October 2012 - Journal of Threatened Taxa

October 2012 - Journal of Threatened Taxa

October 2012 - Journal of Threatened Taxa


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Mammals <strong>of</strong> Kalimpong HillsGhose, R.K. & S. Guha Roy (1972). Morphometric variationin the Sikkim Vole, Pitymys sikimensis (Hodgson) fromDarjeeling district, West Bengal, India. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> theZoological Society <strong>of</strong> India 24: 29–37.Ghose, R.K. & S.S. Saha (1981). Taxonomic review <strong>of</strong> theHodgson’s Giant Flying Squirrel, Petaurista magnificus(Hodgson) [Sciuridae: Rodentia] with description <strong>of</strong> a newsubspecies from Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India.<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Bombay Natural History Society 78(1): 93–102.Ghose, R.K. & T.K. Chakraborty (1983). A note on the status<strong>of</strong> the Flying Squirrels <strong>of</strong> Darjeeling and Sikkim. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong>the Bombay Natural History Society 80(2): 411–412.Ghose, R.K. & T.P. Bhattacharya (1995). 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