Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

Moelleriella, and Samuelsia - CBS

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Ch av e r r i e t a l.forests, the spatial separation between conspecific plant individualsmay have given rise to spatially separated insect populationsthat, in turn, coevolved with their fungal parasites (Evans 1988).Successful horizontal dispersal of the pathogens between coccid<strong>and</strong> whitefly colonies would have decreased proportionally withincreasing adaptation <strong>and</strong> restriction of their hosts to certain trees(Evans 1988).Epizootics caused by Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong>on coccids <strong>and</strong> whiteflies in the Tropics are so prominent thatseveral authors have wondered how these insects survived (Petch1925, Evans 1974, 1982, 1988). As mentioned before, dispersal ofthe fungus probably played an important role in the co-evolution withits insect host, <strong>and</strong> the co-evolution of the insect with its plant host.The anamorphic forms of Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong>produce slimy masses of conidia that are well adapted for shortdistance,water-borne movement over leaf surfaces (Parkin 1906,Chaverri & Samuels 2003, Hodge 2003). The mucilage that coversthe conidia is high in sugar content making the conidia morehygroscopic (Meekes 2001) <strong>and</strong> attractive to insects. This modeof short-distance dispersal is apparently so efficient that once acolony of insects becomes infected by the fungus, it is difficult tofind healthy individuals (Evans 1988).Evans (1988) speculated about insect adaptation to the threatfrom entomopathogenic fungi. The short-distance dispersal ofconidia that contributes to epizootics may select for discontinuouspatterns of insect distribution. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the teleomorphicforms of Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong> are lesscommonly encountered <strong>and</strong> have dry, discharged ascospores thatare probably wind-dispersed <strong>and</strong> so better adapted for medium tolong distance dispersal (Evans 1988, 1989). However, the abovehypothesis could be refuted because in related genera, such asSphacelia, Ephelis <strong>and</strong> Neotyphodium, the discharge of conidia inslime appears to aid dispersal by insects (Loveless 1964, Moweret al. 1973, Mower & Hancock 1975, Samways 1983, Butler et al.2001, Hodge 2003).Scale insects <strong>and</strong> whiteflies often secrete sticky honeydewthat is attractive to wasps <strong>and</strong> ants, so it is also possible thatHypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong> evolved to produce slimyconidia that adhere to non-host insect vectors. Infected coccid orwhitefly alates may further transport the fungus, as shown for someaphid-Entomophthorales interactions (Wilding & Perry 1980, Evans1989). Insect vectors <strong>and</strong> infected alates could disperse the sporesacross long distances; water, such as rain splash <strong>and</strong> run-off, coulddisperse across short distances (Chaverri et al. 2005a).Plant-insect-fungus specificity is suspected but not wellknown in Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong>, <strong>and</strong> furtherexperimental evidence will be important in developing thesefungi as biological controls. Based on observations made for thepresent study, the majority of the specimens were found on shrubs,trees, palms, <strong>and</strong> Musaceae leaves, with a few species (e.g. M.libera, M. ochracea, H. disciformis, <strong>and</strong> H. viridans) found onsmall herbaceous plants. The plant-specificity of the host insectsmay be important in determining where the fungi are found; scaleinsects <strong>and</strong> whiteflies are themselves poorly understood, with theexception of a h<strong>and</strong>ful of species that are crop pests. <strong>Samuelsia</strong>geonomis, S. chalalensis, S. rufobrunnea, M. gaertneriana <strong>and</strong> M.schizostachyi have been found only on monocotyledonous plants,such as bamboo culms <strong>and</strong> palm leaves; <strong>and</strong> the related speciesM. africana <strong>and</strong> M. macrostroma have been found only on stemsof dicotyledonous plants (Hywel-Jones & Samuels 1998, Chaverriet al. 2005b). Although most species of Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong><strong>Moelleriella</strong> are found on leaves, other species such as M. epiphylla<strong>and</strong> M. turbinata are found both on leaves <strong>and</strong> stems (Petch 1921,Mains 1959a, b). A few other species that are more widespreadcan be found both on monocot <strong>and</strong> dicot leaves (e.g. M. basicystis,M. libera, M. ochracea, <strong>and</strong> M. phyllogena). The great majority ofthe species of Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong> are foundon leaves, with a larger portion occurring on the abaxial surfaceof leaves <strong>and</strong> a smaller percentage on the adaxial surface (e.g. M.epiphylla, M. turbinata, M. reineckiana) (Petch 1921, Hywel-Jones1998). Whitefly <strong>and</strong> scale-insect nymphs are mainly present on theabaxial surface of leaves.NutritionThe mechanisms by which Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong>species obtain enough nutrients from the host to support the relativelylarge size of the stromata are not well studied. In <strong>Moelleriella</strong>,several species have especially large stromata: M. gaertneriana,M. africana, M. schizostachyi, <strong>and</strong> M. macrostroma. Other generain the Clavicipitaceae, including Ascopolyporus A. Möller, DussiellaPat. <strong>and</strong> Hyperdermium, also parasitise scale insects <strong>and</strong> haverelatively large stromata. In these genera, the stromatal massgreatly exceeds that of the scale-insect host. Sullivan et al. (2000)hypothesised that the large size of the stromata results from a kindof secondary plant parasitism. Once the fungus has consumedthe scale-insect body, the fungus may continue to access plantnutrients through the insect’s stylet. Another hypothesis suggeststhat the mechanism of nutrient acquisition in fungal speciesparasitic on scale insects <strong>and</strong> whiteflies is through the living insectthat forms a bridge between the fungus <strong>and</strong> the plant (Couch 1938,Hywel-Jones & Samuels 1998). Koroch et al. (2006) studied hostnutrient adaptation in Balansia henningsiana (a plant pathogen)<strong>and</strong> M. phyllogena (a scale-insect pathogen). They observed thatboth fungi exhibit a restricted range of similar nutrient sources thatmay support growth <strong>and</strong> that those nutrients (such as sucrose) aremost likely from plant sources. This same study suggests that thescale-insect pathogen M. phyllogena obtains some of its nutrientsfrom the host plant rather than exclusively from the insect. In termsof its nutrition, M. phyllogena is more similar to the plant biotrophsthan to entomopathogenic fungi in the same family (Koroch et al.2006). Its close evolutionary relationship with plant pathogens hasbeen supported by previous studies (Bischoff et al. 2004, Chaverriet al. 2005a).Hypocrella, <strong>Samuelsia</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Moelleriella</strong> species can usually begrown in culture on most st<strong>and</strong>ard laboratory media. Growth ratesare relatively slow, but most species will produce conidia in culture.Typical stromata are not formed in culture, <strong>and</strong> sexual fruitingbodies have not been observed.Life cycle <strong>and</strong> epidemiologyHost <strong>and</strong> conidia may meet in two different ways: (1) directcontact, when conidia are released/introduced upon the insect host(dispersed by water, air, or other insects), or (2) indirect contact,when hatching or moulting nymphs (larvae) settle on or nearconidia already present on the leaf surface (Meekes 2001). Thesticky mucilage that covers the conidia permits them to adhere tohydrophobic surfaces, such as the insect cuticle in the presence ofwater (St.-Leger 1991, Meekes 2001). The whitefly or scale insectis infected when germinating spores penetrate the insect cuticle.Germination <strong>and</strong> appressorium formation in several aschersonialikespecies does not seem to be affected by the specific binding6

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