong>and</strong> there is only one stroma. The stromais ca. 4 mm diam, bright yellow, discoid, flat, surface smooth <strong>and</strong>glossy, KOH-. It is possible that this species belongs in <strong>Moelleriella</strong>,but more <strong>and</strong> mature collections are necessary.2. Hyperdermium caulium (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Chaverri &K.T. Hodge, comb. nov. MycoBank MB511391.≡ Corticium caulium Berk. & M.A. Curtis, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 2: 279.1854.≡ Hypocrella caulium (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pat., Bull. Soc. Mycol. France30: 346. 1915.= Hypocrella camerunensis Henn., Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 23: 540. 1897.= Hypocrella brasiliana (Henn.) Mains, Mycopath. Myc. Appl. 11: 311. 1959.≡ Stigmatea brasiliana Henn., Hedwigia 36: 230. 1897.≡ Hypocrella camerunensis var. brasiliana Henn., Hedwigia 43: 85. 1904.= Hyperdermium bertonii J.F. White, R.F. Sullivan, Bills & Hywel-Jones,Mycologia 92: 910. 2000.≡ Epichloë bertonii Speg., An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 31: 416.1922.Notes: According to observations made by the authors oftype specimens of Hypocrella caulium, H. brasiliana, <strong>and</strong> H.camerunensis, all of these are conspecific with a geographicallywidespread species Hyperdermium bertonii. However, because theoldest epithet is caulium, a new combination is proposed here.3. Hypocrella chusqueae Petrak, Sydowia 2: 334. 1948.Notes: The type of this species from Ecuador (Herb. W 32179!)is not Hypocrella, <strong>Moelleriella</strong>, or <strong>Samuelsia</strong>. The stromata is flat,extensive, almost subicular. The perithecia are obpyriform <strong>and</strong>the ascospores are very thin, filiform, resembling more the genusHyperdermium.4. Hypocrella tamoneae Earle, Mycologia 2: 87. 1910.Notes: We did not examine the type of H. tamoneae. However,Petch (1921) did examine the specimen <strong>and</strong> concluded that it isnot a Hypocrella s. l. because it has paraphyses in the perithecium.Until now, we have not observed paraphyses in the perithecium inany Hypocrella, <strong>Moelleriella</strong>, or <strong>Samuelsia</strong> species.5. Hypocrella tenuispora P.G. Liu & Z.Q. Li, Mycotaxon78:71. 2001.Notes: We did not examine the type of this species, but basedon the original description <strong>and</strong> illustrations (Liu et al. 2001), weconclude that this species belongs in Balansia. In addition, Liu etal. (2001) mention the similarities with H. bambusae, which is alsoa Balansia.www.studiesinmycology.org63

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