Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

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Ne o t r o p i c a l Hy p o c r e l l a, Mo e l l e r i e l l a, a n d Sa m u e l s i aFig. 4. A–F. <strong>Moelleriella</strong> boliviensis. A–C. Stromata. A. Immature stromata over scale-insects (scale-insect indicated by the arrow). B–C. Stroma showing ostioles. D–F. Asciwith ascospores. G–M. <strong>Moelleriella</strong> castanea. G–I. Stromata. G–H. Stromata containing the teleomorph. I. Stroma containing the anamorph. J. Asci. K. Part-ascospores. L.Phialides (arrow) <strong>and</strong> conidia. M. Conidia. A–F: CUP 067747 (holotype of M. boliviensis); G–M: K(M)120353 (type of M. castanea). Bars: A–C, G–I = 1 mm; D–F, J–M = 10µm.2. <strong>Moelleriella</strong> boliviensis Chaverri & K.T. Hodge, sp. nov.MycoBank MB511362. Fig. 4A–F.Anamorph: Not known.Teleomorphosis: Stromatibus subglobosus, 1.2–2 mm diam, cinereoflavidus;ascosporae multicellulares, ad septum disarticulatae, incolora, partis cylindrici,(4.5–)6–6.5(–7.5) × (2–)2.3–2.5 µm. Holotypus: CUP 067747.www.studiesinmycology.orgTeleomorphic stromata irregularly subglobose to cylindrical,narrowing towards base <strong>and</strong> then widening slightly, almost knobshaped,greyish yellow to dull yellow, sometimes pale yellowish,(0.8–)1.2–2(–3) mm diam, surface smooth, opaque. Hyphae ofstromata forming compact textura epidermoidea. Perithecia fullyembedded, numerous perithecia per stroma (>20), ostioles greyishorange, perithecia subglobose to ovoid, 300–400 × 250–300 µm.Asci cylindrical, (134–)138–147(–150) × 8–8.5 µm, caps (0.8–)1–1.5(–1.7) µm thick. Ascospores filiform, multi-septate, disarticulatinginto part-spores that are short-cylindrical with rounded or bluntends, (4.5–)6–6.5(–7.5) × (2–)2.3–2.5 µm.33

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